Forums / Roleplaying / Prominence

08:52:05 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

A silver arrow zooms down and strikes Ant's ghost, destroying it a man with this symbol on his silver cuirass can be seen walking away:

[[OOC: ...No ghosts or zombies, if you want to play, start over...]]

08:54:33 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Ant:

"A gost can't be shot, you need sopmeone who know about the field of gosts to banish me, HAHAHA" said the gost of Ant, which was wondering 'why would i want to start over if i just said why i didn't like it?'

08:56:33 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Suddenly, the arrow takes effect, Ant's essense fades away and Ant goes to the afterlife to annoy some deity.

09:01:32 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Ant:

"WTF, an arrow killed me, never" Ant's gost struggles against the power of an arrow(?)and slowly gains back a look of solidness untill he returns back to normal. "Ernie i have a message to tell you, on the 9th day of the 13 month you will be attacked by a horde of Undead, which i will be forced to serve in, please be the one to kill me." Ant's gost is quite for a moment. "Oh, and get Boris to take over my place in the army please"

09:07:18 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Mastros comes down and utterly destroys Ant's form, along with any possibility of an undead invasion. He then reverses time to before the whole thing happened, with the only thing staying the same is Ant's destruction.

[[OOC: Either respawn or leave, don't stay in here and try to start questlines that won't happen.]]

09:10:45 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(spoil my fun, plese Ernie do what i asked) (plus you could have just got someone to say some rubish to banish me after my speach)

09:10:55 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: By the way, this is my coat of arms in the game, my coat of arms and my crest are two different things, my crest having a white dragon in the center of a gold circle.



09:24:48 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(sorry, isn't it traditional to have the crest in the coat of arms?)

09:26:00 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Yeah. I will get the crest changed soon, but it costs five hundred gold. Tomorrow I will...]]

18:02:13 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 19
Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Journeyman
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 2000(just so you know, I've bought a load of food to last me for a while)
Items: Steel Longsword, Seronian Steel Scalemail, Steel Kiteshield, Steel axepike, double bladed(one axe blade being on the bottom, one on the top), Medal of Valnus, Medal of Seron

*Killer learns journeyman magic.*

18:08:38 Jun 6th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

"M'lord, a large force of orcs is advancing on our city!"
"We will fight them."

Erunion's force of trained Naergothrendarin's assembles before the unwalled town.
The civilians, all of whom have received a minimal amount of training in castle defense, flee to the keep.

"We must hold out against this swarm. The enemy slays our people, we must save everyone we can! Naergothrendarins! Advance!"

The Romanesque army starts advancing at a walk, shields front...
The Orc horde sees their brave enemy, and makes up an incredibly complicated battle plan. The Warlord cries out;
Naturally, the incensed army carries out this incredibly complicated plan with orcish precision. They charge headlong with swords raised.

Seeing this tactical Maneuver, Erunion organizes his men into a long line, four men deep with sides slanted slightly inwards to cup the charging orc horde, who all are heading for the center, where on a horse sits Erunion in his polished armour.
As the orcs come within range, Erunion orders that the javelins be released. Two flights of javelins serve to damage and break apart the orcish horde, which now (somewhat less organized then before) strikes the Naergothrendarin line. The precise and over-drilled Naergothrendarins hold the line, spears stabbing into orcish flesh. The order is given for a general charge, and the Naergothrendarins finally break ranks to destroy the orcish horde. At their head is a dismounted Erunion, sword slaying twice as many orcs as the best of his men...
The already demoralized orcs flee the field...

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Titles: Blademaster, Lord of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 20
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Veteran.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Lord, Guildmaster. Retired: Lieutenant Colonel, formerly commanding 1000 soldiers.
Pay: 6000
Gold: 7500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Patents of nobility.

{Septim, you almost have it. It's not Naegothrendar, it's NaeRgothrendar. Pronounced "Ne'er-go-thren-Dar.
Also, I'm having my civilians drill in archery, with longbows, while my standard soldiers drill incessantly in the roman style of fighting.}

18:43:37 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie recieved another 6000 gold for being the Lord of Tasidian and also being the guildmaster of Oration.  He used 5000 of this gold to continue his ship construction project. 

Ernie then ordered a mandatory draft of all men and boys in the city for archery training for 2 hours each day for as long as Seron was threatened with war.  Women were also ordered to learn first aid 2-3 hours a day in order that the wounded in combat survive with less disability. 

Ernie then sent a messenger to Lord Septim of Cidel and asked if he had any alchemists in his city who could train the catapultmen in Tasidian to use flaming projectiles which are much more devastating to ships

Name: Lord Ernie The Keen
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Master
Reading: Veteran                                                                                  
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
In Peace: Lord of Tasidian and guildmaster of Oration
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 6000 gold per day
Gold: 3390
RP Points: 15- Required for next level:
Sloop of War Progress: 2/3s complete
Sloop Name - Hammer of Seron

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew Medium Sized Bow w/ Arrows, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron, light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, and crown.


[And Ant...RPs like this are the best kind and they last the really just have to keep track of a few things and simple math is all thats required =D  it also lets you use a little imagination.  And if Septim allows it you can revive as a soldier in my city and could work your way up] =D

19:08:16 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Ernie, I don't know how you became a Master of Melee Combat (Fighting). I went back and saw two of your posts together, one you were a veteran in melee combat, then the next you were a can only get one fighting method raised in you should be:

Sir Ernie The Orange


6/6/2008 10:43:37 AM

Ernie recieved another 6000 gold for being the Lord of Tasidian and also being the guildmaster of Oration.  He used 5000 of this gold to continue his ship construction project. 

Ernie then ordered a mandatory draft of all men and boys in the city for archery training for 2 hours each day for as long as Seron was threatened with war.  Women were also ordered to learn first aid 2-3 hours a day in order that the wounded in combat survive with less disability. 

Ernie then sent a messenger to Lord Septim of Cidel and asked if he had any alchemists in his city who could train the catapultmen in Tasidian to use flaming projectiles which are much more devastating to ships

Name: Lord Ernie The Keen
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Fighting: Veteran
Reading:Veteran                                                                                   Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
In Peace: Lord of Tasidian and guildmaster of Oration
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 6000 gold per day
Gold: 3390
RP Points: 15- Required for next level:
Sloop of War Progress: 2/3s complete
Sloop Name - Hammer of Seron

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew Medium Sized Bow w/ Arrows, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron, light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, and crown.


[And Ant...RPs like this are the best kind and they last the really just have to keep track of a few things and simple math is all thats required =D  it also lets you use a little imagination.  And if Septim allows it you can revive as a soldier in my city and could work your way up] =D

Sir Ernie The Orange


6/4/2008 11:15:34 AM

The land was covered in dust after the battle.  Major Ernie and his men had fought hard and long against the enemy army and lost many.  They seemed to have the advantage until the enemy army closed the distance and the archers were fighting for their lives until a reinforcing infantry force arrived and pushed  them back.  Ernie had walked away from the battle exhausted and on the edge of collapse.  His bow had been cloven in two and his armor had been damaged.  He had fought off a Valkondian swordsmen who had rushed at him and he tried to defend with his bow in order to buy himself some time.  His bow was sliced in two just as he pulled out his sword and impaled the soldier.  Ernie was given 1000 gold, the Star of Argus, and promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in charge of 1000 men.  But the day was not over.  Ernie went back to the embassy and worked a day there before taking his savings and having a guild purchased.  The sign above it read "Guild of Master Orators"  and he was the guildmaster.  He was informed that he could become a lord now but Ernie was too tired to do that this day.  He went to the market and bought some fruit and veggies before going to bed.

Name: Sir Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Master
Reading: Veteran                                                                                  
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
In Peace: Seronian Diplomat
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 3200 gold per day
Gold: 1390
RP Points: 8-Required for next level: 3
Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword,Ruined Yew Medium Sized Bow w/ Arrows, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron,damanged light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, and Star of Argus.

Sir Ernie The Orange


6/3/2008 5:18:54 PM

Ernie woke up, went to work at the Seronian Embassy and was changed to the head Seronian Diplomat in all of Seron after several well done assignments.  Ernie then went to the market for fruit and veggies and then went to a tavern and had a drink before heading home to sleep

Name: Sir Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Veteran                                                                                  
Oration: Expert
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
In Peace: Seronian Diplomat
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(300 men? THIS IS SERON!!)
Pay: 3200 gold per day
Gold: 7800
RP Points: 8-Required for next level: 7
Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew Medium Sized Bow w/ Arrows, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron, light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, and Medal of Virtus

19:10:55 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[I was master in Archery before the revolution was over I thought that I would work on melee...unless you think one combat skill is enough then ill fix it tomorrow in my next post] X_x

19:20:30 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: You don't see me going off and learning archery, do you? :P. one is enough.]]

19:22:19 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[OOC: You are learing magic....ok fine ill just learn how to make ships]] =p

19:23:54 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: I'm PAYING to learn got that Master skill for free...]]

20:11:22 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Alright, I'm going to add some pizzaz to ruling a city!

Army - You can buy troops, but they cost upkeep. You have one hundred city guards by default, but you can have more. Warning: If you can't afford the upkeep, they will abandon you, also, all men can be taken by the King/Queen or Duke/Duchess if he/she needs them.

100 men - 1000 gold, 100 gold a day upkeep
500 men - 5000 gold, 500 gold a day upkeep.
1000 men - 10000 gold, 1000 gold a day upkeep.
5000 men - 50000 gold, 5000 gold a day upkeep.
10000 men - 100000 gold, 10000 gold a day upkeep.

Navy - I explained that earlier...all ships, however, will now require upkeep to feed the crew and maintain the ships. It is always 10% of the ships cost.

Landing craft: 1000 gold.
Small sloop: 2000 gold
Medium sized sloop: 5000 gold.
Sloop of War: 7000 gold - 700 gold a day upkeep
Small trading barque: 5000 gold - 500 gold a day upkeep.
Large trading barque: 10000 gold - 1000 gold a day upkeep.
Small Brigantine: 10000 gold - 1000 gold a day upkeep.
Brig of War: 15000 gold
Small trading Fluyt: 10000 gold
Large fluyt: 20000 gold
Small frigate: 30000 gold
Large Frigate: 40000 gold
Trade galleon: 30000 gold
Massive trade galleon: 40000 gold. - 4000 gold a day upkeep.
Ship of the Line: 50000 gold. - 5000 gold a day upkeep.
Dreadnought: 100000 gold - 10000 gold a day upkeep.]]

00:16:58 Jun 7th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Titles: Blademaster, Lord of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 20
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Veteran.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Learning Journeyman 1/7 (payed a downpayment on the whole thing. I presume I'm allowed to do that?)

Occupation: Lord, Guildmaster. Retired: Lieutenant Colonel, formerly commanding 1000 soldiers.
Pay: 6000
Gold: 500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Patents of nobility.

01:43:44 Jun 7th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Prince Bertilius Septim II

6/5/2008 9:45:20 PM

[[OOC: Ok, I'm doing something with magic, instead of seven days at one thousand gold a day it will be one day at ten thousand days is too long. Here's the chart:
Journeyman: 10,000

Veteran: 30,000

Expert: 90,000
Master: 270,000]]

Got 10000 gold?

06:52:03 Jun 7th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Err... That's a 1500 dollar IOU, which doubles daily. Which will be my next Guildmasters check (that's including the 100% interest...).

{Smiles... :D}
{Puppy dog eyes.... }

06:56:43 Jun 7th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Errrr...okay, if you pay it back...]]

08:03:12 Jun 7th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim wakes up in the early hours of the morning, he then practices his newly acquired skill in the arcane arts for a bit. Afterwards he walks into the throne room and begins going about his duties, he accepts a few people into his city, he finds that one of them is a trainer in the use of a blade, he begins training the town guard. Afterwards Septim goes up into his office and writes a letter to the Guild of Scholars. He then goes down into his private swimming pool and swims before going to sleep. He is woken in the early morning the next day, he is told that a massive battle will be taking place, he gets his ar*beep* and rides his horse to the meeting place...


The Seronian Navy engages in combat with the Orc Navy in what would afterwards be called the Battle of Valkond Bay. Hundreds of ships clash in combat, and in the end, the Orc navy wins and the Seronian Navy retreats, but not before a small landing craft lands behind the Orc wall. The landing party makes it through the orc territory and opens the gates, letting in a large Seronian Army (including Septim, Ernie, Erunion, and Killer). The armies clash, but due in most part to the Seronian Army's spellcasters (only around twenty of them), the Seronians win the battle and drive the orcs from the continent of Ersos.


Septim is awarded the Medal of Venificus, as well as the Medal of Seron and the Medal of Erus, which is given for a Lord actually participating in combat (a rarity...). Septim returns home with his three medals and 10,000 gold (2000 gold for the Medal of Venificus, 5000 for the Medal of Seron, 3000 for the Medal of Erus) recieved with them and goes to sleep.

[[OOC: We all recieve a skill point in tactics IF we don't already have master level...]]

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Lord, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Journeyman
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Journeyman
Job: Lord
Pay: 6000 gold a day, 3,000 for Guildmaster of the Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 3,000 for being Lord of Cidel.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 26430
Home: Castle Cidel.
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus. two Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Medal of Venificus, Medal of Erus.

Possessions:  Seronian family steel longsword, Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Medal of Seron, Reading for Experts, 26430 gold coins, oak cane, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Septim Family Signet Ring.


Journeyman Mathematics, progress: 5 day out of 7]]

[[OOC: I know there are going to be questions about what medals people recieve. For Ernie, you will recieve the Medal of Signum instead of the Medal of Venificus (you can't do magic, but you can shoot well...). You decide if you want the medals however...]]


09:54:55 Jun 7th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim sends five hundred gold to the palace and has his crest changed to a red dragon:


[[I forgot to change my crest...and I just had an idea for a new title...we earned three PP for the Orc war. We need one more.

High Emperor/Supreme Overlord - 75 PP - You control the world - 10,000,000 gold a day, you must be an Emperor/Overlord for at least thirty days.

Emperor/Overlord - 50 PP - You control an entire continent - 1,000,000 gold a day, you must be a King/Conquerer for at least twenty-five days.

King/Conquerer - 35 PP - You control a country - 100,000 gold a day, must be a Duke for at least twenty days to recieve this title.

Duke - 25 PP - You control a Duchy, 10,000 gold a day, must be a Count for at least ten days to recieve this title.

Count - 20 PP - You control a county (one city and four towns), 6000 gold a day, must be a Lord for at least five days.

Lord - 15 PP - You control a city - 3000 gold a day.

Knight/Ringleader - 5 PP - You command a band of followers - 0 gold a day.

Peasant - 0 PP

Slave - -10 PP]]

20:45:16 Jun 7th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(is it the 9th day of the 13 month yet?)

20:46:37 Jun 7th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: That's not going to happen Ant...]]

20:48:47 Jun 7th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(so gosts can't predict the future?)

20:51:00 Jun 7th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Nobody can predict the future...]]

20:54:26 Jun 7th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(how do you know have you died?)

20:56:13 Jun 7th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Of course, I'd be bragging if I said I havn't...]]

20:59:11 Jun 7th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(lol, you haven't in RL, so how do you know that when you die you don't know what happens in the future?)

21:03:29 Jun 7th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: How do you know that when you die you know what happens in the future?]]

21:04:27 Jun 7th 08 - Mr. Ant:

(i don't but this is made up so who cares?)

(also you said this [[OOC: Nobody can predict the future...]] you must be certain)

21:06:05 Jun 7th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: I do, I don't want this to turn into some stupid RP where we battle the undead...if you want one like that, make your own.]]

22:11:11 Jun 7th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Having fought in the battle, and been decorated and rewarded therewith, Erunion hired a full size army of 1000 men, whom he trains and drills regularly.
Which means they spend most of their time in mock battles or drills for discipline. The former is enjoyed much more than the latter. It also results in considerably more injury...

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Titles: Blademaster, Lord of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 20
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Veteran.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman

Occupation: Lord, Guildmaster. Commands 1000 troops.
Pay: 5000
Gold: 500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Medal of Ersus, Two other medals that I can't remember. Patents of nobility.

02:42:36 Jun 8th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Lord Ernie awoke early in the morning and exercised before going to his lordly duties.  He accepted some stonemasons, craftsmen, and several fletchers into the town along with a number of farmers.  They worked to improve the strength of the wall and also to work on beautifying the city of Tasidian.  Lord Ernie also paid the last increment of his bill for his ship and it was delivered to the docks of Tasidian.  Lord Ernie visited the Guild of Oration and gave a talk on diplomacy and proper negotiation practices.  Ernie was about to send another messege to Lord Septim of Cidel about needing an alchemist when word of a massive battle was sent.

Lord Ernie boarded his ship Hammer of Seron with his men and went into battle against the Orcs.  He was given orders to get to the coast immediately and link up with the Seronian Army.  He landed and hooked up with Lords Septim and Telcontar.  The gate to the Orc Wall was opened and the Seronians defeated the Orcs on the continent of Ersos.  Ernie was given the medals of Seron, Erus, and Venificus and also a total of 10,000 gold with them.  He then headed back to his city and finished writing a letter to Lord Septim about an alchemist and sent it off with a messenger.

Name: Lord Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Guildmaster of Oration, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Veteran                                                                                  
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
In Peace: Lord of Tasidian and guildmaster of Oration
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 6000 gold per day
Gold: 14390
RP Points: 19- Required for next level: 1
Ship Progress: complete
Sloop Name - Hammer of Seron

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew Medium Sized Bow w/ Arrows, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron, light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, Medal of Signum, and Medal of Seron.

[Oh yeah have we aged another year...or 2 since we last aged?] >_>

04:40:36 Jun 8th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Every month, on the fifteenth, we age one year, then, at the first of the next month we age another year. And Ernie, you can't earn the medal of Venificus as you don't know magic (that medal is for good spellcasting), that is why I created the Medal of Signum, for archers.]]

Septim sends a letter back by messenger replying that he has three alchemists, he sends one to Lord Ernie of Tasidian before eating breakfast. Afterwards he walks down to his throne room.

"Lord Septim, it seems as if bandits are preparing to attack the city", said the steward.

"Prepare the men..."

Septim walks to the armory and puts on his armor, he then walks outside and begins directing his men, when they are in position they wait. Fifty bandits pour out of the surrounding forests to be cut down by arrow fire.

[[OOC: I have been trying to figure out a good way to get PP consistently, so I have figured it out. Once a month bandits/raiders/pirates can attack your city. I have just used mine and have gained one PP.]]

Septim walks up to his throne room, where he recieves a letter from the Emperor.

Lord Septim of Cidel,
I have heard many good things about you, such as your defense in the Orc War and your help in the final battle. I am pleased to inform you that you will now be controlling the county around your city, congratulations.

Emperor Serilar

Count Septim smiles and puts the letter in his desk, he announces his new title to his people, with the city of Cidel now the county seat, his crest of a red dragon is painted on every Cidellian shield and every Lord in the county is to hang the Cidellian banner outside of their castle. That night, Septim has a meeting with his four Lords from his four other cities, Lord Guderon, Lord Xarxes, Lord Helvon, and Lord Undaryn. They discuss many things over dinner, the four Lords familiarize themselves with the Count before leaving. Septim then goes up into his office and writes a letter to his second in command in Tysos, he encloses ten thousand gold coins and has a new guild hall build in Cidel, now recieving another three thousand gold coins (but no more PP). Septim then goes swimming, eats, and goes to bed.

[[OOC: You can build up to three guild halls. Ernie, yours is in the capital, Tysos, not in your city, though you can build one in your city for ten thousand gold coins! :-D]]

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Lord, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Journeyman
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Journeyman
Job: Lord
Pay: 6000 gold a day, 6,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 6,000 for being Count of Cidel.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 16430
Home: Castle Cidel.
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus. two Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Medal of Venificus, Medal of Erus.

Possessions:  Seronian family steel longsword, Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Medal of Seron, Reading for Experts, 16430 gold coins, oak cane, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Septim Family Signet Ring.


Journeyman Mathematics, progress: 6 day out of 7]]

05:00:12 Jun 8th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

This is a map of the continent of Ersos. There are of course more cities, but I really didn't feel like drawing them.


05:37:36 Jun 8th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Since I work tomorrow I will have to post tonight so that I dont miss a day] >_>

Thomas Conrad rushed into the room of Lord Ernie, gasping for breath

"Milord....Enemy pirates are approaching from the sea! Our ship isnt enough by itself so we pulled it back to safety and have gotten the catapults ready for your command"

"Thomas, order the catapults to fire and order the archers to the edge of the city side to prevent them from doing any harm to the people.  I will go out to the catapults and direct their fire.

"Yes milord"

Thomas led a group of 20 archers along with Martin Feldir and John Christianson to the edge of the city while the catapults fired at the 5 pirate ships.  Two of the ships took direct hits and sank like stones along with their crews.  A third ship had a hole blasted in it and sanks slowly and then slammed into the shore killing the crew on board.  The other two ships unloaded 75 pirates before being hit by ballista fire and a catapult projectile. 

The pirates raced towards the city before being struck from several directions with arrows.  Martin, John, and Thomas each led a group of archers and ambushed the pirates and slaughtered all of them.

Soon afterwards Ernie recieved a letter from Emperor Serilar giving him the title of Count and control of the county around Tasidian.  Representatives from the four towns in the area were sent and gave Ernie their oaths to serve under him honorably.  Ernie then sent a messege to Tysos along with 10,000 gold for permission to build a branch of the Guild of Oration in Tasidian.  The guild was built and Ernie made the tradition of visiting there at least once a day since he was Guildmaster or Oration.

Name: Count Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian and Count of County, Guildmaster of Oration, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Veteran                                                                                  
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
In Peace: Lord of Tasidian and guildmaster of Oration(locations in Tysos and Tasidian)
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 12000 gold per day
Gold: 4390
RP Points: 19- Required for next level: 1
Ship Progress: complete
Sloop Name - Hammer of Seron

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew Medium Sized Bow w/ Arrows, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron, light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, Medal of Signum, and Medal of Seron.

16:10:27 Jun 8th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer

PP: 5, unless I've got more PPs for not doing any thing...

Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 19
Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Novice
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 3400
Items: Steel Longsword, Seronian Steel Scalemail, Steel Kiteshield, Steel axepike, double bladed, Medal of Valnus, Medal of Seron

20:20:07 Jun 8th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion sees the utter lack of bandits and pirates willing to risk a disciplined army of 1000 men as rather disappointing.
As such, he goes and learns expert mathematics at the academy.
Where there is safety, there is also trade, and the trade of Naegothrendar is flourishing under the watchful eye of the military.
Naergothrendar has received a large influx of merchants as well as many fine armourers and weaponsmiths.
Also, a large influx of scientists and engineers come into the town, inspired by the lords fascination with such things. As he has offered a reward for any and all practical scientific or engineering contributions, many are in the works, the first of which are ways of supporting a town walls structure and improved farming techniques, both of which are greeted enthusiastically by the local townspeople and the local merchants...

{Septim, would the taxes from the influx of trade increase my pay at all directly, or just what goes to the town's own improvement?}

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Titles: Blademaster, Lord of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 20
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Expert.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman

Occupation: Lord, Guildmaster. Commands 1000 troops.
Pay: 5000
Gold: 1500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Medal of Ersus, Two other medals that I can't remember. Patents of nobility.

18:18:25 Jun 9th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Naergothrendarin economy continues to flourish, being nearly unmatched in the mercantile center, having one of, if not they largest personal army in the area.

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Titles: Blademaster, Lord of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 20
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Expert.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman

Occupation: Lord, Guildmaster. Commands 1000 troops.
Pay: 5000
Gold: 6500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Medal of Ersus, Two other medals that I can't remember. Patents of nobility.

20:27:44 Jun 9th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim wakes up, gets dressed, and walks down into his throne room where he does his daily duties, he sends one of his servants out to buy him The Techniques of Vorsumar for 2000 gold. After his duties as a Count he writes a letter to his second in command explaining that the Guild should be recruiting more. Septim then eats and goes for a swim before going to to his quarters. He reads a chapter of his new book before going to bed.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Count, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Journeyman
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Journeyman
Mathematics: Journeyman
Job: Count
Pay: 12000 gold a day, 6,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 6,000 for being Count of Cidel.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 26430
Home: Castle Cidel.
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus. two Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Medal of Venificus, Medal of Erus.

Possessions:  Seronian family steel longsword, Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Medal of Seron, Reading for Experts, 16430 gold coins, oak cane, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Septim Family Signet Ring, The Techniques of Vorsumar.


Journeyman Mathematics, progress: 7 day out of 7 - Completed

Veteran Oration, Progress: 1 day out of 7]]

20:59:04 Jun 9th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Three men on mighty steeds are crossing the plain mounted on horse back.
In the distance, a black speck tears through the grass, headed towards the three riders. At a word from their leader, the three advance towards the speck at a trot.
The aforementioned speck quickly resolves itself into a messenger, wearing the distinctive markings of a military courier.
The courier stops in front of the three, proferring a letter towards the leader of the trio.
"M'lord Erunion! A large force of bandits has been spotted heading towards Naergothrendar! Colonel Maximus has further news within this letter."
"Many thanks, courier. You have done your land a service. Holornas, see that this man receives a suitable compensation when we return. Now, to Naergothrendar!"

The four, with the messenger in tow, advance quickly towards the city. In front of the city, Colonel Maximus has arrayed the Naergothrendarin army. In the distance, a large force blackens a segment of the fields.
"Maximus! Well done. Men, take this battle away from the city. Leave the city guard here. Let us take the army out to meet the enemy!"
A ragged cheer rose up from the battle hungry men within hearing distance.

The force of a thousand disciplined Naergothrendarins easily overwhelms the 800 or so bandits, who had foolishly thought to raid the city.

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Prominence Points: 20
Titles: Blademaster, Count of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 20
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Expert.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman

Occupation: Count, Guildmaster. Commands 1000 troops.
Pay: 8000
Gold: 6500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Medal of Ersus, Two other medals that I can't remember. Patents of nobility.
Name: Tolhas Verilonp; Swordsman. Name: Janas Toleron; Engineer. Name: Menhas Toleron; Longbowman. Name: Elbert Instein; Scientist. Name: Jameus Hescornan; Scholar. Name: Helornas Hescornan; Scholar.

23:07:49 Jun 9th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Count Ernie spent hid day doing his ruling duties in his county and worked on strengthening communications between the towns and Tasidian.  A chain of messengers was set up to increase the speed that messengers and reports were sent to make action swift and precise.  He then visited the Guild of Oration in Tasidian to talk to some of the other masters under him there.  He changed several rules in the Guild and then went back to his castle to do some other duties.  He talked to the alchemist that Septim sent him and began teaching his engineers how to fire flaming projectiles and arrows from ballista and catapults.  Ernie then BEGAN the making of a Large Trading Barque that costed 10000 gold.  Ernie paid 5000 gold for the beginning of the construction and would pay the other 5000 when it was delivered.

Name: Count Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian and Count of County, Guildmaster of Oration, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Veteran                                                                                  
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
In Peace: Lord of Tasidian and guildmaster of Oration(locations in Tysos and Tasidian)
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 12000 gold per day
Gold: 4590
RP Points: 20- Required for next level: 5
Ship Progress: complete
Sloop Name - Hammer of Seron
Large Barque Progress : 1/2 complete
Ship Upkeep - 700 gold per day

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew Medium Sized Bow w/ Arrows, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron, light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, Medal of Signum, and Medal of Seron.

23:31:56 Jun 9th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

{Ernie, you get 3000 gold per guildhouse, and 3000 gold for being a lord. 6k if your a count. Which are you?}

00:00:23 Jun 10th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

(Oh so i get 9k?! WOOHOO!..I have 2 guildhouses and im a count)

00:53:51 Jun 10th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

{KK. Then you get 12 k, -upkeep.}

07:06:49 Jun 10th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Updating the aging system, now every seven days you age a year. I mean, a peasant becoming a Count in two years is...impossible, four years is impossible, but I don't want us to die of old age too fast, we automatically die between seventy and eighty of old age, and at sixty our fighting/ranging ability goes down to journeyman regardless of our level...we are all twenty-two now. When we die our legacy goes on to our sons or daughters, our hereditary titles pass on, but military titles and medals do not...

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Count, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 22
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Journeyman
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Journeyman
Mathematics: Journeyman
Job: Count
Pay: 12000 gold a day, 6,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 6,000 for being Count of Cidel.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 26430
Home: Castle Cidel.
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus. two Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Medal of Venificus, Medal of Erus.

Possessions:  Seronian family steel longsword, Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Medal of Seron, Reading for Experts, 16430 gold coins, oak cane, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Septim Family Signet Ring, The Techniques of Vorsumar.


Journeyman Mathematics, progress: 7 day out of 7 - Completed

Veteran Oration, Progress: 1 day out of 7]]


08:35:55 Jun 10th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

(Updated since Erunion enlightened me to the fact that I get 12k >_>)

Name: Count Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian and Count of County, Guildmaster of Oration, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Veteran                                                                                  
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
In Peace: Lord of Tasidian and guildmaster of Oration(locations in Tysos and Tasidian)
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 12000 gold per day
Gold: 10690
RP Points: 20- Required for next level: 5
Ship Progress: Large Barque - 1/2 complete
Sloop Name - Hammer of Seron
Ship Upkeep - 700 gold per day

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew Medium Sized Bow w/ Arrows, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron, light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, Medal of Signum, and Medal of Seron.

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