Forums / The hangaround / Difficult Riddle

Difficult Riddle
20:49:01 Aug 28th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

There are 2 serpents guarding 2 doors

One always lies, the other always tells the truth.

Which question do you ask to get you through the right door?

20:49:32 Aug 28th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Consider that this riddle is NOT impossible and is a dumbed down Cerberus/Hydra joke/riddle

20:52:02 Aug 28th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Easy Mode version:

A 3 headed Flying Hydra guards the door and the middle head says nothing

What ONE question do you ask to get through the door?

22:00:50 Aug 28th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Answer to Easy Mode Riddle:

Just ask which head is telling the truth about the door.
The liar and truthful cerebrus head will say nothing and the non-verbal third head will signal to door.
It is a dog, after all.
Simply take your time.

22:03:16 Aug 28th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Have a go at it:

11:49:01 Aug 28th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta): (Edit post)

There are 2 serpents guarding 2 doors

One always lies, the other always tells the truth.

Which question do you ask to get you through the right door?

15:08:22 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

bump take a shot at this one instead of shooting at one another in the politics forum you pu$$ies

15:12:22 Sep 4th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Tarkin):

You ask either head what the other head will say and then pick the other 

15:14:01 Sep 4th 22 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

The single question you ask, to either one of the guards, is "what door would the other guard tell me to go through?"

If you ask the one telling the truth, he will answer what the liar would say (the bad door), so choose the opposite.

If you ask the one that will lie, he will answer the opposite of what the truther would say, so choose the opposite.

Ask that one question to either of them, and simply choose the opposite :)

15:15:01 Sep 4th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Tarkin):

I answered faster. Percy just stole my answer. Copy cat. 

17:07:41 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

06:12:22 Sep 4th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Tarkin):

You ask either head what the other head will say and then pick the other 


You win! For your prize you recieve nothing except my earnest and sincere respect.

19:38:00 Sep 4th 22 - Mr. Cyrones Mommy:

19:53:57 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

This was all meant to provide an answer to the Cerberus riddle using the 2 doors 2 heads medium that everyone is already familiar with (double negatives)

The joke with the 3 headed hydra/dog is that the middle head will provide non-verbal queues because of it's relation to the other too heads- the truthful and lying heads.

10:28:38 Sep 5th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Trogdar):


How many squares fit inside a circle?
How many cubes fit into a sphere?
How many circles fit inside a square?
How many spheres fit inside a cube?

10:31:47 Sep 5th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Answer: Infinite.

if π represents the curvature of a circle then it will NEVER be a rational number so long as our Euclidean Geometry system fails to be rational itself

Now you are starting to 'get it'
Some day we are all going to 'get it'
I 'get it' and I know the answer to the Final Question but I will not share it with you because you have all angered me greatly.
DM me for the Final Solution to Asimov's Final Question, otherwise fuck off and die.

00:22:30 Sep 19th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):


16:56:45 Sep 19th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

I win


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