Forums / Roleplaying / Generic Adventure

Generic Adventure
22:52:18 Jul 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Hugh fired off about a dozen arrows before giving up.  The result of his shooting were pocupined zombies that were just pissed now.
"Anyone get the feeling that arrows won't work well on them," grumbled Hugh as he drew a long knife from his side.

02:29:07 Jul 18th 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Ressurected:

"great...undead warrior thingies and the idiot runs into them acting like a madman...Steven...I do hope you have a better Ide.....hey look at that one, it looks like a huge undead hedgehog of some sort...ehm...right...better idea...Steven?!" Bob the axe spoke cynical yet amused

04:09:04 Jul 18th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

Spurius continued standing in a defensive stance, wondering how absurd he looked standing twenty feet from the zombies.

18:41:22 Jul 18th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Hugh stood by and watched the crazed knight fight all of the undead by himself. 
"Better him than me.  I am supposed to be good with only a bow and arrows," thought Hugh as he held his knife in his right hand.

19:05:20 Jul 18th 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Ressurected:

within seconds a snide remark was to be heard "yes you're supposed to be...yet...ah well..." obviously directed at Hugh

"Steven...would you stop staring at that foolish knight and get in there and help the poor lad?! not that I'm fond of getting rotting flesh all over my blades...but...I've heard this amazing story about zombies being unable to do anything with their limbs sliced like...go give it a whirl?!" Bob immediately yelled...just to cover up his previous remark...

19:13:50 Jul 18th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven shook his head. "There is no way I'm going near those things!" he shouted, then ran for the town. "Come on! If we get inside the walls, we'll be safe!"

19:34:19 Jul 18th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Hugh saw Steven running for his life like a true coward and made the only obvious decision that he could...he ran.  He shouted over his shoulder at Oceanus and Spurius.
"You can stay there all you want, but it looks like this way is the way to go!"

21:05:54 Jul 18th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

Spurius noticed that there was no way in hell the zombies would approach him anytime soon, as they were busy fighting Oceanus.
"Well, I'm no good with offensive stances. Have fun Oceanus!" exclaimed Spurius as he turned and ran towards the village, wondering what alcohol they had in store.

15:33:00 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

[[OOC-It wouldn't be too late to join now would it?]]]

15:59:06 Jul 19th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Never too late, just meet up with us in the town. Hopefully, I can get Oceanus to post, otherwise we'll have to leave him to be nomd by the zombies.]]

16:34:09 Jul 19th 09 - Mr. Norathelon:

"Uh... Remind me to thank the lads when I make it to town..." Oceanus snarls as he finds himself backed up against a tree. He's made an indent into the undead hordes, but only a small one, as he only recently realised chopping their heads off wasn't enough. He casts around to the left and right, hoping to get some sort of inspiration, but, somewhat lacking in creativity, he decides the only way out is through the zombie hordes.

Oceanus lowers his shield then charges, bashing aside most of the zombies in his path and knocking them to the ground, but just as he's about to escape their reach, one grabs his leg, and drags him to the floor. As he falls, his sword flies from his hand. He begins to wriggle, rolling onto his back and breaking free of the zombies hold, but he's on the floor now, at a disadvantage. Desperate now, he lunges for a nearby zombie and grabs it's leg, pulling so the zombie falls over - and the leg, rotten, comes away in his hand. Suddenly his face brightens up and he begins to club zombies with this rotten leg, slowly managing to break free from the crowd.

Not long after he escapes the horde Oceanus catches up with the group, clutching a zombie leg and covered in scrapes and bruises, and no small amount of zombie flesh. And he just so happens to smell of zombie flesh too. "Oh yeah, thanks alot guys, you were REAL helpful..." he snarls, before adding grumpily "Next time, remind me not to trust you lot to watch my back..."

16:43:27 Jul 19th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

The group enter the town. Tall buildings back onto one another, reaching three or four levels into the sky. The streets are lit by lanterns, but nobody runs about in the rain. Steven leads the group quickly into a old, but warm inn, in which men consume large quantities of cheap ale. Heading to the counter, he hands over a few silvery coins and pays for them all to have meals and rooms for the night.

"Well, I guess we should make ourselves comfortable after that episode," he said, sinking down into a chair.

16:45:20 Jul 19th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Hugh stumbled inside and shook the rain off of himself.  Unfortunately, a very large man did not like water falling on him and threw Hugh across the room through a table.  The poor archer then proceeded to remain unconscious for a few more minutes before safely eating his meal and crawling up to his room.

18:11:58 Jul 19th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

Spurius walked in, saw Hugh fly across the room, and chuckled.
"Two hundred gold coins says I can drink ANY of you under the table!" yelled Spurius with a laugh.
"You're on! I can beat anybody," said the big guy who had just thrown Hugh.
"The loser has to pay for the drinks as well!" exclaims Spurius, realizing that he had only around forty gold coins.
"That's fine by me, lightweight," said the big guy.


The big guy was now wobbling, and Spurius was still standing straight, looking at the big guy. Spurius grabbed another shot and slammed it down, followed quickly by another, the big guy seemed repulsed, and grabbed one shot, drinking it, he then drank another, closed his eyes, and fell to the ground.
"Does thhat mean I wiin?" asked Spurius, slurring his words slightly.
"I believe it does," said one of the villagers, still shocked.
Spurius walked, well, slightly wobbled up to the big guy and opened up his coinpurse.
"This guy only hash eighty coinhs! What a ripoff!" yelled Spurius, "Get some cold water!"
After the passed out big guy was woken up, Spurius sat down and looked at him.
"Seemshlike you only have eighty coinsh," said Spurius.
"I'm...sorry," said the big guy.
"You want to pay me back in another way?" asked Spurius.
"I am not homosexual, so don't eve-"
"Neither amI, dammit, I was talking aboutfighting for me!" exclaimed Spurius.
"Oh, I like fighting," said the big guy.
"Welcome aboard, the name's Spurius," said Spurius.
"Antonis Xarxes," said the big guy, "Can I sleep now?"
"Whatever floats your boat," said Spurius before paying the drink bill of forty gold and walking up to his room, leaving the passed out Xarxes downstairs.

12:29:30 Jul 20th 09 - Demonic Ancient Axe Called Bob:

"wow...will ya look at that...pigs can it's just Hugh..." a chuckle was heard

"Steven?! what will we do next? surely you're not gonna leave me here and live the rest of your days as a  hermit on top of a mountain?! I demand that you go out there and use me for killing stuff!!!" Bob spoke anxiously

17:59:03 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:




After a night's rest, the group were ready to set out again. Steven checked the map. "Mmm..." he mumbled to himself, "Why are they always so far away?" then, rolling up the map, he addressed the group. "The next treasure is in a southern desert. We'll set out shortly, so if anyone needs anything from the town, they should get it now."

18:08:29 Jul 20th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Spurius nodded, and turned around as Antonis Xarxes approached.
"This is Antonis Xarxes, he is going to by a man-at-arms in my service," said Spurius, glad that he only got a small hangover from the drinking he had done the night before.

18:01:50 Mar 11th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

*Runs in circles*!

18:06:11 Mar 11th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

A lot of places seem to be needing a revive these days.

18:08:32 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Marshall:

This looks awesome! I would join this!

18:08:52 Mar 11th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

*throws 1up at thread

Here we goooooooooo!

"Right guys," said Steven to nobody in general, "We're off. We stayed a...bit longer than we meant to. Let's see if we can make it to the desert by the end of today."
With that brief speech, Steven set off for the southern road, leading to the desert. Hopefully, the others would follow. Maybe they'd even pick up new group members from the town.

[[Feel free to sign up, if you want. This ol' RP is coming back!]]

18:14:56 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Marshall:

A man jumped out of a window above the group and landed hard on the ground with glass sharts poking out of him.
"Ugh." said the lump of a man.  He got up and turned out to be a crazy man recovering from a hangover, like many in the tavern. 
"I want to join your quest that I dont know about!" he said. 
"My name is Wallace by the way.  You can call me Wally," added the man.  He pulled out a sword that looked to be about five feet long and swung it around to demonstrate his skill.  His sword cut two of the wooden supports to the inn and it lurched horribly and a bed flew out of an upstairs window and landed on Wally.
"Son of a bitch!" screamed Wally as he pulled himself out from under it and ran from the people of the inn.  He chased after the group that he randomly just joined.

18:19:13 Mar 11th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven turned in surprise to regard the newcomer. "Alright...Wally, was it? You can come along. Now then, let's see if I've got everything." patting down his pockets, Steven checked for his supplies. "KLet's, food, golden wheel spoke..." suddenly, he realized something. "Holy crap, I forgot Bob!"

After a few seconds thought, he added, "Well, never mind. I'm sure he'll find some way to amuse himself...and if not, he'll just have to catch up," and with that, he started walking south again.

18:24:51 Mar 11th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh jumped out of the second floor of the tavern as well and landed gracefully on his feet.  He then realized that the group had walked almost out of sight by the time he appeared.
     "Damnit I actually had a graceful landing!" he screamed after the group.  He then proceeded to catch up with the group.

18:33:08 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

An angry yell is quickly followed by the distinctive sound of a frying pan making contact with someone's head. A pained shout erupts from the unfortunate fellow as he comes flying out of a doorway, rubbing his head, followed closely by a little old lady, brandishing a frying pan. The lady comes out after him, waving a fist angrily at the retreating figure.

Oceanus, still running at top speed and rubbing his head, nearly collides with Steven, skidding to a halt just in time. He looks around curiously, blinks a few times, and then goes "Ah yes, adventure! My apologies for being late, I got ambushed by a group of... Bandits. In a house. I won, naturally, but the-" Oceanus suddenly falls silent as a little old lady rounds the corner, clutching a frying pan, and he promptly moves so Steven is between him and her. "Right, uh, let's get going, nowish. Before the la- Bandits regroup."

18:40:26 Mar 11th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Antonis and Spurius were standing outside the inn, having just seen Wally get a bed fall on him.
"Alright, when we leaving?" asked Antonis.
"Soon enough...fill up your flask?" asked Spurius.
"Sure did, filled it with something the barkeep calls the "Drunk's Demise"...made me sign some sort of waiver for it!"
"I'm not so sure you should drink that," said Spurius.
Antonis raised his flask and pulled the cap off.
"Nonsense!" he yelled, "I can handle anything that damn barkeep can throw at me!"
He drank the contents of the flask, then stood straight for a moment.
"See? That wasn't so bad!" yelled Antonis proudly before his jaw started to fall off. His neck began melting, and he fell to the floor as the Drunk's Demise disolved his torso.
"Antonis! Well damn...guess it's just me again," said Spurius, "I lose a lot of good potential friends that way."

18:44:50 Mar 11th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven turned back and yelled at Spurius. "Are you coming or what? I don't want to spend too long wandering around, else those damn zombies'll find us again!"

18:47:16 Mar 11th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

"Oh, right!" yelled Spurius as he ran after Steven.

18:56:07 Mar 11th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

"That's the whole group, I think..." muttered Steven, and continued along the southern road. The group walked, tracking past farms, woods and villages with little incident. At one point, they passed a cave, and Steven tossed a rock into the back of the darkness out of boredom. Suddenly, a loud grumble came from the cave, and heavy footsteps were heard.

A huge raging Ogre issued from the cave. It stood seven meters tall, quite short for it's kind, and brandished half a tree as a club. It swung at Steven, who tried to evade but took a glancing blow and landed in a thicket. Suddenly, it rounded on the rest of the group in a fury.

[[Fight scene is go. Try not to kill/knock out/incapacitate it until everyone has had a shot at it.]]

19:00:39 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

"For the love of... This is the most disaster-ridden adventure I have ever been on!" Oceanus states causually as he draws his sword. He looks up at the Ogre, undaunted, and a small grin appears on his face. He starts to walk towards it, looking mighty impressive, untill he steps on a loose stone sitting on the path. His leg slides out from under him, and he falls promptly backwards. He knocks his head against the floor and blinks a few times, before realising he's dropped his sword, and so he promptly runs off in search of the discarded weapon, apparently having forgotten that there's a bellowing Ogre about to bash him over the head.

19:05:37 Mar 11th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     "Holycrapanogre!" screamed Hugh suddenly as he fired arrow after arrow at the beast.  Sadly, Hugh fired his arrows backwards again and all they did was piss the ogre off pretty badly.  The ogre picked up the arrows that had bounced off of him and threw them back at Hugh with unrealistic accuracy.  The arrows pinned Hugh to a tree by his clothes.
     "What...the...HELL!?" screamed Hugh as he hung completely defenseless.

19:28:59 Mar 11th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

The ogre advanced on Spurius with a menacing glare, and Spurius did the one thing he could think of.

"Want a drink?" asked Spurius, raising his flask as an offering to the ogre.

"...drink?" asked the ogre.

"Yes! A drink!" exclaimed Spurius.

"Drink!" yelled the ogre, dropping his club and snatching the tiny flask from Spurius. He gulped it down, then stared off into the distance. He smiled, and began laughing. Then he sat down.

"...drink..." mumbled the ogre before falling to the ground, passed out.

"I can't believe that worked...what a lightweight!" laughed Spurius as he grabbed back his flask, but realized sadly that there was nothing left. His face grew red.

"DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!" roared Spurius.

20:58:03 Mar 11th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

A wild-eyed man came hurtling out of the forest, hair in disarray, once pristine clothes tattered and torn. The only thing that seemed neat and tidy was the katana sheathed on his belt.
*Pant* "Th-th-they're after me! They're coming! You gotta help me!"
The man looked around the clearing, saw the scattered group and the passed-out ogre, then saw the cave.

"Cave! Cave! Beautiful Cave!"

The man ran into the cave with a smile on his face.
The adventuring party heard a victorious cry of "You can't get me now!" from inside of the cave.

{Mind if I join?}

21:08:16 Mar 11th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Warning, long timescale post]]

A mumbling was heard as Stephen emerged from the bush. "Wow, that was fast...hey, Spurius, I had a feeling you'd run out of alcohol sooner or later..." saying this, he stumbles over to Spurius holding his arm, which was injured by the ogre. After arriving in front of Spurius, he produced an aleskin that was, predictably, full of ale. "Don't go drinking it all at once," Stephen said, before turning to the entire group. "Right, everyone. We're just over halfway there. We'll be stopping at a village on the edge of the desert before nightfall."

The rest of the journey passed without incident. They arrived at the village and Stephen paid for rooms at the inn, grumbling that they'd have to sell the treasure if they kept living in luxury like this. They all retired to their separate rooms.

In the morning, they awoke and left again. Little was said; the heat this close to the desert sapped one's energy. Stephen filled several waterskins and they headed out across the shimmering sands. After a while, they had to admit they were lost. "It's not my fault!" complained Steven, adding "there are no signposts in the desert!"

Eventually, they found a camp and went into it to ask directions. Several shamans eyed them warily. They said nothing. "Come on! You have to tell us! Where can we find this ruin?" said Steven unkindly to an elder shaman while brandishing the treasure map. However, the tight-lipped shamans disclosed no information. Steven was exasperated.

[[Just talk to the shamans. Try and get them to talk, although they won't. I'm sure you can make it interesting.]]

00:30:51 Mar 12th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh wasn't too happy.  First he had been pinned to a tree by his own arrows, then the group had gone and left him without saying a word.  Several hours after they left, he managed to be freed by a pack of flesh-eating rodents that accidentally knocked some of the arrows off of Hugh's clothes so that he could escape.  Then he marched his way after the group.  After getting lost only two or three times, he found them at an inn and proceeded to get himself drunk and then passed out.  In the morning, he followed the group into the desert, silently wishing that he had stayed home.  Then they found a small camp.  Some crazy-eyed old shamans were staying there and were just that: crazy.  Hugh could tell just by looking at them that they were crazy.  They had every bit of evidence that pointed at craziness.  Crazy beards, crazy clothes, crazy eyes, and even a crazy camp! Hugh kept his throughts to himself of course.  Pointing out that they were crazy might alert them that they were crazy and then they might do something crazy! Hugh didn't like crazy things.  Not that he was crazy.  He was the most sane person in the group.

16:53:36 Mar 12th 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

It was some time before Oceanus found hsi sword, but he did find it. Straight afterwards he went off with the group, grinning over his shoulder at the pinned Hugh. "Well, they left me to get nommed by Zombies."

After an uneventful stay in the next village, Oceanus went with the group into the desert. He also forgot how exceptionally hot it would get if he continued to wear his plate mail during this strech of the journey, especially as it was tinted black, as he thought that would make him look more awesome. It was not long before he started to get very dehydrated. He wondered briefly whether he should ask for a drink. However, chivalry won through and he chose not to.

When Oceanus arrived at the shaman camp he was very tired, and dehydrated, and that made him very irritable. He approached a Shaman and demanded "Give me some water!" but the shaman just looked at him funny. "Alright, alright, please can I have some water?" Oceanus requested in a much more moderated voice, but the shaman continued looking at him like a crazy. "I should beat you with the flat of my blade for such poor manners!" And still the shaman stared, and stared. "BLARGH!" was Oceanus final cry as he snatched out his sword and tried to strike the shaman with the flat of his blade. Mere moments later, he was lying on the floor, very red in the face, with three shamen sitting on his back and grinning.

18:53:52 Mar 12th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

" guys want a drink?" asked Spurius, offering his flask.
The shamans stared at him with a slight grin.
"It's...uhh...the nectar of the Gods! It will make you wise beyond your dreams and...uhhh...young again! Just look at me, am I not the prime example of a young wise human being?"
The shamans began laughing, and Spurius got a bit angry.
"Alright dammit, tell me or I'll run you through!" yelled Spurius, drawing his sword and walking towards them. They did not move, they simply stared. Spurius put away his sword and backed away.
"Damn, thought that'd do it...well, I'm out of ideas!"
Spurius sat down, pulled out his aleskin, and began drinking.

20:55:31 Mar 12th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

The man had left his cave when he realized that there was no one to help him. He ran through the forest as fast as he could and found himself in town. There he acted reasonably, purchased several water flasks, sand-coloured clothes and a towel which he wrapped around his head. He also purchased some food.
Properly decked out, he walked towards the desert and was heard muttering.
"Those foul beasts will never follow me here..."
Seeing tracks, he decided to follow them. After several hours of hot travel, he found himself at the shamans camp, listening in on the conversation...

21:44:51 Mar 12th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven gave up. The shamans had not said a word since they had arrived in camp, though they had laughed. Steven had witnessed Oceanus beaten in a fight and knew that the shamans could not be persuaded. Finally, he tried a different tactic.

He approached the elder shaman again and handed him the golden spoke. "Look here," he said, "We're looking for stuff like this. The map says there is one here. If you help us..." Steven trailed off, noticing that the elder shaman had walked off with the spoke. "Hey, come back here!" he shouted and gave chase. Quickly, he caught up with the walking elder as he reached the side of the shamans sitting on Oceanus. He saw the elder look at the three shamans in turn, and they all got off of Oceanus. However, then the elder made to stab at the still mildly stunned Oceanus with the golden spoke.

Suddenly, there was a burst of white light and Oceanus was gone. So was the spoke. "What did you do?" asked Steven in surprise to the elder, who merely made a gesture that could easily be perceived as 'shut up'. After a few more moments, Oceanus reappeared in another flash. Except now he wore the wings of an angel. "Holy crap," said Steven, stunned. "You mean all this time the golden thingy was a magic item?" The elder shaman nodded, and Steven merely dropped his jaw.

[[I discussed this with Norathelon before the thread died. Long time in coming, eh?]]

21:51:00 Mar 12th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Spurius got up and stared at Oceanus with wide eyes.
"Well, he's going to get some stares from now on!" exclaimed Spurius with a laugh, "Have fun going into the dark lands, I'm sure those backwards bastards will have a few spears to chuck your way!"
Spurius took another swig from his aleskin, walked backwards, stumbled over a rock, and fell on his buttocks.
"That hurt," grunted Spurius as he laid back.

08:23:11 Mar 13th 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

Oceanus blinked several times as he reappeared. He looked over his shoulder at his wings, gave them one or two flaps, then swayed violently on the spot. "Uh, this can't be natural..." he mutters to no one imparticular. He grimaces, then shrugs, and gives flying a shot. He closes is his eyes, then slowly begins to flap his wings, and takes off, raising into the air. He get's up to a height of about ten feet before he opens his eyes. "Hey look! I'm flying!" he cries at the top of his voice, but as he shouts this, his wings stop flapping. There's a moment when he realises this, and seems to hang in the air commically before suddenly falling to the ground, landing with a dull thump, face down.  Oceanus simply stays there for about a minute, apparently contemplating the dirt, before raising his head, spluttering and coughing to get rid of the sand in his mouth, before saying "So, wings don't increase my ability to multi-task it seems..."

18:08:37 Mar 13th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh stood and watched curiously as Oceanus sprouted wings and flew gracefully into the air.  Then he watched Oceanus fall like a stone and could not help but laugh his head off.
     "Bahahahahaha! Wings aren't going to help you if you are as clumsy as you are on the ground!" he laughed. 

21:11:52 Mar 13th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven chuckled along with the others, then had a brainwave. He turned to the elder. "Thank you," he said, "Can you bestow that gift onto all of us?" However, the elder shook his head, but made another, more obscure, gesture. After a while deciphering it, Steven just about worked it out.
"I think he's saying that it gives different gifts to different people." he said loudly to the entire group. "Right, who wants to go first?"

01:24:05 Mar 14th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     "Well, knowing my luck, it would make my arms fall off.  Then you guys would sadly be without an experienced woodsman.  I better not risk going first.  Why don't you go first Steven? I cannot see anything bad happening to you.  Then again, I have been wrong before...quite a few times," said Hugh.  He then took a few steps back so that he was closer to the back of the group.

02:05:19 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

The man rushed into the group, beaming.
"Gifts! Oh Pick Me! Pick ME!"
He looked around at all the shocked faces.
"Oh, I'm Frankenstein. Call me 'Stein for short. Nice to meet'ch'all!"

{Hope you don't mind my joining in. If you do, just kill me. In a funny way, preferably.}

11:43:49 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[I don't mind.]]

"Hmmm...if he suffers gruesome bodily harm it won't affect us..." mused Steven to himself. "Alright new guy, you're up."

As the elder shaman poked Frankenstein with the golden spoke, the white light flashed again and he was gone. After a few moments, another flash announced his arrival. However, he looked pretty much the same. "Did it work..?" inquired Steven, and Frankenstein's arm fell off. Frankenstein didn't seem to notice.

[[You got the gift of detachable and re-attachable limbs! Your name gave me the idea xD And yes, you can control your limbs even after they have fallen off. Enjoy!]]

17:03:14 Mar 14th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Spurius was, by now, completely intoxicated on ale and other alcohol. He stumbled up to the shaman, and opened his mouth to speak, causing the shaman to hold his nose shut.
"I...I thhink I'll go nneext...lemme go!"
Spurius stumbled back, and waited for the shaman to give him his power.

17:46:23 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

{May I join? Promise I won't go inactive...}

18:57:31 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Of course, just find some way to arrive without being too stupid...oh wait, looking back at the RP that's okay. Just arrive.]]

The elder shaman poked Spurius with the golden rod. After the two flashes of light, Spurius returned, seemingly the same. Steven was perplexed - all the others had had visible signs of improvement...or something, at least.

[[Spurius is now immune to all poisons...but only when he's drunk, for some reason.]]

21:00:31 Mar 14th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     "I might as well go next or else we will be stuck here all day," mumbled Hugh as he prepared for the worst.  He stepped up to the elder shaman and said a silent prayer to himself before realizing that he doesn't believe in any god.

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