Forums / Roleplaying / Zombie Apocolypse I

Zombie Apocolypse I
13:29:45 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

has anyone actually done anything in the first 1/6 of the day? Time is running out, if you want to find survivors then get a move on

13:31:18 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

deathuel when in search of supplys.

13:31:27 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Great... -_-


*Wraith looks at the others. They are all tired but there isn't much time to rest. They have to find shelter before Nightfall.

 Wraith looks around and points at a block of flats. *

"Any objections if we take refuge there?"

*The others just look at him sleepily and Wraith shrugged.*

"Let's go."

*They make there way there and clear out the 10 zombies in the building without too much problems. (-1 shotgun shell, -10 AK-47 ammo, -2 Desert Eagle Bullets seem fair) They go to the top floor and Wraith tells everyone to get some rest. He then makes barricades.*

13:32:11 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Aren't you interested in restocking ammo, finding survivors? Anything like that?

13:35:11 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[Well... we have 3 hours of daylight. So they need their rest other wise they'll be tired. If someone wants to take an hour searching, they can be my guest and do so but they can't stay awake 24/7...

EDIT And I'm sure there is something in the flats which we found while clearing it out so when he can, Peace can tell us what it was we found.]

13:36:14 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

im seaching for supplys for 1 hour then getting some sleep

13:39:01 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

[i will make a Thread that will recruit people to be zombie leader or survivor]

*the Good Boys Found 3 clips of MP5 but one of them got bumped and was unconscious, they were not able to look for more survivors*

[is the walkie talkie thing ok?]

13:41:39 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

I'm sure we can manage, multiple thread put people off as much as they do attract

13:41:41 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

oh yeah....

"Run, Run"! The survivors at the Hospital said, as they felt the support beams giving way. They carried all their supplies and went to a shop with a sign "All the gunz you need", they quickly went inside, and as the building is smaller with more stronger supports, the zombies won't demoli*beep* this time. Revenge hums while he sets up the defences again, although this time as their is only a small electric supply, the barricade could only stun the zombies, not kill them. Update, soz, i didn't read the hospial gettin destroyed,. Where did the zombies retreat to then

13:42:46 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

they retreated to the buildings surrounding the plaza

13:46:23 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*gboypt's Good Boys are back, they only consumed 1 hour finding supplies, then went to sleep*
*1 of the generators are fully charged and charged another generator*
*gboypt tuned the guitar up and after tuning the guitar then he went to sleep*

13:47:26 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge was out of the Hospital at the time inspecting the outside building
He heard the crash and dived under a table
The crash brought some of the roof down of the old out-building
Revenge got out from under the table
It was holding only to a slight inch
He was lucky
The door had gone to the shack
He looked over at the remains of the building

Revenge wasnt completly unscaved, he injured his ankle when the out-house collapsed
He picked himself up and  walked off down a path to a near by Woodland area, just outside the main city

ZombieApocolypeTown.jpg picture by chivz92

{ Do you like it  ^_^ ? }

13:47:29 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[I like it, lol. Make life harder for us. All those zombies aren't enough. =P ]

*Wraith yelled in pain. His shoulder was killing him but luckily it was only dislocated. He told Revenge what to do and they popped it back into place, painfully. There was nothing Wraith could do about his broken left hand so they just kept walking.*

[Make it my left, not right arm thats broken. Its already infected anyways =P]

13:50:02 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

As wraith cleared the flat of zombies, revenge and deathuelf found a locked door. They knocked, a muffled sound came out "who's their", "should we open it"? said revenge. "Zombie's can't speak, so yeah". They opened the door and found a 20yr old man, mildy armed with a rifle strapped over his shoulders, a pistol aiming straight at revenge. "oh, go*beep*hought everyone were zombies"! the man said. "no, im not a zombie, come join us" revenge said. That dude is called Mark, and he's in wraith, deathuelf and revenges team. Meanwhile, wraith found a container, he shook it, and he heard some rattling sound, like pills. Well, he looked at the label and: This is the product of a few months experiement. I am a scientist, and i was guarded by two men who kept the zombies away from me for some time. And i developed this, the pills are meant to slow and stop the TT virus infection for some time. Ingredients:
Note:this will not cure the virus.

Left the ingredients blank, could someone make up the ingredients, and dont make it too easy

13:51:31 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

It took longer than I though xD

{ Note : I am in the woodland re-cuperating, I am not currently with them
Dont worry, they could have done that stuff without me  =]}

{ I currently have only my blaster and some supplies I ... er.... Borrowed from the Hospital..  xD }

13:51:59 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

if green is for zombies, than police station is empty, remember, the zombies flushed the survivors out of police station? anyways, add some more places, like factories, gun shops, houses, plazas...etc

13:53:09 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

its ok but where is  the gun shop?

13:55:58 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Green - Woodland
Red - Where we started
The rest is pretty straight forward..

The gunshops can be in town, they wouldt exacly be out in the desert.....
Same with houses, they are in town...

13:57:48 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*gboypt and his good boys are sleeping in the gunshop*

13:59:47 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[ Revenge, what do you think? Shall we stay in the Woodlands or in the Flats with Mark? I think the Flats are safer...]

*Wraith looks at the pills and inspects the ingredients...*
[I'm no chemist, someone tell me what they're made of and I'll tell you if I take one or not   >.<  ]

14:02:40 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge after feeling better, and his ankle strapped made his way to town
He crossed some waste ground
He came across a Train-Station
There be some people in here, Revenge thought
He booted the back door open, he walked in and there was about five zombies
He blasted them to the ground, he ran over to a room from where he heard some noise as he was searching the place, the door was locked
He booted that open, and came across employees
He lead them out and gave them a handgun between them and some ammo
He lead them outside after getting any supplies they could carry.
That included  'Opening' a vending machine
They walked into town
They went into one of the employees houses
He helped barrecade it up tight before going out and leaving them, he managed to get hold of a walke-talky from the train station which he could talk to the employees with
He continued into town shooting any minor groups of Zombies, and avoiding the larger ones....

{ I am seperate from you wraith, its because people posting different avents
I will soon meet you though... you are in some flats in town}

14:08:11 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

the large red square for the hospital should be 'hospital remnants and plaza'
apart from that good work

14:10:14 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:


14:11:41 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

{Ok, cheers}

*As defences, Wraith had filled the staircases with tables, chairs, wardrobes, drawers and anything else he could find. He had then gone down the fire escape and lifted the ladder up so nobody could climb up unless Wraith or Mark (or whever is with me... I lost track now) put down the ladder. The lift in the flats wasn't working but the elevator was at the basement. Wraith goes into a troubled sleep for a few hours while Mark stands guard and they swap after a few hours*

Wraith, Deathuelf (?)with Mark {NPC} - Flats, Small Town
Revenge - Wandering around, Small Town
Gboypt - Gunshop, Small Town
8 Employees - Train Station

Verthias, Demonsul, Valentine - Buildings near Hospital

30 Shotgun Shells
2 Khukuri
5 Grenades
Medical supplies
Poisoned needles]]

14:20:59 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

lol how bout revenges and deatuelf's ammo and wepons lol, anyways, take the pills wraith or you'll turn into an evil zombie! post mark's weps and ammo as well wraith. Well done wraith for making the humans and zombies :P

14:22:57 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

deathuelf had been seaching for about a hour and dicide to take what he had found back to the flats. he shouts mark to let the ladder and climbs up. He had got some food, water, a fire mans axe, 15 shotgun shells, half a MP5 clip and a desert eagle clip.

14:27:08 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*gboypt was awake and he found out that the other friends are gone*
*he used the walky talky and talked to revenge*
"if you Will Ran out of ammo the Get Here this will serve as our source of  guns and ammos"
*he talked the same when he called Wraith*
"get ready boys load yourselves up with weapons and reinforce the barricades to protect ourselves"

*gboypt talked to his Good Boys*

*the other generator is full and there is only one uncharged generator left*

Items found by the Good Boys:
1 pair of magnum 2 clips each and each clip contains 10 bullets
1 shotgun worth 6 shots
3 hunting knives
2 lighters
2 body sprays

*one of the good Boys is still unconscious*

Wraith, Deathuelf (?)with Mark {NPC} - Flats, Small Town
Revenge - Wandering around, Small Town
Gboypt with 5 concious and 1 unconcious Good boys - Gunshop, Small Town
8 Employees - Train Station

14:29:02 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[Fine but I don't want any poisonous ingredients by the person who does put the ingredients up... And nps on the lists, =P  ]

*Wraith takes a pill. He doesn't notice a visible difference but shrugs it off.*

[Mark has a Semi-Automatic Rifle with 5 clips]

14:29:07 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge came across a block of flats in town
He looks up and sees some movement
As he looks down the alley , he sees some Zombies jumping a little
Revenge pulls out his gun and blasts them to the floor he kicks one as he walks past
He looks up and sees someone peering down
" Hey there!"
"Lemme up then!"
As the ladder comes down, a group of twenty-odd zombies mulges round into the alley
" Chuck me a grenade!"
Revenge castches, pulls the pin and throws
He quickly climbs up the ladder and shuts the fire-door
An explosion from outside shatters all the windows and some of the objects on shelves falls down
Revenge finds his feet and sits down
" Nice to see you again" says Revenge

14:31:13 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*the Good boys killed and also found the stocks of the former owner of this gunshop*

2 cans of corned beef
2 gallons of water in the refrigerator
1 pack of spuds
2 loaves of sliced bread

[the owner is also a zombie]

14:31:20 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

guys if u kill a zombie type your ammo and minus 1 with the wep u use lol

14:32:10 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

"You sure like to make an entrance, don't you? Hehe, Nice to see you again, Revenge." Wraith chuckles.

[P.s. What equipment do you have? And you too, Deathuelf.
I'll keep track of stuff for you, Peace ]

14:33:42 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Ronan Dex Laser Gun
Food and Water
Small Knife

{ Thats it .... x]  }

14:35:07 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

[ i still have 2 barretas with 1 clip each]

"now Boys Lets rest until zombies come"

[did revenge came to wraith's place?]
[what happened to septim???]

14:36:56 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

{ Im with Wraith and Co now }
{ Septim.... ermm... hes here, just been sleeping? O.o? }

14:39:03 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith, Deathuelf, Revenge with Mark {NPC} - Flats, Small Town
Gboypt - Gunshop, Small Town
8 Employees - Train Station

Verthias, Demonsul, Valentine - Buildings near Hospital

Wraith's Items:
30 Shotgun Shells
2 Khukuri
4 Grenades
Medical supplies
Poisoned needles
Walkie Talkie

Revenge's Items
Laser Gun
Food and Water
Walkie Talkie

Gboypt's Items
2 Berretas with 2 clips total
Walkie Talkie

{I'll take care of the bandages and medical, Revenge. And yes, Gboy, Revenge came over.  }
[Now I have to go for 3-4 hours, I'll be back shortly after and go again almost immediately so don't kill me -_-' ]

14:42:49 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

items - desert eagle 6 clips 7 bullets in each, MP5 7 an a half clips 30 bullets in each, shotgun 10 shells, sniper rife 3 clips 5 bullets in each, a magnum with 6 bullets ,a small axe, food and water.

[im not going to be online for a while so wraith you can control me when im not online]

14:46:52 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Wraith, Deathuelf, Revenge with Mark {NPC} - Flats, Small Town
Gboypt - Gunshop, Small Town
8 Employees - Train Station

Verthias, Demonsul, Valentine - Buildings near Hospital

Wraith's Items:
30 Shotgun Shells
2 Khukuri
4 Grenades
Medical supplies
Poisoned needles
Walkie Talkie

Revenge's Items
Laser Gun
Food and Water
Walkie Talkie

Deathuelf's Items
42 Desert Eagle Bullets (6 clips)
225 MP5 Bullets (7 clips + 15 in current clip)
10 Shotgun Shells
15 Sniper Rounds (3 clips)
6 Magnum Bullets
Small Axe

Gboypt's Items
2 Berretas with 2 clips total
Walkie Talkie

[I'm not going to be online either for a while but I'll be ale to use a comp for a short period so I'll post what we do then, Deathuelf]

14:50:22 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

good job wraith!

14:50:34 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

[hey guys me too i will sleep for 8 hours or less can you control my character and my good boys?]

they are armed with:
2 Berretas with 2 clips total
Walkie Talkie
Food  (hehehe armed with food lol)
1 pair of magnum 2 clips each and each clip contains 10 bullets
1 shotgun worth 6 shots
3 hunting knives
2 lighters
2 body sprays

[ i will be offline when i will be inactive]

14:54:54 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

(OOC: you forgot me as a z but i dont mind cause im going human!)

Zyrike appears on top a tall office building in the town and sees a couple weapons and a ammo box nearby.

Items: double desert eagle, a long sword, 5 nades, K2 assault rifle, scoped streyr aug and 2 knifes.

Zyrike finds a ammo belt and cuts a holder for his sword and knives. He then attaches the pistols, sword, knives and grenades to it. He also found a back strap so he put the steyr aug on it for easy access and had his K2 out and ready for action.

14:57:03 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

good going guys!

15:00:03 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

Zyrike found some more ammo and has: 6 clips for K2 30 bullets each. 6 clips for desert eagles 6 bullets each. 5 clips steyr aug 3o bullets each.

He then set a up some shelter from a welder he found in the office building. he built a crude house a was ready for anyone to come and rescue him.

15:03:37 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*Zyrike also found a walkie talkie in a shoulder bag in the top of the office building*

*beeep beeep*

*gboypt called Zyrike and asked him to be at the Gun shop before nightfall*

[can anyone sitt my character and my good boys when im asleep?]

15:04:49 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

Zyrike finds a walkie talkie and listens in to Gboypt


Zyrike heads down into the deep dark office building...

15:05:10 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:


15:10:37 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

[sorry of being like the creator of this game,,,lol]

15:15:36 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Plato:

*Gary walks through the cemetary and is borred since no zombies were attacking him*


*10 zombies come out of the graves*

*Gary throws 2/10 of his grenades and it kills 3 of the zombies*


*grabs a UZI and shoots the heck out of them all*

*the all die*

"Hmm, I seem to have no more UZI ammo."

15:19:45 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

lol, np gboypt, i see you survivors are havvin fun killin zombies, is anyone keeping track of day and night? coz when night comes... zombie zombie leaders hav to post how much they hav now lol.

Gary laughs, and wanting a challenge, heads deeper and deeper into the cemetary. This is the zombie's domain... and soon, hundreds of normal zombies that has just awoken went up and surrounded gary.... that wiped gary's laugh straight off,
"he...lp.. please come...", gary spoke through the walki talki...... note: the cemetary is dark, and so is same for day and night :P

15:23:03 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

Zyrike has made it out of the office building and is wondering where all the zs are, he then hears Gary calling over the talkie and starts running to the cemetery.

(OOC: im assuming he says hes in the cemetery so...)

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