Forums / The hangaround / Wishes

05:05:53 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Wish granted, you're psychic. However, no one believes in your awesome powers and insists everything you do is just a cheap magic trick. Frustrated by this, you go ahead and rob every bank using your psychic powers. Now you're rich. Then you randomly die!

I wish I escaped from prison without any negative consequences.

05:09:58 Sep 1st 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted, but due to the matter of opinion you are raped by Swifty (Some people wouldn't consider this a negative effect, Michael Jackson for example...)

I wish I had a burrito right now, I'm hungry!

06:15:19 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Wish granted. You have a burrito....that's locked in a see-through unbreakable and un-openable box!! Now you're forced to stare at it longingly until you go get another burrito!!!

I wish these things that I didn't want to happen to me didn't happen to me.

08:27:09 Sep 1st 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted, you soon have mixed feeling about a subject and explode

I wish I had a burrito in my hand

12:34:38 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wish granted, the burrito in the box apears in your hand, aswell as the box......the box weights x+1 tones.

I wish I had a better internet connection.

15:49:19 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Arthion:

wish granted but yourcomputer can't handle it and blows up in your your stuck in the hospital and you don't have a computer

I wish the VU admin wouldn't temporaly ban my account for possible multi accounts

16:26:24 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Azazel:

Wish granted..but vu admin get sick becomes forgetfull...and your now banned for ever :o

16:42:54 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

ummm....wish granted?

I wish people had 3 eyes.

01:11:25 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Arthion:

wish granted but the third eye didn't work so now we all just look retarded

I wish that I could see the future

01:14:28 Sep 2nd 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted, but you see what's going to happen 0.0000000001 seconds in the future on the other side of the world so it really isn't much use.

I wish I could disco!

07:20:01 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Wish granted, you can disco....really badly!

I wish I had a million dollars in my hands, just a million dollars, not locked in a box or anything like that.

11:09:55 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wish granted, unforunataly it's stolen and your arrested and thrown in jail.

I wish I had a paper weight.

17:14:49 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Midget Monkey:

wish granted but the paper weight weighs 2 tons and squishes you.

i wish i had a sword

19:08:13 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wish granted, unforunatly you fall on it impaling yourself.

I wish I had a blunt sword.

19:31:11 Sep 2nd 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted, a ninja jumps through your window and you try to defend yourself, but he kills you with a sharp katana.

I wish I had a lightsaber

19:34:31 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Arthion:

Wish granted but its really big since we aren't that technologically advanced and you can't carry it.

I wish lunch was ready

19:37:16 Sep 2nd 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted, but it's moldy and tastes like a pile of cr@p

I wish I had a technologically advanced lightsaber!

20:50:14 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wish granted, unforunatly it's nothing like the starwars one and is basicly a soup up torch that can't harm anyone at all....

I wish wheelchairs came with nos!

23:27:04 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Bezza:

wish granted but the nos dosnt do anythink cause it needs a combustion engine to work

i wish i wasnt hungry

00:35:52 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Hyren:

you aren't hungery anymore.

Sadly however you are dead

I wish that somebody would move bezza's body away from me

00:52:40 Sep 3rd 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted, but they brought it back

I wish a had a technologicaly advanced lightsaber that could harm everybody except me!

04:47:17 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Arthion:

Wish granted but your mom thinks its too dangerous for you and takes it away

I wish they served deep fried twinkies at school

08:51:04 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wish granted, unforunatly they taste disgusing.

I wish I had a pound(as in the english currency) for every wish here!

09:44:43 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Stickman:

wish granted, but now you have alot of usless currency, because england uses euro's....

i wish i didnt have to go to school so i could spend all my time on VU, and not have to quite my own thread >:o

11:41:22 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Bezza:

wish granted you lose your life and live on your computor

i wish stickman would get his facts right

(england dosnt use euro's, i should know i live there >.> )

14:01:36 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Stickman:

wish granted, but then he invents STICK-O-POUNDS a new form of curreny!

i wish the american schools would stop teaching me false stuffs...
(like euro/pound stuff)

15:00:13 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Bezza:

wish granted every think they teach you id the truth but all the lessons are boring and sucky

i wish i had 400 pounds

(so i can buy a xbox 360 and some other stuff)

15:38:38 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Ject:

Wish granted, the xbox fries out the day you got it and you lost the receit so you couldn't get another one.

I wish i didn't have these lung problems

((only 400 pounds?? man it's something like 1200 over here and was nearly 3000 when it first came out))

15:52:43 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Midget Monkey:

wish granted you have no lungs...

i wish i had a PS3

16:09:32 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Arthion:

Wish granted but its broke, so all you can do now I mount it up on the wall and stare at it thinking about all the fun you could have had.

I wish septim wouldn't think I was immature......*chuckle* *chuckle*

16:46:15 Sep 3rd 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted, I now think you are VERY immature ;)

I wish I had a fog machine.

16:51:21 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Wish granted, however you get lost in all the fog you make and starve to death.

I wish everyone in the world gave me a dollar.

16:59:35 Sep 3rd 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted...but the wish doesn't happen until you are the last man on Earth...

I wish I could draw better... 

17:47:15 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wish granted, Your better at drawing with a pen and never comes to anything.

I wish 1=2

18:54:11 Sep 3rd 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted, but everybody gets confused and it eventually causes the apocolypse

I wish I had a better computer

20:44:07 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Azazel:

Wish granted you get a better comp but you forget your password or something and can't use it...

I wish i knew my sisters computers passwords (4 acounts?!  wtf!?)

20:53:36 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wish granted, unforunatly you dont know her username....

I wish I had more time.........

21:10:21 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Azazel:

Wish become a fregnant and have lots of work nothing...

I wish i ahd tolled Seloc that you don't have to fill in username...they are there alredy...i wish too i knew how someone responds too a wish who is alredy granted...

22:02:52 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Arthion:

wish granted...... I think

I wish you could spell so I could understand what you said

22:05:14 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Azazel:

wish granted..i can spell now but i don't do it...

i wish Arthion knew what i wished..

22:11:20 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Arthion:

wish granted but I have too many more important things to remember... so I forget

I wish I had a title

22:22:27 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Azazel:

you get one and you loose it...

I wish that i could was lucky and rich and nothing could go wrong...(lucky and rich....perfect not?)

22:29:54 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Arthion:

wish granted but your rich on a different planet with nobody or anything on it, so you can't do anything

I wish i had another snow cone

22:35:57 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Azazel:

Wish granted you get anther one...a pink one (can they be pink?)

i wish i knew what a sbow cone was

23:27:07 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Bezza:

wish granted but its not very interesting

i wish the 360 didnt break

"((only 400 pounds?? man it's something like 1200 over here and was nearly 3000 when it first came out))"

(actualy it dosnt cost 400 pounds it costs about 200 pounds but the ps3(crap) costs about 600 pounds :S)

23:29:45 Sep 3rd 07 - Mr. Midget Monkey:

wish granted it fried

i wish i had a pizza

00:13:32 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

wish granted, but it has anchovies

i wi*beep* wasnt so hard to bring ur kingdom to a lesser world

00:31:22 Sep 4th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Wish granted, it is now impossible to get to Fantasia

I wish I had a piece of meat pie

06:02:49 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Wish granted, but you no longer want to eat it, and no one else, not even the garbageman, will take it.

I wish I was impossible to beat at VU.

09:00:09 Sep 4th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wish granted, protection time is now extended for you..

I wish I had 50k nazzys!

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