Forums / Roleplaying / Generic Adventure

Generic Adventure
21:02:34 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

A short, thin man wandered into the camp, and wandered around, bumping into various objects. He blinked several times, and stuck his hands out in front of him, hitting a shaman by accident, who didn't budge. The man muttered an apology, saying his eye-sight was very poor, though his blindness was probably due to the helmet on his head, which was the wrong way around somehow. The man said that his name was Gnneh, having got his mouth stuck on some part of the helmet. Gnneh blundered about, and tripped on some object, and hurtled towards the ground, grunting something, which was, perhaps fortunately, muffled by his headgear.

22:16:43 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

The shaman, after scratching his head at the sight of Gnneh, stabbed Hugh with the golden spoke. After the two flashes, Hugh returned with purple irises. However, he noticed that nothing much had changed for him either. After a somewhat one-sided discussion with the silent elder shaman, Steven managed to work out that the artifact was gradually using up it's magical power supply. It wouldn't grant any further abilities for a while - it needed a thousand years or so to recharge after using the last of it's power to change Hugh's eye color.

Sighing, Steven went to go pull of Gnneh's helmet.

[[Sorry guys, no more abilities for now. Maybe the next treasure will be interesting too.]]

22:29:59 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Steven pulled off Gnneh's helmet to reveal a haggard face, a scraggly grey beard hanging from his chin. He blinked his piercing blue eyes several times, surprised at the sudden light. The helmet caught on Gnneh's long, grey, thick hair. He pulled it off, along with a few hairs. He grinned. "Where are we going now?" he chirped, then howled for a bit. Even the shamans took a few wary steps back.

22:36:36 Mar 14th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh looked around and then at himself.
     "What ability did I get? Or what did it do to me?" he asked.  Then he found a mirror-like piece of glass among the items scattered around and saw his eyes.
     "Please tell me that having my eyes this color does something useful..." groaned Hugh.

22:56:45 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven shook his head, dismissing a thought. Then, he addressed the newcomer directly. "Well, I didn't catch your name before. All I heard was Gnneh. Who are you, and what are you doing out in the middle of this desert?"

13:57:38 Mar 15th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Gnneh grinned. "My name is..." he trailed off, scratching his head. "Oh yes, I remember now, I'm called Asgnúka," he said, grinning at his impeccable memory. "I was... eh... looking for the treasure of Traslot, which is said to be somewhere on this continent, I think." Asgnúka then uttered a series of piggish grunts, and smiled contentedly.

16:50:12 Mar 15th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

"Asg who wha?" said Steven, confused. Suddenly, he recollected his thoughts. "We're looking for a treasure too. Maybe it's the same one? But hey, we don't have a clue where to find it. We have a map, but we don't know where we are on it...can you help?"

16:54:55 Mar 15th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Spurius, who had passed out right after he had been given his power, woke up and looked around.
"Whas goin' on?"

17:56:18 Mar 15th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Asgnúka looked at the map briefly, wondering what all the strange symbols meant. "We're here," he said confidently, pointing somewhere in the region of the desert. He recognized the name of one of the towns, which was a couple of inches away from the desert. Not sure of what the scale was, he jabbered excitedly. "The treasure," he said, tracing a line with his finger to an X, which he assumed to be where the treasure was, "is just a few dozen miles north-west." Asgnúka hopped up and down excitedly, after handing the map back to Steven.

18:16:07 Mar 15th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh tried to keep himself from laughing after hearing the newcomer's name.  He tried very hard when hearing the man try and figure out where they were.  When he saw the guy jumping up and down, he broke down laughing and fell to the ground.

18:22:45 Mar 15th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven shook his head at the rofling Hugh, and put the map back into his bag. He then pulled out a compass and looked at it for a moment. "All right guys, the treasure is over in...that...direction..." he says, pointing out of the camp to some ruins in the near distance. "God dammit. Oh well, everyone ready to go? Oh, someone grab Frank's arm..."

19:12:15 Mar 15th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh pulled himself off of the ground and finally stopped laughing.
     "Who the hell is Fra-oh," Hugh started to say before realizing that it was one of the new people.  He then grabbed Frank's arm and popped it back into the man's body.  Hugh stood back and looked at it for a moment but didn't seem to care that the arm was backwards.
      "Oops...ah well," he said as he shrugged and stood near Steven.

22:22:05 Mar 15th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven looked disapprovingly at Hugh before bringing out the map as if to make a proclamation. "We're headed for those ruins to find the damn treasure already. I can't keep track of people joining the group and disappearing so come along if you want." With that, he agthered up the remaining waterskins, took the golden rod back off the elder, bid farewell to the silent shamans, and began making his way towards the imposing structure.


On arrival, they found that the door was sealed with a huge slab of rock. Steven stopped in front of it, looking stumped. "Anyone got any idea how to get past this?" he asked to the group as a whole.

[[Ideas, and the funniest as judged by me wins. There will be a small prize of a nature yet to be determined.]]

23:19:53 Mar 15th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Asgnúka stared at the slab of rock. He grinned even more broadly then he had done as he trotted along. He examined it closely to determine what type of rock it was. Shaking his head in despair, he threw the contents of one of his waterskin on the rock. It was empty. He kicked the rock in an exasperated motion. Asgnúka the headbutted the rock a few times, before hitting on a bright idea. He took a pouch filled with an alcoholic substance, and tied it onto a nearby stick. He dug a hole beside the slab, then placed the pouch in the hole, and managed to shove the other end of the stick underneath the slab, jutting out into the air. He then placed a rock on the pouch, splattering the drink across the ground. Asgnúka shrugged, and rejoined the group, his plan would hardly work now.

01:12:34 Mar 16th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Spurius, who was sober and out of alcohol, looked at Asgnúka with fury.
"I can't believe you wasted all of that ale!" yelled Spurius, "I could've used that!"
Spurius then examined the gigantic slab, and rubbed his chin.
"Well, isn't this great? This quest seems either doomed to fail, or doomed to test our determination. Well, I'll give everybody my opinion: there is no way in hell we'll ever move this with brute-force. There has to be a lever or pressure plate nearby."
Spurius examined the wall, and the cracks around the area. He eventually found a small square crease.
"Aha! I knew it!" yelled Spurius with joy before pushing on it, "It must require a large amount of force, it probably has not been used in centuries at least."
Spurius then backed up, and ran full-speed into the pressure plate.
Spurius fell to the floor holding his shoulder and yelling in pain and a sign fell from the ceiling that said "Idiot" with an arrow pointing down at where Spurius was rolling in pain. After a few minutes, he noticed the laughter around him, and then noticed the sign.
"Son of a bitch!" yelled Spurius before letting out a laugh of his own, "Well...anybody else have any ideas?"

05:43:38 Mar 16th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     "I say that Oceanus uses his thick skull to break the slab.  He now has wings for extra speed," suggested Hugh.  As he waited for a reply, he then began thinking to himself.
     "If only we had...the Rancor!" Hugh thought to himself with a grin.  He fired all of his arrows with no effect, he stabbed at the rock with his knife but it broke, and then he kicked it with his foot until he hurt it.
      "Damnit all to hell!" cursed Hugh.  He then tried staring at the rock with hopes that his eyes had some kind of special ability.  Then Hugh gave up and began playing a game of Tic-Tac-Toe by drawing on the dusty surface of the rock.
      "Anyone want to join in?" he asked.

16:33:38 Mar 17th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

'Stein was scratching his back with his left arm, which he was in turn holding with his right hand.
"Wow that feels good! I could never get there before!"
Enraptured by how good the scratching feels, he blindly walks forward. He trips over Spurius, and his left arm goes flying towards the boulder.
"Yowch! Ugh that hurt!"
The left arm had hit the boulder, some feet away.
"Hey! If we could put a little hole somewhere, I could sneak my arm in and try to open it from the inside!

17:08:46 Mar 17th 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

Oceanus seems to have been oblivious to the arrival at the door, standing nearby and looking over his shoulders, watching his wings flap slowly. It's several minutes before he realises that a problem has been encountered, one which can't be solved by turning the map the right way up. He looks up at the big slab, and grunts. 'Ah, hrm, door... Last time I met a problematic door, me and my companion tried to instigate a conversation with it. That went quite well, but it kept growing arms with which to slap my companion. Not like he didn't deserve it! He was kicking it! Still, we managed to get through because I stroked it, and it started purring, then opened up. Turned out, there was a little dog inside with a machete, but that's beside the point.' Oceanus then grins bemusedly for a while, before shaking his head. 'So maybe we could try being nice to it? It might look rediculous, a group of full-grown men stroking and talking to a door, but heck, if it gets us somewhere...'

22:55:25 Mar 17th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Norathelon's actually made me laugh out loud]]

At even the slightest implication that it was going to be stroked, the slab raised up at high speed, trying to get out of the way as fast as it could. Dueto the movement, a sword dislodged from the roof of the ruins and fell, almost slicing one of Oceanus' wings off. Oceanus picked it up; it glowed with blue fire.

[[Generic magic sword is yours.]]

After a few moments wondering that the hell was going on, Steven managed to counsel his thoughts and led the group inside. After a few minutes of wandering the corridors, he came to a sealed stone door. "Oh, great, here we go again," he muttered, before kicking the door. There was immediately a loud bellowing voice.
Steven looked thoughtful for a second before answering. "Steven Lordra," he said.
"Treasure hunting." Steven responded.
Steven thought again. "One of us gets hurt in a comical way?"
Steven smiled, and walked through the open doorway. It immediately slammed closed and began the whole process once more for the next adventurer...

[[You know the deal with the Monty Python reference doorway. Make the third question funny. :D I know, two humor things in a row, but there's a fight up next, so I hope you forgive me]]

14:49:29 Mar 18th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Asgnúka grinned and clapped his hands, bumbling forwards towards the door. He knocked lightly on it.
Asgnúka disliked the reference to a creature's lair. He decided the door must be able to see far into the future, and it would not be anytime soon. He smiled again.
"Treasure seeking", he answered.
Asgnúka frowned. That would be difficult to answer. He pondered for a long while, not making a sound. Was it the absence of noise? Was it the lack of hearing? Was it a trick question? The voice boomed again, startling him.
"Asgnúka Pilanixor" Asgnúka responded, grinning at such an easy question.

The doorway rumbled, probably deciding whether it was a worthy answer or not.

16:50:59 Mar 18th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"To avoid the evil creatures of the forest."
"Yel... No! Wait! It's Green. Green."
Frankenstein wipes the sweat off his brow as the guardian nods it's head.
"Laden or Unladen?"
"Zero. The swallow would be unable to lift a full coconut, therefore it would have crashed and has no in-flight velocity."

17:20:36 Mar 18th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

"My name is Spurius," said Spurius.
"To get enough money to keep myself in a drunken state for the rest of my probably short life."
Spurius was a bit surprised by this question.
"No," said Spurius.
Spurius walked through the doorway, wondering what insane questions it would ask the next adventurer.

18:37:15 Mar 18th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh strutted forward and then halted when he heard the booming voice.
     "Hugh Statler The Third!" replied the woodsman. 
Hugh paused for a moment.  He had heard this question before.  Somewhere.  Then he remembered.
     "Damascus! Good thing I listened to storytime!" said Hugh.
Hugh paused again.  His experience with injuries and being crushed by objects seemed to come in handy.
     "Exactly 213 pounds!" squeaked Hugh with glee.  The door exploded towards him suddenly and fell on him.
     "...damn!" said Hugh as he was rendered unconscious.

03:26:23 Mar 19th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

{Great work guys, keep it up!}

16:26:17 Mar 19th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Any point to that comment? At all?

Anyway, trying to contact Norathelon, then we can get this moving forwards to the epic battle you've all been awaiting.]]

19:32:14 Mar 22nd 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

[[ Sorry for the wait, been a bit forgetful of late. ]]

Oceanus walks up to the door, which has now corrected itself, after squishing Hugh, last to go through, and frowns a little. The door let's out a tired sigh, apparently bored of asking the entire group three questions each. It then speaks, skipping the introduction, in it's booming voice, though the bordom is evident 'WHAT, IS YOUR NAME?!' To this, Oceanus simply shrugs, then says 'Oceanus'

'WHAT, IS YOUR QUEST?!' Oceanus stares down the door, as if sizing it up, then calmly replies 'To follow that Steven bloke.'

'WHY, IS YOUR FACE SO UGLY?!' At this, Oceanus looks a little taken aback, promptly retaliating 'Why is your mum so ugly?!' to which the door responds 'I'M MADE OF ROCK! I HAVE NO MOTHER!' 'Oh yeah? Well, I'm made of person, I have no face!' Oceanus makes this statement with such conviction in his voice, glaring furiously at the door, which suddenly bursts out in a deep, booming laugh that causes the door to shake violently, before crumbling. Oceanus looks a tad confused, then shrugs, flapping his wings to clear some of the dust kicked up by the collapse before following the group, taking a moment to reach back and grab Hugh by the scruff of his neck, dragging him through the doorway [[ Assuming he's still unconcious ]].

19:36:30 Mar 22nd 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven looks back at Oceanus. "You took your sweet time. At least we don't have to ask questions on our way out now, so let's just keep going, shall we?"

After a few more stone corridors, they emerged into a huge room lit by an eerie golden light et in the wall on the far side of the chamber. After a while, Steven looked round, and assessed the room as completely bare. With that, he turned to go, and immediately a huge stone slab slid down to block the entrance. Taken aback, he turned to the golden light, which seemed to be moving towards them. It was set into the chest of a huge stone golem. The thing was massive, twenty meters tall at least. The rocky golem prepared to squash the intruders...


20:33:45 Mar 22nd 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Asgnúka gazed thoughtfully at the golem. He tried to work out whether a golem would consitute as a creature. Was a golem alive, after all? And, how could something move that was so big? It towered above them, even the huge room was barely high enough. He jumped at the noise of the slab falling behind them. Why were they so unfortunate? After pondering these questions, among others, he decided it might be a good idea to avoid being squashed under-foot. Asgnúka picked up a rock, and hurled at the rock. It glanced off one of Oceanus' wings, and hurtled towards Hugh, bounced off his back, and hit Asgnúka above the eye. He swore, and apologised to the group.
           Asgnúka then took a staff hidden in the deeper recesses of his cloak. He ran to the side of the room, deciding the others could take care of the golem.

20:48:10 Mar 22nd 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

Oceanus flapped one of his wings angrily as it was struck by the stone, frowning over his shoulder at Asgnuka, but then shrugs, now not being the time to start infighting. He puts Hugh down, then draws his sword, his other hand still holding the magic sword of genericness. He flies up into the air and begins to circle around the Golem's head, occasionally flying close and slashing with one of his swords. However, the Golem is made of stone, so the swords just glance off it. Fortuantly, perhaps, for the group, is that the swordblows seem to hurt the Golem, even if they don't do much damage, so it diverts much of it's attention to try and swat Oceanus out of the sky, a surprisingly difficult task. Although, admitedly, it is now walking about, trying to catch Oceanus, and might accidently trample people...

20:48:13 Mar 22nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Spurius, once again glad that he was sober, drew his longsword and stood with it at the ready. It had been a reflex, because after he thought about it he realized a steel sword would be useless against the golem. It was then that he began employing evasive tactics, hoping that Oceanus and his magical sword would work against the golem.

20:57:12 Mar 22nd 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Frankenstein was not pleased to see a stone golem.
Not pleased at all. So naturally, he held onto his sword with one hand, which arm was in turn held onto by Frank's other arm. He swung this mighty contraption at the stone golem. The sheer force of the attack resulted in a mighty "Ping" sound, and a chip of stone that came flying off.
"Take that, Fiend!"
'Stein reconnected his arms, and held his sword in a traditional two-handed stance.
The golem then punched at 'Stein, who was sadly unable to get out of the way.
With his limbs now scattered across the cavern, Frankenstein was in dire trouble...

22:36:05 Mar 22nd 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Asgnúka grunted with exertation as he slammed his staff into the ground. It fell over. He sighed, and picked it up again. At this point, the golem hit 'Stein, scattering various body parts across the vast expanse of the room. An arm hit Asgnúka in the face, who picked it up, and ran towards Frankenstein, barely keeping control of the writhing arm. It managed to get away from his grasp, and dropped to the floor. Asgnúka swore, and decided that he would only fend for himself. He turned to see the golem stamping the ground in front of him. In an amazing feat of acrobatics, he tripped backwards, avoiding being squished.
           Asgnúka scrambled to his feet, thankful that the airborne Oceanus was providing a distraction. He threw a rock in the air, and slammed it with his staff, aiming for the light again{Yes, I don't know what I was thinking while I was typing the last time, I had meant to aim the rock at the light}. It missed, but thankfully didn't hit anyone else. He jumped onto the leg of the golem, and clambered upwards, before deciding it wasn't a good idea. He clinged on desperately, retching the contents of his stomach all over the place, as the golem was stumbling about the place fairly quickly.

17:20:36 Mar 23rd 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven, having retreated to a corner under the logic that the golem couldn't reach into the space, saw Asgnúk's attempt at flinging stones and had an idea. He yelled to Oceanus, "OCEANUS! SEE IF YOU CAN STAB THAT SHINY THING IN IT'S CHEST!", before rushing out to drag Hugh and as many of Frank's limbs as he could gather into the corner.

18:23:49 Mar 23rd 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh didn't really know what had happened.  He opened his eyes and found himself flying through the air.
     "Must be a dream..." Hugh thought.  Then he was dropped onto the ground and saw a giant stone golem running around trying to stomp on people while a man with wings flew around its head.
     "Has to be a dream..." Hugh thought.  A man's body just split into pieces and flew all over the cavern.
     "Weirdest dream I ever saw...." thought Hugh.  Hoping to make it go away, Hugh closed his eyes.  He kept hearing people yelling and screaming while the pinging of swords hitting stone kept ringing through his head.
     "Most damned annoying dream I ever was in..." grumbled Hugh.  Then he felt himself being dragged into the corner of the cavern.  He saw someone who seemed vaguely familiar.
     "Steven?" Hugh thought to himself again. 
     "I wish this dream would take a coffee break or something so I can go back to sleep," grumbled Hugh to himself as he closed his eyes again.

22:21:43 Mar 23rd 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Frankensteins arms desperately came together, grabbing his sword. One leg came to their assistance, at the command of their (somewhat groggy) master. The leg attached to the two arms, then hopped forward towards the golem. When it turned, 'Stein's leg threw itself forward, with the arms stabbing desperately at the light...

22:50:48 Mar 23rd 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

The sword stuck into the glassy light, causing white cracks to visibly spread through it. However, moments later the sword was ejected in a spout of fire, and the golem roared in pain. The cracks remained, and fire seemed to be seeping from them. "Keep it up!" yelled Steven, "It probably can't take much more! Probably!"

19:01:31 Mar 24th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Asgnúka scrambled up the golem's leg, which fortunately had numerous crevices to hold on to. He took off his cloak(thankfully he had several others on underneath), and threw it towards the light, before descending the golem's leg, slowly and carefully. He looked towards the light. The cloak had been incinerated. Asgnúka sighed, before idly dodging a leg.

20:01:01 Mar 24th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

'Steins arms and legs desperately crawled to their master, exhausted from lack of oxygen. When they finally re-attached, they felt leaden to the already hurt Frankenstein. Naturally, from trauma sustained and the sheer exhaustion felt in his limbs, he fell unconscious, his sword lying across his stomach.

20:37:45 Mar 24th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh finally woke up and looked around.
     "This isn't a dream...but it damn well looks like it should be," he grumbled.  He took out his quiver of arrows and began firing at the little shiny thing on the golem.  Some of the arrows stuck in the crack that had formed in it and then typically burst into flames, but Hugh did not give up shooting.  He had gathered quite a few arrows over the past days.

11:50:31 Mar 27th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Arrow after arrow connected with the golem's heart. Hugh was finding it easier to aim, somehow. The cracks widened, until eventually, the golden glow shattered.
The golem immediately froze. Cracks spread across the huge stone arms and legs, and the featureless head exploded in a shower of rocky fragments. The entire golem collapsed into a pile of rubble.
Steven waited until the dust settled, and headed over to the pile of rubble, which was still illuminated in the gloom. He pulled a few rocks free, and withdraw a large perfect sphere of glowing gold, about the size of a head. The light emanating from it illuminated the entire room. After a few seconds analyzing it, the roof seemed to crack and withdraw to the sides, letting in a widening sliver of sunlight and a slight rain of sand. As the roof completely disappeared into the walls, the sand stopped falling. A square of sky replaced the roof entirely. However, the door was still blocked by the stone slab, so the sky was the only way out.
Steven called to Oceanus to go and see if there was any way to let down a ladder or anything from the open roof, so that they could leave.

12:44:52 Mar 27th 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

Oceanus grunts, sliding his sword back into it's sheathe, still holding the magic sword of genericness in the other hand. He then flies up through the hole in the roof, frowning a little. He blinks in the bright sunlight, then looks around. Something catches his eye and he smiles, before shouting other his shoulders 'Looks like there's a ladder up here, we'll have you out in no ti- Oh bugger...' Oceanus sighs deeply as several peices of rope ladder fall through the hole. Maybe he should've put his sword down before trying to pick up the rope ladder. 'Alright guys, we're gonna have to improvise, I seem to have, uh, found out that the last visitor broke the ladder!' Oceanus shouts down the whole before hopping down into it, flapping his wings lazily as he drifts to the ground. He then, inexplicably, grabs Steven by the collar and flies up through the hole, dumping Steven up top before flying back down again.

'Right, who's next?'

19:41:00 Mar 27th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh watched as he finally did something productive as the woodsman and celebrated.  He then saw the roof move away and Steven get dragged by his collar up to the top.
     "I guess I am next," said Hugh as he prepared himself to be lifted into the air.

19:36:38 Mar 29th 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

Oceanus begins to grab each of the group members in turn, starting with Hugh, and carrying them up through the hole in the roof and dropping them outside with Stephen.

21:09:21 Mar 29th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Asgnúka gazed at the golden sphere, unconcerned with his present surroundings. "So, we got a sphere thingamabob, and a magic sword thingy," nodding his head wisely. "Perhaps that sphere opens up. Why don't we throw it at the ground and see?"

22:07:58 Mar 29th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Steven shook his head. "I say we go back to the shamans, they seemed to know what was what." he took one step away from the group, and stopped. "Uh, which was was it again? Did anyone pack a compass?"

22:59:59 Mar 29th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Frankenstein jumped up.
"I  have a compass! Right here!"
'Stein reached into his pocket, grabbed something and pulled it out.
"Here ya' go!"
He then hands it to Steven. Unfortunately, when Steven grabs it it falls apart, bits and pieces scattering over the ground. Alas, it did not survive being punched. By a two ton rock golem.

17:47:42 Mar 31st 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

"Damn, looks like we're finding our own way out of this desert..." muttered Steven, before he picked the direction he thought was 'vaguely north' and set off.

After wandering through the sands, they came to a strange cliff. Trees and birdsong could be heard from the top, but the desert sands extended right the way to the bottom. Some soldiers were also visible at the top in a wooden watch tower. They shouted to the group in a foreign language.
"Hey, could you help us?" yelled back Steven, before having to step smartly back to avoid a thrown rock. The soldiers laughed. Steven took a few more paces towards the rocky cliff and the laughter ceased abruptly as crossbows were drawn. Steven raised his hands. "Hey, what's the problem?" he asked, only to be answered in that strange foreign language. He looked back at the group imploringly, in case they had any ideas...

[[Guys? Don't kill them, just try and be friendly, if you can. I very much doubt there'll be warm welcomes, but you might convince them to let us up the cliff.]]

19:19:43 Mar 31st 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Frankenstein walked up to the cliff, in front of the guard tower, and started to mime.
First, he pointed at their group, then at the sun. After pointing at the sun, he began to look extremely tired and thirsty, on the point of collapse even. Then he pointed at the guard tower and the tree he could see poking up over the cliff. He smiled, making friendly, laughing gestures, like he was happy.
Then he pointed at the cliff itself, with a very, very sad face.
Then he gestured to the soldiers, then to his group, then up the cliff with a great big smile! Following that, he fell to his knees in standard begging posture, hands clasped, desperately looking up...

20:44:52 Mar 31st 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Hugh wondered if he was close enough to even chance a shot at the crossbowmen if they were forced into a fight.  After thinking about his abilities and the distance, he decided against it.  Hugh stood behind Steven in case he needed a shield. 
     "Better him than me," Hugh thought to himself.

01:23:45 Apr 2nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Spurius's thoughts were on different subjects than those at hand.
Spurius was deep in thought, his mind wandering. Finally, he looked up.
"This might seem a strange time to ask, but anybody else craving bacon?"

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