Forums / Roleplaying / The Path to Darkness...

The Path to Darkness...
21:57:40 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer hands over 500 gold to the pixies, though he didn't trust them all that much, and would have rathered other fairy folk. He worked the peasants hard, and they were beginning to tire in their actions over the month. There wsa really only one course of action left, and that was to fight with a neighbouring village, hoping there was one nearby, and that the peasants wouldn't revolt.

5. Send all slaves in to a war with a neighbouring village. If successful any surviving slaves will be ganted freedom and your dictatorship will spread wider.

22:22:47 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Abolish the slave tax and reinstate the allowance of 28 hours a week of sleep.

Demonsul admits his mistake, and gets his slaves working at exactly the same pace. But he gets them beaten a bit to discourage the thought that he has a soul.

23:03:10 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Morning:

As The Emperor licks his wounds, and shines his sword, pondering what should be done.

The Emperor knows that hitting them with bricks would just be not economically sound, or safe for the slaves might throw them back....

Abolishing the slave tax would just be pointless, THINK OF ALL THE LOST MONEY!!

As The Emperor looks at the last option he wonder, would those people really be that dumb?

The Emperor chooses the last option (6)

23:35:04 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Bragi:

why are the slaves dropping dead? Braggi asks his advicor. Because they dont get enough sleep after theyre weekly sleep being reduced to 7 hours. The advicor replies. Well the answer is simple then, give them back theyr normal sleep! Braggi ordered. At once sir. The advicor said before leaving.


1.       Abolish the slave tax and reinstate the allowance of 28 hours a week of sleep


00:02:55 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Wondering why he hadn't hired a more compentant economics advisor. Anubis looked over his possibilities carefully.  He had had problems before cutting down the slave's sleep, so abolishing the slave tax would just be stealing from the proverbial Peter to pay Paul.  Freeing all of the slaves would not be beneficial, because then he would have to pay them. Hmmm. but that actually could have some side effects.  Burning down the village might possibly be good in some ironic way that he couldn't think of, but the chances for that were too slim.  The brick idea he didn't even need to consider.  Sending his slaves to the neighboring village would probably be a good idea he thought, until he realized that even if his slaves did win, they would be freed and then he would only have the slaves from the other village.  Too much of a chance, especially considering the fact that he would probably wind up with fewer slaves.  The last one will work! Anubis thought triumphantly.  Then as he began to consider.  Hmm.. Tourists have family and friends who will protest if I do that, and word would get around pretty quick.  Also, America (he didn't really know what that was, but it sounding big and fierce) would probably send in Delta squad (is that some elite dwarven warriors? he thought) to take him out and free the tourist. 

2.       Free all the slaves and therefore reduce workload and be made to pay wages.  After thinking of each he decided to free his slaves.  But he did this gradually.  Anubis had a mine in his village, and he commanded his slaves to build a wall around the village.  And he promised the slaves that if they finished the wall quickly any slaves who worked on the wall would be set free.  What they didn't know was that the new "citizens" of his village would not be allowed to leave the walled area.  Therefor, even though Anubis had to pay them wages, all of the goods that they produced went to him.  And since the former slaves were being payed for their labour for each product, they would work better, happier, and more.  And Anubis would be able to get his money back by 1 taxes, 2 the former slaves can't leave so they have to buy all of their food and goods and stuff from Anubis, 3 so putting it all together no money was leaving the village and if he need to raise money really quickly, he could just take it back from the former slaves.  Or since they were uneducated he could sell them non-refundable village bonds.

01:39:15 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

this is straight form wikkipedia:

from Persian ÞäÏ (qand), hard candy made by boiling cane sugar). The perisans were around from before 1,200 B.C., that's over 3000 years ago. This story seems to take place in the Middle Ages, only 1000-1300 years ago.

As for the question:

The mad king used the Rugvakians' love of torism to his advantage. He ordered 50 slaves to work day and night to make (fake) pamplets and then ordered 5 of his minions to carry them out to naboring villages.

14:40:46 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

eh, persians had it, but whenever this story was set, you have to remember that civilizations were pretty complex in the ancient times,  and after the roman empire fell, that was pretty much it for complexity, technology, and commerce in europe, for  centuries...Todays results will be given in 4-5 hours, along with tommorrows questions.

17:52:42 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

Dont forget the monks, that kept alot of ancient technology alive, such as language and writing. We are lucky we have writing today, thanks to eastern civilisations durring the crusades, and the romans, for extending their borders so far.

22:43:56 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

Questions of Day 3.

1.      Abolish the slave tax and reinstate the allowance of 28 hours a week of sleep.

2.      Free all the slaves and therefore reduce workload and be made to pay wages.

3.      Burn the village down before something else goes wrong.

4.      Introduce a law that dozy slaves be hit with bricks until they look fully alert again. Though casualties are sure to follow and bricks can be pretty costly...

5.      Send all slaves in to a war with a neighbouring village. If successful any surviving slaves will be granted freedom and your dictatorship will spread wider.

6.      Encourage immigrants and tourists with fake brochures of golden beaches and blue skies, and then enslave them all the moment they step off the magical, flying transportation hippo. This allows for reduced work times in the overall community.

Results of Day 3

1.      You returned the system back to how it was before, solving the lack of sleep problems and unrest. But, hang on a second, wasn’t there a reason for the law in the first place? Oh yeah, WE HAVE NO FREAKIN GOLD id1ot!!!Your village is now bankrupt, and many merchants leave not to return. You are no longer able to get all the food you need, and must make up for it with extra slaves. You lose all gold buying extra slaves.

2.      Although at first the thought of this is a little bit disheartening for an evil overlord, it has its’ upside.  Your village has a population explosion due to the better quality of life, and many new workers are born.  People are even working harder, with a self-motivation it seems. And now that they buy all their own stuff, we don’t have to feed them, clothe them, nothing!!! They’re even setting up businesses! But no need to fear, your people are still treated as harshly as possible when the need arises. And they are still just assets on our way to global domination. They’re a lot more loyal now to, nothing better than having loyal subjects who will do anything to protect their nation... Gold production up 200%,, happiness 30, and status-town.

3.      You enter a mad frenzy and grab a torch and run through the streets setting everyone plus everything on fire. Oops...No slaves or minions left, this is definitely getting you the R*tard reward...

4.      You spend all the money earned from the slave tax on buying bricks to hit slaves with, on top of this you kill dozens of them and accidently hit your wife with one when the slave standing in front of her dodged the brick. She’s divorced you and taken half your assets, which includes buildings, slaves, gold, weapons, and anything else she could think of.

5.      You sent all your slaves to conquer the nearby village, neglecting to go yourself to make sure they don’t break free. As soon as they are out of distance from your village they all make a run for it. Lose all gold on buying more.

6.      Well apart from the fact tourists haven’t been invented yet, the opposing rulers aren’t overly happy that you’re trying to steal all their workers. You gain 20 slaves at the expense of an opposing village plundering ¾ of your stored gold during the night.

23:13:32 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:


·         Total Slave Count-130.

·         Non-slaves-8.

·         Minions-5.

·         Gold-0 pieces.



·         Total Slave Count-120.

·         Non-slaves-12.

·         Minions-9.

·         Gold-0 pieces.



·         Total Slave Count-150.

·         Non-slaves-12.

·         Minions-9.

·         Gold-250 pieces.

·         Unrest-30



·         Total Slave Count-130

·         Non-slaves-12.

·         Minions-9.

·         Gold-0 pieces. (-50% gold production)



·         Total Slave Count-140

·         Non-slaves-12.

·         Minions-9.

·         Gold-250 pieces. (-50% gold production)



·         Total Citizen Count-120

·         Minions-9.

·         Gold-2000 pieces. (+200%)

·         Status-Town.

·         Happiness-30


23:18:34 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


*Demonsul beheads some slaves, and steals 1000 gold from a passing successful bandit before beheading him as well.

"Well, at least I'm not penniless..."


·         Total Slave Count-130

·         Non-slaves-12.

·         Minions-9.

·         Gold-1000 pieces. (-50% gold production)


01:00:04 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

lol, alright but only 200 gold.


·         Total Slave Count-130

·         Non-slaves-12.

·         Minions-9.

·         Gold-200 pieces. (-50% gold production)


I'll post what may be the last set of questions before end,tommorrow.

03:22:06 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Anubis:

[This is a pretty cool rp post.  I actually have to think about it, and I don't have to come up with super long stories. :) ]

12:22:26 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[Wow, I wasn't expecting that to be at all successful. Well, that proves it was worth a try.]

Demonsul looks on in horror as 800 coins magically vanish from his treasury. When he checks the vault logbook, he sees that the bandit only had 200. Thinking he's going a bit mad from his run of bad luck, Demonsul retires to his throne and dozes in it.

14:36:44 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

Day 4

Now that you have your village (or town) firmly under your rule and obedience, it is time to cast your shadow over other unsuspecting villages. You need more subjects, you need more power, and Satan needs more sacrifices... Today it is time to start bulking up our armies with more minions. But we must now find the perfect balance between workforce and military. If we get this wrong we could end up with not enough food to feed the army, who will then starve. Or on the other hand, we could end up with too small an army who get slaughtered at the hands of our foes. In walks your military general, with a little smirk on his face, happy that he’s finally getting more recruits.

1.       50% of village become minions.

2.       20% of village become minions.

3.       Use all gold on 50 slaves whose sole purpose will be to serve in the army.

4.       90% of village become minions.

5.       Enlist an army of poisonous Black Widow spiders.

6.       Enlist an army of the fattest people you can find.

7.       Put your wife in the army.

After choosing who to compose your army of, it is time to beat them into an obedient, killing, machine. But while that is happening, you must order their equipment. Unfortunately, the merchants are only offering to sell in bulk. This means your troops can only afford to be equipped with one of these things:

1.       Horses.

2.       Swords.

3.       Bows and arrows.

4.       Shields.

5.       Pikes.

6.       Magical Flying Hippos.

7.       Pie.

8.       Crossbows.

9.       Greek Fire. (Kind of flame thrower, invented by Byzantine Empire, around 1000 years ago.)

Now, it is time to choose who deserves your tyrannical rule first. There are many people who you seek to meet their end, but which one stands out? As well as leaders, you must also consider the actual villages themselves, they all possess a unique power, handed down to them by their false gods, but nevertheless are very dangerous. And who knows, perhaps Satan will reward us with our own unique powers?

1.       Falling Skies.

2.       Black Waters.

3.       Shining Sun.

4.       Shimmering Mountains.

5.       Dead Forests.

15:15:54 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Greeting his general, Demonsul orders him to take half of the peasants and turn them into soldiers, controlled by fear. He then orders them to each be equipped with swords, allowing them to fight. He also tells all of is loyal minions to wield two swords to take care of any soldiers who decide to turn their shiny new weapons against their commanders.

1.       50% of village become minions.

2.       Swords.

Looking across maps and reports, Demonsul sees five lands of whcih to invade. However, one land stands out. Shining sun. A land with a name like that must be faithful followers of light and happiness, and so must be taken first. Demonsul gives the order to march.

3.       Shining Sun.

17:44:12 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

The king was walking around in his small home thinking about his army, he though 'mabye I should have my slaves be soldiers... how many though? Then I will have to feed them and give them armor. that's a stupid idea. Why don't I just have some really obese people... they would be slow, but would just flaten people and roll over them, they wouldn't have to be fed since they have soo much fat... What to give them as weapons... what about pies? they eat pies, and then get fatter, so the flatten more enemies! perfect! is there a place that has lots of food? perhaps the dead forests, there would be lots of death there, so people would gladly join me. I bet they even worship satan already!


[[I know this sounds so stupid, but the king really is mad...]]

22:23:00 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer sat back in his chair, admiring the minions lashing at the slaves with their whips. A slave hit a minion, soon to be felled. Killer realised he needed more minions to keep the slaves down, but still have enoguh to work. There was only one solution. Place his wife in the army and smarten those minions up, then he could keep all his slaves.
7. Put your wife in the army.
Now, what should the troops be equipped with. Killer paused at the option of Magical Flying Hippos, but decided they would be unreliable, and the merchant was probably pulling a scam. Bows and arrows would be the best bet.
3. Bows and arrows.
Killer examined the options and their banners carefully. The shining sun sounded suspicious, shimmering mountains would be out of the way someplace. Falling skies sounded as if they had a terrible power, and though Dead Forests sounded good, he decided on Black Waters. Their peasants would probably be dieing of thirst.
2. Black Waters.

16:22:54 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Looking over his choices carefully, Anubis once again set his mind working on the problem.  "Seeing as how all of my villagers are citizens, they can join my military whenever they want, and will be more dedicated since they chose to.  That eliminates half of the choices.  Since I have a lot of gold, it would be crazy for me to spend all of it on only 50 slaves, so that one is out.  Mercenary armies should never be hired, so no Black Widows. And who ever said that I was married!??! I'm an evil overlord! I can't be bound by the eternal bonds of marriage! Their are too many pretty women out there for me to do that! Hmm.  That leaves fat people.  Which is actually a good idea actually, because with all the training I'm going to give them, they won't be fat for long.  And if I find that my army is too large for me to support it, they will have a lot of fat to burn so won't die of hunger." Anubis muttered to himself. 

 "Begin enlisting the fattest people you can find General Tow!" Anubis commanded.  "And if you can't kill that pesky merchant and steal all of his goods without any negative side effects, then see that all of the men are armed with pikes and trained in the style of fighting that the Macedonians excelled in! We attack the Dead forests as soon as the troops are ready! For power! For glory! For evil! For your great commander Anubis!"

[[since I have so much gold could I buy bows and arrows and pikes? That way I could have the pikes in front and the bows and arrows behind them to take out infantry.  And if not, is their a market I could go to to buy stuff?]]




18:37:43 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

ehhhhhhhhhh to complicated, i cant really be bothered to make the effort to introduce more work for me lol. You'll get the pikes but unlike everyone else you'll still have 1000 gold left to your name. (btw, gold is good, when I give out rewards one will be for lotsa gold.)

01:07:57 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Yeah, I understand.  (deep sigh) oh well. 

16:40:34 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

What happened? We missed a day! 1000 gold to Anubis for noticing!

16:52:38 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

lol, sry, i have a daily headache, school, and lots of homework, so its only natural to miss a day every now and then...Todays questions will be the last, and then I'll give out the results and rewards tommorrow.

17:26:55 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

*fall over

That was quick...

*Demonsul quickly goes round to extort more money out of everyone

19:33:57 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Bragi:

feling bored Braggi decided to give 50% of the population swords and attack the nearest village of Shining Sun

20:12:39 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

Questions of Day 4


1.       50% of village become minions.

2.       20% of village become minions.

3.       Use all gold on 50 slaves whose sole purpose will be to serve in the army.

4.       90% of village become minions.

5.       Enlist an army of poisonous Black Widow spiders.

6.       Enlist an army of the fattest people you can find.

7.       Put your wife in the army.


1.       Horses.

2.       Swords.

3.       Bows and arrows.

4.       Shields.

5.       Pikes.

6.       Magical Flying Hippos.

7.       Pie.

8.       Crossbows.

9.       Greek Fire.

Target Village

1.       Falling Skies.

2.       Black Waters.

3.       Shining Sun.

4.       Shimmering Mountains.

5.       Dead Forests.

Results of Day 4


1.       You cannot support an army of half your population, with only the other half to produce food. Thirty slaves in the army starve, leaving you with just about enough food to feed the rest. Minus 30 slaves/citizens.

2.       You have the ratio for farmers: army done fantastic. Your farmers even manage to produce large surpluses of food which is then sold to traders. The system continues going well, attracting more and more traders, your village grows into a trading hub. Plus 300% gold production.

3.       You boast one of the largest armies in the area that manages to sustain itself on a good amount of food. Plus 30 might.

4.       90%!?!?!? ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?!? The entire army dies of starvation, leaving a desolate village without protection. You are raided and plundered of all gold, and many buildings are burnt down. Minus all gold and 50% production.

5.       You venture into a cave, seeking the help of the Black Widow spiders.  You whisper some words, and thousands crawl towards you. They stop and one venture forward. It crawls onto your ear and gives an oath of eternal loyalty, on the request of 50 slaves to feed on. You arrive again the next day with the unsuspecting slaves who you order inside. Loud screams echo out of the cave, followed by cries of anguish.  They are all killed, and the spiders swarm out carrying their dead bodies on their backs. They follow you back to the village where you have set up a new home for them, a dark, damp cave for them to dwell in until they are needed for war. Plus Black Widow spider allegiance.

6.       All the fatties are conscripted into the army, and ordered to march forwards to the barracks to begin training. The barracks is located in the middle of the desert, to serve as part of the training. On the way the fat people spot a Medieval McDonalds and all run towards it in glee, ignoring orders. Half of them die of heart attacks on the run there, and the other half find it is only a mirage and sink into the quicksand that took the mirages place. Minus fatty army.

7.       To the displeasure of your wife you stick her into the army, where she nags half of them to death, and the other half become a strict, obedient killing machine. Unfortunately you neglected the fact you needed more troops...


1.       Horses-

2.       Swords- Demonsul, Bragi

3.       Shields-

4.       Bows and arrows- Killer

5.       Pikes- Anubis

6.       Magical flying hippos-

7.       Pie- Samulis

8.       Crossbows-

9.       Greek Fire-

Target Village

1.       (Outcome of all equipment except flying hippos)

Your army approaches the site where it is thought the village of the Falling Skies would be. They arrive at the destination with no clues to where it is, as they looked around blankly wondering where it was. Suddenly a shattering sound screams through the valley, bursting ears and striking fear into the hearts of your recruits. They look up and spot the village, it seemed to be made of crystal. One of the soldiers shrieks in terror. The commander orders him to immediately state what he saw. The soldier pointed upwards, and as the commander spotted the source of horror, he shouted, “RETREAT!!!!” But it was too late...The skies themselves were breaking, and a clear black crack could be seen spreading in all directions. The soldiers flee in panic, and massive chunks of sky begin to fall. Suddenly, a gigantic plate of sky crushed over half your army. Still running, the commander looked back up to the skies, and saw a vast swirling blackness forming. As it drew more and more strength it sucked in the remainders of your army. Finally, the vortex closed up, and the skies returned to normality, taking with them an army, a dream, and a conquest...Minus population of army.

       (Flying Hippo outcome)

Your army flies upwards on the flying hippos as the skies begin to crack. The commander knows he must act fast, and quickly ascends to the floating crystal city. He spots a high-rise spire and orders his troops to fly inside. There they find a crystal orb, which is promptly smashed. The village tumbles back to the ground. All gold stocks and survivors are enslaved. Plus 60 slaves and 1500 gold.

2.       Your army marches forwards, and spots the city. They run towards but as they get closer, black water begins to rise beneath their feat. The black water gathers, and begins to form into a wall. It gets higher and higher, and your troops begin to lose their momentum. Suddenly the wall collapses and surges towards your army. A tsunami has been unleashed upon the invasion force that is fleeing in the opposite direction. The black tsunami catches up with them, and engulfs the army in its grip. One by one the soldiers are pushed under the water and suffocated. Minus army, and lose 500 gold to raids.

3.       (Outcome of all equipment except shields) Your army draws closer to the village of the Shining Sun, and as it does the land seems to become more and more baron. Everything around the army is dry and desolate. Above you, a strange black cloud seems to be forming. It grows bigger and becomes a floating black sphere. As the army passes under it, a grin and two eyes form on its surface. Suddenly a blast of intense light and wind knocks down the army. Half of your forces are set alight as they roll around on the floor screaming in pain. Then the sinister object in the sky unleashes another wave of light upon your forces, killing all survivors. Minus population of army.

(Outcome of shields) As the Black Sun above you sends down a wave of intense light, your soldiers lift up their shields. The wave is reflected back up to the black sphere, which lets out a cry of pain. The face is burnt clean off, and the monster dies soon after. Your army continues marching forwards, and upon reaching the village, crushes all resistance, climbs up the black spiral tower, and smashes the yellow orb lurking inside.  The village then declares allegiance to the overlord, and is hereafter yours to command. Plus Status-Dictatorship, plus 50 slaves, and plus 50% gold production.

4.       You decide to go with your army, to make sure to kill any incompetence that may occur. When you reach the Shimmering Mountains (which at first looked pretty dull), half your army is blinded by a dazzling silver light. You quickly order the retreat as you march away in disgust. Minus 50% gold production due to needing to buy ‘glasses’ made by the pixies to cure blindness.

5.       (Outcome of all equipment except bows and arrows) As the army nears the forest, your commander spots a moving tree but dismisses it as he thinks he was probably just seeing things. He then notices the lack of wildlife and plants...But what could he do? He has orders to enter the forest...And he doesn’t have any ranged soldiers so he continues the march forward. Once the army was deep inside the forest, the trees swung their many branches at the troops. The army goes into a panic and is crushed. Minus population of army.

(Outcome of bows and arrows) As the army nears the forest, your commander spots a moving tree but dismisses it as he thinks he was probably just seeing things. He then notices the lack of wild life and plants. He calls an immediate halt, and orders the army to light their arrows and fire at the forest. The trees let out a yelp as they burn to the ground, and leave your army free to pass into the village, which is conquered and orb destroyed. Plus status-Dictatorship, plus 60 slaves, and plus 50% gold production.

21:14:03 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:


Total Slave Count-140.



Gold-500 pieces.

Equipment- Bows and arrows.



Total Slave Count-50.



Gold-1000 pieces.

Equipment- Swords.



Total Slave Count-160.



Gold-1250 pieces.

Unrest-30 .

Equipment- Pies.



Total Slave Count-110.



Gold-750 pieces. (-50% gold production)

Equipment- Swords.



Total Citizen Count-560.


Gold-4000 pieces. (+200%)



Equipment- Pikes.


21:14:27 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

Day 5s questions will be posted tommorrow

01:56:45 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

I still didn't die! Why did the lamest, stupidest answer not be it?

15:15:43 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

lol, i try to avoid killing people, to try not to p*ss dem off too much. But yeah its over soon anyways.

20:47:04 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

I don't seem to be having any luck. Swords in this seem to be cursed, and the anti-nice tactic seems equally bad.

Ah well, I was never in this to win. It's just a fun RP.

23:49:12 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

I should have thought about the skies and hippos. :)  It was late and I was tired. 

18:29:21 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

This is interesting, but with so many days being missed, maybe you should just fini*beep* off.  I'm thinking about maybe starting a similar post.

20:20:47 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

i'll post the next set of questions tommorro night, and then the results plus ending and rewards on saturday night, the reason why i've been taking my time and mising days is because alot of homework and not much time...

19:48:16 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:


22:38:29 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

nvm no more questions, just the ending and rewards tommorrow lol, i repeat i am RLY sorry...And i admit its partly lazines but its also cos today was my mums birthday so once again i didnt have much time to do this.

01:57:27 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

It is fine, I think it is better that you celebrate with your parents than your computer friends.

11:53:37 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Yes...but remember to get something done eventually...

21:49:40 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

I know! He's just waiting for a grand entrance to announce the winners! Here it is... (drumroll) and the winners are!...

23:16:01 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

actually i was hoping this wud die and everyone forget about it lol...

Ok but since you've revived it im gunna have to do the rewards...

Gracious Ruler/Hippy: Anubis.

Corrupt Corporate Business Man: Anubis.

King of Retard0m: Samulis.

Sinister, Heartless, Untrustworthy Overlord: Killer (for putting his own WIFE to fight in the army)

Victor of Ultimate Power: Anubis (gathered majority of rewards)

23:27:43 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

Forged from nothing but a small village, from the dark cold hands of the Satanic Overlord Anubis, it creeped to life upon the fall of it’s predecessor world. The Golden Lands of old were filled with joy and incompetance. Inspired by pain and misery, Anubis gathered the masses under the banner of Satan to tear down the so called ‘paradise’. Rivers would flow red, grass rot, and the blue skies turn a brownish–grey. Finally dream accomplished, the Overlord walked down the black carpet and sat upon his evil thrown, when a messenger hurried into the room.

Messenger: Master! A Black Sun! It came from nowhere, and appeared in the sky!!!!

Overlord: What!!?!? A Black Sun!?!?!?!? Impossible!


To be continued...

23:50:04 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Anubis sat on his throne basking in the afterglow of his victory.  He couldn't help but indulge in a little sadistic laughter.  "Muhahahaha!!" Suddenly one of his minions ran in. "Master! A Black Sun! It came from nowhere, and appeared in the sky!!!!"

Anubis: "What!!?!? A Black Sun!?!?!?!? Impossible!"


Hardening his heart, he grabbed his sword, called for his armies, and set himself for whatever would come...

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