Forums / The hangaround / Petition to bring Soc back.

Petition to bring Soc back.
01:31:00 Dec 16th 08 - Sir Deadpool:

Hey I would like to start a petition to bring Soc back to the forums. He has more than paid for his crime (Rick Rolling everyone). It has kinda crippled him trying to recruit players for his kingdom. So I think bring him back. Who else doesn't miss his sarcasm in the forums. Its gotten too quiet.

1. Deadpool

02:05:12 Dec 16th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

1. Deadpool

2.Death Proof

08:12:33 Dec 16th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus

I miss his "can i join?" for every recruiting KD :)

08:26:40 Dec 16th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II

He may have disliked me...but that doesn't mean I want him banned... :-D

09:12:50 Dec 16th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin

09:24:24 Dec 16th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Won't work :)

10:05:23 Dec 16th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

while I do agree that Soc shouldn't be banned,


this won't work... as Mielo said...

10:32:18 Dec 16th 08 - Mr. Killmeeee:

meh, may not work but oh well

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)

11:17:25 Dec 16th 08 - Mr. Barney:

I remember Soc, I wondered where he went. This wont work, but good nut-cupping for him.

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
  7. Barny

18:24:07 Dec 16th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

I just signed it for the heck of it :)  Petitions are fun to sign :D

20:09:28 Dec 16th 08 - Sir Deadpool:

Well it may not work...but it was the only idea I had.

20:19:08 Dec 16th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Like mielo and lew said it wont work. I'm guessing you've messaged Zeta about it?

However, I do think (once again as lew said), soc shouldn't of been banned. I laughed about it when he got me! If I remember rightly, Zeta rickrolled me and a number of others also with the youtube in HD or whatever it was.

01:11:45 Dec 17th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

That was a good one btw...I couldn't get all four windows to work in synch though...I had to close my internet for Soc's XD

07:22:15 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Pilosa:

Where's the petition to make the ban permanent?

08:11:59 Dec 17th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Oh, that is in the thread just next door.

08:39:52 Dec 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

bans are permanent untill zeta decides otherwise :)

19:19:29 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Pie Maker:

I'm sure Zeta, in his infinite wisdom, will unban him soon.

23:32:34 Dec 18th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
  7. Barny
  8. LUP
who knows maybe Zeta will consider it looking here

00:08:24 Dec 19th 08 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
  7. Barny
  8. LUP
  9. Grim Darkhammer

I think Soccer should be allowed back too but not sure if Zeta will pay any attention to the petition.

07:15:37 Dec 19th 08 - Duke Random:

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
  7. Barny
  8. LUP
  9. Grim Darkhammer
  10. Random

11:34:27 Dec 19th 08 - Sir Wilber:


Why does he not make a forum account?

12:19:56 Dec 19th 08 - Mr. Barney:

Because in multi-sweeps he would be deleted for having multiple accounts under the same IP address; it would be blatantly breaking the rules, and his in-game account would be immediately banned.

12:29:35 Dec 19th 08 - Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe:

Welp I never knew Soc and probably never will but since it was my kingdom leader that started this post I'll just be a mindless sheep :P

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
  7. Barny
  8. LUP
  9. Grim Darkhammer
  10. Random
  11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe

15:24:45 Dec 19th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Other people have forum accounts :)

13:47:12 Dec 20th 08 - Mr. Sinthoras:

This petition is most likely useless but lets give it a shot anyway ;)
He needs to come back!!!

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
  7. Barny
  8. LUP
  9. Grim Darkhammer
  10. Random
  11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
  12. Sinthoras(Santa)

21:58:08 Dec 21st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
  7. Barny
  8. LUP
  9. Grim Darkhammer
  10. Random
  11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
  12. Sinthoras(Santa)
  13. Demonsul
I don't have a clue who the guy is, I don't know what state this petition is in, but hell, I'll sign anyway!

22:18:15 Dec 21st 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
  7. Barny
  8. LUP
  9. Grim Darkhammer
  10. Random
  11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
  12. Sinthoras(Santa)
  13. Demonsul
  14. Stewie Griffin

22:32:03 Dec 21st 08 - Mr. Sky:

  1. Deadpool
  2. Death Proof
  3. Cedric Deallus
  4. Validus Septim II
  5. Penguin
  6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
  7. Barny
  8. LUP
  9. Grim Darkhammer
  10. Random
  11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
  12. Sinthoras(Santa)
  13. Demonsul
  14. Stewie Griffin
  15. Sky

Whoever he is, hope this goes well for him.

22:32:04 Dec 21st 08 - Mr. Reddragon V:

2.Death Proof
3.Cedric Deallus
4.Validus Septim II
6.Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
9.Grim Darkhammer
11.Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
14.Stewie Griffin
15. Reddragon V

22:32:41 Dec 21st 08 - Mr. Reddragon V:

dammed cut and paste ^_^

02:15:34 Dec 22nd 08 - Mr. Minor Threat:

Death Proof
Cedric Deallus
Validus Septim II
Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
Grim Darkhammer
Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
Stewie Griffin
Reddragon V
Minor Threat

03:56:30 Dec 22nd 08 - Mr. Hkxxxooo:

Ban him?  VU should pay him for the entertainment!

Death Proof
Cedric Deallus
Validus Septim II
Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
Grim Darkhammer
Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
Stewie Griffin
Reddragon V
Minor Threat



19:20:51 Dec 22nd 08 - Mr. Pie Maker:

hint hint admin?

19:34:25 Dec 22nd 08 - Duke Michael Deallus:

How many people don't even know who Soccer is?

19:55:52 Dec 22nd 08 - Sir Demonsul:

Well, me, for starters...

20:12:45 Dec 22nd 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

same here

22:25:35 Jan 19th 09 - Mr. Trainin Exercise:

y did he gt banned? i kno of him bt i cnt say i kno him

22:30:27 Jan 19th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I think he Rickrolled half of VU :-p  the link you clicked on could not close unless you like manually shut down the internet (or used task manager on the process)

22:34:53 Jan 19th 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

Must have been the *beep*ic half.

22:42:05 Jan 19th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Of course ;)

22:57:04 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Samulis The Conquerer:

Death Proof
Cedric Deallus
Validus Septim II
Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
Grim Darkhammer
Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
Stewie Griffin
Reddragon V
Minor Threat


Samulis the Conquerer

00:36:08 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

Death Proof
Cedric Deallus
Validus Septim II
Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
Grim Darkhammer
Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
Stewie Griffin
Reddragon V
Minor Threat
Samulis the Conquerer

Even if you had most of the names in VU the chances of this happening are "VERY" slim... Soc got him self banned.... realy the only person who can get him un banned is sco(and ZeTa) maybe if he begs real hard :S Zeta might un ban him... ask Rev, or telll to talk to rev and see how he got un banned

00:44:53 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

...Rev made a forum account and no one feels like banning it.

11:15:04 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

oo well i didnt know that

22:02:22 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Odissius:

i remember why he got banned. Btw that rickroll thing... I believe that was me because i know the site name. everytime you would try to close the window a popup would appear with some of the lyrics to the song.

Even tho me and soc don't see eye to eye might as well.

1. Deadpool
2. Death Proof
3. Cedric Deallus
4. Validus Septim II
5. Penguin
6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
7. Barny
8. LUP
9. Grim Darkhammer
10. Random
11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
12. Sinthoras(Santa)
13. Demonsul
14. Stewie Griffin
15. Sky
16. Reddragon V
17. Minor Threat
18. Hkxxxooo
19. Samulis the Conquerer
20. Odissius

22:10:57 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Edd:

1. Deadpool
2. Death Proof
3. Cedric Deallus
4. Validus Septim II
5. Penguin
6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
7. Barny
8. LUP
9. Grim Darkhammer
10. Random
11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
12. Sinthoras(Santa)
13. Demonsul
14. Stewie Griffin
15. Sky
16. Reddragon V
17. Minor Threat
18. Hkxxxooo
19. Samulis the Conquerer
20. Odissius
21. Edd

02:01:55 Jan 22nd 09 - Ms. Hawt Babes:

1. Deadpool
2. Death Proof
3. Cedric Deallus
4. Validus Septim II
5. Penguin
6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
7. Barny
8. LUP
9. Grim Darkhammer
10. Random
11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
12. Sinthoras(Santa)
13. Demonsul
14. Stewie Griffin
15. Sky
16. Reddragon V
17. Minor Threat
18. Hkxxxooo
19. Samulis the Conquerer
20. Odissius
21. Edd
22. Ms. Hawt Babes

19:16:55 Jan 22nd 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Make a forum account for the last time, christ.

13:26:04 Feb 25th 09 - Mr. Pure:

i dont even know the guy but noone should ever get banned from playing games i reckon

1. Deadpool
2. Death Proof
3. Cedric Deallus
4. Validus Septim II
5. Penguin
6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
7. Barny
8. LUP
9. Grim Darkhammer
10. Random
11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
12. Sinthoras(Santa)
13. Demonsul
14. Stewie Griffin
15. Sky
16. Reddragon V
17. Minor Threat
18. Hkxxxooo
19. Samulis the Conquerer
20. Odissius
21. Edd
22. Ms. Hawt Babes
23. PURE

wat did he get banned for can som1 send me a message privitly

15:10:25 Feb 25th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

1. Deadpool
2. Death Proof
3. Cedric Deallus
4. Validus Septim II
5. Penguin
6. Killmeeee (Bleddyn)
7. Barny
8. LUP
9. Grim Darkhammer
10. Random
11. Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe
12. Sinthoras(Santa)
13. Demonsul
14. Stewie Griffin
15. Sky
16. Reddragon V
17. Minor Threat
18. Hkxxxooo
19. Samulis the Conquerer
20. Odissius
21. Edd
22. Ms. Hawt Babes
23. PURE
24. Wolflord Karac

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