Forums / Roleplaying / Prominence

16:17:58 Jul 19th 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

Sephiroth had veered off the road to sleep late in the night. He awoke in the predawn gloom and continued on his journey. As he was walking a man stepped out from the side of the road into his view- an iron longsword drawn. He was dressed in new iron chainmail and bits of rusty plate. “Your money.” The man said. Sephiroth’s only reply was to draw his longsword from its scabbard and face the man with a cold stare. The man met his challenge, clearly not intimidated. They charged at the same time, metal meeting metal, and began the sword dance.  Sephiroth slashed, the man parried and sent back a slash of his own. The blades continued whirling in their hands but Sephiroth could feel the man slowing and tiring in his heavy armor. It would only be a matter of time… and there it was. Sephiroth parried a clumsy stab, spun away to the left so fast the man hadn’t even changed position, and down slashed across the back of his unprotected Calf. He retreated, blood spurting from the deep gash on his calf. The man looked at him, the realization of his death soon to come painted on his face. Sephiroth attacked, attempting to stab him outright, and the man not caring, didn’t even block. Instead he came slashing from the left with all his strength. Sephiroth had to side sidestep to avoid death as well. He received a blow that glanced off his bracer and gave a light gash on his arm. Still in a down swing, Sephiroth hacked his arm straight off and the man cried out… until he had a sword through his throat as well.  Sephiroth found this highwayman had already done his work for him in terms of getting money. Covered in blood, he went to a nearby stream and cleaned off. He tore of some of the cloth from his clothes and covered the wound he had received. After he was finished he continued on down the road and arrived at Cidel alongside with dawn.  He walked through the gate where Seronian soldiers were standing guard. As he walked along someone cried out, “Hey! You with the long white hair, stop!” He turned and a woman dressed like a scholar approached him. The woman said, “Sephiroth right? You are to be knighted.” Sephiroth stared at her, dumbfounded. He could not recall a time when he had ever told anyone his name other than the protector he killed and the barracks sergeant back at that city. It had to be a mistake. “Wait at the lodge if the seven truths, in front of the castle. Good day.” He replied, “I will be waiting.” He thought why not? He walked over to the lodge and ate some bread. He went over to a chess table and began to play to pass the time. As he was playing he couldn’t help but burst out in laughter. The man he was playing said, “What is so funny?” Sephiroth replied, “I am going to be knighted!”…

Name: Sephiroth
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: White
Eye color: Cyan
Build: Athletic
Age: 18

Pay: 3000

Gold: 11645  

Fighting: Master

Smithing: Veteran    

PP: 5


Items: Iron Shortsword, leather Breastplate, leather chaps, Iron Pauldrons, Iron longsword, studded leather bracers, steel toe boots.


21:53:48 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 10
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 26(0/7)
Spouse: Sortip(26)
Pregnant: 2/7
Daughters: Prolder(4), Hylore(2)
Sons: Trysyl(3)

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Expert
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 115,410
Pay: 10,350
Items: Elven armor, Elven barbute helmet, Elven bow, a quiver of Elven arrows, Elven round shield, Elven longsword, Massive castle
Horses: 5 Champion horses. Pregnant(2): 4/7, 4/7

03:45:01 Jul 21st 08 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

Jonny woke up in his new castle. He went about his lordly duties. Then he went for a swim, and then went back to sleep.  

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Age: 21 [6/8]
Pay: 3000
Gold: 6980

Spouse: Jennifer Richardson Bacardi
Age: 22 [1/8]
Pregnant: [6/8]
Daughter: Rachel Bacardi
Age: 1 [7/8]

Fighting: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Journeyman
Ranging: Journeyman

Title: Lord of the city of Merdoch

Standard Issue military sword
Circlet of Nobility
Ring of Merdoch

[OO: seph, you don't make money as a knight. How do I hire soldiers? And how much does each vessel hold in stuff for trade?]

06:33:18 Jul 21st 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

[Pretty much soldiers cost i think 10 gold each because ive been hiring groups of like 500 for 5000 and the UPKEEP is 500 gold per day....troops have upkeep.  When you become a knight you have some followers (I forget...check the Prominence Guide)]

Trading ships are for Dukes and higher as far as I know.....I myself can only have 5 ships at my current level -_- would have to be a king to have more =(

09:16:41 Jul 21st 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

[[OOC: Guess who's back, back once more, I am back, tell the whores! :D]]

Septim does his daily duties, eats, swims, and goes to bed.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Age: 27
Titles: Duke, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage, Archmage of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Master
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 40,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 15,000 for being Duke of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with Duke Ernie, 6500 for trade with Duke Colvaine, 6500 for trade with Duke Umbrus.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 719,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride - Escorting the Quicksilver
Massive Galleon - Quicksilver - Trading with Duke Colvaine.
Massive Galleon - Gargun - Trading with Duke Umbrus
Brig of War - Viren - Escorting the Gargun
Current home: Castle Cidel.

Septim family steel longsword, Elven longsword, Septim Family Mithril longsword.

Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, Elven cuirass, Elven greaves, Elven pauldrons, Elven boots, Elven gauntlets, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword.

Deed to a shack outside of Tysos, Oak cane, Septim Family Signet Ring, Deed to Castle Cidel, Venifician ring.

Reading for Experts, The Techniques of Vorsumar.

Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Seronian Nobility - Position: Duke of Cidel
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Scholars - Position: Guildmaster
House Septim - Position: Patriarch

Spouse: Alessia Colvaine.
Age: 26
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 4


17:43:08 Jul 21st 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

[lol for some reason I keep forgetting to post -_- gahhh....tell me the day before the war starts so I can get things back together]

18:11:16 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 10
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 26(1/7)
Spouse: Sortip(26)
Pregnant: 3/7
Daughters: Prolder(4), Hylore(2)
Sons: Trysyl(3)

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Expert
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 125,760
Pay: 10,350
Items: Elven armor, Elven barbute helmet, Elven bow, a quiver of Elven arrows, Elven round shield, Elven longsword, Massive castle
Horses: 5 Champion horses(perhaps these should age as well?). Pregnant(2): 5/7, 5/7

19:52:51 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

:O septim, ur still *beep*ming with ur Roleplaying :D:)

02:16:05 Jul 22nd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

For Dukes
If you participate in a battle you gain 5 PP and 10000 gold, if you don't (you watch...) you get 0 PP and 50000 gold.
For anything lower than a Lord:
If you participate you gain 2 PP and 3000 gold, along with a Medal of Valnus (if injured in battle.) If you didn't participate you don't get anything.]]

Septim wakes up to see Alessia with a doctor, she turns to Septim and says "I'm pregnant!"
Septim hugs her and proceeds to have breakfast made for the both of them, afterwards he does his duties and swims. While swimming, though, the alarms sound. Septim teleports into his castle's armory and grabs his mithril sword, he puts on his elven armor and teleports again down to the wall.
"What is it Colonel?" asks Septim.
Colonel Zarrock, commander of the Cidellian defense force, turns to Septim.
"Goblins and orcs are invading together, this is big, can you call upon the Venifician order?" asks Zarrock.
"They're code says that they shall never get involved in the affairs of the kingdoms unless the battle is taken to their tower..." says Septim.
"D@mn, well then, I guess we have you, that's something," says Zarrock.
Zarrock begins yelling orders to the soldiers while Septim watches the orcs push their massive battle towers towards the walls. Septim concentrates and one of the towers bursts into flame, killing many inside. He does so again, and again, and the towers burn to ash. Satisfied with denying them their towers, Septim teleports quickly to the capital, Seros, and approaches the palace. He tells the Emperor of the attack and quickly teleports back to Cidel. The battle had been going well, with the Cidellian forces holding off the enemies. The goblins had used a strange new weapon to blow a hole in part of the whole however, and Septim was too late to catch it on fire. After burning them all to prevent them from using them again, Septim teleports down into the battle. His body becomes a machine, with the mithril sword slicing through flesh and bone like butter, and his magic causing the death of many enemies. Septim uses his shield to block as much as using his magic. With the retreat of the remaining goblins, the Cidellians declare victory. Septim has the builders begin repairing the wall and turns to Colonel Zarrock.
"I must say that went very well," said Zarrock.
"Thank you, I trust you to overseeing the repairs, I will be off to bed," said Septim before teleporting to his chambers and going to sleep.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Age: 28
PP: 30
Titles: Duke, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage, Archmage of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Master
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 40,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 15,000 for being Duke of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with Duke Ernie, 6500 for trade with Duke Colvaine, 6500 for trade with Duke Umbrus.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 769,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride - Escorting the Quicksilver
Massive Galleon - Quicksilver - Trading with Duke Colvaine.
Massive Galleon - Gargun - Trading with Duke Umbrus
Brig of War - Viren - Escorting the Gargun
Current home: Castle Cidel.

Septim family steel longsword, Elven longsword, Septim Family Mithril longsword.

Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, Elven cuirass, Elven greaves, Elven pauldrons, Elven boots, Elven gauntlets, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword.

Deed to a shack outside of Tysos, Oak cane, Septim Family Signet Ring, Deed to Castle Cidel, Venifician ring.

Reading for Experts, The Techniques of Vorsumar.

Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Seronian Nobility - Position: Duke of Cidel
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Scholars - Position: Guildmaster
House Septim - Position: Patriarch

Spouse: Alessia Colvaine - 3/6
Age: 27
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 5


03:00:56 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

[OOC: So, we make up our own battle outside our respective cities?]

03:02:13 Jul 22nd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

[[OOC: If you are a Lord, yes! :P. You have one hundred men as a Lord.]]

04:43:36 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

Jonny stood atop the walls that surrounded his small and humble city. He wasn't sure how he was going to do this, but, for the people of Merdoch, the fight had to be done. At first he thought he could have his archer's do some damage, but after three volleys of 50 arrows each, only 6 orcs and 12 goblins lay dead. It wasn't enough. They would have to take the fight to them. And so, as the men stood outside the gate, waiting for it to open, jonny walked to the front.
"Men. Today we fight. We fight for honor. For land. For freedom. And most of all, we fight for Merdoch. The city is growing. People flock here from all over. That is why they have come. We must defend what is ours."
With that, the gates opened, and Jonny wielding the sword of Merdoch, which had only just that morning been found in the castle, ran out in front of his one hundred men.
The battle was wild and frantic. The orcs, bigger and stronger then the humans, easily killed in one on one battles. But the men where prepared, and fought in groups of three and four, slashing at unprotected sides while they wheren't looking. Jonny himself tok on an orc, and was slashed on the cheek, the blade almost penetrating as it swooped down to the jaw bone. Jonny was later bull rushed back into a tree, where he broke a rib and his collar bone. When the evil army finally fled the field, 67 orcs and well over 80 hobgoblins littered the pasture. However, 45 wives never saw their husbands alive again. Some bodies where so badly mutilated that it was impossible to tell who they where.
Jonny stayed for the burial. The entire city came to pay respect for those who had given their lives, and to those who had survived or been wounded as well. Jonny was given treatment on the field, and then stayed to watch the full ceremony, giving a speech to close it out. he went home, and fell straight asleep. It had been his daughters birthday. Yet it had not been a very happy time.

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Age: 21 [7/8]
Pay: 3000
Gold: 9980

Spouse: Jennifer Richardson Bacardi
Age: 22 [2/8]
Pregnant: [7/8]
Daughter: Rachel Bacardi
Age: 1 [8/8]

Fighting: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Journeyman
Ranging: Journeyman

Title: Lord of the city of Merdoch

Standard Issue military sword
Circlet of Nobility
Ring of Merdoch
Sword of Merdoch

05:44:19 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

[The 20th Sorry I was unable to reach a comp] After being knighted, Sephiroth heads out to make some money. After coming back, he gives his service to Duke Septim of Cidel, and the Seronian military because he hears there is a war coming. After heading to Cidel’s armourer to receive his equipment, he heads to the barracks where a burly soldier approaches him with 2 others at his heels. “Hello” Sephiroth says. The burly man replies, “Good day to yer ser. My name is Osmund. The man here to me left be Zak, better known as Eye. He nods. The man to me right be his brother, Godfry also known as Bull. Also nods” “And what can I do for you… gentlemen?”  We hear you have just been knighted and would like to join yer service.” “And why would that be?” Godfry says, “Well you see knights can gain a lot of prowess and we like the looks of you better than some of the lot that Lord O’ Clyvsdale has hired.” Very well. Come along men.” With that he goes to bed.


Sephiroth stands along the wall of Cidel, dressed in full battle armor, and looks at the host of creatures before him. They have assembled massive towers and are moving them towards the walls when one of them bursts into flame. That could only be the Duke. It is said he has mastered the arts of Magic and he can see no other explanation. Sephiroth could see that for the most part the enemy couldn’t get near the walls until- Boom! an extremely loud noise and fire explode a whole in the wall to his left where the enemy charged. Sephiroth, with his comrades at his heels rushed for the hole. By the time they arrived a battle was raging. Sephiroth charged in slashing at the enemy left and right, cutting them to shreds. One orc almost slashed his arm off save for the pauldron protecting it. He came upon a big troll with a club that had the force to dent his kite shield. As he stabbed the beast he was swept off his legs somehow. His death was upon him. The beast raised the club—and let it drop limp as its head rolled next to him. Sephiroth stood up to see that Godfry had saved his life- and then he was back in the thick of it. The battle ended and they were the victorious ones. Sephiroth went to the bar with his men not to drink- but to celebrate, so he had only a glass of wine to calm his thoughts. He found out that Godfry played chess so he joined him for a few hours and then went to bed.


Name: Sephiroth
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: White
Eye color: Cyan
Build: Athletic
Age: 19

Pay: 3000

Gold: 17635  

Fighting: Master

Smithing: Veteran    

PP: 7


Items: Iron Shortsword, leather Breastplate, leather chaps, Iron Pauldrons, 2 Iron longswords, studded leather bracers, steel toe boots, iron scalemail, an iron armet helmet,  an iron kite shield, iron greaves,  and iron boots


 [OOC: Septim do you award the tactics for playing chess? i dont know how it works]

10:52:55 Jul 22nd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

[[OOC: This will take place over a year, so everything advances one year...everybody recieves another 5 PP, this will be the last PP giveout for a while, also, everybody who was an officer, Lord, Count, or Duke recieves a level up in tactics for commanding their troops.
Knights and lower recieve 5000 for the war
Lords recieve 10000
Counts recieve 20000
Dukes recieve 50000

Even though Charley and I are Kings, it would be unwise to challenge Seron for domination of the realm at this point. We have the same amount of land as before, with only five thousand troops. He holds a grand army of fifty thousand and many duchies. (but later on his power will fail when more Dukes declare independence, allowing conquest.)]]

Duke Septim goes out in front of his people.
"Citizens of Cidel, you are called peasants, you are called subjects, but I have grown to call you my friends. I do not look down upon you as many others do, for I was once like you. I am proof that anybody can become anything, and so I ask that you make yourselves heroes by fighting for our country. Without heroes, legends cannot be born, so forge your own tales! For Seron!" yells Septim.

Over the course of one year, the Seronian military fights well. Military geniuses such as Erunion Telcontar, Colonel Zarrock, Hervel Swordslinger, and Emperor Serilar himself give the Seronian Army a good chance of defeating the threat. After one year, the war is over, with the goblins and orcs retreating back to their lands broken and defeated.


Septim returns to his land to discover that many surrounding Dukes had declared independence, and he decides to do the same. He creates the Kingdom of Cidel, with himself as King. No longer paying tribute to Emperor Seril*beep*ptim discovers that he makes a large amount more than he previously had. Septim has a new symbol of office created for 30000 gold pieces, the Crown of Cidel. A magnificent mithril crown with beautiful gems set into it, with a magnificent red stone in the center, the Crown is one of the grandest in the realms and represents Cidel's prosperity with perfection. He also puts a spell on it, allowing only those of Septim blood to wear it, and only those with a Septim's consent to hold it. Septim discovers that his son had been born in his absense and had been named Gaius, an old family name. Septim immediately begins the construction of three brigs of war and three massive trade galleons. Septim then goes to sleep.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Age: 28
PP: 35
Titles: King of Cidel, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage, Archmage of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Master
Magic: Master
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 55,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 30,000 for being King of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with King Ernie, 6500 for trade with Duke Colvaine, 6500 for trade with Duke Umbrus.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 624,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride - Escorting the Quicksilver
Massive Galleon - Quicksilver - Trading with Duke Colvaine.
Massive Galleon - Gargun - Trading with Duke Umbrus
Brig of War - Viren - Escorting the Gargun
Massive Galleon - 1/7
Massive Galleon - 1/7
Massive Galleon - 1/7
Brig of War - 1/3
Brig of War - 1/3
Brig of War - 1/3
Current home: Castle Cidel.

Septim family steel longsword, Elven longsword, Septim Family Mithril longsword.

Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, Elven cuirass, Elven greaves, Elven pauldrons, Elven boots, Elven gauntlets, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword.

Deed to a shack outside of Tysos, Oak cane, Septim Family Signet Ring, Deed to Castle Cidel, Venifician ring.

Reading for Experts, The Techniques of Vorsumar.

Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Cidellian Nobility - Position: King
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Scholars - Position: Guildmaster
House Septim - Position: Patriarch

Spouse: Alessia Colvaine
Age: 28
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 6
Son: Gaius Septim
Age: 1


12:51:28 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 17
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 27(1/7)
Spouse: Sortip(27)
Daughters: Prolder(5), Hylore(3)
Sons: Trysyl(4), Hyloson(1)

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Expert
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 130,760
Pay: 10,350
Items: Elven armor, Elven barbute helmet, Elven bow, a quiver of Elven arrows, Elven round shield, Elven longsword, Massive castle
Horses: 6 Champion horses(perhaps these should age as well?). Pregnant(2): 3/7, 3/7

*Killer looks at the ground with sorrow. The hill of clay looked out of place, it had recently been dug up. He pushed the horse into the shallow hole, and covered it up. He recalls the day when the ferocious horse has wounded. It was near three months ago, and the horse had battled on, clinging onto life. It had been a dark night, the stench of death was everywhere, masking the smell of the orcs, which was little better. Killer had mounted his horse, one unburdened by parental duties. The finest of them he was, as black as coal and with eyes like demons'. He stood proud and tall, the little man on his back wearing him down not at all. He charged into battle, sending goblins scurrying away, while the braver orcs got trampled on.
                 Killer unsheathed his sword and the blade singed while whistling through the air. It reached few beings, for they had either fled with fear or felt the mighty hooves of Hyloson, the horse. Any that had survived the first blow had been quickly trampled by their fleeing comades. Hyloson galloped across the plains chasing down the remaining few. Killer brought him to a stop with difficulty, in front of a huge orc, four times the size of any one Killer had seen before. It's cutlass swung through the air, but the spot was occupied by the horse and rider no more. Hyloson had leapt back, and galloped in a circle around the beast, nearly at the end of his strength. He charged into the back of him, rising at the last second, saving Killer from a fatal blow, but not himself. Killer rolled off the horse, and leapt at the orc, his sword before him. The orc didn't stand a chance, and his head was cleaved from his body. Hyloson had been dealt a blow to the right foreleg, almost seperating it from its body, but hung still by a single sinewy strand. Killer had found a healer near, but after months now, the multiple injuries had finally killed the heroic horse. Killer walked a way he hadn't walked in a long time, home. In his absence a son had been born, and Killer named him after the horse, ignoring his wife's protest.

16:07:37 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

[OOC: Septim how much does one make for being a Lord? I was also wondering if it is possible to melt weapons back down into ore.]

16:34:55 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

When Ernie returned from the war he heard that several duchies in Seron had declared independence.  He also heard that his good friend Septim from Seron had declared his independence also.  Seeing this, Ernie gave an official decree to the people stating the independence of Tasidian from Seron.  The people rejoiced at their new king. 

The first thing Ernie did was spend 30,000 on a special crown for the kingship.  He took a beautiful cut diamond gem and used his magic to imprint his family crest into it.  He then placed it on a steel crown with streaks of mithril blended into it to look like the sea.  The tower of Tasidian was then engraved on part of the crown to permanently show that it was the crown for the kings of Tasidian.  He enchanted it to keep it from being stolen and placed it upon his head during the day.  His wife Caroline was also given a queen's crown of mithril that was one of the most beautifully crafted.  It was made by the people of Tasidian and they made it with love.  It was as light as a feather and it had designs of sea foam and doves on it and a sapphire gem placed on the front. 

He called his Sloop Of War back from the Seronian settlement and had it dismantled.  In it's place he built three massive trading galleons and three large frigates.  Tasidian would be the strongest naval city in the world soon, and Ernie wanted to see it so.

Finally he sent a messege to King Septim and several other new kingdoms to see about an alliance in case of a military conflict.

Name: Duke Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 28
Master Level - Fighting, Oration, Ranging, Magic, Tactics
Expert Level - Reading
Veteran Level - Mathematics
In Peace: King of Tasidian and areas and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 5000 troops + 2000 extra Soldiers
Soldier Upkeep - 2000gold/day
In wartime:
Pay: 55,000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds +10000 from Trade = 36000-UPKEEP = 29,300
Gold: 83,000
RP Points: 30- Required for next level: 
Ship Progress:
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Large Frigate(3) - 1/7
Large Trading Galleon(3) - 1/7
Caroline - Age 27 - Pregnant [0/7]
Charley - Age 5
Angelina - Age 5
Catherine - Age 3
Thomas - 2

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Tasidian Nobility - Position: King of Tasidian
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Oration - Position: Guildmaster
House de Tasidian - Position: Patriarch

COMPANIONS - Listed in Prominence Guide

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

17:38:36 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

Over the course of a year the war raged on. Sephiroth served under the command of Cidel’s Colonel Zarrock through many a battle. All the while, after each battle he would play chess and became very skilled, so much that he rarely ever lost now. Sephiroth was wounded three times in one battle: Once in the leg from an arrow and 2 from orc swords finding weak points in his armor. At the end of the war, the humans had beat back the orcs and trolls and Sephiroth had gained more prominence from his the end of the w*beep*phiroth learned to be an expert smith. Sephiroth’s love for Weapons and armor lead him to create a guild hall in Cidel for Smiths and there he found a new companion to join him, Dav Gorstrong.


Name: Sephiroth
Height: 6' 2"

Title: Knight of Cidel, Guildmaster
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: White
Eye color: Cyan
Build: Athletic
Age: 20

Pay: 3000+ 3000 for Guild

Gold: 14130  

Fighting: Master

Smithing: Expert

Tactics: Journeyman    

PP: 12


Items: Iron Shortsword, leather Breastplate, leather chaps, Iron Pauldrons, 2 Iron longswords, studded leather bracers, steel toe boots, iron scalemail, an iron armet helmet,  an iron kite shield, iron greaves,  and iron boots, Medal of Valnus


04:37:18 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

The fighting had finally ended. A year of brutal warfare had changed Jonny, for the better. He was a stronger leader, and all his men who returned where stronger as well. He returned home to a very warm welcome, and to find out that he had a son, whom had been named after him

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Age: 24 [8/8]
Pay: 3000
Gold: 12980

Spouse: Jennifer Richardson Bacardi
Age: 23 [3/8]
Daughter: Rachel Bacardi
Age: 3 [1/8]
Son: Jonny Bacardi Jr.
Age: 2 [1/8]

Fighting: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Veteran
Ranging: Journeyman

Title: Lord of the city of Merdoch

Standard Issue military sword
Circlet of Nobility
Ring of Merdoch
Sword of Merdoch
Medal of Valnus

[What is this whole Count thing? It doesn't say anything about it in the guide, I need to know what the pay is. I Also need to know if there is already a Fighting Guild. Im not doing any of my money until i find these things out.]

05:50:43 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

[Knight, Lord, Count, Duke, King...that is the order of power (as far as ive been)Lord controls a city.  Count controls 1 city and 3(?) towns.  Duke controls a duchy (numerous towns) and a king of course rules a larger area of cities and towns.]

06:07:58 Jul 23rd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

[[OOC: No
Lord - Controls a town - 10 PP
Count - Controls a city and three towns. - 15 PP
Duke - Controls a city and many towns. - 25 PP
King - Controls a city and many towns. - 35 PP
Emperor - Controls a continent. - 55 PP
High Emperor/Grand Emperor - Controls the continent - 100 PP.

Right now, as Kings we control the same amount of land that we did while Dukes, but with independence and freedom to build more ships.]]

16:16:01 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

Jonny woke up to find his children already awake. They where playing hide and seek in the garden, and the New Count of the city of Tyrus (a gift from the emporer for a job well done) was more then happy to join them. He later decided that he was going to start a guild for fighting, and that all where welcome to join. Coming home, Jonny was thrilled to discover that his wife was once again with child. He went to sleep happy.

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Age: 25 [1/8]
Pay: 9000
Gold: 18980+6000(pay yesterday)+20000(war)+10000(first battle)+3000(payed for guild)-10000(for guild)=47980

Spouse: Jennifer Richardson Bacardi
Age: 23 [4/8]
Pregnent: [1/8]
Daughter: Rachel Bacardi
Age: 3 [3/8]
Son: Jonny Bacardi Jr.
Age: 2 [2/8]

Fighting: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Veteran
Ranging: Journeyman

Title: Count of the city of Tyrus
Lord of Merdoch

Standard Issue military sword
Circlet of Nobility
Ring of Merdoch
Sword of Merdoch
Medal of Valnus

[OOC: I just kind of assumed 6000 pay for Counts, but tell me if im right or wrong so i can correct it]

16:42:28 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

[idk i was even a lord. i thought you needed 15 pp. btw what is the pay]

16:43:25 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 17
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 27(2/7)
Spouse: Sortip(27)
Daughters: Prolder(5), Hylore(3)
Sons: Trysyl(4), Hyloson(1)

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Expert
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 101,110
Pay: 10,300
Items: Elven armor, Elven barbute helmet, Elven bow, a quiver of Elven arrows, Elven round shield, Elven longsword, Massive castle
Horses: 10 Champion horses(2 are young ones...)(perhaps these should age as well?). Pregnant(2): 4/7, 4/7

*Killer buys four more champion horses.*

17:03:45 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Sephiroth


7/23/2008 11:42:28 AM
[idk i was even a lord. i thought you needed 15 pp. btw what is the pay]
lol no clue....just look back a few pages and see what me and Septim had XD

04:53:57 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

Late yesterday night Sephiroth learned that he was to be given Lordship over a town called midgar on the border of Cidel's kingdom for his efforts in the war. The previous owner of the town had been slain by Captain of the city watch, Sir Jaime Lovelle. A messanger had come in the knight and Sephiroth had left at once with his companions to protect him.


He arrived in Midgar in the afternoon and called an assembly of the people.


People of Midgar, he began. I have come to this town in times of great sorrow. You have lost your previous lord, husbands, wives, and children to the vile creatures that attacked here. I can not bring back what is lost but I promise you all I shall do all in my power to recreate all that was into something better! *The people cheer him on*


After the assembly was over he had another guild hall built where he would be residing from now on “ Captain Jaime, take it up with the builders that I shall have a guild hall build in my cityYes my Lord, replied Jaime. It felt so weird to have come all the way from that shack on the outskirts of Merdoch where he heard a new Lord had recently been appointed and raised to count through the war. He decided he would right the man a letter and another to the king.


Dear Count of Merdoch, I have recently been appointed Lord and have heard much of your prominence from the commons. I would thoroughly enjoy meeting you sometime soon. Signed Lord Sephiroth of Midgar


Your Royal Highness, all has gone well upon my arrival to the town. The people have been well governed. Lord Sephiroth of Midgar


When Sephiroth had finished the letter he went to inspect his 100 troops with the dying sun.


They shall be the best men in the entire world one day, he told Captain Jaime.  Yes that would be a fine day indeed my lord, he replied


Name: Lord Sephiroth
Height: 6' 2"

Title: Lord of Midgar, Guildmaster
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: White
Eye color: Cyan
Build: Athletic
Age: 20

Pay: 3000+ 6000 for Guild

Gold: 10125  

Fighting: Master

Smithing: Expert

Tactics: Journeyman    

PP: 12


Items: Iron Shortsword, leather Breastplate, leather chaps, Iron Pauldrons, 2 Iron longswords, studded leather bracers, steel toe boots, iron scalemail, an iron armet helmet,  an iron kite shield, iron greaves,  and iron boots, Medal of Valnus,




07:28:47 Jul 24th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

[[OOC: Alright, a limit should be imposed on how many horses you can have, I'll make it ten...and they become old horses in ten years (so around ten weeks...) and die five years (weeks) after that.]]

08:37:44 Jul 24th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

Septim does his daily duties, eats, swims, and goes to sleep.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Age: 28
PP: 35
Titles: King of Cidel, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage, Archmage of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Master
Magic: Master
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 55,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 30,000 for being King of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with King Ernie, 6500 for trade with Duke Colvaine, 6500 for trade with Duke Umbrus.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 679,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride - Escorting the Quicksilver
Massive Galleon - Quicksilver - Trading with Duke Colvaine.
Massive Galleon - Gargun - Trading with Duke Umbrus
Brig of War - Viren - Escorting the Gargun
Massive Galleon - 2/7
Massive Galleon - 2/7
Massive Galleon - 2/7
Brig of War - 2/3
Brig of War - 2/3
Brig of War - 2/3
Current home: Castle Cidel.

Septim family steel longsword, Elven longsword, Septim Family Mithril longsword.

Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, Elven cuirass, Elven greaves, Elven pauldrons, Elven boots, Elven gauntlets, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword.

Deed to a shack outside of Tysos, Oak cane, Septim Family Signet Ring, Deed to Castle Cidel, Venifician ring, Cidellian crown.

Reading for Experts, The Techniques of Vorsumar.

Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Cidellian Nobility - Position: King
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Scholars - Position: Guildmaster
House Septim - Position: Patriarch

Spouse: Alessia Colvaine
Age: 28
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 6
Son: Gaius Septim
Age: 1


13:42:35 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

Jonny wakes up in his new city of Tyrus. He had had his best friend and comrade Adam Duzka, who had been with him from the beginning, installed as the new Lord of Merdoch. He rides out to go visit him, and while their children play, the two men go to the university and learn Expert Oration. After that, they part ways.
Jonny gets home to find a message for him. He reads it, and replies:
Lord of Midgar. It would be an honor to meet you. I have heard much of your exploits in battle, fighting for the Cidellians. Just name a place and time, and I shall be there.

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Age: 25 [2/8]
Pay: 9000
Gold: 56980

Spouse: Jennifer Richardson Bacardi
Age: 23 [5/8]
Pregnent: [2/8]
Daughter: Rachel Bacardi
Age: 3 [4/8]
Son: Jonny Bacardi Jr.
Age: 2 [3/8]

Fighting: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Veteran
Ranging: Journeyman

Title: Count of the city of Tyrus
Former Lord of Merdoch

Standard Issue military sword
Circlet of Nobility
Ring of Merdoch
Sword of Merdoch
Medal of Valnus

15:50:42 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

[Ugh didnt post yesterday because my brother had to keep using this computer for a bunch of random this is going to be yesterdays and todays]

Ernie woke up and ate a very nice breakfast with his wife.  He wrote a letter to King Septim about a possible alliance in the case a war involved either of them.  He then visited the Guild of Oration in the city before eating dinner and going to bed.

Name: King Ernest "Ernie" The Wise
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke,  King, The Keen, The Swift, The Wise
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 28
Master Level - Fighting, Oration, Ranging, Magic, Tactics
Expert Level - Reading
Veteran Level - Mathematics
In Peace: King of Tasidian and areas and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 5000 troops + 2000 extra Soldiers
Soldier Upkeep - 2000gold/day
In wartime:
Pay: 55,000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds+10000 from Trade - UPKEEP =44,000 
Gold: 171,000
RP Points: 35- Required for next level: 
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Large Frigate(3) - 2/7 - Fully Paid
Large Trading Galleon(3) - 2/7 - Fully Paid
Caroline - Age 27 - Pregnant [0/7]
Charley - Age 5
Angelina - Age 5
Catherine - Age 3
Thomas - 2

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Tasidian Nobility - Position: King of Tasidian
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Oration - Position: Guildmaster
House de Tasidian - Position: Patriarch

COMPANIONS - Listed in Prominence Guide

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

20:17:59 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:


Sephiroth sat down to breakfast with Captain Jaime, whom he had quickly come to like. After breakfast he dismissed the Captain to his duties and offered a boy of the commons to play chess with him. He wanted to gain the trust of his people and it never hurt to be nice.


After he was finished a messanger came with a letter from Count Bacardi. After reading the letter he wrote a reply to be sent out immediately. It read,


Count Bacardi,

I would like to invite you to my home here in Midgar, or if you prefer I can come to your city. If you would like, you could bring your family along as well. I propose that we should meet 3 days from now. Signed Sephiroth of Midgar


After he was finished, he went to court, had dinner, then went to bed.

Name: Lord Sephiroth
Height: 6' 2"

Title: Lord of Midgar, Guildmaster
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: White
Eye color: Cyan
Build: Athletic
Age: 20

Pay: 3000+ 6000 for Guild

Gold: 19125  

Fighting: Master

Smithing: Expert

Tactics: Journeyman    

PP: 12


Items: Iron Shortsword, leather Breastplate, leather chaps, Iron Pauldrons, 2 Iron longswords, studded leather bracers, steel toe boots, iron scalemail, an iron armet helmet,  an iron kite shield, iron greaves,  and iron boots, Medal of Valnus


20:24:15 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[A measly ten horses? How much can I sell them for?]

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 17
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 27(3/7)
Spouse: Sortip(27)
Daughters: Prolder(5), Hylore(3)
Sons: Trysyl(4), Hyloson(1)

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Expert
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 111,410
Pay: 10,300
Items: Elven armor, Elven barbute helmet, Elven bow, a quiver of Elven arrows, Elven round shield, Elven longsword, Massive castle
Horses: 10 Champion horses. Pregnant(5): 5/7, 5/7, 1/7, 1/7, 1/7 (Sorry, I've no idea what age they are now...)

17:31:31 Jul 25th 08 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

Jonny wakes and eats breakfast with his family. He then goes out to see how the Guild of Fighting is doing. Some of the greatest swordsman in all the land had made their way to the guild, and now resided within the walls of Tyrus. Jonny went to his own university, and learned Master oration. He then sent a message to Duke Ernie.
Good Duke, I was just wondering what it would take to become a member of the Guild of Oration. Count Jonny.

He then sent a message to his friend Lord Sephiroth:
Lord Sephiroth. I am sorry but we will need to reschedule that visit. I will be un available for about a year really. I am going out so scout new terrain for the king in the south. When i return however, we shall certainly meet. Count Jonny.

Jonny then went to sleep.

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Age: 25 [3/8]
Pay: 9000
Gold: 53980

Spouse: Jennifer Richardson Bacardi
Age: 23 [6/8]
Pregnent: [3/8]
Daughter: Rachel Bacardi
Age: 3 [5/8]
Son: Jonny Bacardi Jr.
Age: 2 [4/8]

Fighting: Master
Oration: Master
Tactics: Veteran
Ranging: Journeyman

Title: Count of the city of Tyrus
Former Lord of Merdoch

Standard Issue military sword
Circlet of Nobility
Ring of Merdoch
Sword of Merdoch
Medal of Valnus

[OOC: Guys, im going to Colorade from this saturday till next Sunday. I won;t have any internet up there (unless some how we find a computer and some internet. I will have a crazy amount of gold when I get back though. lol]

18:21:28 Jul 25th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

"King" Ernie woke up and wrote a messege to Count Jonny
Count Jonny,
I am replying to your last messege about my Guild of Oration.  The standard for entering my guild is that you must be an expert or master of oration.  Preferably master since you would be in the minority in my guild.  There are several branches in the land and I would be glad if you visited the Guild of Oration in Tasidian, and I would meet you myself there.
                                  King Ernest de Tasidian

After writing the letter he sent another messege to King Septim about an alliance and then went to sleep.

Name: King Ernest "Ernie" The Wise
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke,  King, The Keen, The Swift, The Wise
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 28
Master Level - Fighting, Oration, Ranging, Magic, Tactics
Expert Level - Reading
Veteran Level - Mathematics
In Peace: King of Tasidian and areas and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 5000 troops + 2000 extra Soldiers
Soldier Upkeep - 2000gold/day
In wartime:
Pay: 55,000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds+10000 from Trade - UPKEEP =44,000 
Gold: 215,000
RP Points: 35- Required for next level: 
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Large Frigate(3) - 3/7 - Fully Paid
Large Trading Galleon(3) - 3/7 - Fully Paid
Caroline - Age 27 - Pregnant [0/7]
Charley - Age 5
Angelina - Age 5
Catherine - Age 3
Thomas - 2

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Tasidian Nobility - Position: King of Tasidian
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Oration - Position: Guildmaster
House de Tasidian - Position: Patriarch

COMPANIONS - Listed in Prominence Guide

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

19:03:38 Jul 25th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

Septim wakes up next to his wife and finds that he has a letter from King Ernest de Tasidian proposing an alliance in times of war. Knowing that Ernest is a strong ruler, Septim accepts and asks Ernest to meet him on neutral ground, the Mosovor Shava Nenmun tavern in the town of Dunbarrow. After returning from the meeting he does his daily duties, swims, eats, and buys a book on expert oration for 4000 gold and begins reading it before falling asleep next to his wife.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Age: 28
PP: 35
Titles: King of Cidel, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage, Archmage of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Master
Magic: Master
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 55,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 30,000 for being King of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with King Ernie, 6500 for trade with Duke Colvaine, 6500 for trade with Duke Umbrus.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 785,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride - Escorting the Quicksilver
Massive Galleon - Quicksilver - Trading with Duke Colvaine.
Massive Galleon - Gargun - Trading with Duke Umbrus
Brig of War - Viren - Escorting the Gargun
Massive Galleon - 4/7
Massive Galleon - 4/7
Massive Galleon - 4/7
Brig of War - Verdunsir - Staying in harbor; minimal upkeep
Brig of War - Harbinger - Staying in harbor; minimal upkeep
Brig of War - Baerthur - Staying in harbor; minimal upkeep
Current home: Castle Cidel.

Septim family steel longsword, Elven longsword, Septim Family Mithril longsword.

Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, Elven cuirass, Elven greaves, Elven pauldrons, Elven boots, Elven gauntlets, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword.

Deed to a shack outside of Tysos, Oak cane, Septim Family Signet Ring, Deed to Castle Cidel, Venifician ring, Cidellian crown.

Reading for Experts, The Techniques of Vorsumar, the Techniques of Telvoden.

Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Cidellian Nobility - Position: King
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Scholars - Position: Guildmaster
House Septim - Position: Patriarch

Spouse: Alessia Colvaine
Age: 28
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 6
Son: Gaius Septim
Age: 1

Learning: Expert Oration - 1/7]]

21:46:28 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

When Sephiroth woke there was a message awaiting him from the Count. He was disappointed of its contents but could understand the circumstances. He wrote a reply after breakfast,


Count Bacardi,

I am sorry you are not able to attend but I can understand your being so busy. Maybe by the time we meet I shall have a family of my own. Signed Sephiroth of Midgar


After he was finished, he let his steward handle court and went out to the training yard. He sparred with his best men for an hour before retiring to his chambers. He fell asleep quickly… dreaming.


Name: Lord Sephiroth
Height: 6' 2"

Title: Lord of Midgar, Guildmaster
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: White
Eye color: Cyan
Build: Athletic
Age: 20

Pay: 3000+ 6000 for Guild

Gold: 28120  

Fighting: Master

Smithing: Expert

Tactics: Journeyman    

PP: 12


Items: Iron Shortsword, leather Breastplate, leather chaps, Iron Pauldrons, 2 Iron longswords, studded leather bracers, steel toe boots, iron scalemail, an iron armet helmet,  an iron kite shield, iron greaves,  and iron boots, Medal of Valnus


22:24:56 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 17
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 27(4/7)
Spouse: Sortip(27)
Pregnant: 1/7
Daughters: Prolder(5), Hylore(3)
Sons: Trysyl(4), Hyloson(1)

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Expert
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 121,710
Pay: 10,300
Items: Elven armor, Elven barbute helmet, Elven bow, a quiver of Elven arrows, Elven round shield, Elven longsword, Massive castle
Horses: 10 Champion horses. Pregnant(5): 6/7, 6/7, 2/7, 2/7, 2/7 (Sorry, I've no idea what age they are now...)

*Killer teaches Prolder how to play chess, since she is now able to grasp the basic concepts of the game. He then tries to find someway to sell the horses, as he'll not be able to keep too many.*

16:21:16 Jul 26th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

King Ernest woke up and ate breakfast.&nb*beep*essege from King Septim came with good news: they had an alliance now.  With their two powers, they would be a powerful force to reckon with.  King Ernest then sent out a request for five thousand strong men who wished to join the Army of Tasidian.  He then did some other duties and went to sleep.

Name: King Ernest "Ernie" The Wise
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke,  King, The Keen, The Swift, The Wise
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 29
Master Level - Fighting, Oration, Ranging, Magic, Tactics
Expert Level - Reading
Veteran Level - Mathematics
In Peace: King of Tasidian and areas and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 10000 troops + 10000 extra Soldiers
Soldier Upkeep - 10000gold/day
In wartime:
Pay: 55,000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds+10000 from Trade - UPKEEP =44,000 
Gold: 29,000
RP Points: 35- Required for next level: 
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Large Frigate(3) - 5/7 - Fully Paid
Large Trading Galleon(3) - 5/7 - Fully Paid
Caroline - Age 28 - Pregnant [0/7]
Charley - Age 6
Angelina - Age 6
Catherine - Age 4
Thomas - 3

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Tasidian Nobility - Position: King of Tasidian
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Oration - Position: Guildmaster
House de Tasidian - Position: Patriarch

COMPANIONS - Listed in Prominence Guide

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

02:19:06 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

After going about his morning duties, Sephiroth let his Steward  take over so he could head over to the guild of smiths.


It was an awesome sight that he loved. he had gathered some of the best smiths known living to his guild and deciding he would have to learn his master skill from one of the them. Sitting in the corner watching the other smiths was a white haired smith. Sephiroth approached him and said,


"Donal Noye. It is an honor to have you in my guild hall." Noye replied, "it is about time some smiths got some recognition and as to your question i will train you in the ways of master smiths."


Donal Noye is the most famous smith of his time. He created the sword Jovin that the king of seron has for his position. Sephiroth worked hard and learned many smithing secrets and by the end he was a master of smithing. Tired from a long day of training, sephiroth went to bed.


Name: Lord Sephiroth
Height: 6' 2"

Title: Lord of Midgar, Guildmaster
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: White
Eye color: Cyan
Build: Athletic
Age: 20

Pay: 3000+ 6000 for Guild

Gold: 23615  

Fighting: Master

Smithing: Master

Tactics: Journeyman    

PP: 12


Items: Iron Shortsword, leather Breastplate, leather chaps, Iron Pauldrons, 2 Iron longswords, studded leather bracers, steel toe boots, iron scalemail, an iron armet helmet,  an iron kite shield, iron greaves,  and iron boots, Medal of Valnus

04:53:12 Jul 27th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

[I am going to put Sunday's post up now since I have work tomorrow and have who knows what else going on.]

King Ernest woke up and ate breakfast with his family.  He ordered his troops to be trained vigorously for future expansion plans.  He added another five thousand men to his ranks and inspected his fleet that was under construction.  Satisfied with progress, he went to sleep.

Name: King Ernest "Ernie" The Wise
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke,  King, The Keen, The Swift, The Wise
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 29
Master Level - Fighting, Oration, Ranging, Magic, Tactics
Expert Level - Reading
Veteran Level - Mathematics
In Peace: King of Tasidian and areas and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 10000 Defending Troops + 15000 Offensive Troops
Soldier Upkeep - 10000gold/day
In wartime:
Pay: 55,000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds+10000 from Trade - UPKEEP =34,000 
Gold: 18,000
RP Points: 35- Required for next level: 
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Large Frigate(3) - 6/7 - Fully Paid
Large Trading Galleon(3) - 6/7 - Fully Paid
Caroline - Age 28 - Pregnant [1/7]
Charley - Age 6
Angelina - Age 6
Catherine - Age 4
Thomas - 3

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Tasidian Nobility - Position: King of Tasidian
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Oration - Position: Guildmaster
House de Tasidian - Position: Patriarch

COMPANIONS - Listed in Prominence Guide

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

17:28:35 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

Sephiroth went about his duties, played chess with Captain Jaime, ate then went to bed.


Name: Lord Sephiroth
Height: 6' 2"

Title: Lord of Midgar, Guildmaster
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: White
Eye color: Cyan
Build: Athletic
Age: 20

Pay: 3000+ 6000 for Guild

Gold: 32610  

Fighting: Master

Smithing: Master

Tactics: Journeyman    

PP: 12


Items: Iron Shortsword, leather Breastplate, leather chaps, Iron Pauldrons, 2 Iron longswords, studded leather bracers, steel toe boots, iron scalemail, an iron armet helmet,  an iron kite shield, iron greaves,  and iron boots, Medal of Valnus

20:37:49 Jul 28th 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

Sephiroth went about his duties then started a chess tournament at the castle. After finishing the first day of the tournament there we 32 people left. Sephiroth visited the guild and then went to bed.


Name: Lord Sephiroth
Height: 6' 2"

Title: Lord of Midgar, Guildmaster
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: White
Eye color: Cyan
Build: Athletic
Age: 20

Pay: 3000+ 6000 for Guild

Gold: 41605  

Fighting: Master

Smithing: Master

Tactics: Journeyman    

PP: 12


Items: Iron Shortsword, leather Breastplate, leather chaps, Iron Pauldrons, 2 Iron longswords, studded leather bracers, steel toe boots, iron scalemail, an iron armet helmet,  an iron kite shield, iron greaves,  and iron boots, Medal of Valnus

21:14:47 Jul 28th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

King Ernest awoke and ate breakfast with his family.  He walked down to his port and inspected his newly constructed fleet.  He had added six ships to the fleet and they went out and began trading with others.  He had his troops train more and observed their practicing.  He then went back up to the Tower of Tasidian, ate dinner with his family, and did some other duties before going to sleep.

Name: King Ernest "Ernie" The Wise
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke,  King, The Keen, The Swift, The Wise
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 29
Master Level - Fighting, Oration, Ranging, Magic, Tactics
Expert Level - Reading
Veteran Level - Mathematics
In Peace: King of Tasidian and areas and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 10000 Defending Troops + 15000 Offensive Troops
Soldier Upkeep - 15000gold/day
In wartime:
Pay: 55,000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds+130000 from Trade - UPKEEP =144,000 
Gold: 158,000
RP Points: 35 
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Large Trading Galleon(Renaissance) - Trading
Large Frigate(Exodus) - Escorting Renaissance
LTG(Haste) - Trading
LF(Tempest) - Escorting Haste
LTG(Posiedon) - Trading
LF(Faithful) - Escorting Posiedon
Large Frigate(3) - 7/7 - Fully Paid(COMPLETE)
Large Trading Galleon(3) - 7/7 - Fully Paid(COMPLETE)
Caroline - Age 28 - Pregnant [2/7]
Charley - Age 6
Angelina - Age 6
Catherine - Age 4
Thomas - 3

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Tasidian Nobility - Position: King of Tasidian
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Oration - Position: Guildmaster
House de Tasidian - Position: Patriarch

COMPANIONS - Listed in Prominence Guide

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

22:35:28 Jul 28th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

Septim does his royal duties for four days (been gone five, but I'll do four as I'm unsure...) and goes swimming, he then has a crown made for his wife that costs 20000 gold and then has new clothes tailored for his family for an additional 1000 gold per person. Now in his Kingly threads (XD), Septim knights a few squires, eats, and goes to bed after reading.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Age: 30
PP: 35
Titles: King of Cidel, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage, Archmage of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Master
Magic: Master
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 74,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 30,000 for being King of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with King Ernie, 6500 for trade with Duke Colvaine, 6500 for trade with King Umbrus, 13000 for trade agreement with King Serisar, 6500 for trade agreement with King Gargorfe.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 1,000,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride - Escorting the Quicksilver
Massive Galleon - Quicksilver - Trading with Duke Colvaine.
Massive Galleon - Gargun - Trading with King Umbrus
Brig of War - Viren - Escorting the Gargun
Massive Galleon - Resdyn - Trading with King Serisar
Massive Galleon - Ulic - Trading with King Serisar
Massive Galleon - Vvudenfell - Trading with King Gargorfe
Brig of War - Verdunsir - Escorting the Ulic
Brig of War - Harbinger - Escorting the Vvudenfell
Brig of War - Baerthur - Escorting the Resdyn
Current home: Castle Cidel.

Septim family steel longsword, Elven longsword, Septim Family Mithril longsword.

Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, Elven cuirass, Elven greaves, Elven pauldrons, Elven boots, Elven gauntlets, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword.

Deed to a shack outside of Tysos, Oak cane, Septim Family Signet Ring, Deed to Castle Cidel, Venifician ring, Cidellian crown.

Reading for Experts, The Techniques of Vorsumar, the Techniques of Telvoden.

Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Cidellian Nobility - Position: King
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Scholars - Position: Guildmaster
House Septim - Position: Patriarch

Spouse: Alessia Colvaine
Age: 29
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 7
Son: Gaius Septim
Age: 2

Learning: Expert Oration - 5/7]]

23:39:10 Jul 28th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 17
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 28(0/7)
Spouse: Sortip(28)
Pregnant: 4/7
Daughters: Prolder(6), Hylore(4)
Sons: Trysyl(5), Hyloson(2)

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Expert
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 170,610(sold horses, 9,000, ok?)
Pay: 10,300
Items: Elven armor, Elven barbute helmet, Elven bow, a quiver of Elven arrows, Elven round shield, Elven longsword, Massive castle
Horses: 10 Champion horses. Pregnant(5): 1/7, 1/7, 5/7, 5/7, 5/7 (Sorry, I've no idea what age they are now...)

23:54:04 Jul 28th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

[[OOC: Sellin' 'em is fine, I have no idea why you havn't gotten into's enriching!!!]]

00:21:36 Jul 29th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

[[OOC: He prefers to be the shifty eyed guy who keeps a low profile and he plans on assassinating you]] XD

21:53:15 Jul 29th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

King Ernest woke up and ate breakfast with his family.  He then inspected his troops one last time before recieving word from King Septim that their joint assault upon Tysos was to begin.  The 15000 troops of Tasidian marched and began to assault the capital of the enemy kingdom.  While back at Tasidian, King Ernest did his normal duties and went to sleep.

Name: King Ernest "Ernie" The Wise
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke,  King, The Keen, The Swift, The Wise
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 30
Master Level - Fighting, Oration, Ranging, Magic, Tactics
Expert Level - Reading
Veteran Level - Mathematics
In Peace: King of Tasidian and areas and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 10000 Defending Troops + 15000 Offensive Troops
Soldier Upkeep - 15000gold/day
In wartime:
Pay: 55,000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds+130000 from Trade - UPKEEP =144,000 
Gold: 302,000
RP Points: 35 
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Large Trading Galleon(Renaissance) - Trading
Large Frigate(Exodus) - Escorting Renaissance
LTG(Haste) - Trading
LF(Tempest) - Escorting Haste
LTG(Posiedon) - Trading
LF(Faithful) - Escorting Posiedon
Caroline - Age 29 - Pregnant [3/7]
Charley - Age 7
Angelina - Age 7
Catherine - Age 5
Thomas - 4

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Tasidian Nobility - Position: King of Tasidian
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Oration - Position: Guildmaster
House de Tasidian - Position: Patriarch

COMPANIONS - Listed in Prominence Guide

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

23:26:31 Jul 29th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

[[OOC: Each enemy you conquer adds a certain amount of gold to your daily income, it also adds natural soldiers (soldiers you don't pay upkeep for) to your army.]]
10,000 and 5,000 troops for small kingdoms (all of the now independant Kingdoms are small kingdoms.)
50,000 and 25,000 troops for medium kingdoms (Seron is currently the only medium kingdom and their army consists of 100,000 men.)
100,000 and 50,000 troops for small empires (there are currently no small empires, small empires are kingdoms that take up the whole continent.)
100,000+ and 50,000+ troops for large empires (large empires take up more than one continent.)]]

The Cidellian Army marched upon the former Tysos from the north while the armies of Tasidian marched from the east. The war was raged for over a month (a day in RL time), with the joint armies of Cidel and Tasidian emerging the winner. The land is split in half, with Ernie de Tasidian controlling the east and Bertilius Septim controlling the west. The capital of Tysos is split in half also, but citizens are freely allowed to go through either side as they please (unlike Berlin...). The former King, King Bertrin, is exiled to the island of Vaes, where he is constantly under guard. After hearing of the victory, Septim goes to bed after reading.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Age: 30
PP: 35
Titles: King of Cidel, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage, Archmage of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Master
Magic: Master
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 84,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 40,000 for being King of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with King Ernie, 6500 for trade with Duke Colvaine, 6500 for trade with King Umbrus, 13000 for trade agreement with King Serisar, 6500 for trade agreement with King Gargorfe.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 1,084,330
Army size: 15,000 (no added units)
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride - Escorting the Quicksilver
Massive Galleon - Quicksilver - Trading with Duke Colvaine.
Massive Galleon - Gargun - Trading with King Umbrus
Brig of War - Viren - Escorting the Gargun
Massive Galleon - Resdyn - Trading with King Serisar
Massive Galleon - Ulic - Trading with King Serisar
Massive Galleon - Vvudenfell - Trading with King Gargorfe
Brig of War - Verdunsir - Escorting the Ulic
Brig of War - Harbinger - Escorting the Vvudenfell
Brig of War - Baerthur - Escorting the Resdyn
Current home: Castle Cidel.

Septim family steel longsword, Elven longsword, Septim Family Mithril longsword.

Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, Elven cuirass, Elven greaves, Elven pauldrons, Elven boots, Elven gauntlets, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword.

Deed to a shack outside of Tysos, Oak cane, Septim Family Signet Ring, Deed to Castle Cidel, Venifician ring, Cidellian crown.

Reading for Experts, The Techniques of Vorsumar, the Techniques of Telvoden.

Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Cidellian Nobility - Position: King
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Scholars - Position: Guildmaster
House Septim - Position: Patriarch

Spouse: Alessia Colvaine
Age: 29
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 7
Son: Gaius Septim
Age: 2

Learning: Expert Oration - 5/7]]

23:51:15 Jul 29th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

[[OOC: Forgot to update my reading...]]

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Age: 30
PP: 35
Titles: King of Cidel, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage, Archmage of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Master
Magic: Master
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: King
Pay: 84,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 40,000 for being King of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with King Ernie, 6500 for trade with Duke Colvaine, 6500 for trade with King Umbrus, 13000 for trade agreement with King Serisar, 6500 for trade agreement with King Gargorfe.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 1,084,330
Army size: 15,000 (no added units)
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride - Escorting the Quicksilver
Massive Galleon - Quicksilver - Trading with Duke Colvaine.
Massive Galleon - Gargun - Trading with King Umbrus
Brig of War - Viren - Escorting the Gargun
Massive Galleon - Resdyn - Trading with King Serisar
Massive Galleon - Ulic - Trading with King Serisar
Massive Galleon - Vvudenfell - Trading with King Gargorfe
Brig of War - Verdunsir - Escorting the Ulic
Brig of War - Harbinger - Escorting the Vvudenfell
Brig of War - Baerthur - Escorting the Resdyn
Current home: Castle Cidel.

Septim family steel longsword, Elven longsword, Septim Family Mithril longsword.

Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, Elven cuirass, Elven greaves, Elven pauldrons, Elven boots, Elven gauntlets, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword.

Deed to a shack outside of Tysos, Oak cane, Septim Family Signet Ring, Deed to Castle Cidel, Venifician ring, Cidellian crown.

Reading for Experts, The Techniques of Vorsumar, the Techniques of Telvoden.

Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Seronian Army - Rank: Retired Major
Cidellian Nobility - Position: King
Venifician Order - Position: Archmage
Guild of Scholars - Position: Guildmaster
House Septim - Position: Patriarch

Spouse: Alessia Colvaine
Age: 29
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 7
Son: Gaius Septim
Age: 2

Learning: Expert Oration - 6/7]]

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