Forums / The hangaround / Would You Rather Game

Would You Rather Game
22:21:39 Oct 25th 20 - Lady Jasmina:

The game is simple. Have one person pose a question giving two alternatives and the other people have to choose which one of the two alternatives they would prefer.
There are no points in the game, its more of a discussion with people giving their reasons why they prefer one option of the other.

Would you rather:

1. Be cursed by becoming a werewolf over full moon, losing control over yourself over nights with full moon. Driven by hunger and rage, going on rampage huntingand killing everyone in your path. But during the day would be in control, and other than a lot of body hair, no other bad sideeffects. 

2. Be cursed by becoming a vampire, able to go outside only during the night, unable to withstand sunlight. Needing to drink blood to survive but be in control over yourself. Be immortal and live for a very long time, therefore losing everyone your are close to eventually old age. 

22:27:34 Oct 25th 20 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

I would rather choose Option 1, primarily because I hate the idea of immortality that's involved in Option 2. Immortality would make life quite stagnant and boring after a certain point.

00:27:38 Oct 26th 20 - Sir Edi The Great:

I prefer option 2, as you would be in control of yourself all the time, sleep during day, come out at night. Immortality would be an issue over long time like mentioned, but turning into monster every full moon is just too much. 

01:56:08 Oct 26th 20 - Konstant (Mr. Raekwon):


Traditionally you gain immortality as a vampire by losing your soul. There's no such condition, typically, for a werewolf.

Also, you can chain yourself up because we live in modern times and know exactly when a full moon comes around.

Thirdly, as a vampire you are in complete control, so you will be killing people willfully. That sounds awful. Even if you "only" kill "bad" people, which in itself gets into the debate of applied morality vs. nature/nurture formation of a person's personality, but also taking another's life, even if they are viewed as "bad" people will in time corrupt you as an individual. You'll eventually start seeing yourself as more than human (which you technically are), and hence you will eventually start taking innocent lives. Even if you somehow get blood from blood banks, which sounds like a difficult thing to do immediately, there will be a time in your immortal life where you will kill someone because it was "necessary". One way or another, you will become a monster.

Whereas with a werewolf, even if you broke out of your chains and killed someone,  you did not commit such an action willfully. You can also move somewhere far, far, away from human population to avoid killing anyone (private island anyone?).

02:15:23 Oct 26th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

2.  I'm a rather selfish person. If I'm murdering people anyway, I'd rather eventually have my mentality adjusted to the fact that I'm doing it willfully rather than doing it unconsciously. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt.
I don't think any human has a true view of what immortality would be like, because our own experiences and emotions are linked to our own emotional development. If my emotional development can stay the way it is, in my mid-20's, why not. The only true barrier i see here is having a spouse, since our human instincts lead us to needing one, and feeling incomplete without one once you're reached a certain age. To everything else, we can adjust.
The only real problem I have with this is seeing all my family pass away. I still think that beats the involuntary merciless slaughter though =/

04:16:55 Oct 26th 20 - Exalted Tester Salamon:

2, I would not want to kill someone I loved because of my rage as a werewolf. (though I like werewolves a theme better)

15:14:44 Oct 26th 20 - The Real Josh (Mr. Vindicator Boros):

2, The simple thought of losing control and killing someone close to me outweighs the fear of outliving my loved ones.

Would you rather;

1: Be the last homo-sapein in existance
2: Be the first homo-sapein in existance

16:21:39 Oct 26th 20 - Penguin (Lord Penguin The Strange):

2. Vampire. could kill myself any time i wished (sunlight yeaaah) 

2. Be the first homo-sapiens. Being the last blows, you dont know if you are the last in this race, will you have any other similar races, or is it the end of the world and you are last remaining human. Being first homo-sapiens, means you have advantage over others, even if its 200k years ago. other homos - they might not understand or see that you are that different. 

Would you rather reincarnate as a:
1. Dog
2. Cat 

19:59:08 Oct 26th 20 - Sir Edi The Great:

As a vampire, you could be charming enough to get power, and with power and money set up a deal with hospital to supply blood to you, donated one. Think it happened in Blade movies (you mentioned that lol, I did not read the whole paragraph carefully) edit

You could also hunt animals, they bleed too.


Thirdly, as a vampire you are in complete control, so you will be killing people willfully. That sounds awful. Even if you "only" kill "bad" people, which in itself gets into the debate of applied morality vs. nature/nurture formation of a person's personality, but also taking another's life, even if they are viewed as "bad" people will in time corrupt you as an individual. You'll eventually start seeing yourself as more than human (which you technically are), and hence you will eventually start taking innocent lives. Even if you somehow get blood from blood banks, which sounds like a difficult thing to do immediately, there will be a time in your immortal life where you will kill someone because it was "necessary". One way or another, you will become a monster.


Being last human just seems lonely
First as well given if there will be no other
First would be my choise


As a pet, it all depends what home you are part of. 
Dogs sometimes are neglected and abused
And I feel cat would just leave

Cat is my choice

21:36:53 Feb 15th 21 - Princess Joan of Arc:

Would you rather

1. Know when you will die


2. Know how you will die?

21:58:53 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Shadow of The Fallen Ones):

Oh, fun.

Definitely "when" assuming it's a date (not like "during a full moon"). That way I'll buy TONs of life insurance before that if I have family to take care of, or just go crazy with credit cards for my last year if I don't.

18:20:03 Aug 21st 21 - Princess Aisha:

If you could live forever, but only you, nobody around you, would you?

Lets say you remain your current age, not getting older. 

21:38:07 Aug 21st 21 - Mr. Zhao Yun:

would you rather

1. have to relive your most tragic life moment every day for the rest of your life


2. relive your most bizarre life moment every day for the rest of your life

22:22:02 Aug 21st 21 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

I'd live forever as long as I wouldn't end up in one of those creepy endless torture situations, so could I choose to die if I wanted?

And definitely 2, bizzare can be good, tragic definitely is not good.. 

06:21:52 Aug 22nd 21 - Jarl Rahzalgul:

option 2 immortality is endless knowledge and power. The good and bad you could do.

06:44:58 Aug 22nd 21 - Princess Aisha:

Zhao your options would end up in suicide :P

Very dark options for sure :D 

I find it interesting that in lots of literature immortality is considered as bad.
Life is a gift, immortality is a curse.

After living for 400 years, things would become boring to such a degree...
Everyone you know would die out of old age. Many generations of people.

Jelly immortality means you can't die. You can't chose a way to die cause you can't die.

20:04:52 Aug 22nd 21 - Lord Caedus:

Option 1 ... the pain helps you know you are alive #Goth

05:37:25 Aug 23rd 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

Bite down on a nail file and rip it out of your mouth

Put a tooth pick under your toenail and kick a wall

10:32:55 Aug 23rd 21 - Lord Caedus:

Both made me cringe... and I wish I had never came to this dark corner of the internet... 

Option 1.

19:05:15 Aug 23rd 21 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Why so dark?

Vacation in winter resort 
Vacation in summer resort

19:43:02 Aug 23rd 21 - Princess Aisha:

Moff, both sound painful as hell

Tooth pick might do less damage, so maybe that
But who... that is scary

Dark, the game is supposed to be a bit dark :P
Summer by the way, much prefer summer activities
Was born in snow town, now live in summer destination
Much prefer summer.

Would you rather
Lose your eye sight
Lose your memories

20:17:21 Aug 23rd 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Moff Grand):

Aisha, my god. 

I think memories, as you can still be extremely happy.

Both conditions require some serious external help and while I recognize losing memories is going to make you more dependent upon others, going blind would be miserable to me.

@Spawn, Im picking summer resort!

20:23:11 Aug 23rd 21 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

What are we without our memories though? Wouldn't that be the same thing as death? 

Memories=> Knowledge .. 

But the alternative.. god stop making us think of these things haha >.<


Probably summer holiday :)

Oh and not even gonna answer the tooth pick one, I read this to a guy at work and we had a good cringe though haha  

23:35:57 Aug 23rd 21 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

Your memories are essentially the same as your identity. It is who you are. I would be too scared of losing my current sense of identity to choose Eyesight. I'd much rather be blind.
Summer resort 11 times out of 10.
I physically recoiled reading the tooth pick option. I will never choose.

Be forced to move to a 3rd world country that's experiencing frequent civil wars AS YOU ARE NOW so you don't know the language and you don't have your native country's passport etc e.g. South Sudan, Afghanistan, Yemen.


Be a slave in any kind of factory/plantation where you work 12hr days, but it's a first world country?

18:08:09 Aug 24th 21 - Princess Aisha:

If its Alzheimers than I prefer to be blind

But if you lose memory but can make new ones than I take that.

First option you end up dead 90% cases
Second option 12 hours work but then what?
In cage if you are a slave? If you go home after I take that. If you are in cage I take option 1

01:31:47 Aug 25th 21 - Lord Caedus:

I've had enough training to get by. Option 1.

04:26:26 Aug 27th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Mister Whiskey):

this one was asked to me by a coworker and i'm curious.

1. fight in the trenches in WW1 or
2. fight on the beaches of Normandy on the D day landing

taking the toothpick
no memories
summer resort
slave in a first world country

17:10:14 Aug 31st 21 - Lord Caedus:

WWI had higher statistical liklihood of survival. That would be my choice.

14:21:47 Sep 3rd 21 - RyuXilong (Mr. Liu Bei):

would you rather 

everything you touch turn to gold


everything you touch turn to stone

16:59:13 Sep 3rd 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Moff Grand):

Gold. Ez. If it’s gonna be ruined anyways, might as well provide value. 

16:59:40 Sep 3rd 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Moff Grand):

Would you rather have to walk through 200 ft pool of vomit of poo. 

17:21:05 Sep 3rd 21 - Princess Aisha:

Wwi as well

Day D was a bad idea
Or Germans knew about it so it became bad idea

Gold as well
You would still need to live alone and far
Touching humans turns them to gold as well
So no family
You could also be hunted to produce gold for someone

23:13:37 Sep 5th 21 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

You wake up and you are in-between your mum and dad, there is a roof, you can only mover forwards or back words and are lay facing your mother.

You are inside your mum and your dad is inside you,.....

Would you rather push forwards or backwards lol don't ban me 

23:30:18 Sep 5th 21 - Endless (Ms. Bling Bling):

a psychiatrist would have a field day with you

I’m an unborn child in that situation so I’ll push anywhere I darn well please 

would you rather read this thread or a Hanky philosophy thread

23:40:13 Sep 5th 21 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

I seen it on a podcast a while ago it was "hmm wtf would I actually do in that moment"

23:51:32 Sep 5th 21 - Endless (Ms. Bling Bling):

sounds like serious pedophilla on whomever was saying that on the podcast  , I wouldn’t spend time thinking about it beyond the 🤮 

00:04:35 Sep 6th 21 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

Wtf you are an adult xd no pedophilia just incest :p

00:27:33 Sep 6th 21 - Endless (Ms. Bling Bling):

if you’re an adult wtf would you be sleeping with your parents

incest is just as 🤮

13:20:10 Dec 18th 21 - Lady Jasmina:

Would you rather travel to the future or the past?

16:47:55 Dec 18th 21 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

I think I have, it's funny I was only 13 the other day and now I'm in the middle of my 20s... what happened!? >.< lol

If it's just for a little peek, the past, it would be cool to see how people lived, but I wouldn't want to stay there. The future is more relevant to me so I really would rather just get there normally or not see.. I'm nervous things could be bad 

05:38:56 Dec 19th 21 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Dreads):

I would like to see future but not stay there

Looking back 300 years how people lived
And thinking how we will live 300 years in future
I fully expect us to be connected to internet by a chip installed to the brain, like Elon is talking about often
That is the next stage of human evolution
We will become one with the machine

09:46:14 Dec 19th 21 - Edi (Sir Edi The Great):

Past for me, curious to see many many time frames

09:45:39 Dec 26th 21 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Would you rather fight Hanky Panky OOP or survive?

09:46:40 Dec 26th 21 - Endless (Lady Styx):

pfft who doesn’t want Hanky Panky

09:47:23 Dec 26th 21 - Prophet Hanky Panky:


19:39:43 Dec 26th 21 - SFD (Mr. Soft Feet Dude):

Did you see Elon talk about the meta verse lol "how connected are you with a TV on your face" Elon will give us the real shit with that implant

06:34:14 May 3rd 22 - Mr. Ghost Face:

Would you rather:

Have an implant in your brain allowing you to access data same as when you take out your phone and google something, decreasing time for that, basically giving you unlimited access to information

Or you prefer current way of having to do that on phone rather than your brain?

11:28:17 May 3rd 22 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Would you rather be safe and play in a big group, win, but never stand out.

Or fight the odds and deal with a senile swede.

12:02:45 May 3rd 22 - Legend (I am Brainpower):

Would you rather be an impressive rapper.

Or a slave of a tyrant?

13:26:02 Aug 26th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

neither nor

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