Forums / Roleplaying / The Quest of Ages

The Quest of Ages
19:08:56 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

1 OF COURSE! anyone who thinks else must be a coward! *starts yammering and once again the rage takes over and kassius sights the bull with his crimson eyes*


19:38:08 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

[1, that was quick.....]

*Seloc gets his sword out and takes a fighting stance.*


00:18:08 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:


06:51:48 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"Ah my gawd!! What's wrong with you people!! It's so obvious in a situation like this we need to pick 1!!! Ahh... wait... I mean let's bribe it!!"

*Xiax runs around picking grass*


13:52:08 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

*Kassius watches Xiax for a while then as he runs past holds out his arm and Xiax runs into it then falls over8

"dude you look like ya need a nap"

14:32:49 Sep 30th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

*Jonny stares the bull in the face. He then looks at kassius, and the rest of his companions.*

"I think we could actually take this brute. I say we give kassius a chance to prove himself with his crazy mauling power. Go on bro, show em what you've got."


14:48:51 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:


18:38:02 Sep 30th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

*Ragnarr steps out of the shadow of a large Bloodwood Tree.*
"Guardians never negotiate, never."
*Ragnarr grabs his sword hilt and stands beside Seloc, ready to strike.*

18:53:03 Sep 30th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

[[OOC: I changed my name everybody, I'll still refer to myself as Gaius though]]

And so the group (Due to a majority vote) decided to attack the monster, Gaius stepped in front of the group and faced the mighty beast before him.

"My group has decided that we will never give up!", said Gaius.

"So be it", said the bull, suddenly it pulled a sword twice the size of a normal man from the ground and stood ready. Gaius drew a longsword from his side.

"Don't try to block his blows unless you want your sword cut in half, dodge them!"

*Gaius charged the beast and slashed at it, a small cut appeared and the beast looked down at him before kicking him in the chest, Gaius heard a crack as he flew into a large oak tree. He looked at the group.


Choose one!

1. Attack (You can do the battle scenes yourself, although I will be the one who writes about the monster's demise)

2. Say "Screw this!" and run away


19:02:09 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

*Xiax wakes up in time to see Gaius get completely raped by the bull.*

"Oh wow! I guess we all know what we're gonna do now!"

*Xiax casts flare. It blinds the bull.*

19:02:29 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

*Kassius' rage takes on an even greatr level than before, his eyes have disappeared in to two crimson novas of light, any who looks directly at his eves have their eyea scorches by the pure brilliance, the veins are throbbing with his pulse and his skin takes on the red sheen as his body swells, he runs at the beast with the clwas and stabs again and again in succsesion, he does plenty of damage even scoring a raking line down the length of the enemys blade and gashed the bulls head a mighty blow but even as the bull falls back slightly Kassius looses his footing and his concentration wavers, the bull sees his chance  and rakes Kassius chest, while not being enough to kill Kassius loses control and his skin starts to burn, he reaches for his canteen and takes 5 chugs so his condition slowly turns back to the norm, he lies there while the bull pants away for a while untill he is fit to stamd again then stands ready for another assault*

OOC now how bloomin awesum was tht eh?

19:17:59 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Blasted fools! The things strong, got a huge sword, and you bloody well charge it!"
Shaking his head, Erunion starts to unleash a hail of arrows at the beast, each one scorching the bull, inside and out.
"Now that's the way to win a war! Xiax, keep him blind!"

19:20:07 Sep 30th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

*Jonny pulls out his saber, and charges the beast. Still breathing heavy from its skirmish with Kassius, Jonny, Gaius, Seloc and Ragnarr easily surround the bull. They start hitting it when the beast is turned away, and dodging around, constantly ready to move, while the bulls attention is on them.*

"Take that you beast!" Jonny scores a hit on the bulls side, plunging his rapier deep into the soft tissue, right under his rib cage. As he pulls out his sword, the bull turns on him, and with a mighty howl, swipes one of its mighty horns at Jonny. He ducked just half a second to late. The blunt part of the horn catches Jonny in the left shoulder, and he is flung off a good five meters or so, where he stirs a bit. The fight is not yet over though.....

20:04:28 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc makes a move at the same time as Jonny holding his sword like a club, Seloc makes a gash in the bulls rear. Unforunatly when the bull swung round to Jonny, Seloc was caught by a kick and sent upward to the tree tops of the surrounding forest.*


21:07:23 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Blasted fools! Getting in the way of my arrows."
Muttering under his breath, Erunion  puts his bow on his back and draws his trendarat, charging in, he sends a few bolts of lightening ahead of him.

05:18:38 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"You have to keep to the bull's back when attacking! Preferably from a distance!"

*Xiax circles around the bull and sends several fireballs flying at it, the resulting explosions burn with such fiery brilliance that it temporarily makes the spectators lose their sense of smell. It also somehow reduced the size of the sexual organs of most males present, except Xiax, because he's not affected by his own spells.*

08:29:08 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Whilst charging the bull again as a result of Xiax fireball, Seloc accidently stabbed his sword into xiax's left leg pieceing it all the way through.*

17:03:22 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

With Kassius fully regenerated he charges the bull again head on, after three thunderous clashes both atnd en gard, Kassius with a gash right down his side and the bull with his left arm hacked nearly off Kassius makes a thunderous cry along with the bull and they charge again and again till both are panting

00:57:32 Oct 3rd 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

Jonny stands up slowly, rubbing his soreness. He looks around, and realizes the Bull, though badly injured, is not yet dead.

"How the Hell....... God, here we go!"

Jonny charges back into the fray

[ooc:wow, long "battle"!?]

01:35:19 Oct 3rd 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:


Septim rose from beside the tree and felt his ribs, two were broken. Septim then turned to the battle. Kassius stabbed the beast in one leg, Jonny stabbed it in the other, the monster then fell and Ragnarr pinned its hands to the ground with two shortswords. The monster groaned as Seloc did the same to its legs. Xiax and Erunion then finished the beast off with two fireballs to the head. Epyon was nowhere to be seen (He hasn't posted since sign-ups, so I guess he abandoned the group). Septim healed his ribs with some magic and approached the group.

"Hell of a nice job! Now let us continue!"

The group moved on and soon found a cave, Erunion and Xiax checked it for enchantments and found none, so the group entered. The cave had several fountains and lit torches on the wall. Septim turned to the group and presented them with some options.

1. Split up and look for the amulet.or a sign of the amulet.

2. Stay together and look for the amulet or a sign of the amulet.

03:52:35 Oct 3rd 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Stick together. Splitting up usually involves one or the other of us being split up... Maybe all of us." 2

04:20:57 Oct 3rd 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

2 seems to be better right now.

14:38:49 Oct 3rd 07 - Mr. Xiax:


"Lets stick together, I even have this chalk to help us mark which routes we took."

15:55:44 Oct 3rd 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

[[OOC: I am leaving for five days today, the RP will be halted until Sunday]]

17:05:45 Oct 3rd 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

1. time to shine :P

17:13:43 Oct 3rd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

2. we make a good team.

22:54:48 Oct 3rd 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

"Oh, yes, the most witty thing to do now is split up, right,..."
*Ragnarr nodds.*
"We should stick together."
*Ragnarr cleans the blood from his sword gently before putting it back in its sheath and heads forward.*

23:07:18 Oct 3rd 07 - Sir Scientist:

Mr. Erunion Telcontar


9/29/2007 1:06:58 AM

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05:31:39 Oct 5th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

And so the group decided to stick together as they looked for the amulet...or any clue as to the location, and they found no sign of it. Yet they did find a script that Septim approached.

"I can't read it...anybody know this language?"

[[OOC: I will continue the story when I can]]

15:45:37 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"I think the elf boy who has lived for a while now should be able to decipher foreign languages."

*Xiax turns and stares at Erunion.*

18:02:34 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion walks up, grabs the paper and starts deciphering it.
After a few minutes, he said; "I have it! It's an ancient dialect, and I'm a little rusty, but I finally remembered. It's like riding a bicycle, you never forget."
Everyone stared at him.
"Oh, right, Bicycle's haven't been around for a while..."

18:05:33 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc sighs heavily*

18:14:30 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

*Kassius is playing in the corner with something glittery while giggling like a school girl*

01:52:44 Oct 6th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

"Well...what does it say?"

*Septim takes another look and sees that Erunion had written it down on a piece of paper, Septim grabs it and looks at it.

"It says 'Deeper you must delve before you recieve your prize, but before you can dive you must beat the guardians', I don't like the plural in that..."

*Suddenly a large boom is heard, it booms again and suddenly five bull guardians enter the chamber and a hole opens in the ground, one fifty foot tall Earth Golum comes out. The doors shut and the hole closes...

"This isn't good"

Choose one:

1. See if, against all odds, you can defeat the guardians.

2. Try to find an exit.

3. Try to find an ancient weapon to fight the beasts.

4. Scream like a little girl and wait for death.

02:13:10 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Xiax, help me!"
A swarm of lighting and fireballs streaked towards the beasts, while Erunion yelled "Seloc, see if you can find something to use against them!"

02:17:04 Oct 6th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim dodges a blow from one of the golum's massive arms and slashes at him with his longsword, the longsword doesn't leave a mark. Septim then starts to run from the beast while looking for a weapon to use. He finds a skeleton with a quiver of arrows and an oak bow next to him,

"I found a skeleton with a few arrows...these might work!"

*Septim loads an arrow and fires it at the golum, it bounces off of his arm as if it were a rock.


*Septim continues running.

03:09:37 Oct 6th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

Jonny dodged around one of the golums legs, only to encounter the other one, who tried to step on him.

Rollonmg easily to saftey, Jonny slashed at the guardians legs. Sparks flew, but not a dent was made. Jonny quickly up and runs after Septim, searching for a weapon that may help defeat these things

05:29:52 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

*Xiax cowers in the corner and screams like a little girl.*

"Okay, now that that's over with..."


*Xiax gets up and runs in a different direction from Septim to see if he can find something in another direction.*

09:08:44 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"O yeh ask me, to find the artifact..."

*Seloc said running for the cover of the shadows of the wall, searching all the time. Skeleton, skeleton, rusty sword, skeleton......

Seloc was running out of places to search, suddenly a wild swing from the golem, knocked over a coloum ne*beep*loc, a metal sword hilt hit him square between the eyes and knocked him out.*

14:11:38 Oct 6th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

"oh boy"

Jonny couldn't believe his luck. He brabbed the sword hilt, and realized, that it was only a sword hilt, and that it had no blade.

"oh, great job there Seloc. Way to set us up for doom."

Jonny continued to run, dragging a semi conscious seloc with him.

14:34:09 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

Kassius gets all hyped up again and stares strainght into the golems eyes with his blinding reds. while the golem is screaming in agony he starts running forwards, he jumps up onto its legs, shimmys up to the sholders where he perches next to its head raining blow after blow into the big ugly mugs face.... after half an hour a minute hairline crack opens diagonally across its face.....but now the golems sight has returned...

14:43:32 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

*Xiax casts flare*

17:46:13 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

In the blinding light from Xiax's flare, Erunion rushes forward, drawing his trendarat, he jumps at the leg, stabbing it with his sword. He then jumped back, as the rest of the group started to realize that the leg was starting to turn into ice.
"Xiax, I'm not very good with ice! Can you help me? Once we've frozen this block of earth, it won't be too hard to shatter him!"

18:16:36 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Still knock out.*

18:17:58 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

*Xiax silently sends a wave of freezing cold air at the Golem.*

"I think Ragnarr would be of more help with ice though..."

18:34:02 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Good idea Xiax, Ragnarr, help me freeze this thing!"

18:41:51 Oct 6th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

"I'm no mage."
Ragnarr had his sword out,  searching silently for a weak spot to strike.

22:57:57 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"You are extremely cold though! Just stay close to him!"


05:22:54 Oct 7th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim suddenly sees a blue sword, he picks it up and feels that the sword is cold as the heart of Lucias Septim II. Septim then picks up the sword and stabs it into the golem. The golum yells out and tries to strike Septim, but he is frozen within the second. Septim then grabs a hammer from his backpack and strikes the beast, making him shatter into a million pieces. Septim hears several howls and turns to see the five other bull monsters charging towards him. Septim strikes one and it turns to ice, another then knocks Septim into a wall, the blade falls onto the ground and a beast picks it up.

1. Try to get the blade back

2. Try to fight them without the blade

3. Scream like a little girl!

05:40:36 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Xiax:


*Xiax screams like a little girl.*

*He magically enhances his scream to create a wave of sonic energy which he slams against the bulls.*

*Xiax then proceeds to try and fight the bulls without the blade.*


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