Forums / Roleplaying / Madidus Nightclub

Madidus Nightclub
05:35:21 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

"ummm....thats really mud.....Norman grows the hops, olives, limes, and other items for our drinks behind the nightclub. He was using that glass to scoop mud and fertilizer (animal poo) but he had to come in here to keep control of you weirdos."

*Norman grabs the glass from Arvious angerly*

"Oh Norman will have to wait for the horses to go again" ._.

06:30:19 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim watches intently.

20:13:52 Jun 20th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

*pukes several times in the boys bathroom and comes out*

"Ah, MUCH better..."

*drinks a shot which tastes like grape soda and apple cider in whiskey*

"What an... odd taste... but at least it didn't get injur-"

*Suddenly, his head turns into an apple and his arms turn to grape vines*

20:21:05 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

"Stop drinking drinks that arent on the menu.....order drinks.....I no longer have drinks sitting out....BUT"


20:22:55 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

"Ummmm...I hate Mister Sarafan, I'll have the best drink you've got!"

20:24:12 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

"That would be difficult since most are the best" ☺ 

[Hands Septim a glass of Black Froth]

20:26:40 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim holds it.

"This is your strongest...right?"

20:28:43 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

" just asked for the best I gave you one no one has ordered.......if you wanted the strongest drink you need a Madidus Rum...specially brewed here at the nightclub"

20:31:33 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

"Gimme that too."

*Septim drinks the black froth, and his eyes melt out, he pulls out two new ones and pops them into his eye sockets.

"Wow, that was good!"

20:34:08 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Pours a Madidus Rum*

"Here sign this waiver....this has more alcohol than moonshine and its over 300 is the limit as we dont want people dropping dead....the rum is kept in an airtight vault"

20:39:25 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim signs the waiver and mutters "Drunk Demise Ripoff" before drinking the Madidus Rum, his throat burns with pain, and all of the organs in his chest liquify and burn, Septim's eyes melt out again, his skin melts away from his bones, and only a skeleton is left behind.

20:52:25 Jun 20th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

"Err... Umm... Sarafan... Oh, umm, he.... I... he oh umm... yeah.  And then, umm... a huge...  space monkeys... something, damn...  One ale please."

22:12:46 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[lol I didn't even know what the Drunk Demise was in Ye Olde Taverne....I just thought it was a strong Rum....Madidus Island Rum....made by Norman the bouncer and brewer]

PS[Beer has a MUCH lower percentage of alcohol than rum -.- otherwise it really wouldnt be beer would it?]

22:23:34 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: I never said the Drunk's Demise was beer...:D]]

03:11:29 Jun 21st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Ye Olde Taverne didnt serve any drinks other than beer or ales that I knew of....the Madidus Nightclub serves exotic drinks, martinis, mixed drinks, rums, and many of the basics beer as it isnt exotic -.-]

03:13:47 Jun 21st 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: We would serve anything you'd order, nobody ever ordered anything except ale, beer, Septim Shots, the Drunk's Demise, and on one occasion, milk...]]

03:21:59 Jun 21st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Yeah I read the milk part once.....funny....]

04:05:20 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

 Come one! Come All! To the Madidus Nightclub!  Come in! have a drink! and tell some tales of fame and fortune to the other veterans here

13:58:50 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

*walks in drunk* "i wan a voddkaa"

16:57:12 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Pours a vodka from a marked bottle*

"Here ya go....enjoy it"

21:21:34 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

"One Boomshine, pronto."

21:29:25 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Pulls a drink from a bottle in the vault and hands it to Arvious with metal gauntlets and full ar*beep**

"Nice knowin- i mean Enjoy! ☺"

06:18:34 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Walks out to the front of the nightclub and posts a sign*

"First Timers Get Their First Drink Free"

08:29:51 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Ant:

"DARN, just get me a drink, you can choose ernes"

16:18:12 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Im tired of saying to just look at the menu -.- soooo....MENU ☺


Irish Whiskey
Sour Whiskey
Orange Juice
Red Wine
White Wine
Grand Marnier

Long Island Iced Tea
Pain Killer
Bloody Mary
Blue Hawaiian
White Russian
Irish Coffee
Black Magic
Alabama Slammer
Jaeger Bomb
Irish Car Bomb
French Kiss

Traditional Martini
Haiku Martini
Dry Martini
Candy Cane Martini
Dirty Martini
Sapphire Martini

Mind Bomb
Black Froth
Madidus Rum
Black Knight
Dwarven Stout
Elven Elixer
Fruit Twister

Fruit Slushee
Flavored Slushee
Iced Tea(All Varieties)
Soda Pop
Tea(All Varieties)

16:18:50 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Pours Ant a Black Knight and slides it to him*

"Careful of the side effects of some of these drinks"

17:43:04 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

"Give me a Fruit Twister and keep 'em coming."

17:49:23 Jul 1st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Pours a drink and puts some fruit into a bowl before crushing it up.  He then pours the fruit into the mysterious drink.  Ernie slides the drink to Arvious and it improvements rainbow colors before his eyes.  Ernie then makes several more and slides them to Arvious*

"Careful...fruit helps alcohol absorb into the body case you didn't know.  So it is very potent.

17:58:10 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

Arvious already drank them all before Ernie said anything.

"You sae *hic* somethang?"

18:12:20 Jul 1st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Watches as Arvious tips over in his seat and hits the ground unconscious*

"Hmm....well Ill just sit this drink here"

*Sits a fruit twister behind the bar*

19:20:40 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

*wakes up hours later in the dumpster and stumbles out, lceans himself, and walks back inside with a headache*

20:42:34 Jul 1st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Hands him the fruit twister*

"Here that should fix that headache....the best way to avoid a hangover is to stay drunk"

20:52:24 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

"Thanks, Ernie."

*drinks it*

"Bah, i need a blue rasberry slushie."

22:16:17 Jul 1st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Pulls out some more fruit and then some ice from a spot underneath the bar counter.  Places it in a large bowl and then begins crushing it all up and pours it into a glass.  Ernie then slides the glass to Arvious.*

"Blue Raspberry Slushie order UP!

21:17:54 Jul 11th 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

*walks in and notices a dead man sipping a slushie*


*grabs a rifle and shoots the zombie until it dies*

"Alright, who's the manager of this place."

21:23:21 Jul 11th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

*Raises his hand* Depends....the nightclub could be closing soon due to the fact that this island is still volcanic and will be erupting soon.

21:29:17 Jul 11th 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

"Well, I gotta say this is one pretty darn cool place.  You got any fine wines here?"

21:39:39 Jul 11th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

"Of course" *Opens a cabinet*  "What kind do you want?  We have some fine and rare wines that wouldn't leave you dissapointed"

18:34:04 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

"Give me the rarest wine you could possibly ever have.  Don't worry about the cost, I got millions."

19:48:42 Jul 12th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

"hmm....lets see here" *looks through the cabinet and finds a bottle covered in cobwebs.  He takes it out and wipes it off*  "says here....Dragon's Breath.  Im guessing that's rare since Dragon's are hard to find these days.  *Pours some of it into a glass and puts the rest away*  "here ya go"

21:15:59 Jul 13th 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

*Drinks it and feels a nice hot feeling in his mouth like fireworks, with a good red wone flavor*

"WOOT!!!!!  HEre's your cash."

*Hands Ernie 2 million dollars*

07:59:48 Jul 14th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim:

*Septim walks in coughing heavily, he insults Arvious before sitting down.

"Statler! Statler! Pour me something strong!"

18:15:59 Jul 14th 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

*stares at the man insulting him*

"Do I even know you!?!"

18:31:10 Jul 14th 08 - Mr. Ant:

"i don't know, but i remember knowing you. i have been away for a bit."

*sits down*

22:00:01 Jul 14th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

*Pours everyones drinks* Well im back....not sure what ive returned to....

04:01:29 Jul 15th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim:

"You've returned to reality, welcome back!"

18:18:15 Jul 15th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Hell....idk where I am....

*Pours a haiku martini*

16:14:17 Dec 19th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

"Neither do I..."

16:24:25 Dec 19th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

*Kicks in the door*

"What the hell did you do!?"

16:28:41 Dec 19th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

*Septim notices that the door wasn't there in the first place, and the "club" is now a decaying craphole (after about three generations passed...XD).

"I am enjoying my"

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