Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf with Septim again

Werewolf with Septim again
05:24:07 Jan 27th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Here is the roleplaying thread, let the games begin. >=D]]

Werewolf with Septim

There's a house on an island, and rumor has it that the house houses a treasure chest. The chest contains red diamonds, white diamonds, pink diamonds, and blue diamonds. With the average size being as large as you big toe, the contents of the chest could set you and your family up for a very long time. There is one're not the only one who wants it.

All of you were invited to Loeken Island by a well-known gentleman, Norman Black. That man died five minutes after the boat left, as he was only a pawn in the sadistic game of the black hand. Who will survive? That...that is up to you.

(You have no idea who is on your team in the beginning. The Black Hand tossed you on the island, and you have no idea who these people are. Good luck!)

Good - 4
Guard - 1
Guard or lock up - Protect or stop an enemy from using their ability 1x per night.
Hacker - 1
Hack - Discover role 1x per night by hacking the security cameras.
Policeman - 2
Lethal force - Kill 1x per night

Neutral - 3
Civilian - 2
Team-Up! - If the two civilians send me the same target, then the target will die unless protected.
Vigilante - 1
Righteous Kill - Kill 1x per night

Evil - 4
Psychopath - 1
Rampage - Random chance of either killing or discovering a role. 1x per night.
Murderer - 2
Murder - Kill 1x per night
Sadist - 1
Torture - Discover role 1x per night.


  1. Travis Leiondon
  2. Killer
  3. Demonsul
  4. Wilberforce Pwner
  5. Death Proof (Deallus will be soooo proud!)
  6. Dethos
  7. Lewatha
  8. Rhade
  9. Stickman
  10. Barny
  11. Hirgon

16:07:05 Jan 27th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Anybody going to actually roleplay, or should I shut this down now? O_O]]

17:11:22 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Stickman:

Alphonse Stien watched as the boat disappeared into the dense fog. He survayed his surroundings. The island was small, but he couldent see too much through the fog. He turned his attention to the other people scattered around the shore. Taking mental notes on all of their characteristics, he dicided against approaching any of them. Piering up the small hill twords the mainland, he could see an old battered path. Waisting no time, he set off.

18:04:01 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Killer glaned along the shoreline, there wasn't anything of interest to be seen. Another man quickly departed for the of what probably was the direction of the house. Killer hid behind a tree, to see what the others did. He wouldn't be seen with the dense fog around him. He would see the weaknesses of others and figure out hwho he would be able to kill.

[Hope I haven't given anything away there. After all, I'm telling a lie, or am I just saying this so you will think I am in fact a dude with the ability to kill? You can be assured that I am evil dude however, I always am. Or, am I just trying to confuse you? Now that you're all going to try to kill me, I'll tell you that I am in fact a killer.]

18:33:06 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Rhade:

Rhade lit up a cigarette and looked around.  Watching the others as he did so, he noticed one man head towards the house and another towards what seemed to be trees.  That one was shady.  Rhade snuffed his cigarette after a while and set off for the house as well.

19:03:29 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Travis walked off of the boat and onto the shore, seeing other men and women talking together.  He was surprised they had made it as far as to the shore, considering the fact the host had died.  Travis had heard stories about this place, about the large amount of gemstones... and the death that occured here.  Hoping that they would all be lucky and just either find the gems or find a way off the island, Travis took a seat on a medium sized rock and watched the ongoing day.

19:07:34 Jan 27th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: You don't know the host is dead. You were invited by the man, but he was killed after the ferry left, but before it arrived.]]

19:10:00 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

[[You said he died... I thought by you saying it that the news was common knowledge... dammit.]]

Travis wakes up from his dream and walks off the boat and sits down on a rock near some people talking.

19:20:35 Jan 27th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Wilber scanned the horizon, 10 others. Hopefully he could befriend someone and together, gain the spoils he had turned up for.
Who looks neutral? I'd hate to befriend a crazy evil guy and have him kill me.
Wilber approaches Travis whom was listening into others talking.
"Hey, I see you look as confused as I do. I cannot see anything from this fog. Where are you from then?"

20:05:23 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

"I come from Orlando," Travis replied.  "It's a wonderful city in Florida.  I used to spend much of my leisure time at the beach."

20:57:19 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

*Travis falls asleep when he notices no one is talking.*

21:40:17 Jan 27th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul glanced around warily. He was somewhat troubled by the people here, they all seemed so out of place...wandering around, Demonsul discovered that somehow, he had gone round in a circle and come up behind a person who was hiding behind some trees. Hiding behind a bush even further back, Demonsul waited to observe this shady individual.

01:25:13 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Stickman:

Stein walked leisurely up the path. He assumed it led to the house. Which meant the treasure! Unfortunately, he could he*beep*veral people behind him. He dove into a bush beside the path, and waited to see who was tailing him.

06:48:40 Jan 28th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: It is now night, send me your targets. =)]]

As the playthings walked into the mansion, the Black Hand stared into the console with mild amusement. Soon, night fell, and the Black Hand smiled.
"Time for the games to begin..."

15:19:39 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Travis still stays asleep... and snores.  A LOT!

16:32:13 Jan 28th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul watched with interest as one of the other people fell into a bush. After a while, he got bored and wondered around, trying to locate the house.

16:57:46 Jan 28th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Hirgon stayed down near the beach, observing the people in sight and contemplating the island.  Nothing quite fit, and everything seemed out of place.  There was something strange about this place...  He walked into the mansion, thinking it odd that conversation was limited, and that no one was really around...

17:03:20 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Stickman:

Alphonse poked his head out of the bushes, observing the empty path. He was pretty sure everyone had passed, so he roase to his feet and continued with caution.

19:41:01 Jan 28th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Finally, Demonsul found the mansion. As soon as he walked into the door, he almost ran straight into Hirgon.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. I'm Karzun Demonsul, and you are..?"

19:44:35 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Travis wakes up from his nap by hearing the sounds of conversation.  The man stands up and walks in the direction of the voices and finds himself at the mansion.  He walks up to the two men at the doorway and starts to speak.

"Hello there," Travis said.  "M'name's Travis.  Your's?"

20:41:09 Jan 28th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

"That's quite alright, I shouldn't be standing in doorways.  Hirgon Sadron, at your service.  It's nice to meet you both - maybe we should find ourselves a sitting room?"

20:57:03 Jan 28th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

ah, greetings gentle lads, I am pirate Lewatha, far descendant of the goddess Hathor. Godly powers still flow through my blood so you might find me a bit on the... stronger... side.

Looking for a treasure you say?! ah, reminds of the good olde days. When pirates were pirates! These times, pirates even start modernising! Recently I've found one of my crewmates with a cellphone! No need to say that he got fed to the sharks! yarr!

So where shall we start looking, eh mateys? Do we have a good olde treasure map? X marks the spot!

20:57:59 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Moose Jaw:

Moose Jaw is one of the last to arrive. He walks in glanes around and mutters to himself, "I hope I didn't miss anything yet..."

He walks over to the two chatting next to the doorway and introduces himself.

"My name is Moose Jaw, y'all can call me Moose, most do. I hail from Queens so right now I am pretty out of my element, hope I'm not alone with that."

21:00:12 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Moose Jaw:

Moose turns and looks at Travis, "Lewatha, huh? She seems a little out there,wadda ya think?"

21:16:14 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

"Godly powers... pfft,' Travis replied to Moose.  "I think she had a bit too much vodka."

22:28:24 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Killer slipped in behind the rest. He had learned nothing, and decided he would kill some random person that night. He looked up as the sun slowly fell, though the stars twinkled not on the foggy night. It would be time to collect that treasure soon.

00:09:47 Jan 29th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Night will be over soon, waiting for somebody to decide. XD]]

00:18:23 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

[[Night is going to end when night starts for me, isn't it? :-)]]

00:42:39 Jan 29th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Probably, or maybe I'll do it tomorrow morning. >=D]]

03:00:13 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

[[Septim, who the hell are you waiting on!?!  Get this rolling!]]

07:12:46 Jan 29th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: I don't have enough time to write it right now, I promise you that by seven o'clock tomorrow morning, my time, it will be morning.]]

07:33:32 Jan 29th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

The first night was a busy night, with the murder of two somewhat innocent people.

As Stickman walked to the refridgerator for a midnight snack when he heard a noise, but upon turning around, he saw nothing. Stickman grabbed a kitchen knife and held it at the ready for anything. He decided to skip the midnight snack, and as he made his way back to the room, an object was thrown at him. Stickman was struck in the back and fell down, he turned around and held his knife up, but the murderer grabbed Stickman's wrists and bent them backwards, pushing the knife into Stickman's heart. Stickman let out a last cry before falling into the darkness.


Dethos heard struggling and grabbed a candlestick from his nightstand. He then got up and ran outside to see the corpse of Stickman. Looking around, he saw a silouette, in the person's hand was a 9mm pistol.
"Hello, murderer..." said the silouette before shooting Dethos in the chest.
As Dethos rested on the ground, the person walked up and shot off another round into Dethos's chest before walking off down the hallway.


In the morning, the butler called the guests, turned on the television as per instructions that had been left, and turned it to channel 1. On the screen, the image of a man sitting in a leather chair was shown.
"Well now! It seems as if our two lovely "innocent" civilians were slaughtered last night! Keep up the good work, oh...and by the way...there are two murderers, a sadist, and a psychopath amongst you. Have fun..."
With that, the screen faded to black.

16:45:18 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul stood. "I regret to inform those that are evil among us of a fact. I am a Police Officer of the Broniminan Force, and I will work out what is going on here!" He immediately began dividing up his time. He would interview the other eight surviving persons, and work out who was the killer.

[[I will conduct the interviews via PMs, this is gonna be tough.]]

[[EDIT: Moose Jaw, are you even playing? I cant find you on the player list...]]

17:03:10 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Stickman:

[[ Aww, you *beep*s! Why kill me??]]

17:25:33 Jan 29th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

ah, yarr, I got nuffin to do with it! I was just drinkin me rum on the beach tonite, aye? just watchin the stars, dreamin of walking people off the plank, and next thing I know, I found myself on my head, I fell over thanks to the rum, yarr?

I passed out and next thing I know I get woken up by a butler, who told me to come 'ere.

So what shall we do mateys? shall we vote a guy out or just wait for the night to come and look what happens?

(OOC: are we supposed to vote?)

17:27:58 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[No, we are supposed to work together to use our kill abilities every night and take out everyone on the opposing teams.]]

Later, Demonsul returned from an interview, and slumped into a chair. "Would you believe," he said out loud to no-one in particular, "that absolutely nobody I have talked to so far has any idea what is going on? Oh, what I would give for some concrete information right now!"

18:24:33 Jan 29th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Actually, we are supposed to vote. I thought everybody knew that. Then again, this is the first werewolf round in at least four months...XD. Vote on the person you want dead for the day.]]

18:28:35 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Travis was shocked at the news.  He had seen Stickman and Dethos, and was sad he never had a chance to be friends with them.

"God... what this world is coming to.  I have no clue who is evil, so... I'll wait until I get some evidence that someone is evil."

18:51:21 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul thought for a moment. "All the interviews I have taken so far have turned up but one thing. One of the interviewees, whom I will not name, suspected someone of foul play, but I will attempt to gather information before I make any accusations."

18:53:35 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Hirgon eyed Demonsul suspiciously.  "You claim you are a Police Officer of the Brominian Force, but how do we know that your claim is true?"

18:57:28 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

"I cannot justify this claim with physical evidence, I am afraid. I was stripped of all items before I was placed on the boat with you all. You will just have to trust me. People are dying here, and I want to help. The perpetrators must be brought to justice. The best way for this to happen is if we are all honest with each other, and that is my honesty, out in front."

19:03:04 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Hirgon motions towards a private room and walks into it, not checking to see if Demonsul follows.

[[OOC: The rest is already in my response to your PM...]]

19:09:44 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

After being asked a series of questions by Demonsul, Travis decided to have a little bit of fun.  He walked out onto the small beach in front of the house and started to dig a small hole.  After the hole was finished, Travis jumped into it and laid down.  When he was comfortable, he covered up all but his face with sand.


19:37:09 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Hirgon walked out of the room, out of the house, and onto the beach.  He noticed Travis's face in the sand, and went over and spoke quietly to him.

19:43:25 Jan 29th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Hmm, why would this Demonsul guy try convincing us to be good? Evil could easily kill him like that!

In my opinion, it's a clear sign that this person is evil. He tries making us believe he's good so we vote for someone else. But actually he's the one evil!

[VOTE: Demonsul]

19:52:21 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Travis speaks loudly so that he is heard 35 feet away from Lewatha.

"That's not good enough evidence.  You may be right, or he may be confusing everyone to belive that he is good.  He might be neutral, for all we know.  We can't rely on chance to save us from evil, Lewatha.  You might be evil just for trying to kill off someone without good enough proof."

19:53:24 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul stood, and pointed dramatically at Lewatha. "Why, I though I made this clear. I'm here to help! If we don't help one another, we will all end up dead! If you are going to try and eliminate me, you must be trying to hurt us all..." Demonsul strode towards Lewatha. "If I die, the information from those interviews dies with me! I'm piecing together who I think is evil, you just need to give me time. But if you want to kill me, I have no choice...I will have to return the favour, else we all end up disorganized and dead."

[VOTE: Lewatha] [[I would vote nobody if I could, but I can't, and if I didn't vote, I would die.]]

19:55:34 Jan 29th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Yes Travis, but in this point of our visit to the island, it's too early to actually have evidence. So I picked who seems most likely evil.

19:57:24 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Killer looked on with interest as the arguing began. He decided to vote for neither of the ones that were voted for, but one of the ones who hadn't done anything as of yet. Perhas it would rouse them from their state of hibernation.

[Vote: Barny]

19:58:25 Jan 29th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

"Random guessing like that will be the end of us all!  Only evil people would want that... or crazy neutral people... or corrupted good guys... damn."

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