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The Place-Godly Assault
21:03:24 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Septim, where are they coming from??? We'll need half of our forces on the walls in front of them, and the other half in reserve. Would it be possible to retreat to the inner walls? That would save us a lot of danger."

23:28:05 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Lorenzo and company soon reached the outskirts of the camp, and they saw the thousands that awaited them...

"Hmm, well let's just remember, getting out is alot harder than getting in. Stay unseen, strike fast and get out however possible. At least one of us has to make it to the mark to take him out."

He surveyed his men, who nodded in grim acceptance then he proceeded with the plan. "These troops are probably starting towards Oceanus for an offensive, so they may not notice a few of our blades moving about, at least not until we get close to the General's tent. In 10 minutes, after our mages cast shadow spells on us, the mages will then unleash the spell mines hidden along the path they're taking, throwing the place into chaos as if the Kingdom of Oceanus is attacking. Use that time to get close to the tent and track down the general if they move him."

"Slay the general, try not to kill anyone else before the mines go off, we don't want to raise the alarm too early. Then try to get back to the rendevous point, understood?"

His men nodded. "Very well, let's proceed..." The mages cast shadowform spells on the other assassins, Lorenzo simply put on a black cloak that granted invisibility and the assassins went into the lair of the enemy...

04:49:57 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: Found a picture that suits my character. Not only does it look way cooler than my drawings...but he doesn't have a lame beard!!]]

"They are coming from the north and northwest...", says Septim.

05:30:18 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Emperor, do I have permission to withdraw to the inner walls? We have not the men to hold this."

05:33:04 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

"I am giving you, our best tactician, full command of this battle, do what you wish", says Septim, "My place is with the soldiers, what are your orders...sir?", asks Septim with smile.

05:38:40 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Smiling at that, Erunion replied.
"We haven't the men for the outer wall. Trap the gates, but leave them closed. We can't make it to obvious. Many of their creatures cannot fly and will take the easier entrance, blowing down the gates instead of clambering up the massive walls. Now these shouldn't be ordinary traps, they will require our best magi. They Must be invisible, and the must do absolutely no damage for a good twenty minutes. This will make them go unnoticed for a long while. In the end, that alone will account for the better portion of their land forces.
Now, we should have our men on the inner wall, a thousand covering the approach with the other thousand waiting in reserve. Any questions or problems???"

05:41:23 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

Salaracen turns to look at Xerxus.

"Mortal you say? We are no mortal, we are The Druchii!
For were was Isha's harvest when the lost kindred Wandered? Hungry and in need of her loving embrace.
were was Kurnous's bounty when we roamed? Desperate for strength and in need of his strong arm.
Where was Asuryan's guiding light when we were lost? Broken and defeated we cried for his light.
But the Evil gods betrayed us...
And in the end only Khaine's hunt fed our hungry mouths and empty coffers.
Only Khaine's hunt gave us the strength and the will to deliver unto all, the vengeance of the true kindred.
For we are the Druchii, the cold hearted blades of destiny.
We shall cut through the world and bring forth Khaine's kingdom...
And all shall know their masters."

05:42:36 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

"None at all, I will lead the mage team if you wish, I am, as you know, a great mage, my recomendations are that Drake Drakonius lead the air defense with the airships and dragon ships and that my son lead the footmen ground forces, Xerxus is a great warrior, but he is a loner and looks down upon humans, my son is a better tactician than I and is also quite charismatic, his quick judgement also won him many battles in his time in the Eraborian army and the resistance. I also recomend that you personally lead your elite warriors into battle, but take no risks, we cannot afford to lose you", says Septim.

06:00:11 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

"Your talking about Khaine? Hes styled himself a God has he? I remember the old days when me and him were in Hell and....nevermind. You are still a mortal, even if you have a extremely long lifetime."

"Septim, I am not a loner and do not look down on Humans. I should lead the air defence seeing as how the greatest air-master Might taught me what he learned....and he invented them."

06:04:12 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim wonders how Xerxus can have two conversations at once across the base.

"Xerxus, you do look down upon us, whether you know it or not, you think yourself better than us, even if you are...besides, Drake has been on this planet for many years, and seeing as he is the size of a small dragonship in dragon form, he can lead the battle personally as if he were a ship...along with the ten other Drakonians."

06:05:10 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

Salaracen organizes his people to set up a Settlement somewhere on the island.

06:20:48 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

"While you decide I will prepare for battle", says Septim.

Septim puts on a new set of robes, Eraborian imperial robes, rather than the bloody cloth around his legs. Septim gives Firengard to Validus, knowing that he would need it more in the thick of battle than Septim would need it setting magical traps. Septim then takes his old staff, Venific, and walked back to the HQ chambers.

"Made your decision yet?"

13:37:40 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

*The High Elves land on the beaches and are quick to set up a temporary small wooden settlement. After much work the settlement is complete, and the High Elves begin to forage for food, and fire wood. *

The Preacher Calls Out From The Top Of The Mountain, On Which The Newly Made Village lay "Today is a bright day, Today we live... "

*the sun shines down upon the High Elves, through the thick dark clouds, the light beams...*


17:39:10 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion surveys the land, but sees two small villages on it's surface.
"What!??! Merkar, Hestortal, go to these villages and bring the survivors back inside the inner walls. That is, of course, if they are friends. If they stay where they are they will both be destroyed."

17:50:50 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Boradox:

* boradox rides  in on a mercenary giant  elephant with crew of excellent mercenary  archers*

"well guys this is it lets go find some work if the pay is good enough that is ol yubsteb here cant feed itself"


19:00:38 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

*Septim wonders how they got the elephant to the island and why they would even bring one...

19:31:59 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

As the sky grew black over head, Revenge looked to the sky, his hair and beard long
His body earned for war
His shield by his side and his sword Ravern to his other he looked on at a man with a staff
Large broad shoulders and metal armour, Revenge stepped forward and walked over to this figure
He did not know, it would be Septim..

[ Hey, can I come back ^-^ ? ]



20:23:21 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Hopping from shadow to shadow, Lorenzo quickly makes his way through the crowds. Having little time to catch a breather before more guards or soldiers come his way.

Halfway to his destination a series of loud rumbles came from his south. The explosions had begun. Loud cries of demons and other monsters came as the explosions killed or injured many, but it was a mere drop in the bucket compared to the tens of thousands in the group.

The troops surged towards the explosions as more random mines went off to add to the chaos. Lorenzo went into a wild dash, like he knew the rest of his assassins would, the chaos wouldn't last too long once the army realised that the attack was being staged.

As the members of the army were now on heightened alert stealth would be difficult, or almost impossible, now it was time to follow a path of blood. One group of guards saw him first, and rushed him with spears. Lorenzo let some throwing knives drop from holsters hidden by his sleeves and threw them at the guards, striking them square in the face.

Continuing his mad rush, he heard cries of alarm from closer by as his men were being encountered. Some ended in harsh, monstrous screams, other time the cries of his men shook him to the bone. Either way, time was running out..

20:38:23 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[Sure, is this your same guy? He looks a bit young...and is that Boromir? He has the horn...]]

21:10:04 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

[[ Its my son  ^-^, I dont know, I just searched in google for a picture x] ]]

21:10:14 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

[can someone please tell my village that im gonna get squished unless i move, lol]

21:28:54 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

(Septim, care to play the general that I'm after?)

21:37:22 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Sherigar-Hasphat sits in his office reading a human book.

"Ugh, human minds are so...uncivilized...", he says.

21:46:11 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

(lol. That was very 'inspired')

22:40:00 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

[Stop making fun of Xerxus!]

23:05:30 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

The messengers arrive at the two elven villages, and they deliver the messages.

To whom it may concern.
I advise you to remove yourself to the inner wall, or else your forces will be destroyed in the up and coming battle.


Erunion Telcontar, Duke of Naergothrendar, general of the armies of Oceanus.

23:09:49 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

Terror descended amongst the High elven village, a horn was blown signaling to all, to gather only what matters most to them, and to make their way to the central village area. As quick as the village was built, it was deserted....An empty ghost town...another strike at elven hope...another Dark Day...

03:00:37 Mar 31st 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Meanwhile, back at the encampment...

Only 5 of the 20 assassins still remained, however they were now within sight of the general's tent. These 5 had escaped detection, as the guards believed that the 'threats' of the Oceanus army and the few rogues had been taken care of. Among them was Lorenzo, as he spotted his other men he signalled to them to prepare to take out the guards.

"Damn.." Lorenzo muttered under his breath. Cell A was his elites and they had suffered this many losses to get this far. He doubted many would escape unharmed once they moved in for the killing strike.

Lorenzo pulled out his longbow and set the string, as he did so he pulled out two arrows. Muttering a quick magical incantation, the arrows seemed to disappear in his hands as the invisibility took effect. He then shot twice, once at each guard and they both fell. Elsewhere his men did the same thing. They then rushed into the tent, blades and bow at the ready to find...

04:43:27 Mar 31st 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Sherigar-Hasphat looks up and invisible guards strike down two of the assassins.

"More? Very well..."

The demon rises and with superhuman speed draws his demonic longsword. His two guards reveal their true forms as well.

12:24:11 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Boradox:

(the elephant is big enough to knock down a wall its wearing enchanted armour too,its tusks would kill someone on impalement,its a demonic elephant too)

13:34:50 Mar 31st 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

Salaracen read the message.

"Druchii! to the Inner wall!!! There we shall settle."

Salaracens warrior's and himself soon moved, gathering up all items that they had crafted and made from their time on the beach, supplies such as wood and food they also brought.

The dark Elves finally setup in the inner walls and begun making housing.

14:00:43 Mar 31st 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

{[elephant like this?]}

22:55:58 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Boradox:

yeah elephant like that but wearing atrmour

00:44:54 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Lorenzo sizes up his opponent and notices that another two of his men were down. Growling Lorenzo mutters the word "Shimmer." Quickly 5 copies of himself spread out around the tent while his remaining assassins tried to work against the guards.

His 4 of his images moved in towards the general with blades in hand while one hung back and readied a bow and arrow. The true magic of the spell was that the real Lorenzo could 'teleport' from clone to clone, so long as they were 'alive' while the illusionary magics could convince anyone that the strikes from the weapons were real. As the general moved to fight the attackers, his blade passed through one of the clones which dissapeared. However, Lorenzo jumped into the bow-wielding clone  and the arrows started to fly towards the general..

01:22:58 Apr 1st 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Sherigar-Hasphat swings his blade and the strike shatters the arrows, he swings it again and a shockwave comes out that kills two of the clones, he looks at the two remaining images.

"Which one are you? Hmmmm...well, you killed my guards..."

Sherigar-Hasphat throws a small throwing knife and hits one of the images.

"Now, the last one is you eh?"

Sherigar-Hasphat throws another throwing knife at Lorenzo.

13:51:38 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Boradox:

*the giant elephant mercenarys continue to wander around aimlessly with no work*

14:16:11 Apr 1st 08 - Sir Shinigami:

The knife strikes Lorenzo who staggers back wounded. Then that form melts and sinks into the ground. "Nice try." Lorenzo says as he reappears behind the general and plunges his own knives into the general's back.

21:00:19 Apr 5th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Sherigar-Hasphat turns around and smashes Lorenzo out the side of his office with the back of his wrist, breaking his jaw,, he sits down in his chair and looks around for more enemies, seeing none he begins tending to his wound before realizing that the knives were poisoned. The wound expands and burns at his skin, the skin itself becoming dark and spongy.


The infection spreads within twenty seconds, and Hasphat manages to pray to his Gods before falling down upon the floor, his body melts away into nothing.


"Sherigar-Hasphat is dead sir", says Septim's servent.

"Good, I will be back", says Septim before disappearing, he reappears in the office of Lorenzo's lieutenant, Septim drops a bag of gold on the desk.

"Good work...", says Septim before disappearing, he reappears back at the base.

"Telcontar, their good General is dead, now the less skilled tacticians will have to take charge", says Septim.


23:25:46 Apr 5th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Lorenzo flies out the tent. Apparently the poison had done its task but he was still in a great deal of pain. He fumbles in his pouch looking for a healing potion that he brought with him, however the way he landed caused the thing to break.

Managing to slur 'Shimmer' and activating his cloak of invisibility he tried his best to escape from the area.

17:02:51 Apr 6th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

As the demonic armies approach, many traps go off, destroying much of their army, the shower of arrows also destroy many of the demon's physical bodies. The one hundred left alive push forward to be killed by Telcont*beep*lites. In the air, the eleven Drakonian elites tear apart the smaller, weaker demons. The flames from their breath destroy many as well. Drake sees a big demon on the horizon and goes forth, his teeth tear into the demon and flames go forth, charring him. Drake gets a good grip with his teeth, raises his head, and throws the demon to the ground. Oceanus had won the day.


The soldiers and officers of Oceanus had a great party that day to celebrate.

19:58:30 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Xerxus stood in the midst of the battle watching the carnage.*

Now we are going to sally forth and die....oh boy. Atleast I will still have my men once they all foolishly charge.

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