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The place...
23:54:34 Nov 20th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Skorg watches carefully as Septim enters the dueling ring. He notes that he has a rubber grip on the long-sword, and must have oiled his armour or something... He takes the sword in his left hand, as he is left-handed, and his shield in his right. "Good luck," he says before he starts to parry with Septim. In the middle of the parry he pushes his shield against Septim's blade, and swings his sword with difficulty in Septim's general direction, with little control, but good grip still...*

00:00:24 Nov 21st 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim blocks the crazy blows easily with his shield and makes an easy stab at Skorg while keeping his shield ready.

19:23:17 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Skorg backs off, having gotten hit once. He waits until Septim attacks.*

00:34:49 Nov 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim slowly moves forward and makes a light stab in Skorg's direction while holding his shield ready.

18:15:48 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Skorg easily knocks it away. He makes a sudden move then backs away just as quick, and while Septim is bringing his sword to where he was he makes a sstab at Septim. *

18:19:06 Nov 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim blocks with his shield that was ready. Septim then stabs at Skorg while he is recovering from the sword slash.

18:27:38 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Skorg blocks the stab with his sword, and swings a mighty slash at Septim, and when Septim goes to block, he breaks the shield, but Septim has an easy hit to get. *

18:34:18 Nov 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim stabs at Skorg and scores.

"Time-out! I need a new shield!", calls Septim to the armorer.

19:40:33 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Killer:

*  " 'fraid not, continue fighting," says the armourer.  Skorg readies his sword and slowly walks towards Septim. *

19:51:33 Nov 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim readies himself in the Tysillian form, a very defensive form used for just this situation.

21:08:05 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Skorg stops at two swordlength away from Septim. He brings his sword up while stepping forward, and ... *

21:49:54 Nov 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim steps sideways out of the path of the blade, Septim then stabs Skorg in the side.

23:25:55 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Killer:

Steps sideways? I was swinging it around... anyway...
*Skorg easily blocks the stab with his shield and steps back...*

*In the city they have taken over, Killer is plotting what to do. He's giving the peasants the town, and taking most of the gold for the place, but leaving everything else. The few men left, and some peasants who have decided to come along set off with 620,000 gold. He splits up 120,000 between the men to keep, and since there is 30, every person gets 4,000 gold. He's keeping the other gold for developments of the city... They set off on some horses.*

*In the place the stables have been built, but no horses have arrived yet...*

23:42:54 Nov 22nd 07 - Sir Verll:

Verll walks into a classroom filled with students. He walks over to the teachers desk and sits down on it.

“So you think you will be able to master the gift of magic? Not everyone have this gift, so they are not able to learn anything. I shall filter away those of you that cannot learn magic, and I will have the left as my students until I deem them done and ready to use their gift. Now can everybody come up to me one by one?”

Verll sits down in the chair.  As each student came up to him, he touched each of them on the forehead to see if they had the gift. After each of the students had been examined he had found 5 who had the gift but they were the only one. He looked at those who had not been to fortunate.

“I am very sorry, but you sadly don’t have the gift of magic and would only waste your time here. But we teach many other things here. Talk to professor Septim if you want to learn fighting, and we do also teach how to make good tools.”

He looks at those 5 who are left.

“Your training will be hard, and if you fail I will have to let you go. If you are to slow I might be forced to let you go, so my advice to you is to study well. Now we will have the first lesson which will be to watch Septim and Skorg.”

Verll walks out of the room with the 5 students following him.

04:56:16 Nov 23rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

Mr. Killer


11/22/2007 1:08:05 PM
*Skorg stops at two swordlength away from Septim. He brings his sword up while stepping forward, and ... *


[[OOC: I would think that up is in preparation for down...]]

*Septim steps back as well and prepares for more tactics.

17:46:02 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Killer:

Eh emmm... Verll, you can't just pick who has this gift of yours as you say. All can do magic, they just have to learn it. Only complete *beep*s won't be able to cast fairly good magic after good training.  Some, are of course, better naturally, and some can't do it much at all, but MOST can do it pretty good to an extent.

*Skorg looks sideways as the students come into the room, but keeping an eye on Septim. He turns his head back around quickly.(Skorg is a crowd-pleaser, just so you know...) Skrog takes a few steps forward, bringing his sword around for a dig into Septim's side, but it is a feint, and while Septim is going to block it, Skorg turns around and thrusts hiis sword(not looking at it) at Septim, hitting him in the ribs(where the ribs are... his armour obviously...) while holding his shield up to block any attacks from Septim's sword. He then hurls himself forward, to tumble on the ground, with the sword away from him, but he breaks the shield with the pressure. He faces towards Septim, waiting for his next move.*

18:21:37 Nov 23rd 07 - Sir Verll:


Verll sees the students he had said couldn't learn magic on there way to the head professor to ask for other places to learn . He walks over to them and grins

"Take it easy, you can all learn magic, I just felt like starting the day with a little joke. No hard feelings eh? Now all of you that still want to learn some magical thingies, come and watch the fight."

18:26:22 Nov 23rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim readies himself in the Disolai form of combat, used for sword on sword. And strikes at Skorg lightly so that if Skorg should strike, he will be able to parry in time.

20:28:46 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Skorg steps forward, and starts to parry with Septim. *

20:46:28 Nov 23rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim knocks one of Skorg's blows sideways and stabs at Skorg before he can react.

20:51:03 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Skorg i*beep* by the blow, but he manages to get a blow into Septim's side first. "Good match, though, at the end, if we hadn't all that armour on, I'd just have recieved a serious wound, whereas you would be dead..." says Skorg. "But we had," replies Septim. The head-professor congratulates Septim.*
 Congratz, you are now the master of fighting. You get 20 food and 300 gold a day.

20:56:09 Nov 23rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"Thank you, Head Professor", says Septim as he bows, "Now Skorg, would you like me to buy you a drink?"

22:24:12 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion rides back into the town, a purse full of gold, and singing a snatch of a song.
"Farewell and adieu to ye fair Spanish ladies..."
"Hey there, Blacksmith! Good to see you again! Do you have this wonderful armour in a stronger metal yet?"
With that, Erunion rode over to the school, asking for the best trainers in weapons and magic.
"I have some skills, but I would appreciate it if you helped."

{Not sure how my current skills compare with Septims and this Skorg, but I have combat experience! Go me! :P And sweet equipment...}

02:50:40 Nov 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim approaches Erunion a day after having a drink with Skorg.

"Hello Mr. Telcontar, I am the current Master of Melee combat at Locus City academy."

[[OOC: Killer said I could give "The Place" a proper name, Locus is latin for The Place according to a latin translator, so WOOT!]]

"And with regards to your magic question, and in my opinion, Sir Verll is the best magic teacher here. Before I will teach you though, you must be taught by a few others. First you must be taught by a regular professor, so go to Skorg's class. They should be out on the practice field right now."

12:06:51 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

" Lucus city ay..."

" General prepare our army "

" This town needs a teaching...."

14:02:57 Nov 24th 07 - Sir Verll:


14:15:06 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

[ i am going to be a different city and attack you, make it a bit more interesting]

16:27:37 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*The black-smith looks up as Eunion returns from his battle. "Oh-ho, you look like you did well with those few nicks on your armour. Yes, I managed to make it in steel, it was tough though. I tried making it in some harder metals, but I couldn't manage it. If you want it, it'll cost quite a bit. Around 2,500 gold." *

*The horses arrive along with Killer and the men,(I mean other than the ones they're riding on.) and there is now 100 horses, mules, donkeys, jennets, etc.  in the stables(had to take the horses off the soldiers, I'm afraid.) There is quite a variety, and I'm going to be damned listing them all. There is also new jobs as stable-hands, not very well payed at 40 gold and 10 food a day, but you MAY get a horse at the end, if you work long enough, or at least a eduction on horses. They cost quite a bit, ranging from 500 gold - 10,000 gold, and don't forget that you have to have the food to feed them, and they can just eat the same food... From 30 food - 80 food, depending. They aren't particularly useful, mostly, but maybe for scouting around the place...*

02:24:16 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion quickly settles with the Blacksmith on his armour, and then goes to the stables, seeing Killer there, he asks,
"M'lord Killer, couldst I keep the fine animal you gave me for the war? Or will it remain yours?
Erunion then goes back to the school,
"Headmaster, I would appreciate being taught by your finest instructors, all day until my money runs out and I have to go back to work. I wish to be ready for the next war. Would this be alright?"

12:37:51 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

"Hello there !"

"Could I work as a stable man?"

" I would appreciate it alot, maybe as the manager of the stables ?"

14:45:20 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Killer:

You think you can just walk in and work as the stable-manager? Tut tut. You can work as a stable-hand, for 40 gold and 10 food...

*Killer ponders about whether Erunion can keep the fine beast. He considers the cost of having him in the stables and the amount of food they have to eat, and the fact that Erunion fought very well. "Yes, you can have it, just give a small donation of 500 gold to the stables, they need some money to start it off. It is a fast and strong horse after all, and it will cost you 50 food a day, as it's pretty big." *

*In the school, the head-professor replies to Erunion, "sure you can," looking carefully at him, "just as long as you have enough money. How well do you wish to be taught? You will have to learn the scrollls off by heart, unless you want to buy them. I believe you work in the scroll shop at any rate, so maybe you could arrange something with the mage, as we are fairly badly supplied with scrolls, and if you could bring some scrolls to sell, if it's alright with you, we'll pay well for them. The head-professor waits for his response.*

Also, Verll, you're promoted to professor. For ummmm... 10 food and 100 gold I think...

15:02:13 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

yay i work in stables

wheres the local school

i want to learn how to be a manager!

15:22:29 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Ah, Killer, I am low on funds right now, but when I have enough to afford to buy him and keep him fed, I will speak to you again. Thank you for the offer."

"Headmaster, I would be delighted to sell some scrolls here, if the mage allows it, and thank you for the opportunity to learn."
Erunion then walks on back to Ye Olde Scroll Shoppe.
"Hello sir! I will be busy learning more of how to fight over the next few days, but how much would I earn if I sold scrolls to the school and it's students?"

15:41:24 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*The mage he*beep*runion coming back. He looks up as he enters... "So, done well in the wars have you? Nice armour... The school would have a lack of scrolls... I'm sure you would sell enough to earn your pay. Anyway, it only costs ten gold a day, max. 20 for better teaching.*

Revenge, you might get to be the manager after a long enough time of working...

16:24:09 Nov 26th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim approaches the blacksmith.

"Hello again, what is the best set of armor and a weapon I can get for 1,200 gold, I want one handed sword, a shield, a chestplate, one right gauntlet, one left gauntlet, one pair of greaves, a helmet, and one pair of boots in the set. I would like them all to be of the same metal as well."

16:30:34 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

" There we go wolly much better now ! " he said to the horse...

" And dont forget the carrot!"

* Revenge was enjoying his new job as a stable man, 40 gold and 10 food *

Currently : 80 gold + 10 food

23:42:37 Nov 28th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim is gonna be gone for five days...

04:41:56 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{What's with it with you leaving for five days???}

04:45:05 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might is finally back from his long and boring job of a town guard.*


[By now I should have a huge amount of Gold and food!]

18:20:12 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

Who the hell appointed you a guard?

18:29:16 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

You, when this just started. The beginning.

21:37:10 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

No... I didn't...

21:39:27 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

Yes you did....

21:41:20 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

If you can copy where I posted that, please do... And no... I didn't...

22:21:58 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

Wait a minute I was a thief.... Well how much gold do I have?

17:55:40 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Killer:

None... wait... 3 gold...

18:46:54 Nov 30th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

[[OOC: I am logging on in a public]]

*Septim still has three days to go...

18:56:49 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{Where the heck are you, Septim?? What evil thing do you do that makes you disappear... :P}

06:59:44 Dec 3rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

[[OOC: I am back!]]

*Septim now has around 2000 gold and is still wondering what the smith can sell him.

17:32:27 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Killer:

What type of stuff are you looking for?

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