Forums / Roleplaying / First Contact

First Contact
20:26:53 Jan 1st 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul responded to Johnson's channel. Opening his wrist console, he said, "I don't think I can do that right now. This ship is...important to me.You can use the plans I sent you to build your own. This ship, however, remains mine." thinking, he added, "Well, now you have a name. Qalik. You also have visual contact, showing the six arms. You have all you want. Pay me, and then we can negotiate for intel on the massive strike base I discovered." Demonsul waited calmly for a response.

21:27:23 Jan 1st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Get onto IRC if you can, Demonsul! :D]]

"Fine, we wanted the ship, but we can make due without it. Send what you have and get over here to KSS-3, we have your payment, and I want to meet you in person," said Johnson.


"Commodore," said Rear Admiral Hoffman, "How was your mission?"
"Went off without a hitch. The fighters they had there got blown away in the explosion..." said Septim.
"Good. Now listen, the Crotians and the Qalik aren't the only species out there. There's around thirty spacefaring civilizations out there, but only a quarter of them are stronger than us. The Qalik, though, are the largest and one of the only civilizations that aren't part of this alliance. From what the report says, their entire fleet is about the size of the thirty nations combined...looks like we're in for a hell of a war. Most of their power comes from their manpower. From the Crotian reports, there is an estimated one trillion Qalik in existence. Our only chance is to join this big alliance. We're going to send an ambassador to Ortilon, that's where the alliance has its council. Maybe we can get on the council. Lets hope we do. We're only allowed to bring four ships, none can be above a cruiser-class. We can also have around six corvettes. So I'll commanding the Harbinger, on it will be our Ambassador, Lord Harold Erikson. You'll be escorting the Harbinger, got it?"
"Yes sir," said Septim.
"Good," said Rear Admiral Hoffman.


The Harbinger came out of WormTravel closely followed by the Defiance, the Dragonfire, and the Quicksilver. With those were six corvettes.
"This is Rear Admiral Hoffman escorting a human ambassador, Lord Erikson," said Hoffman.
"Hello, Rear Admiral," said a voice Septim recognized as Admiral Vekarian, "And Greetings to you Commander."
"It's Commodore now, Admiral," said Septim in Vekarian's language.
"You learned our language?" asked Vekarian.
"A little," said Septim.
"We will escort you to Alliance Space Station twenty-one," said Vekarian as seven destroyers came up around the four Keraitian ships. The escort zoomed towards Ortilon, when they got close, Septim switched to his group channel.
"Quicksilver, Dragonfire, stay in orbit," said Septim as he followed the Harbinger.
"Aye aye," said the two Commanders.
A few minutes later, they were docked, and Hoffman led Erikson out the side hatch of the Harbinger. Septim got out of his ship and approached the two.
"Good trip, no fighting," said Erikson.
A few seconds later, five alien creatures approached, none of them were Crotian. Septim recognized them all from the Crotian reports however as Oresians, Kolluks, and Venerols. The Oresians were tall humanoids that resembled the aliens from the old Science Fiction movies, they had a large cranium, black eyes, and three fingers. The Kolluks looked like worms with six legs and two arms, they also had two horns growing from their head, and their mouth resembled a mosquito's. The Venerols looked like walking lizards, and no matter what, they always looked mean.
"Greetings, Humans, come this way," said one of the Oresians in somewhat good Keraitian.
The three men from Koam walked across several bridges and through several hallways until reaching a large sensor.
"Weapons," said the Oresian.
Septim gave them his KS-39 handgun, and Hoffman handed them his. Erikson handed them a small KS-34. Afterwards, they walked through the sensor and stood behind several wooden doors.
"Usually, we only allow an ambassador into the chamber, but we will allow the three of you for the first meeting," said the Oresian.
The doors opened by themselves, and Septim noticed that in between the wood was six inches of pure metal. The three walked in and looked around. It was a massive audience chamber with twenty-five members of twenty-five different species all sitting on large hovering platforms. In the center was a larger hovering platform with a long table in the center, behind the table was six creatures. One was a Crotian, another was an Oresian, the third was a Venerol, and the other two were creatures that Septim could not remember the name of.
"Greetings, Ambassador of the Human Race, we are the Ortilon Alliance Council," said the six creatures in unison.
"I am Ambassador Erikson of the Human Race," said Erikson with charisma.
"I am Commodore Marcus Septim, Kerait Navy," said Septim with awe in his voice.
"I am Rear Admiral Gregory Hoffman, Kerait Navy," said Hoffman, whom was somewhat nervous.
"Welcome, we are glad that you accepted our invitation," said the Council, "You now have a voice in the Alliance, and in time you may have a seat on the Council. We of the Alliance are one, should the Qalik attack you, we will come to your aid, should they attack us, we expect you to do the same."
"Thank you," said Erikson.
With those words, the first human ambassador sat down, and the meeting began.

22:06:26 Jan 1st 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[['fraid I can't, sorry. Will post some interesting stuff tomorrow.]]

22:08:21 Jan 1st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: I'm leaving tonight until Monday...I guess this'll go on hold until then.]]

22:23:24 Jan 1st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Gordon Kyphus sat in his corvette as the convoy approached the Alliance Space Station 21.
"Alright, see if we can dock at one of the nearby stations.  We need to recharge our power supply for this tin can.  Open a channel and see what you can do."

The pilot opened a comm channel with Alliance Space Station 20.
"This is the KSS 271-989 requesting permission to dock at the station and recharge energy supply."

A voice crackled through the comm channel.
"Permission granted.  Make your way to dock 12 on the station.  A representative will be there to help you out with things."

The channel closed and the pilot eased the ship towards the space station.  He smoothly docked the corvette with the station and the airlock opened up.  A Crotian stepped in the door and bowed politely.
"Greetings, I will be here to help you recharge your ship.  My name is Karsh in case you were curious."

Gordon followed Karsh as he walked out of the ship onto the station.
"My name is Gordon Kyphus."

Several crewmen followed Gordon and they helped the Crotian begin charging the ship up.

23:19:36 Jan 1st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

"Ambassador Erikson, you wish to speak?" asked the Crotian Councilor.
"Yes," said Erikson as he got up, "I would like to ask when the human race will be given a seat on the council."
"Kerait will be given a seat when it is ready, Ambassador," said the Oressian Councilor in Keraitian that wasn't quite as good as the Crotian's.
"But we are ready!" said Erikson.
"You have only been exploring space for twenty years and your military isn't large enough, I'm sorry, but you are not ready," said the Crotian.
Defeated, Ambassador Erikson sat down. Rear Admiral Hoffman then leaned over to speak in Septim's ear.
"I agree with the Crotian..." muttered Hoffman, "Damn power hungry politicians...always want to bite off more than they can chew..."


At the fringe of the Oot System, a large fleet zoomed out of WormTravel. The insects inside said nothing, they merely thought. The ships flew with perfect accuracy towards Ortilon.


"We're picking up a Qalik fleet coming towards the station, one dreadnought, two battleships four carriers, eight large frigates, and twenty small frigates, along with around forty destroyers and a crapload of corvettes!," yelled a Haethian sensors operator in Ortilian, the standard Alliance language. 
"Send word to Ortilon!" said the man's supervisor, a large Jorlian.
"Right away!" said the operator.


"Warning! All personnel to battlestations," said a voice over the intercom in Ortilian.
"What the hell does that mean?" asked Hoffman.
"We're under attack," said Septim, translating.
Several guards entered the room, one of them threw Hoffman and Septim their pistols.


Outside, and on the space stations, allied races ran to their ships in preparation for battle.

01:14:35 Jan 2nd 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Gordon was just finishing up with the charging of his ship when alarms started going off.
"Karsh! What is going on?"

Karsh went to a panal and looked at some information scrolling.
"Qalik fleet approaching.  Get back into your ship! I cannot leave my station here."

Gordon cursed and ran onto his corvette with his crew.
"Power up all systems! Charge up the weapons! Ready warheads and KST launchers! Undock the ship now ensign!"

The pilot nodded his head and disconnected the ship from the station.  They saw numerous enemy corvettes and destroyers flying closer to the station.
"Fire one warhead at the closest destroyer and two torpedoes at each of the closest corvettes.  Keep the fifth torpedo ready in case of other enemies.  FIRE!"

The torpedoes and warheads all fired and the closest destroyer was his right near the bridge.  The warhead exploded and the front of the ship crumpled from the force alone.  It partially exploded and then went silent and began drifting.  The four torpedoes struck two corvettes in the bridge and the engines.  There was not much left after the violent explosions except for some debris.
"We got three ships down! Reload all warheads and torpedos!"

One of his men turned to him after his screen flashed red.
"Sir! Enemy fighters incoming!"

Gordon cursed.
"Ready auto turrets and begin evasive manuevers!"

The corvette began increasing speed and turrets were firing.  Two of the four fighters were hit by the first salvo.  The ship shook violently as the fighters strafed them.
"Sir! Damage to the hull near the engines.  We have to slow down within the next five minutes or they may overload! The engines are overheating!"

Gordon looked at his tactical screen and made a quick decision.
"Fire a warhead and two torpedoes at this cluster of corvettes chasing us.  It should get a few of them."

The warheads fired with the torpedoes right after it.  The warhead struck the lead corvette and the blast wiped out two others.  The torpedoes added to the blast and managed to cripple another corvette.
"Bullseye! Now take out those two fighters and head towards the station to get out of here so the big guys can handle it!"

The corvette zoomed towards Alliance Space Station 20 once again and managed to pick off the chasing fighters.
"Dock the ship now and pray they don't see us still.  Let me check on the damage."

01:16:39 Jan 2nd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: There are several types of Qalik:

Grunik/Walkers - These are the footsolders. They have no wings, and are usually armed with Qalik assault rifles.

Basik/Flyers - These are the commandos. They have wings, and that allows them much more freedom. They are usually armed with Qalik submachine guns.


There are more, but we won't see them in this battle...remember, the Qalik have no leaders, their hive mind more than makes up for it.]]


As the ships went into battle, several dropships flew over Ortilon. A majority of them were shot down by Alliance defenses, but a majority was several hundred, and there was still several hundred left. They dropped many pods carrying up to five Qalik each. The battle would be fought on both the ground and in space.


Outside the Council chambers, several pods fell into the hard metal and several Qalik, carrying what looked like assault rifles, jumped out. Several Crotians and Venerols, the best ground troops in the Alliance, began mowing them down with several mounted gatling lasers.
"Die you bastards!" yelled one Venerol in his native tongue.


From the skylight above the council chambers, a drop pod fell through. Septim and Hoffman jumped under a table to avoid the falling glass, and several managed to pierce the tables, though none went all the way through. The drop pod landed on the platform in the center where the Councilors were standing. The Qalik jumped out, and the Crotian ambassador grabbed one by the neck and squeezed, crushing it's windpipe and causing its death, he then drew a ceremonial sword and began chopping at the creatures. Meanwhile, the Venerol ambassador ripped one of the creatures in two. The Council wasn't the only target, however, and many flew onto other platforms to kill the Ambassadors. Septim shot down one, Hoffman shot a wing off the other. The two kept firing, protecting Erikson. While they were protecting the Ambassador, the guards were protecting the others.


The Dreadnought Jo-Lurnos, accompanied by a majority of the Ortilon Alliance Fleet, flew towards the Qalik ships. Admiral Vekarian was sitting in his command chair on the bridge, giving out orders.
"Launch the shipbusters," said Vekarian in Crotian.
"Yes, Admiral," said a "male" Crotian AI.
Ten enormous torpedos zoomed towards the enemy fleet, when they were close, each missile split into ten more missiles that each hit a different ship. Most of the smaller ships, such as the small frigates and destroyers, were destroyed in one shot.
"Bring it on, you bastards," said Vekarian quietly in Keraitian.


Outside the Council chambers, the Crotians and Venerols were firing, yet the Qalik kept coming.
"Grak!" yelled a Crotian as a Qalik evaded several shots, "Grak! Grak! GRAK!"
The Crotian then threw a grenade, the grenade landed several feet away from the Qalik and caused parts of him to fly over the bridge.


"Crap! Out of ammo!" yelled Hoffman as he looked around.
"Almost out myself," said Septim before firing one of his last three shots.
One of the Crotians threw Hoffman and Septim a pistol each before continuing his defense.
"Damn, when they say fight as one, they mean it," said Hoffman before resuming his shooting.
Septim threw aside his pistol and began using the new one. He found it to be much more accurate than his previous one.


From outside the system, a large fleet came from WormTravel. At the fleet's head was the Keraitian Flagship, heavy cruiser Invincible. On it was Grand Admiral Bart Candor, Supreme Commander of the Kerait Navy and the Commanding Officer of the First Fleet out of Koam.
"Here comes the cavalry!" yelled Candor as the fleet came towards the battle.


Corvette 274-869 shot down another fighter when a message came over the Com.

"Here comes the cavalry!" yelled a somewhat familiar voice.

The pilot looked around, before seeing the Invincible destroy a large frigate with a warhead.
"Holy crap!" yelled the pilot.


"Admiral, the humans have sent one of their fleets to help," said a Crotian Sensors Officer.
"They might be ready for a seat afterall," said Vekarian in Crotian, "Are the shipbusters armed?"
"Yes," said the Crotian AI.
"Fire!" said Vekarian.

This time, the shipbuster stayed whole until the last second before opening up and penetrating the Qalik dreadnought's shields. The drill at the tip of the missile penetrated the hull of the ship as well, and when it got inside, the ten missiles exploded, causing the dreadnought to split in half.


The Crotian Councilor let out a roar as he grabbed a Qalik by the face and threw him into a wall. Under the desk, the Oressian Councilor sat in the fetal position. The Venerol fought with a great ferocity. The other two Councilors were already dead.
"Dammit!" yelled the Venerol as his back was pierced by a Qalik's claw. The Venerol then grasped the claw and ripped it out, causing the Qalik to lose its arm. He then turned around and smashed his arm into the Qalik's head, causing it to splatter into mush. With its regeneration abilities, the Venerol healed in a matter of seconds. He then turned around, none of the Qalik commandos were left. A majority of the Council, and many of the ambassadors, were saved.


Outside the Council chambers, the flow of Qalik footsoldiers stopped. The flow of Qalik from the dropships had stopped.


"The remainder of the Qalik fleet is retreating, we won!" said a sensors officer.
Vekarian rubbed the sweat from his brow.
"Shoot 'em as they run," he said, "Get a lin with Grand Admiral Candor."
"Yes sir," said the Crotian AI.
"This is Candor," said a voice a few seconds later.
"Thank you for your assistance, Grand Admiral," said Vekarian.
"No problem, we're allies, right?" asked Candor with a chuckle, "First fleet out."
With that, the first fleet WormTravelled back to Koam, and Vekarian sat back in his chair.
"Holy crap..." he said, using a Keraitian phrase.


A few hours later, the remains of the Council approached Erikson, Septim, and Hoffman.
"For your race's bravery and assistance in the battle, it is with great honor that I present to your race a seat on the Ortilon Council," said the Crotian.
"You did a hell of a job out there," said the Venerol.
"Yes, you fought with great bravery," said the Oressian.
"You didn't," said the Venerol sarcastically.
"Oh...shut up," said the Oressian.

***Three days later***

"Congratulations, Rear Admiral Septim," said Hoffman, now back in his office on Koam.
"Congratulations are in order for yourself, Vice Admiral Hoffman," said Septim, "Where the hell is Kyphus?"
"He should be here," said Hoffman.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and Kyphus walked in.

"Sorry I am late. I was just checking the condition on my ship because it got banged up in the fight. What did I miss?"

"That isn't your ship anymore. You did a hell of a job out there, Lieutenant, so I'm promoting you to the rank of Commander," said Hoffman.

"Commander? Thank YOU sir! I won't let you down!"

"Kyphus, you want to fly under me? You can have command of the Telrion, a small frigate," said Septim.

"I would be honored to command the Telrion sir!" said Kyphus.

"Your welcome, Commander, now go meet your crew, inspect your ship, it's docked at C-29," said Septim.

"Thank you sir," said Kyphus before saluting and leaving the office.
"Alright, Admiral, we have a long war ahead of us. You're now in command of the Harbinger, I need to stay back here and do deskwork," said Hoffman.
"Thank you, sir," said Septim.
"You're welcome," said Hoffman.
Septim left the office and took the shuttle to the SpaceDocks where the Harbinger was waiting. As he walked in, several men stood and clapped.
"Congratulations, Rear Admiral," said Ace.
"Three ships? I think you can call me Mark now," said Septim with a smile.
"Right Mark, where to?" asked Ace.
"Whever Kerait needs us," said Rear Admiral Marcus Septim.

[[OOC: This is the end of First Contact, the next RP, The Great War, will start on Monday. Demonsul, not sure what you did in the battle. You could've either fought, or you could've went to Koam and told Grand Admiral Candor what was happening so that he could come and reinforce the Alliance, it's up to you. Travis, you were in the Grand Admiral's fleet, so you were promoted by him to the rank of Captain. Good job! :-D]]


09:44:50 Jan 2nd 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[I've got another idea...wait for Great War and find out...]]

Nobody knew where Demonsul was. Most didn't care, thinking he had run at the first sign of battle. But his disappearance worried a few...

06:14:03 Jan 3rd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

O_o Alright then! :-D

11:16:03 Jan 3rd 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Well, what I'm doing will get a massive post when I'm done with it.]]

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