Forums / Roleplaying / The Treasure-Seeker(RP game)

The Treasure-Seeker(RP game)
16:42:57 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Gromil is injured in the arm, a slash along the elbow, and blood is pumping out. Kaylin has a gash along the leg, nothing too serious(for a troll). You and Linalog are fine. The adult minotaur is healthy, but enraged, five cubs are dead.

16:59:21 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[So who exactly am I with??]

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 10 copper coins
Items: A Leather Pack
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None
Group: Sargas, Archblade, Spud

Enris went down the third tunnel and it was very dark.  He kept close to the others as he led the way and then he went around the corner towards what felt like the end to him.

17:15:36 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Wraith glanced at Gromil and saw his injuries. He slashed at the cloesest minotaur in a wide arc and ran to help Gromil, stabbing at the minotaur attacking him. now both minotaurs were focused on Wraith and he jumped back, out of the way of their slashes. Linolag saw what Wraith was trying to do and went over to use his healing spells on Gromil.

Wraith danced in and out, stabbing or slashing whenever he got the chance. he brought his sword in a wide, lateral arc, just clipping one of the minotaur's arms but seriously injuring the second one, who fell to the ground. The standing cub roared in disbelief ans truck at Wraith with all his might. Wraith blocked the swipe but was still sent back a few metres. The cub struck at him again, bashing Wraith's arm, which fell limply to his side.

Wraith jumped back and the cub's swing went wild. Taking his chance, Wraith struck with his good arm and pierced the minotaur cub's chest. He turned and saw that Kaylin was in trouble. He had pinned the female against the wall by lowering his shoulder and charging at her, but she was beating at his back trying to get free and the pain was beginning to show on Kaylin's face.

Wraith called at him to get back and as he did so, Wraith Got in close and stabbed at the minotaur and the dirk pierced her shoulder but he couldn't pull it back out. He jumped back and struck again with a vertical strike. The sword barely even pierced the skin. Kaylin returned back to the fray with his club and followed up on Wraith's attack with a bash, hitting her arm.

She roared and tried to strike at Kayling but Wraith rammed his sword into her side. At the same time, an arrow flew at her and caught her in the chest. Linolag had finished doing the best he could to Gromil and was holding his bow. Gromil was lieing down in a corner, possibly unconscious. Linolag let loose another arrow and then Kaylin clubbed at the female again, with all the force he could muster.

22:46:18 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Sargas:

Sargas was stumbling along behind the others, his short stubby legs unable to catch up to them, when he literally walked head first into a minotaur. Before he knew it Sargas nearly had his head knocked off by a savage blow. His head ringing, he was tossed up into the air.

'I always wanted to fly...' was the last thought that entered his head and then there was darkness.

23:07:29 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[ were following me >< but if Killer wants...we cant run into more minotaurs]

23:17:34 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Spud:

[[OOC: Sorry guys, Im going to resign from this RP.  Im just not getting into it like I though I would. I'm sure that Killer will find a good way to rid of me.]]

23:20:27 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Sargas, having followed Wraith's group, suddenly finds himself in front of a minotaur, and is knocked flying back in the minotaur's last moment. Finally, the last of the minotaurs down, Gromil heaved himself up with difficulty, and dragged himself over to the gemstones. He shook his head in disgust. "What a fool I am, these are but Hyrosphites, a worthless stone if ever there was one. Still, we may sell it for a small profit, maybe a hundred copper coins if we're lucky." He sighed.*

*Enris, Spud, Archblade, Rubbador and Trolan find themselves facing an earth elementalist, backed by ten golems, the height of the ceiling, around fifteen foot. Trolan finds her few arrows with an air spell imbued into them, and fires them accurately, though she didn't need any accuracy the golems were so big. Four fall. The young adventurers find themselves being advanced on, and they back into the cavern wall. Rubbador slices through one with his battle-axe, but is knocked back into the far wall, lapsing into unconciousness. Trolan jumps between the giants and the young questors, sword in hand, cleaving the air. She charges, and manages to fell two more before being squashed against the wall, suffocating to death. The golems continue on... Spud jumps in front, sword taken from the fallen elf, and charges with a venom at the golems. The cave wall breaks away, and Spud i*beep* on the head, and falls to the ground, blood pouring over the ground. The sword slips from his grasp, and flies through the air, finding a target in the elementalist.*

[By the way, you get a level in a main skill]

23:40:56 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Orc
Gold: 10
Items: Hyrosphite Crystals
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 2.
          Swords - 1
Classes: None
Occupation: None
Group:  Dwarf Guard - Gromil (Wields Axe)
             Elf Healer/Archer - Linolag (Wields Bow)
             Troll Hunter - Kaylin (Wields Club)

*Wraith examines the crystals and puts them in his pouch. "Can't we use them at all, for magic or something?"

Gromil shakes his head "I'm sorry for having caused this trouble for you."

Wraith shrugs it off and they go back to the fork in the tunnels. There they find Killer and Oped and the look on their faces tell them enough about what had happened.*

03:22:36 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Spud:

[[OOC: Awsome. I took out the elementalist when I died. Thanks for the "Kick Butt" ending Killer.]]

04:57:42 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 10 copper coins
Items: A Leather Pack
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 2, Strength 1.
Melee - 0
Bows - 1
Classes: None
Group: Sargas and Rubbador

05:15:23 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Sargas:

Name: Sargas
Race: Dwarf
Money: 10 copper coins
Age: 17
Height: 5'2".
Weapon(s): Two stone axes
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 2.
Melee - 1
Classes: None
Group: Rubbador, Enris

21:12:27 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Race: Halfling
Money: 10 copper coins
Items: Hyrosphites(100 copper coins), Haversack
Age: 15
Height: 4'2".
Weapon(s): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
                   Shooting: 1
                   Staff: 1(Melee is not a weapon skill)
Skills: Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None

*Killer waits until Wraith and his group come back, the others nowhere to be seen. Oped takes the lead and walks in the direction they went. They follow the tunnel to the end, the sounds of fighting resonating throughout the cave. Oped screeches a battle-cry, and charges into the fray, sword swinging wildly. The golems fall, their clay spreading all over the cavern. The whole group alive walks back, carrying Rubbador with difficulty. They gather up all the Hyrosphites, of which they found a bundle more hidden in the cavern with the golems.. Gromil estimated they were worth eight hundred copper coins, and were given out to each person. (125 for Wraith, 100 for all other players). Killer lifted up a haversack he found among the debris, and continued out the cave and on his way to the nearest town alone.*

21:17:48 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 10 copper coins
Items: A Leather Pack, Hyrosphites(100 copper coins)
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 2, Strength 1.
Melee - 0
Bows - 1
Classes: None
Group: ?

21:39:05 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Killer:

You can have a max. group of three, you can team up with other players, and any people you are with are pretty crap. I suggest you head to the nearest town, then you might be able to get a job or enlist in the army and get some pay.

21:46:05 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 10 copper coins
Items: A Leather Pack, Hyrosphites(100 copper coins)
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 2, Strength 1.
Melee - 0
Bows - 1
Classes: None
Group: ?

Seeing that the battle was over and Killer wandered off, Enris headed to the nearest town looking for some way to earn a living for awhile.  He then set about searching for jobs and also looked at the salaries for the army.

23:15:45 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Orc
Gold: 135
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 2.
          Swords - 1
Classes: None
Occupation: None

Wraith follows Ernie to the town. As he gets there, he separates from everyone else and walk around the town. He first goes and sells the crystals, then he looks around for jobs and possibly a weaponsmith

23:20:21 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Actually Killer I have a question XD did I have a choice for the skill I upgraded(I upgraded dexterity and wasnt really thinking....) or do i have to upgrade due to the weapon I used the most?....I wanted Intelligence upgraded XD]

01:20:34 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Sargas:

Name: Sargas
Race: Dwarf
Money: 10 copper coins
Age: 17
Height: 5'2".
Weapon(s): Two stone axes
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 2.
Melee - 1
Classes: None

Sargas runs off after Wraith back to town and sets up his own blacksmith at the marketplace.

14:07:42 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[The skills have nothing to do with the weapon skills... You can upgrade any of them. I'll allow you to change it this ONE time, if you so wish.]

*Sargas gets clipped over the head by the wind.* [You don't have any smithing skill, so I don't know how you expect to be able to set up a blacksmith. I also wasn't going to reach the town yet, but what the hell]

Race: Halfling
Money: 50 copper coins, 1 silver coin.
Pay: 10 copper coins/day
Items:  Haversack
Age: 15
Height: 4'2".
Weapon(s)(1/2): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
                   Shooting: 1
                   Staff: 1
Skills(2/3): Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None

*Killer sells the gemstones for a handsome sum of 90 copper coins and one silver coin. He learns how to cook from a baker for 50 copper coins, and then looks around for jobs. He finds that he can be a guard for the cemetry(they need to be defended from necromancers) for 5 copper coins a day and learn a guard skill level free after 3 days.Enlist in an army heading south to dispatch a few small camps of rogues for 50 or so copper coins at the end of it, somewhere between 5 and 7 days. Or, as he chose to do, he could work as a baker's assistant for 10 copper coins a day.

14:08:34 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Wraith, you find a weaponsmith easy enough, if you want an particular weapons, ask me]

14:14:59 Jun 28th 08 - Sir Wraith:

[I was thinking of being an assistant to the smith but working at the cemetary is way better and more in line with my plans, if you're not doing that job. Also, sorry about rushing ahead to the city. Was following Ernie's lead.. :\
Oh, and can we upgrade a weapon skill? I just noticed you have 2... ]

*Wraith sees the job at the cemetary and asks if he can take the job and if he would be doing it alone or with other people. At the blacksmith he asks the price of an Iron longsword and Iron Chainmail, so that he knows how much he has to save up.*

14:29:48 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Yes, just copy me(not the actual skill, just the amount) apart from for classes. Which reminds me...]

Race: Halfling
Money: 50 copper coins, 1 silver coin.
Pay: 10 copper coins/day
Items:  Haversack
Age: 15
Height: 4'2".
Weapon(s)(1/2): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
                   Shooting: 1
                   Staff: 1
Skills(2/3): Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: Cooking/foraging: Level 1

*The huge blacksmith looks down at the orc in front of him. "Huh, a scrawny little bag o' bones like you won't have enough, trust me. An iron longsword is fifty pieces of copper, and iron chainmail is a hundred and fifty pieces of copper. If ye've got as much as a tenth of that, I suggest you buy some food."*

[Oh, and the job will be with oher people, quite a few, maybe a score.]

14:37:28 Jun 28th 08 - Sir Wraith:

[[Gah, that sort of ruins my plans >.<
I'll work around that... technicality then. ;)  ]]


Race: Orc
Gold: 135 (- bread)
Pay: 5 Copper Coins/day
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 2.
          Swords - 2
Classes: None
Occupation: Cemetary Guard
Group: N/a

*Wraith takes the job at the cemetary, cursing inwards. He thanks the blacksmith and heeds his words. He goes to the bakery and asks the price of a loaf of bread.*

14:48:02 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Planning to raise an undead army? It'll take you quite a while to get the skill level...]

14:51:37 Jun 28th 08 - Sir Wraith:

[[Don't uncover my plans! =O  ]]

16:05:59 Jun 28th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Enris sells his Hyrosphites for 100 copper coins and then looks at being a cook at a small taverne[Do I need to use 50 copper coins  to get the skill first before being able to work?]

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 110 copper coins
Items: A Leather Pack
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 1. 
Staff - 2
Bows - 0
Classes: None

21:11:27 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Yes, but you better not work as a cook with such a low skill level, your food will be disgusting.

02:21:24 Jun 29th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Well idk what jobs are available -.-]

21:20:14 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Look at my earlier post...

Race: Halfling
Money: 60 copper coins, 1 silver coin.
Pay: 10 copper coins/day
Items:  Haversack
Age: 15
Height: 4'2".
Weapon(s)(0/2): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
                   Shooting: 2
                   Staff: 1
Skills(0/3): Intelligence 3, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: Cooking/foraging: Level 1

23:09:06 Jun 29th 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Orc
Gold: 140 (- bread)
Pay: 5 Copper Coins/day
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 3.
          Swords - 3
Classes: None
Occupation: Cemetary Guard
Group: N/a

*Wraith is patrolling the cemtry at night alone. As he checks in on an older part of the cemetary, he sees a haunched creature with a staff topped with a black gem. The creature runs around muttering spells and in front of Wraith's eyes, a bony hand appears out of the soil, the rest of the body following it.
Taking a deep breath, Wraith steps out in front of the haunched creature. He bows and says slowly and carefully
"Oh Master of Shadows, I see your work here. I wish to be trained in these arts. Will you teach me please?"*

[[Not sure if I'm allowed to do that but anyway... just tell me if I can't. =p]]

04:26:59 Jun 30th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Ehh...well the guard skill could help in the future....and its paying im allowed to have the same job as others right?]

Enris, feeling not up to the task of going with the army to hunt enemies, or try cooking, acts as a guard at part of the cemetary.

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 110 copper coins
Items: A Leather Pack
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 1. 
Staff - 2
Bows - 0
Classes: None

14:01:51 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[You have to have level 6 intelligence to learn necromancing.]

14:10:56 Jun 30th 08 - Sir Wraith:

[Grrr, didn't read that before]

*Wraith is patrolling the cemtry at night alone. As he checks in on an older part of the cemetary, he sees a haunched creature with a staff topped with a black gem. The creature runs around muttering spells and in front of Wraith's eyes, a bony hand appears out of the soil, the rest of the body following it.
Taking a deep breath, Wraith steps out in front of the haunched creature. He draws hid swords and shouts at the Necromancer
"Who are you and why do you defile these graves and bodies?!"*

14:16:59 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[I did give all the levels needed earlier. Also, any free ones you need the skill level needed.

Green = Intelligence
Blue = Dexterity
Red = Strength

Healer(5)(Heals people), Thief(5)(Thieves stuff), Warrior(5)(Fights, +3 to all mêlée weapons, unarmed combats), Hunter(3)(Finds food, meat. +3 bow weapons), Rider(5)(Rides animals, and other creatures), Tracker(5)(Tracks creatures), Cook/Forager(2)(Finds & Cooks food), Scout(3)(Stealth and has good knowledge of areas), Assassin(6)(Hides, kills people, +3 throwing weapons), Guard(3)(Cannot be stolen off unless by higher level thief), Ranger(3)(Can track, hunt, not as well as classes of the same, though +2 shooting weapons), Tamer(5)(tames animals, incredibly useful sometimes), Smith(6)(Makes weapons of metal), Crafter(5)(Makes weapons of wood), Climber(2)(Climbs stuff), Swimmer(1)(Swims in water), Recruiter(3)(Can recruit people cheaper, and even for nothing), Elementalist(4), (Pyro-, Aero-, Geo-, Hydro-) Mancer(6), Paladin(7), Necromancer(6), Surgeon(8), Alchemist(5)(Prepares poisons and other potions(Which assassins can administrate))

Climber, Swimmer, Scout: 10 copper coins
Guard, Hunter, Warrior: 20 copper coins
Thief, Ranger, Tracker, Recruiter, Cook/Forager: 50 copper coins
Crafter, Healer, Rider, Elementalist: 100 copper coins
Alchemist, Assassin, Tamer, Smith: 150 copper coins
Mancers, Paladin, Surgeon: 200 copper coins

Price of 2nd level = double, 3rd level, triple, and so on, until 10th level, is tenth the first level. Above are price of first levels.

14:19:47 Jun 30th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Sorry then. :(

22:23:05 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:

Race: Halfling
Money: 70 copper coins, 1 silver coin.
Pay: 10 copper coins/day
Items:  Haversack
Age: 15
Height: 4'2".
Weapon(s)(1/2): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
                   Shooting: 2
                   Staff: 1
Skills(1/3): Intelligence 3, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: Cooking/foraging: Level 1
Occupation: Baker's assistant

22:25:40 Jul 1st 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Orc
Gold: 145
Pay: 5 Copper Coins/day
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 3.
          Swords - 3
Classes: None
Occupation: Cemetary Guard
Group: N/a

*Wraith wonders around the cemetary in the cool dark night, wondering if he can ask for a promotion and then chuckles thinking about what his promotion would be...
He then hears a sudden noise, draws his swords and goes to examine it.*

22:37:11 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:

*The necromancer has returned, and faces Wraith. He charges at him with the staff, and stops at the last moment, bringing his staff up with a resounding crack against his head. Wraith falls to the ground, miraculously still conscious. The necromancer chuckles and drops 5 copper coins beside him and wanders off...*

*Elsewhere, Ernie stumbles across three silver coins upon the ground.*

*Sargas finds a precious gemstone among his Hyrosphites, and sells it for thirty extra copper coins, along with the hundred for the Hyrosphites.*

22:40:00 Jul 1st 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Orc
Gold: 150
Pay: 5 Copper Coins/day
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 3.
          Swords - 3
Classes: None
Occupation: Cemetary Guard
Group: N/a

*Confused and with his head pounding, Wraith picks up the coins wondering. He stops thinking and looks where the necromancer was when he fell over and wonders why he didnt finish him off. He shrugs it off and hobbles back to the guard house.*

22:42:04 Jul 1st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Enris sees the silver coins and places them securely in his pocket.  He then finishes his job for the night and heads into the city where he collected his wage of 5 copper coins.  He then waited until night time again to patrol the cemetary.*

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 115 copper coins + 3 silver coins
Items: A Leather Pack
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 1. 
Staff - 2
Bows - 0
Classes: None
Occupation:Better Cemetary Guard Than Wraith

21:40:41 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Race: Halfling
Money: 80 copper coins, 1 silver coin.
Pay: 10 copper coins/day
Items:  Haversack
Age: 15
Height: 4'2".
Weapon(s)(0/2): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
                   Shooting: 2
                   Staff: 2
Skills(2/3): Intelligence 3, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: Cooking/foraging: Level 1
Occupation: Baker's assistant

(Just so you know, you get food working as a cemetry guard, and I obviously get food as a baker's assistant. I don't know about Sargas...)

22:14:49 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Sargas:

Sargas signs up in the army and decides to try being in the recruiting wing of the army

Name: Sargas
Race: Dwarf
Money: 140 copper coins
Age: 17
Height: 5'2".
Weapon(s): Two stone axes
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 3.
Melee - 1
Classes: None
Occupation: Army Recruiter

01:30:23 Jul 3rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Enris patrols the cemetary again, wandering around, and looking for anything suspicious.

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 120 copper coins + 3 silver coins
Items: A Leather Pack
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 1. 
Staff - 2
Bows - 0
Classes: None
Occupation:Better Cemetary Guard Than Wraith

11:26:05 Jul 3rd 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Orc
Gold: 155 - bread
Pay: 5 Copper Coins/day
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 3.
          Swords - 4
Classes: None
Occupation: Cemetary Guard
Group: N/a

[I know, thats why I always do - bread but I don't know how much bread costs....]

16:21:34 Jul 3rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Enris goes to guard the cemetary and falls in a hole and is stuck for days.....luckily he had enough food with him and he passes the time by pretending to be a ghost and making scary noises to annoy Wraith. XD [Going away in 7 hours and wont be back until the 6th]

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 120 copper coins + 3 silver coins
Items: A Leather Pack
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 3, Dexterity 1, Strength 1. 
Staff - 3
Bows - 1
Classes: None
Occupation:Better Cemetary Guard Than Wraith


18:47:27 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

[No one has to buy food, you get it free for being a guard. Sargas, the army will travel tomorrow. Wraith, you get guard skill level 1, not Ernie though because he asn't got the required strength level.]

Race: Halfling
Money: None
Pay: 15 copper coins/day
Items:  Haversack
Age: 15
Height: 4'2".
Weapon(s)(1/2): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
                   Shooting: 2
                   Staff: 2
Skills(0/3): Intelligence 4, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: Cooking/foraging: Level 2
Occupation: Baker's assistant

*Killer finishes his day at work, then sees Oped in the town. He gives her a hundred coins to teach him level 2 cooking, as he decides that though a good baker, the baker wasn't great at much else.*

18:53:21 Jul 3rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[I thought I got it free despite strength level -.- darnit]

Enris instead chooses to be a bakers assistant instead of falling in a hole -.-

21:19:00 Jul 3rd 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Orc
Gold: 155
Pay: 5 Copper Coins/day
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 3.
          Swords - 4
Classes: Guard - level 1 (Do I need more strength to raise this?)
Occupation: Cemetary Guard
Group: N/a

22:08:23 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Nope, you just need that level]

23:21:08 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Revengee:

Killer, youve got the Werewolf!

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