Forums / The hangaround / Get help from a Therapist!!!!!

Get help from a Therapist!!!!!
04:21:04 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Hey, I'm a board certified therapist, if you need any help ask here!

04:23:53 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I'm addicted to this online mmog. What can I do to stop being addicted? Do I wan't to stop being addicted? Do I... oooo penny shiny!

04:24:42 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Hmmmm... and how does that make your feel?

04:27:59 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

like killing a big purple dinosaur or anyone that shares a name with a big purple dinosaur. >=D
*pulls out a tommy gun*
*shoots Barney*
Wow, it worked I feel better!
*looks down at corpse*
Thanks doc!

04:29:01 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Barny:

I think you suffer from dual personality's, and maybe ADD because you can't seem to pay attention for 1 *beep*ing second.

04:31:07 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I must be halucinating also. I am talking to a dead man,dino thingy.

04:54:36 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Hmmmm... lets talk about it.

06:32:59 Feb 8th 07 - Sir Senturu:

no the problems is he does have a duel personality. in RL i dont think he would shoot barney. everyone loves that big purple dinosaur. and here he is free to do as he wishes so he does. this shows exactly whats on his mind. the things he things about but dont do

07:45:50 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Klondyke:

I need help, i can't do my maths homework.

The problem is i left school years ago!

09:30:38 Feb 8th 07 - Sir Senturu:

what type of math are you having problems with?

17:36:53 Feb 8th 07 - Sir Lulu:

It is most likely subtraction of single digit numbers.

17:40:50 Feb 8th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Or addition? I'm sure we all know how hard that is....

19:28:00 Feb 8th 07 - Duke Amheh:

everytime I look in the mirror, I see some sort of rabbit with an eerie green glow surrounding it...perhaps I'm really waaaay to addicted to this game?!

19:36:35 Feb 8th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

No Amheh, that is perfectly normal.

20:01:06 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

ahh, i get that occasionnaly too. just lay off the Absinthe!

20:10:42 Feb 8th 07 - Lord Spoon:

Hi, I'm Spoon the pedophile.
Can you help me?

20:22:24 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

thats not funny thats disgusting!!

kiddy feeler!

(Edited by Mr. Brannigans Law 2/8/2007 8:22:43 PM)

20:23:44 Feb 8th 07 - Lord Spoon:

Run kiddo's!

20:29:04 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:



22:46:13 Feb 8th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Well, I'm sure a nice lethal injection, or a hanging, might deal with your problem, Spoon.


Oh, BTW Barny, how does it feel to be a board? Do you fell stiff, almost lifeless? Have you anything to do with Monopoly? Or do you take risks? Do you ever have times when it feels like you are being burnt through a cloth? Do you ever get bored of your life?

(Edited by Lord Erunion Telcontar 2/8/2007 10:48:28 PM)

04:39:28 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Barny:

No, I committed suicide around 3 days ago.

11:22:56 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. I Love Dragon:

Wow......we're talking to a zombie dinosaur doctor...................


*Pull a sword and cut the zombie thingy  to half*


12:31:45 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Hadriel:

Murderer! Hyena! (run to the sliced zombie) mmm.... Food....

13:51:40 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Salaracen:

barny can you help me my problem is i am continusly talking to my dead farther

14:40:08 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Jarlaxle:

Doc I need help, I have a fear of theraphy

17:02:21 Feb 9th 07 - Lord Spoon:

Union Telephone, you think so?
I always had problems with molesting children. They SO ask for getting raped.
So.. I am willing to get rid of this mental weakness, so I'm not as bad as those figures who are molesting children because they want it themselves! And not do anything against it..


17:11:33 Feb 9th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

*Disgustedly shakes head then incinerates Spoon.*

19:02:31 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Walker:

I would like to get a new problem. All of my old ones don't bother me any more.

19:46:08 Feb 9th 07 - Sir Senturu:

salaracen. i do the same as well. what you must realize is that who you are actully talking to is yourself. useing all of the knowlege that you have learned from your father to create something that is just like him. and will say things just like your father would. with the same reason and pretext

08:45:05 Feb 11th 07 - Mr. Salaracen:

mmm i see but what about compulsive drooling

10:26:48 Feb 11th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

DOC!!!! I have a big problem!!!

When children are small they believe in me and I give them gifts, but when they growup to be really really old, like 20+, they dont believe in me anymore. That makes me sad and it makes me talk to raindeers, but they dont talk back!!! Can you make my reindeers talk??? If this problem is not solved I dont know what i might do....

11:24:08 Feb 11th 07 - Mr. Devilspawn:

santa you might beat up st nicolas o.O

he's a perv anyways !

11:24:29 Feb 11th 07 - Mr. Devilspawn:

asking childrens to ''sit'' on his lap , he does dirty things with them !

12:03:56 Feb 11th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

Or i mgith follow the way of Lord Spoon and become a pedophile 2, sounds like a nice profession. Is it childfriendly??? =P

12:50:02 Feb 11th 07 - Mr. Salaracen:

NO waaaaaay is santa going down that path i hope that your all ashamed of your selves  *looks at santa, grimaces* look what youve done youve got santa all...ex...ite..d  *puts a 10 gallon hat over santas crotch*

any way i thought you died santa i the war you know

13:47:57 Feb 11th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

well, the therapist can be a zombie and so can i ;)

But why did you cover my thingy with such a small hat? It needs to be at least 20 gallon.

*takes the hat and throws it away, stand naked(again)*

*on his way to buy some candy for kids*

(Edited by Mr. Santa Claus 2/11/2007 1:48:09 PM)

14:26:10 Feb 11th 07 - Mr. Devilspawn:

barny, i i.. think i cant grow up o.O

it started when i played vu , first i thought santa was made up but now ... i see him all the time . I think there is really a santa claus ...

What can i do? ive tried running up 2 a wall 20 times but it didnt work o.O he's still there

and he wont give me presents ! =(

14:52:17 Feb 11th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

are you a kid? Then i have some candy for you........

*slowly gets excited*

14:04:36 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Salaracen:

GOD DAMMIT!! *gets 78 gallon hat*
*rushes devilspawn away very quickley*
*sits down and drinks a scottch*

scotch scotch scotch i love scotch

14:09:04 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

78 gallon is about big enough, you only forget to get drunk before you put the gallon over my crouch, im still naked =P

*dancing around being nude*

Doctor i need help, dont make me a herbiphile!!!! Dont save the kids, they want the candy, i know it :)

*still dancing around nude*

(Edited by Mr. Santa Claus 2/12/2007 2:09:37 PM)

14:40:05 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Sansoku:

I like Kitties... is that bad?

(Edited by Mr. Sansoku 2/12/2007 2:40:25 PM)

14:40:12 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Jarlaxle:

*Pets Sansoku's Kitties* So cute, so fluffy!

14:41:39 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Salaracen:

*whacks santa in the back of the knees with a large bottle of scotch*

thats the way, good santa stay boy thats a goo....

*notices the folds of fat giggling*

its almost hipnotic

14:49:01 Feb 12th 07 - Sir Senturu:

it seems your therepist is gone. but ill be filling in for him. you may call me Dr. Senturu

now. santa. you have a problem with loving kids too much? yes i can see that well what you got to do is get a younger girl friend. ditch the old lady. that will help tremendosly.

Devilspawn santa is real. you can see him here. but do NOT get on his lap. if he does not give you gifts. then it is because you are a bad boy.

salaracen, you have a drinking problem. probably due to past experiences with santa.  it is only right that you try to shelter those who are his next target. but use this next time

*hands Salaracen a shotgun*

that should do just fine

also sansoku. it is not bad to like kitties. even if your female. its just fine :)

(Edited by Sir Senturu 2/12/2007 2:50:37 PM)

15:42:29 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

Woow, thank you Doc, devilspawn can have ms.Claus, im on my way to club to find some better one, Salaracen, you comin? ow, and put away that shotgun, im cured now:)

16:24:51 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Devilspawn:

*takes shotgun...*

*looks at ms.Claus*


*goes to club with santa and salaracen o.O*

16:26:48 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Devilspawn:

I also have another problem o.O

I'm thinking of giving Xemnas, Proilon as a *beep* to him o.O

so he won't be sad anymore... but Xemnas is already santa's *beep* and i do not know the laws of this mixture , it's driving me crazy , i even shot ms.Claus as u saw o.O

18:23:45 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

the new or the old ms.Claus???????:O

And dont worry about Xemnas as my b*tch, hes not my b*tch anymore. he now is my slave-butler:)

*buys a drink for all the beautifall ladies in the club, Salaracen not included for the beautifall part*

20:40:03 Feb 12th 07 - Sir Senturu:

congratulations Santa. your cured. now ill take my payment.

*hands santa a bill for 8 thousand dollars*

Devil spawn. you can give Proilon to Xemnas now. as Xemnas is no longer a sex slave

20:47:32 Feb 12th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

he is my sex-butler, a slave sounds soo low. To low for us civelized people, huh Senturu. Btw, that bill, take the expenses i had for all your presents, ferrari's, women, Dolls etc. Take that number and do it without the 8k, then you still owe me about 1043450 :)


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