Forums / Roleplaying / Another Fizzie Werewolf Round!

Another Fizzie Werewolf Round!
10:53:09 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

I reckon Barny is the security guard and tried to take out Xiax because he disagreed with him... I dont think anyone else could have been swayed by Barny's pathetic argument.

14:27:56 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"You would be surprised who can be swayed. But then Barny didn't exactly believe his own arguments and maybe the security guard was too lazy to read all the arguments and just thought the first one Barny posted made a lot of sense. I have been voting for Barny everyday and every night people have been trying to kill me, I wonder who would have that kind of a grudge?"

17:14:47 Sep 18th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

"Yes i understand what you are saying Xiax, but the werewolves could simply trying to make barny look bad (occ: happened to me the first round i played) thus by killing you everyone kills barny and thats two birds with one stone, but then on the other hand he could just be stupid and a terrible actor. in which case evil would be killing one of their own to kill you, which brings up the question of how important you really are? Either way we need to be careful we don't want to kill off any more of our own because they act weird, for example septim. We should examin each others behaviour and see who is acting like they are hiding a deadly and dark screct and while we are at it could we find out who keeps getting me drunk!"

17:27:39 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"Yes lets not do another Septim..."

*Seloc does a wondering pose*

"Natalia I don't think its me I tend to drink my drinks myself...."

17:30:09 Sep 18th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

*Septim-6454356453 walks in

"Yeah! Don't do another me! All I was doing was eating Dragonboy! What's so bad about that!"

*Septim sighs

"You can't even eat human anymore...what's the world coming to..."

*Septim-6454356453 leaves the mansion

17:39:19 Sep 18th 07 - Lord Mac:

*Wonders to himself who could possibly have wanted to try and kill Xiax three nights in a row*

"I vote Barny. He has been preaching nonsense about Xiax being evil when he has been attacked three nights in a row!"

{Vote: Barny}

OOC: If it's ok with you guys, I would like to host the next round.

17:56:24 Sep 18th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Scientist walks down the stairs and notices Natalia holding her head in her hands and everyone mourning*

"Whats happened?"

*Watches as everyone debates about Barny*

"Now now people, we don't want to go accusing people like he has been doing as whenever we accuse someone for something stupid they turn out to be good. I think that I will go and have a sit by the pool and think about this situation that we are in. Anyone interested in joining me?"

*Walks over to the door then turns back to see if anyone is coming*

17:57:01 Sep 18th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*makes a Septim stew, but with pork meat instead of septim* "to septim!"

17:58:37 Sep 18th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

*Some Septim clone peeks his head through the window

"To me!"

*Some axe defense mechanism falls down and cuts off the Septim clone's head.

18:02:10 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc picks up the head, and follows Scientist through to the pool.*

"I have the head of Septim now I am invisable!"

20:06:45 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

*joins scientist at the pool*

"who the hell is evil? i cant figure it out?!?!?!? i dont think its either barny or xiax, but im not sure who it really is!"

21:13:25 Sep 18th 07 - Sir Scientist:

"I personally don't think that it is Xiax or Barny but they are always at each others throats about it......"

*Looks down at a piece of paper in front of him*

"Looking over these roles we must be able to see a link between a role and some people......."

21:30:39 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"Good (12) -

6 - Partiers (Dragonboy dead)
2 - Bunnies
1 - Security Guard
1 - Groundskeeper
1 - Love Doctor
0 - Security Monitor (love dead)
0 - Panty Raider (Septim dead)
0 - Pimp (Atreides dead)
1 - Bartender

does this help?"

21:46:57 Sep 18th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

*A voice booms over the loudspeaker

"I ain't dead! I'm just squished to a bloody pulp! I am now being re-solidified in a labratory so that I can come back and get murdered again by either werewolves or people who think people are evil just because I ate Dragonboy! Now if you'll excuse me I must get out of the orange juice container and get a body again!"

22:06:29 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc put down his drink and eyes it carefully*

22:34:43 Sep 18th 07 - Sir Scientist:

"Actually I meant the roles to each person........"

*Looks down at the list once more*

"There must be some link between some roles and some people, surely there is something......."

*Drinks his drink and sits down on the chair near the pool looking over the list*

03:10:34 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Barny:

I think it's sort of funny that I'm actually getting votes. I made a HIGHLY sarcastic argument that Xiax was evil, and now I'm a werewolf....?

I honestly wouldn't put myself out like that if I were evil.

It seems like everyone was missing the point entirely... I'm not retarded enough to think I can actually convince anyone that Xiax is evil when he gets targeted 2 nights in a row, it's actually pretty *beep*ing obvious he is a bunny.

Anyways, I think I will try to convince everyone that Mac is evil now

[[Vote: Mac]]

Mac killed my family.... by love overdose.

03:13:56 Sep 19th 07 - Lord Mac:

"Sure go ahead vote me off. At least I won't have to listen to this drunk and his 'Sarcasm'!"

*Hopes that some people will use the little gray cells*

03:19:13 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

*Jonny walks into the room after missing some really important stuff.*

"what, mac wants us to vote for him? Okay man, if you say so....."


04:16:18 Sep 19th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

*Septim runs in

"Why the hell are you killing HIM for?! What'd he do to prove he was evil!?"

*Septim is shot by security teams

Security team guy: "HOW THE HELL DOES HE KEEP COMING BACK?!?!?!?!"

04:38:11 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

*Atreides walks by the security guys*

"I have no just doesn't make sense...."

04:41:15 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"Kill Barny for god sakes! It's so obvious he's evil!!"

05:17:30 Sep 19th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

*Septim reappears and the security guys see him

"Hell! I have no idea if he's evil or not! Go ahead and kill him! If Xiax has reason to believe Mac's evil then I guess Mac should die"

Security guy: "HEY YOU!"

"Oh crap!"

*Septim is shot in the head by security snipers

08:27:22 Sep 19th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

I think Xiax is right, plus barny is making my head ache worse!

08:38:51 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I think I'm with Septim on this one there is no way to prove Mac is evil.....but then I don't think either Xiax or barny are evil...but they will both end up dead anyway if they keep bickering

08:59:27 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Runs in from outside waving the piece of paper around above his head*

"I've done it, I've figured out one person who is evil...........but since it seems that the votes are out of Barny or Mac I think I will have to vote Mac............"

*Runs upstairs clutching the piece of paper and shuts himself in his room*

[[Vote: Mac]]

09:24:01 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

Not Mac! There is no evidence hes evil, far less then Barny anyway!

[[Vote: Barney]]

13:31:29 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban watches the fight and then looks at the watch* I'm thinking I'll wait a while longer for some folks to make up their minds.

13:52:47 Sep 19th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*looks up at fizban* "who do i vote for?"

14:46:42 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Stares back at Goldsie*

"There is no evidence against anyone, the evidence that has been put forward against Barny is inconclusive any way you look at it as why would evil draw so much attention to themselves like he has?"

*Looks at Natalia who is asking Fizban for help*

"Now why would you need help in voting my dear, just join the rest of us and vote for one of the two that have been chosen. Either way one of them will end up being killed because they've been voted for and either way they will both end up being good, they always are when we vote."

*Walks off with a worried look on his face at the thought of killing another innocent*

14:49:16 Sep 19th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

" what happens if i vote for someone no one else will?"

[vote: scientist]

15:26:46 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

"I still need to think about my vote..."

15:30:21 Sep 19th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

"ok then goldsie"

[vote change: goldsie]

15:54:57 Sep 19th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC: What do the vote totals tally up now? Is it 3 for me, 3 for Barny, 1 for Scientist or something else.

"Come on you guys! It wasn't me! It was the one armed man!"

16:07:12 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"What?!?! Spoon isn't here! Is he?"

16:08:42 Sep 19th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

*Septim looks and sees a man leaving a prostetics place with one arm.

"I think I found the killer! Too bad the mansion is too far away."

16:13:49 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Looks down at Natalia with a bewildered look on his face*

"Now why would you vote for me? What have I done?"

*Walks forwards towards Natalia slowly*

"I have done nothing to you except be nice to you, now you turn around and vote for me? I am going to start a revolution, a revolution against the Seducer!!!"

*Walks off still suprised that Natalia would do such a thing*

[[Vote Change: Natalia]]

16:23:38 Sep 19th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*start to cry* "i though you would understand no one else would vote for you so i did, just because i wouldn't feel guilty for killing an innocent. But if that is what you want me to do i will! and i am not the seducer, just look in my wardrobe and you will see what i am!"

[vote change: barny]

17:03:12 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Ms. Natalia


9/19/2007 2:30:21 PM

"ok then goldsie"

[vote change: goldsie]

"I think you missed this vote scientist?"

17:06:14 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Seloc:


21:27:42 Sep 19th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Fizban's TV wheels out of nowhere to where Natalia and Scientist are standing, "Natalia had a heck of a hangover and is protected from voting, please choose someone else Scientist."

01:01:37 Sep 20th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Looks at the TV*

"Ah damn, ok then well it appears I may be wrong in my conclusions from this list."

*Tears up the paperwork and throws it in the bin*

"But if I die this coming night then I will know that my suspicions about Natalia were correct and as will everyone else!"

[[Vote Change: Barny]]

01:05:54 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"What are you talking about Scientist? Everyone knows that I die every night... What can I say? The werewolves love me."

02:24:15 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

"jonny bacardi hasnt said much at all, is he keeping a low profile? to boot, he came in, said one thing, and it happened to be a vote. He only said the minimum needed to continue his low profile while casting a vote on who he found to be good. this means Mac is good, but the evil know his identity."

[vote: jonny bacardi]

08:40:50 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"What a harsh love Xiax...........nice concluesion soccermage: but I don't think it enought...."

08:57:12 Sep 20th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

{vote change: mac}

16:14:16 Sep 20th 07 - Lord Mac:

"Fizban please end this festival of weirdness. I can't take it!"

16:25:29 Sep 20th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

"oh i don't know who to vote for!"

18:13:42 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

4 for barny, 3 for mac and one for jonny? thats about right isn't it?

[vote: defensive.......I don't like inactives!]

18:28:07 Sep 20th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban's army of bean counters comes out to try and make sense of the votes, then notices Seloc's*

"Well.... I guess that makes my job alot easier." Fizban then turns and snaps his fingers, and a few scantily clad bunnies come out and they start to rub up on Barny. "Girls, please treat him well..." He then turns and leaves.

The girls take Barny to a private room and they start to kiss him. Then as they try to tie him down on the bed, Barny realises his 'gift' from Fizban might not be a gift at all. He then begins to grow in size and get hairy. Claws sprung from his hands and his teeth grew into fangs. The bunnies looked at him in fear, and then stood up straight and something metallic came from their chests. Through the mansion loud machine gun fire was heard and a loud howl.

Soon, two blood-dripped Fembot Bunnies came out, and a bullet hole filled Barny was left on the floor. Over the intercom, Fizban's voice is heard. "Well done! You all found one of the werewolves, though Team Evil's still alive and well. Have a good night everyone."

Barny - Werewolf - Dead

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