Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf Game with Fizban!

Werewolf Game with Fizban!
05:13:48 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"OH wow! I would have never guesses Hathor was evil! Especially since I voted for her!"

07:07:16 Aug 20th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

god DAMN it! I was SO close!

09:12:48 Aug 20th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Well the only other person left of my friends to protect was hathor and i kept trying to turn people against her without her getting moody. so i waited but i wasn't gonna let her win! *cuddles hathor and kisses her on the cheek*

15:59:28 Aug 20th 07 - Lord Mac:

Who is gonna host the next one?

16:33:59 Aug 20th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

dunno, i want sign ups already!

19:19:18 Aug 20th 07 - Sir Defensive II:

"well congrats to natalia, i think our god granted me my title for surviving this round..."

19:39:53 Aug 20th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

why don't i ever get a title :(

19:59:08 Aug 20th 07 - Sir Defensive II:

"how long is youre history?"

19:59:39 Aug 20th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

you don't roleplay through ingame messages?!

20:01:38 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

darn even defensive has a title I shall have to get one now.........

21:35:26 Aug 20th 07 - Lady Lewatha:

I have a tittle too! 3 rp. points :)

21:36:44 Aug 20th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

I have one !!!!

21:38:45 Aug 20th 07 - Sir Defensive II:

"SHemzu i wrote a large story to get my next title ime gonna have to do more RP messages

23:32:50 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Wait, you get RP points from writing a history? Dang it, why don't I get a title then =( I write a history every single era.

00:51:22 Aug 21st 07 - Mr. Jay Brown:

Big mac chesse

08:54:27 Aug 21st 07 - Ms. Natalia:

shezmu everytime i roleplay through msgs it turns into something i'd rather other people didn't see, if you get what i mean

10:21:49 Aug 21st 07 - Lady Lewatha:

Like you start dancing around naked?

10:26:33 Aug 21st 07 - Sir Defensive II:

"please message me natalia.... (with pictures...)"

10:34:54 Aug 21st 07 - Ms. Natalia:

hey! only fizban gets them, and shezmu when he sends me one, and and one else that sends me pictures first.

00:32:03 Aug 22nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

Ah yes, good times. ;-)

Too bad I don't have time for roleplaying right now.

09:00:15 Aug 23rd 07 - Ms. Natalia:


10:52:34 Aug 23rd 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

mmm .....

"oh my god i died!!!! thats the longest ive ever lived! 2nd last death

12:07:08 Aug 23rd 07 - Sir Scientist:

Natalia, message me RP style if you want and we'll get a little something going :)

I don't know who is doing the next game, I would but people moan at me doing it :(

13:25:13 Aug 23rd 07 - Ms. Natalia:

You message me, and set the scene, nothing flirty!

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