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New war....
00:55:48 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Princeigor:

Look war in South Osetia, Georgia attacked South Osetia!! Genozide!

01:02:03 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Garou:

Russia is retaliating and defending South Osetia but if they go to all out war with Georgia america may get involved, they're allied with Georgia

01:11:02 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Princeigor:

Georgia isnt americas ally, it is americas marionette.

01:21:56 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Basch:

is this a real life war?

01:32:11 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Basch:

If it is, where can i read up about it?

01:35:11 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Theres a small chance this may lead to WWIII ....

01:37:33 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

well the chance for this leading up to WWIII is microscopic...and basch try to watch the news on tv to get more info =P

01:39:08 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Not really microscopic..

If Russia attack Georgia, and America retaliate...

Well.. You see?

01:48:20 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Basch:

then china will back russia up, then all of america's allies backs america up and then it would be considered to be WWIII  which REALLY SUCKS!!!

btw check this out, a site i found ages ago.

01:48:51 Aug 10th 08 - Lord Kevdwayne:

True Gonzo.... much less significant incidents have lead to all out war.

01:53:16 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

yeah i guess...i heard that america was forcing those countries to get a CF yesterday?...Wow i cant imagine the power that russia and china will have together... and i wonder which side INDIA is gonna support ...cause they are close to china, but have good relations with america....this is getting very interesting...

01:57:03 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Basch:

And very scary at the same time lol

well if india and japan (japan hates china) sides with us, then we'll win as long as no nukes are fired

02:08:31 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

Here is the list for the most powerful countries (2008) ...just in case any1 is wondering lol ....

1) The United States of America

The world's biggest economy and by far in terms of spending and power the worlds strongest army, the most powerful democracy, and the media centre of the world, plus in many ways the centre of world diplomacy and foreign relations. This easily makes the USA the worlds most powerful country.

2 Russian Federation

The second largest army, and a puppeteer of many Central Asian states. The largest European population, and largest world area, which gives it immense control over itself, and immense levels of independence . The size of Russia helps give it extra resources and abilities that make it such a big power.

3 Peoples Republic of China

The 4th or 2nd largest GNP depending on different measures (Either normal measures, or ones which cancel out misleading totals for currency values, in that later case China places second) a recent riser, above France and Britain, It also has established itself as having nukes. a huge army, and is becoming even more of a international power, as of the resource hungry booming economy, though even if that stalled, it would still be 3rd, as of other advantages.

Plus massively the Largest population in the world, And like the above 2 is a UN Security council member.

4 France

The fifth republic has UN security council membership, is a nuclear power and has alot of influence over Africa. It is also a G7 economy, a leading democracy, and has a quite large army, one of worlds most powerful infact. Added to this EU membership gives it extra power.

5 Britain

UN security council status, nuclear weapons, G7 economy, a leading democratic state, and a media from music, to actors centre, that has alot of influence over the world as of it's popularity. Membership of the EU adds to it's power.

6 Japan

The State of Japan has the second largest economy, and a big democracy, large population, but rammed in by China, and the USA, so below France, and Britain,

7 Republic of India

The most populous democracy, a growing economy, and nuke weapons, as the Second most populous country on Earth it has moral sway,

8 Federal Republic of Germany

The World's third economy, and a top 3 in terms of power EU member, of the 27 European Union countries, but hampered in influence, as of World War two, and World War One, Which affected Germany's moral position in the world, and reduced German influence on many areas of the world,

9 Republic of Pakistan

Second largest Muslim country, largest in the area where most Muslim lands are, has nuclear weapons, and a quite united nationality,

Beats Indonesia, as that land is to far away from other Muslim lands, so carries less weight. but mabye could rise. if Pakistan fizzles a bit as of spending so much on it's millitary dictatorship. While Indonesia, grows as a more civil democratic land. Maybe Indonesia is below, as it was a even more brutal dictatorship to it's people, in the late 1960s too 1990s. While Pakistan was to other nationalities, such as Bangladeshis. during the 1970s, but to West Pakistan people was not as bad as Indonesia's brutal dictators were to it's people in the mid and late 1960s, If Pakistan had not been so bad to Bengalis then it would still have them, and stand no chance of falling behind Indonesia, as it rises. It's power tussles with India, make it keep a high arms budget, but could weaken it long term, as army spending long term is a inefficient use of economic resources.

10 Republic of Brazil

02:09:13 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Princeigor:

Georgian people genocide Osetian people, Russian lost 15 men and about 200 are injured, Osetian lost about 3 000 peasants. Abhasian people begin to attack Georgia, Chechens, Dagestan and other Caucas people are ready to help Osetins to fight against Georgia.

02:10:28 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

I'd say

Britain 4th

France 5th

Just my opinion ;)

02:11:02 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

i just hope that this doesnt result into WWIII

06:19:55 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

looks like bush is taking some big actions sitting in china...

06:25:50 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Basch:

Mr. Princeigor


8/10/2008 10:11:02 AMGeorgia isnt americas ally, it is americas marionette.

Actully if you read up about it on msn news, it tells you that Georgia is a close ally of the USA. And both Georgia and Russia are refusing to back down and it's become more than just a fight for that province, russia has just bombed Georgia's military airbase that was at their Capital...

15:59:41 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Princeigor:

"8/10/2008 10:11:02 AMGeorgia isnt americas ally, it is americas marionette.

Actully if you read up about it on msn news, it tells you that Georgia is a close ally of the USA. And both Georgia and Russia are refusing to back down and it's become more than just a fight for that province, russia has just bombed Georgia's military airbase that was at their Capital..."

And what? All military bases must be destroyed. Russlad make all things right :)

16:25:47 Aug 10th 08 - Lord Slade:

Well your all wrong.....

because they have Mr. Bush leading them i would really count them as a scary country more along the lines of Dumbest country in the world so America may have More Nukes and tanks then everyone esle but atleast the other countrys have Leaders that isnt retarted.

17:19:41 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

lol slade ...thought u didnt know politics lmao =P

18:10:36 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Shpedro The Acr:

This is not a war for WW3 this is a war for oil. nothing more.
Russia don't want to lose the oil power in Europe and Asia, and if Georgia give premesion to build a new oil conductor that cames fro Asia. Rusia will losse the power of the largest spluer in the sector.

This is just a war to make georgia, a warning :D
Fu***ing oil companies, i will by a electric car, as sson as they arrive :D Fu*** oil.

18:54:56 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Warkeeper:

shame on you ppl who treat this like another game. its bloody real and counting who can join to make more bloodshed or talking about this 'interesting' is a bit not in place. There are not 'pezzies' who are dying there but ppl like me and you.

If you mean why this war happen you should review recent russia and ue issues, you should read about this not only on net and watch mtv to know what is happening there. Yes its about f... oil too. F.. money and f.. influence.

19:11:44 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Dude:
Lol @ this ranking :')

19:18:12 Aug 10th 08 - Lord Slade:

Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj


8/10/2008 7:19:41 PM
lol slade ...thought u didnt know politics lmao =P


Well i do

19:20:31 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

ok =P

21:52:01 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Princeigor:

Lol, Mr. Warkeeper, I live in a distance of 350km to Osetia, I know what is there :) I don't need TV, I can just go out and see all things :)

23:34:17 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Woody:

WTF??? how is french more powerful than England?

there so powerful the only war they have ever managed to win was a civil war lol

23:37:30 Aug 10th 08 - Lord Slade:


12:50:24 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Rofl Woody.

As for this war, its not going to start WWIII. Unless Russia do invade Georgia. Loads of things have happened which could escalate.

12:53:54 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Yesterday a Georgian Ship attacked a Russian Ship, and the Russian Ship sunk the Geogian one rofl!

15:06:07 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Basch:

this isn't funny

15:07:28 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Chucky:

Mr. Shpedro The Acr


8/11/2008 3:10:36 AMThis is not a war for WW3 this is a war for oil. nothing more.
Russia don't want to lose the oil power in Europe and Asia, and if Georgia give premesion to build a new oil conductor that cames fro Asia. Rusia will losse the power of the largest spluer in the sector.

This is just a war to make georgia, a warning :D
Fu***ing oil companies, i will by a electric car, as sson as they arrive :D Fu*** oil.

dude you are wrong, this is a war so russia can gain control of georgia again

15:49:18 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Thomas The Viking:

Russia has invaded Georgia!


and that ranking is just based on fire power:

"Nuclear weapons, past and present military experience, training and equipment quality are not taken into account."

16:28:22 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Yeah, if it was. Britain would be sky rocketed by the experience, training and equipment :P

16:32:10 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Basch


8/9/2008 8:48:20 PM
then china will back russia up, then all of america's allies backs america up and then it would be considered to be WWIII  which REALLY SUCKS!!!
Wait....we have allies? I could have sworn we lost all of those due to some....wars, negotiations, stupidity......

16:34:33 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Chucky:

you mean stealing oil from the middle east at the expense of the lives of thousands of people (including those from allied countries)?

17:06:00 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Yeah, well Thomas Russia isn't exactly known for quality, but quantity.

Uttkarsh Bush isn't sitting in China. Bush is supporting Team USA, and has met with Putin in fact Bush met with Putin right before the opening ceremony for the Beijing olympics, and  Bush met with China's President.

Bush isn't a retard Slade, and judging by you're writing you're not exactly that sharp either. Though you know what they say "it takes one to know one". Lol.....

America the dumbest country in the world? Well, if you really believe that I would say you're ignorant. Though "ignorance is bliss" isn't it Slade?

Maybe instead of it just being an WW it could just be another Cold War gearing up. Though WWIII happening because of the situation in Georgia is almost 100% unlikly, and a outrageous speculation.... 

17:08:48 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Chucky we haven't stole any oil, and who are we killing for this "stolen" oil?


How has America taken oil from it's allies?

18:05:41 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Master Mind


8/11/2008 12:08:48 PM

Chucky we haven't stole any oil, and who are we killing for this "stolen" oil?


How has America taken oil from it's allies?

I think he meant we went to the Middle East because of the oil (one of the many ideas shot out by people in their spare time) and that we have had thousands of soldiers and service men and women(from the US and allied countries) killed in this "war."

Those allied countries sent in their troops....if they did not pull them out, then it ISNT the USA's fault....many countries pulled out already.

19:49:38 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

There is sum truth in the USA going to the middle-east for oil, it probly wasnt among the top 2 reasons but still was something which sent alot more encouragement to go through with the invasion. USA among with tons of other countries are very dependant on the middle-east for oil and has more than once considered capturing and securing the oil-fields for themselves back in the 1973/75 (cant member which..) oil crisis. And in present days the USA have built up a military base around one of the biggest oil fields in iraq and its the most enforced part of it.

20:04:28 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Kalkan:

im suprised actualy that russia would attack such a small nation. im a bit happie it isnt Poland.

20:46:14 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Thomas The Viking:

Mr. Kalkan


8/11/2008 9:04:28 PM
im suprised actualy that russia would attack such a small nation. im a bit happie it isnt Poland.

Or Norway

21:17:07 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Well, we wouldn't need imported oil if it wheren't for the dam environmentalist in this country (America)....

Though I think Russia is just saying that Georgia isn't compling with cease fire rules just so they have a reason to keep attacking. This is probably just the first of attacks maybe? This could be like WWII with Germany invading poland, but nobody doing anything about it execpt threatening them. Execpt this time it's Russia "defending" itself and again nobody is acting, but only talking. Maybe this is part of a plan to regain Soviet's "provinces"....


21:30:06 Aug 11th 08 - Prince Butthurt:

3 Peoples Republic of China

The 4th or 2nd largest GNP depending on different measures (Either normal measures, or ones which cancel out misleading totals for currency values, in that later case China places second) a recent riser, above France and Britain, It also has established itself as having nukes. a huge army, and is becoming even more of a international power, as of the resource hungry booming economy, though even if that stalled, it would still be 3rd, as of other advantages.

Plus massively the Largest population in the world, And like the above 2 is a UN Security council member.

>> WRONG, the peoples republic of china is the organisation of Taiwan in china (those who are trying to go independent from China, but China holds it agains because Taiwan is so bloody wealthy, which brings them in the top 3 of most powerfull)
Small population can bring in big wealth... hence there are only like 10 à 20 million civilians in taiwan

just to let you know :)

21:32:54 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Dude:

Sir Thomas The Viking


8/11/2008 8:46:14 PM

Mr. Kalkan


8/11/2008 9:04:28 PM
im suprised actualy that russia would attack such a small nation. im a bit happie it isnt Poland.

Or Norway

Or the Vatican!

23:36:08 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

lol russia wasnt defendin itself it just wanted the rougue osetia state which split from georgia, its basicly just a battle between russia and georgia to see who can reclaim it first but is starting to turn into a minor war. It could be WWIII u never kno. It's been over 50 years now since the last world war so its overdue anywayz.

23:53:51 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

We don't exactly have a world war every fifty years...
And what reason had America to "go to" the middle east, if not for oil? Phantom weapons? To "help" the people out? As far as I know, the Germans were attacked when they invaded Poland, not before. You should have used the Sudetenland as an example or something. And there will never be a World War III, because there'd be no-one alive to war.

01:02:23 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Basch:

actully i think there will eventully be a WWIII one day and if any country fires a nuke (which is almost certain) then every last living thing on the planet will be wiped out.

01:35:11 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Not everything Africa will be left alone though after maybe 10 ye*beep*veryone would be dead from Aids...jk


First Killer this is about georgia not the Iraq war, it just got a little off topic....

The Germans wheren't attacked :O. Germany invaded poland which started WWII. We didn't go for oil. Oil may have been the benefit of "peace". Then with countries benefiting from the oil because of supply Iraq was benefiting from the world buying the oil. So you can't say America was the only one to benefit, and you've probably used oil or some form of it from Iraq. We went in for one because Sadam was a horrible ruler. Sadam was cruel to his people, and was a killer. We went and finished the job senior Bush failed to do which was take down Sadam, and give the Iraq people a democracy. You know the reason Bush said there was most likly because of intell, and not only that, but they kicked out U.N weapon inspecters what where we(The world) suppose to suspect that he was planning to have a tea party with western leaders, and didn't want the inspecters to let the surprise tea party be ruined?  

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