Forums / Roleplaying / The Gladiators

The Gladiators
12:23:19 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith takes the opportunity and keeps close to Plague. He figures that the sword can't have a serious impact if there isn't any space for a swing.

Then, Wraith grabs the wrist holding the dagger and places a leg between Plague's feet and sweeps outwards while pushing into Plague's chest with his shoulder.

13:10:24 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

{{I hope that makes sense, lol}}

14:41:36 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Plague stumbles backwards, sword in hand, but dropping his knife. He has his bottom on the ground, but could fend off any attacks with the longer reach of his sword.*

16:34:01 May 3rd 08 - Sir Plague:

Plague picks up the knife and rolls and the ground to keep a safe distance and waits for Wraith to come closer.

17:43:20 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Right, time for mine.
Bruiant, Orcs - 7 strength, 1 intelligence, 6 accuracy, 6 speed, 9 skill, 1 riding.
Bruiant V Mounted(on pony) Spearman(Halfling). Armed with pike and 5 spears(for throwing). Stats: 4 strength, 5 intelligence, 4 accuracy, 2 speed, 1 skill, 5 riding.      Pony: 2 strength, 5 speed
Bronze Longsword
Bronze Chainmail armour
Bronze Shortsword

"Bruiant was ready this time for his escort to the top. Two guards clad in iron armour, with an iron sword on hip stood either side of him, guiding him through the passageways into the equipment room. on his last visit, Bruiant had to equipment to worry about, but this time, he had a matter of minutes to gather and equipt his. on first went his chainmail vest, straight over his head, resting on his frame. then on came his chain leggings and pauldrons. Bruiant then unsheathed his two swords, the long in his left, the short in his right. shoving his chain coif on, he walked to the wooden slatted tunnel, lined with fresh blood, awaiting his time to enter. closing his eyes, and breathing deep, he was again, to be tested to see if he will be torn limb to limb, or to be thrown onto glorius salvation.
After a prompt from a grinning guard, he was set again into motion. the guards on either side wore smirks on their faces, as if knowing he was to be thrown into the deep end. growing with anxiety, Bruiant entered the arena, the bright white washed bricks smattered with blood hitting him full in the face, forcing him to squint. Marching into the centre, he waited, waiting for his opponent to enter.
After what seemed an eternity, the wooden slats opposite that in which he entered, slowly swung open, revealing a near identical room, lacking only the smatter of blood, and dampness. Bruiant readied himself, going into a crouch and raising the longsword up over his face, the short sword down to his hip, waiting like a coiled snake. Hoof beats came from the tunnel, getting louder and louder, untill the horse emerged. Bruiant was taken aback again, a small scrawny pony, perched ontop a halfling, brandishing javelins and spears. had the halfer been on foot, it would have been short work after the javelins had gone, but mounted, the advantage of height was now countered, the pony being faster, and the halfer able to throw further. The only thing in Bruiants favour was his armour. he chose it because the hand crafted loops where stong enough to deflect arrows, and medium sized rocks, but without a silk shirt underneath, javelins will skewer him.
The halfer turnt the pony about, circling the arena, with Bruiant in the centre. Taking one of the javelins from a saddlestrap, the halfer took aim, and let loose, hurtling a javelin at Bruiants large chest. Bruiant anticipated the attack, diving to the left, and avoiding the javelin. rolling back into his crouch, he came up to take a hold of the javelin. pulling it from the ground where it struck, he found the arrowhead bent and usless. The halfer took aim again, and sending another javelin towards Bruiant. However, he did not totally expect this one, diving to the right late, it hit home. the javelin struck him high in the left thigh, penetrating his chain armour, protuding from his leg. falling down in agony, bruiant heaved the javelin from his leg. his vision blurred, but he saw the halfer slowly trot towards him. heaving himself up, he took note of the javelin tip. as it hit flesh, and not solid dusty earth, the tip was still intact. noting his rise, the halfer burst into trot, rising his pike, as too did Bruiant, who was now on his knee, javelin held high like a spear. the pony now came within reach of Bruiant, who jumped forth, rising the javelin high, thrusting with all his might into the beasts neck, who was caught in the momenturm and slinging the halfer high into the air.
The hardest part was now done, yet, Bruiants vision cleared further and further, as blood seaped from his gaping hole in his thigh. Staggering to his feet, he picked up his longsword, and seathed his short sword, left hand holding his leg, the right hanging limply, sword clutched tightly. the halfer too had risen, and charged at bruiant with his pike held firmly infront, intending to impale bruiant upon the spike tip. Bruiant patted the pike aside, with his left palm, and brought a closed fist hammering into the halfers face, rocking his head back. bringing back his fist, he lunged with his sword, sending it cleanly through the halfers gut. Bruiant held on tight to the halfer, leaning on him, watching his eyes go white and empty, as he fell down, defeated. sheathing his longsword, he picked up the pike, and headed back down the tunnel, toward the infirmary, to be stiched up, and have herbs rubbed into his wound.

18:44:42 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith got closer to plague, just out of reach of the sword. He crouched down low and grabbed a handful of sand. He unsheathed his knife and held it in a defensive position (Blade protecting wrist instead of the offensive way of the blade near the thumb. Best way I can explain it) 

Suddenly he threw the sand at Plague and whacked at the sword and tried to pu*beep* down to the ground with the wooden half of the bow. While doing this he used his knife to defend himself.

19:22:20 May 3rd 08 - Sir Plague:

hey wraith you can't move that fast because "Wraith hurts his knee doing this, and got a wide shallow cut from the knife." 

22:27:15 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I hardly moved my feet/knees..

23:04:02 May 3rd 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, i rolled away from you, far away

23:07:29 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

And while you were rolling you think I stood there looking pretty...? Let's just wait for Killer to judge it..

23:17:55 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

ehh, what do you mean "whacked at the sword"? you mean hit the side with your palm? or you mean with the dagger? just checking.

23:22:50 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Ugh sorry... Damn censor...

Suddenly he threw the sand at Plague and whacked at the sword and tried to push it down to the ground with the wooden half of the bow. While doing this he used his knife to defend himself.

With the broken bow. :)

00:25:06 May 4th 08 - Sir Plague:

well it doesn't matter because nobody hit anyone one so i guess it my turn.

Plague moves his head in time and doges the sand.  He has his knife holstered so grabs wraiths dagger wrist with his free hand.  He tries to slash half of the bow into more pieces.

12:48:51 May 4th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

oh, wraith, that makes perfect sence now :D
and plague, i think its near impossible to dodge sand that is thrown into your face at such a short range, unless you either shut your eyes, or turnt around, either way, youll be momentarily blinded/distracted. you dont have 9 or 10 speed, so i think it must have hit you somewhat. if not in the face.

13:33:47 May 4th 08 - Mr. Ant:

yeah plague should be hit

14:21:22 May 4th 08 - Sir Plague:

i meant like it didn't hit my eyes but i got some in my face, like in my ears mouth. but not my eyes, like where i thought was important not to get any in

16:01:17 May 4th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Wraith manages to momentarily blind Plague, not by getting any sand directly into his eyes, but from the reflex action of Plague closing his eyes. Wraith pushes the sword to the ground with the bow, but the bow finally breaks(well... not break as such, more like bends) into two. He loses the grip with the bow on the sword, but manages to get the half he's holding to it, and pushes it back down to the ground.*

11:54:39 May 5th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

heh, us 5 have over 100 posts :D
so is it like wraiths or plauges go?

11:58:41 May 5th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Plague, I'm guessing..

12:32:58 May 5th 08 - Sir Plague:

plague struggles with pulling the sword and lets it go. He grabs the bow arm and flips Wraith onto the ground. He pulls out his knife and tries to stab Wraith on his arm and body area as many times as possible. He picks up the sword and holsters it.

12:36:39 May 5th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Lol, now I'm just confused.. xD

12:54:04 May 5th 08 - Sir Plague:

you know how my sword was on the ground? well i let it go and grab the hand with the bow and flipped you. because you were applying pressure to the sword when i let it go you're off balance so i take that advantage. so you lay on your back now and i try to stab you as many times.

08:38:09 May 6th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

so i guess we either wait for wraith to somehow recover/die or killer to tell us if the dagger did/didnt do any damage. why dont you just grab an arrow from your quiver :D it has a metal pointy tip, i watched legolas stab people with it on LOTR :)

09:53:50 May 6th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:


10:35:42 May 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Lol I was waiting for Killer cos I'm just confused. xD

12:25:56 May 6th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, sorry i'll try to make it more clear, somehow

14:13:03 May 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Plague lets the sword go, and it crashes into the ground, sending up sand. Plague quickly tries to push Wraith on to the ground, but Wraith is too nimble and manages to get away, dropping the bow. Plague gets the sword and waits for Wraith to retaliate...*

I suppose someone will have to win soon...

14:33:09 May 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith lets out a roar and charges at Plague. He feints right, ducks and moves in closer to Plague before letting out an uppercut to the jawand reaching around Plague's body with his left arm to grab the back of his clothing.

18:46:10 May 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Plague holds the sword up as Wraith charges, but Wraith dodges, avoiding death, but receives a wide shallow wound across his leg, making it hard to stand. He hits Plague with the uppercut, knocking out a few teeth, and grabs him around his body, who drops the sword, right onto his foot. It hit it on its side, giving him a cut across his foot. Plague leaps away without the sword, leaving Wraith with it, but the wound is causing Wrath serious bother, and can only stumble after Plague.*

21:58:03 May 6th 08 - Sir Plague:

Plague pull out his dagger holding it for defense.  He waits for Wraith stumble his way to him.

22:25:02 May 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Sounds simple... Wraith picks up the sword and holds the hilt with the blade resting on the ground so as not to wear him out since he was already exhausted with fatigue. He crouches and moves slightly closer.


{{Is the cut on the knee that was hurt or on the other foot?}}

23:08:49 May 6th 08 - Sir Plague:

don't know but you look like you about to die buddy

23:16:22 May 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I'm still standing. ;)

00:19:32 May 7th 08 - Sir Plague:

Plague walks around wraith waiting for him to strike him. still holding his knife in his hand for any sudden movements wraith makes

00:25:23 May 7th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith watches carefully at Plague and draws his dagger in the other hand....

02:09:50 May 7th 08 - Sir Plague:

Plague uses his advantage of speed over wraith and runs around him as fast as he can and kicks wraith on his spine as hard as he can to break it.

08:29:00 May 7th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

All I have to do is turn around... I don't have to be fast to do that...

12:30:12 May 7th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, well you can't swing the sword fast because your on the ground with lots of cuts and the cut from my sword before.

12:32:10 May 7th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I can use it to block and use my dagger and anyway... the cuts are on my leg and a shallow one on my arm.

12:40:05 May 7th 08 - Sir Plague:

Fine i'll redo mine. Plague goes and attacks Wraith twice and moves back away

15:20:11 May 7th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Mr. Peter Jackson


5/6/2008 8:53:50 AM.......
WTF? whose sorra, and who you talking to?
anyways, the cut in his leg dont sound too serious, but the one in his foot sounds life threatening :o he could have lost a toe!

18:36:33 May 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Wraith easily parries the blow, and keeps Plague back with his longer reach. He scratches Plague along his cheek, but with only a very minor cut.*

20:08:49 May 7th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

i noticed killer is now giving away injuries like candy bars :)

20:22:22 May 7th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Lol hes waiting for one of us to screw up. =P

Wraith sees the cut on Plague's cheek and this invigorates him. He slowly advances on Plague, sword and dagger.

20:34:26 May 7th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Out of no-where two arrows fly in and pierce Wraith's lung and neck
As Plague watches as Wraith's mouth chokes on blood and collapses, Plague is struck in the right shoulder, the red liquid of war begins too drip but he stands his ground, the arrow is deep and he drops his  short sword, dust rises into the air, as he looks up too the grey sky a final arrow penetrates his thin waist armour and slices into his white flesh...and his beating heart..

20:35:09 May 7th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Nice. I know what to use when I die. ^^  Just not yet. =P

20:35:58 May 7th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Your already dead xD

I dont know why I wrote that.. is it any good  O.o?

20:37:39 May 7th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I like it, LOL.

Oh and check Sf thread. :)

03:36:12 May 8th 08 - Sir Plague:

Plague wait for wraith to make a move, still holding his dagger in defensive mode

12:39:45 May 8th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith gets close and pushes off with his good leg. He drives the sword slightly to the right of where Plague was standing and gives an upwards slash with all the force he can muster while using the dagger in his right hand to defend.


{{He can't just wait for me to go. That isn't fair.}}

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