Forums / The hangaround / US EU2

05:16:02 Jan 9th 08 - Duke Salamon:

Hello there all Europa Univeralis 2 players who need a gaming community to join and live in the United States or close to it. Might and I are starting a new group of players who will play EU 2 together, due to the fact that the other group is "Full". There is a limit, I believe 16, so apply let me know if your in for a game and what your schedule is. Thanks.

05:17:28 Jan 9th 08 - Duke Salamon:

Might and I are currently playing a GC game at the moment. If you want in, say so, however i think we might stop that game to create another one. The first couple of games will be fast paced (above normal to fast).

Current game:

Portugal: Might

Castille: Salamon

My msn:

or msg me ingame.

05:47:06 Jan 9th 08 - Duke Salamon:

Might and I are in an alliance. He gets Gibraltor and the Fez kingdom (he vassalized Fez). He also gets Orania and Atlas. I get whats left of Algiers. Granda is mine, and thats pretty much it for now lol.

10:37:21 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

I can play but only during weekends
Im GMT +8

14:22:34 Jan 9th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

You're the opposite of them, twam ;)

17:40:52 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Anyone can join because we just started. Me and Salamon did this because of those mean Europeans in the other one!

btw im #1 and yet im bankrupt 0.o

Portugal starts with like 7 loans!

18:56:40 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

What's that game?

19:40:05 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Neratu:

im game. Id have joined yesterday but i was busy till like 1am lol.


Care if I take england?

19:45:06 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Neratu:

Also i made a channel for it on Hamachi


20:14:40 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Sure go ahead and join as England!

20:50:14 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Alright the Hamachi name for it is.


Tell us if your going to join then we will tell you the password.

To get into IRC do /join USEU2

04:50:29 Jan 10th 08 - Duke Salamon:

sorry about today, power went out in our area because of some construction work near by :S didnt have power for three hours.

16:09:32 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Its alright with me :D

Maybe I can teach Soc how to play this game now!

23:06:22 Jan 10th 08 - Lord Clone IX:

So, um, is there much difference between EU2 and EU3? Cause I have EU3 and if there ain't much difference I should be able to handle EU2 as well after a few single-player games.

23:22:58 Jan 10th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

EU2 is better than EU3, but EU3 isn't bad at all. You'll get the hang of EU2 quickly if you've played EU3.

01:16:11 Jan 11th 08 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

How forgiving is EU2 if I were to lose my internet connection for whatever reason?

01:22:19 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Depends on the host. I would just save and rehost so you can get back in :D

SP doesn't require it.

01:22:20 Jan 11th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

EU2 isn't an online game like VU or Utopia, it's an actual game ;)

01:42:01 Jan 11th 08 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

I know, I used to play EU2 before I moved out of my house. Same with Civ4 (which I prefer)

02:10:53 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Ah then you should join us :D

Just post the times you can play and what country's you want to be! If you don't know the map ill give it to you :D

10:59:53 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

id like to join. pls tell me the time you will play.  I am a total nub.

12:12:04 Jan 11th 08 - Lord Clone IX:

EU2 is better than EU3, but EU3 isn't bad at all. You'll get the hang of EU2 quickly if you've played EU3.

Its better? Well, that sure sounds promising :) I'll try to get hold of one (Of course completely legal!) Sadly, I'm one of those Europeans, so it might get difficult to get on in this game, but thanks for the information at least!

12:14:11 Jan 11th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

heh i looked in loads of shops for a legal version but it wasnt to be .. Eu2 is much more fun then eu3 though ;)

12:50:56 Jan 11th 08 - Lord Clone IX:

I'm sure I'll find a way :roll:

12:55:13 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

[19:45] <twamao> GO USEU2!
[19:48] * Nimic sets mode: -o twamao
[19:48] * Nimic sets mode: +h Verll|Not-Here
[19:48] * Nimic sets mode: +o Verll|Not-Here
[19:48] <Nimic> Retribution is swift and harsh
[19:49] <twamao> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....................

He deoped me :(

16:20:40 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


Lord Clone IX: Im sure you can get into our games just tell us the times you will be able to play. It wont be laggy because when me and Spoon tried it ran perfectly either that or Spoon was to lazy to whine about it :D

Haywood: Just tell me the time you are able to play.

16:51:20 Jan 11th 08 - Lord Clone IX:

Hmm. Well, the graphics in EU2 are compared to EU3 quit...............different............

Might get into it, might not. However EU3's shiny graphics make it difficult!

23:48:26 Jan 11th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Clone IX, if you're European you should come to #eu2 on IRC. We're mostly Europeans there, and even if it'll be hard fitting you into even our next big game, we'll probably play smaller games just as long as we've got people who want to play.

18:29:17 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Clone V:

uhm wich server?

18:33:11 Jan 12th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe: (6667)

19:47:52 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

That is out game so far! Im not showing the colonial stuff because the game is still going on :D This is also just a practice game again.

04:51:08 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Soc:

might, u should write a list of instructions for me! when i have time, ill do them, then we can play!

remember im a computer nub, so make them easy! have salamon help u! :P

14:56:39 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Do the tutorial!

15:01:07 Jan 14th 08 - Ms. Minge:

go to #eu2 and ask questions

00:47:16 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Neratu:

Our current game.

03:27:50 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Neratu:

AAR England
24 years

In 1492 the great kingdom of england sat uncomforably on its throne. The troublesome scotts had yet to follow the way of eire and join the the great kingdom. Even worth, they had stooped to allying themselves with the vile french.

The french themselves had grown much in the past century, becoming a sizeable threat to the royal crown. However all was not lost, as the spaniards in the west were willing to make a deal. While France was out making enemies with its neighbors, England was making allies with which defeat was an impossibility.

Secure in this knowledge, England prepared for the inevitable conflict that would arise. England bided its time for Scotland to slip out of its military alliance.

During this period of time, a wonderous thing occured. A man by the name of cabbot had discovered an untamed land far across the ocean! With this knowledge in hand England realizes the world is a bigger stage, and quickly sets upon creating a port for further study within the new world. New england would surely flourish. Who was there to stop them?

Eventually the scotts lost their military aliance with the French, and when this happened they were quickly overwhelmed. The majority of Scotland was liberated and joined the great English Empire. However a pocket of rebels remained, another day, another war.

The Scottish fell easier then expected and England was left with a large standing army. Knowing the the scottish would no longer be of any trouble, the troops were given the mission of defending the border from the French kingdom. Unknowingly the English had started a cold war. Slowly the french sent troops to their border in response, till they outnumbered the standing  English army. Seeing this, England trained even more soldiers to place on the front lines when suddenly, a dark realization came upon the English. The French had succeeded them militarily! Realizing how far behind they were income was immediatly diverted towards the military, each peice of cash went back into the military creating a strong standing force leveling just over 100,000 men strong. The fleets were sent to hold the crossing to the isles incase the French invaded Cailas. The stage was set for a bitter war.

Then like a soft breeze in the night, peace came to the kingdoms. They agreed to pull back military and agree to a marriage between the royalty. Maybe war can be avoided, only time will tell.

17:08:04 Jan 15th 08 - Duke Salamon:

AAR Spain
24 years

In 1492, Spain sat almost unified completely. However, Spain still had yet to vassalize and annex Portugal and Navarra. However, It had succeeded in vassalizing Naples and Netherlands and would soon annex them. Spain had started the year 1492 attempting to form alliances and offering royal marriages with the countries mentioned earlier and had succeeded until it had come to Portugal. Why was Portugal denying an alliance with Spain? Well it turned out the vile French had caught on to the Spanish and wanted to interrupt their plot, and so sparked the feud between France and Spain.

The French themselves had grown much in the past century, becoming a sizeable threat to the Spanish border. However all was not lost, as the English in the north were willing to make a deal. While France was out making enemies with its neighbors, Spain was making allies with which defeat was an impossibility.

However, Spain had to briefly stop its preparing for the inevitable conflict that between France and Spain and turned its attention to Venice and Italy. The Italians had chosen to strike at southern Italy (Naples) and Naples had no choice but to call upon its alliance. The Spanish Armada had departed with 50.000 troops of cavalry and footmen.

Spain had arrived with Naples losing Apullia and out of the war. The Spanish had to work fast at cracking the fortress of Apullia and reclaiming its rightfully claimed land and defeating the other Italian provinces that had joined the war. However, Spain would have to work fast, as the French had decided to war Venice as well, and claimed Apullia as their target. Spain struck at Apullia first and siege the fortress, which would last the whole w*beep*eing that the Seige would take a long while, Spain decided to send the Grand Captain to Tuscany, Modena, and Genoa to help its Netherlands vassals.

The Spanish Armada sailed to Modena first with the Grand Captain on board, 15.000 Cavalry, and 35.000 Footmen. The battle lasted only a mere ten days and the Grand Captain laid siege the fortress of Modena. Within four months, The Grand Captain had captured Modena and annexed them. This established a port city and foothold in which Spain could continue its war with Tuscany, Venice, and Genoa.

After Modena was taken out, Spain moved on to Tuscany. Owning two provinces, Spain knew the only choice it had was to knock Tuscany out the war and gain Seina. The Grand Captian was sent again and had become victorious over the capital of Tuscany and they had quickly retreated from the war and Seina was given in return to Spain. Now all that was left was Genoa and Venice.

Spain had no plan for taking over Genoa. However, Netherlands had occupied the capital of Genoa and captured it. Spain signed a peace with Genoa, giving Netherlands a good lump sum of gold. All the was left now was Venice and Apullia.

Apullia was almost in Spanish hands again, and it took the Grand Captain to take that extra push. After Apullia was captured, The Grand Captain was sent to Cofu, a small island but one of the few provinces which had a manufactory, and laid siege to it. Meanwhile, 10.000 cavalry and 40.000 footmen in Modena had been sent into Venice to help out their Netherlands brothers. Tragicly, Venice was found to difficult to siege and many lives were lost in the battle for it. The Spanish army sent had returned back to Modena and the report was sent to Spain.

The Grand Captain had captured Cofu and now Spain wanted out of the war, as it got what it wanted. The Peace was signed soon, giving Netherlands Mantua and Appulia to Spain.

During the war, Spain had attempted to explore the Atlantic. However, its attention was so centered on Italy, that it had forgotten to fund the expeditions and many ships were needlessly lost and only a minor area was explored.

Spain had decided to take the next few years calmly and try to establish relations with Navarra, Portugal, Naples, and Netherlands so that they could annex them. They had succeeded in annexing Naples a few years after the Italian-Spanish War and soon after that Netherlands accepted Annexations as well. Navarra and Portugal were the only ones left, and Spain had given up and decided to explore and turn its attention to South America and the Caribbean's.

While exploring, France had decided to try and threaten England and Spain, saying that Spain and England had stolen what was theirs, which was Scotland and parts of Italy, and tried to use the Big Stick doctrine to scare them. They had left 100.000 men near the border of Cailas and Spanish owned Netherlands. Seeing this, England had done the same and left 100.000 men in Kent. Spain had also decided to leave three 30.000 men armies in the border of Netherlands and France and had three 50.000 men armies in Spain, with great generals as well.

Then like a soft breeze in the night, peace came to the kingdoms. They agreed to pull back military and agree to a marriage between the royalty. Maybe war can be avoided, only time will tell.

18:35:36 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

AAR France
24 years

    In 1492, France was completing her control of Western Europe. Only the Spanish-English alliance prevented her from gaining her rightful control of Scotland ,and by the 1500's England and Spain started stationing troops near Frances Borders. France had little time to build up her soldiers but by 1511 miraculously fielded 200,000 more cannons, cavalry, and infantry to counter the English-Spanish armies.
    But by that time Venice, the only country that rivaled Frances Naval forces, was trying to unite Italy under the Venician flag. France seeing potential gain from this acted and declared war on Venice (After making sure England and Spain weren't going to attack at that time.) In the battle of Lombardia in 1515, France broke Venice ground forces and charged on to capture Mantua and Marche. France then sent her massive 90 ship fleet to crush Venices in the Veneto harbor and in a two pronged attack between Land and sea France managed to crush and destroy every last bit of Venices Land and sea forces.

    Seeing what was happening on the other side of the world Spain, England, Austria, and the Netherlands declared war on Venice hoping to gain off the weakened country. France was enraged at these country's and was determined to stop them from gaining any land. To do this France added Portugal to her long list of vassals and allowed Portugal to gain 3 provenance's. After France gave Savoy another 4 provenance's leaving Veneto and the many small islands under Venician control. France started to move troops to England's and Spain's borders to threaten them into putting less troops into the Venecian cause. After which France expanded her massive Vassals and gave them Exploration. During all this France was gaining allies in all the major powers in Europe.               France has now dominated the Military and Naval technology and is working on giving it to her vassals.

01:52:09 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Neratu:

England AAR #2
27 years

Seeing peace holding, England saw far across the seas, towards her small holdings of colonies. Sending an explorer much land along the coast was uncovered and many bountyful areas were found to settle. Slowly the colonies began to spread, first one then another, soon England controlled a sizeable area in the new world.

Unfortuanitly she was not the only one, the spaniards had takin a lower inlet with many island, and were quickly taking it over. There had even been rumours of organized resistance by the natives towards the spanish, but the english had yet to see a single bit of true resistance. Unfortuanitly france had also discovered the new world, building a colony near New England, it would be watched untill it either was removed, or "joined of its own accord".

Seeing herself being surpassed by the empires of her allies and enemies, England enforced higher taxes on her peasentry. Though they did not understand the great needs of the empire, there was talk of uprising beginning to go through the land. It was during this time, in the year of 1543 the kingdom of england took a new crown, Henry VIII had grabbed control of the religion within England; the english had become protestant.  This sent shockwaves through the people, what would happen now?

The royal marriages that had kept the peace were severed, the alliance that had so long protected the english people was gone. Panic spread through the cities as invasion was thought likely, but through careful diplomacy the king cleverly sent the French off to fight a war against Denmark, while maintaining a strong alliance with Spain.

The great kingdom of England soon noticed itself slipping, its naval power was not what it used to be as many others starting shifting power to the ocean. Increasing its spending to match its might, England quickly fashioned a strong navy, one that would make any nation think twice if they should ever wish to assault the great kingdom. Even with this pride in their navy, it was not enough to overwhelm the instability welling within England, soon revolts broke out as the thin facade of stability was washed aside as revolts swept through the kingdom. In the end England remained in power, the rebellious spirit shattered, crushed for the sake of safety, and society.

But how far had they fallen behind during there inner strife?
How would the world react to a weakened England?

Only time will tell the lasting effects of the revolts.

02:40:52 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

You tricked me to fight Denmark? Lies! Besides now I own em and they are me Vassals :D

16:04:57 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Alright! After this game....

What does everyone think of every Saturday from 5 pm to 8:30 pm?

Age of Imperialism or Ryokens?

20:48:06 Jan 22nd 08 - Sir Spoon:

I can play thurday 1PM - 6PM and sunday from 1PM - 5PM US time.

And: I'd rather play regular ryokens.

20:54:11 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


Thursday sounds good.

Sunday I go to church at 12 PM to 1 PM so we would have to delay it a bit.

21:03:35 Jan 22nd 08 - Duke Salamon:

im fine with saturdays, and sundays.... but weekdays youll have to catch me on... if im not busy... :P and ryokens....

05:54:12 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Xiax:

I wish to try playing, though my only experience at this game is one still incomplete campaign as China in The Grand Campaign scenario.

15:06:19 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Well if you want we can play a practice game to see if you can even connect. Go to USEU2 on IRC.

20:36:50 Jan 24th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

For the new game you can be one of these nations.




Ottoman Empire



Spain- Salamon

Just insert your name into the country you want!

20:39:35 Jan 24th 08 - Sir Spoon:

Muscowy - Spoon

20:44:25 Jan 24th 08 - Duke Arzun:




Ottoman Empire

Muscowy- Spoon


Portugal- Arzun

Spain- Salamon

20:45:25 Jan 24th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Whats with you and Portugal Arzun? Spain will kill you asap!

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