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RP stick game!!
01:52:34 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Stickman The Creator:

lol, nice pics so far guys ^^
keep it up

06:22:49 Jan 9th 08 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

Hehe, just a quickie.

01:18:10 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Stickman The Creator:

aww, cmon guys, more pics!

07:26:06 Jan 11th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

I am working on mine...

07:55:11 Jan 11th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Not working...oh well, will figure it out later...

07:56:25 Jan 11th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

09:37:03 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Revenge:

I cant see yous septim  :o*beep*merintro.jpg

Its because its got spam in the name


14:20:28 Jan 12th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

18:34:32 Jan 12th 08 - Lord Seloc:

lol thats pretty good.

21:43:36 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Revenge:


22:36:44 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Nice one Septim!

22:50:16 Jan 12th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Thanks, I will continue it later, but it won't count due to Stickman's one picture rule...

22:53:43 Jan 12th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

You know, Septim,... that was pretty impressive. (:

22:58:13 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Stickman The Creator:

I expected no less from you septim ;]
you did used to be my filler..
and despite my rule, id like to see more =]

23:17:48 Jan 12th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

01:05:30 Jan 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

lol you basically used the same pic of yourself and vineraven, and just flipped it. 0.o

17:29:49 Jan 14th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

No storyline here, just got bored and did this. (:

00:21:48 Jan 15th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Seloc, I can do that if I want...

08:48:31 Jan 15th 08 - Lord Seloc:

lol of course you can......I did it too. Nice one Ragnarr.

19:03:32 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Cool The Real One:

part 1



part 2




part 3





part 4




part 5


19:18:23 Jan 16th 08 - Sir Revenge:


22:19:27 Jan 16th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Mr claims to be Imcool, why don't you leave the stick drawing to stickman.....

01:59:30 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:


02:01:13 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

how do i upload a picture from pain onto the forums?

03:26:23 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

14:57:48 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

17:28:31 Jan 17th 08 - Sir Revenge:


21:39:45 Jan 17th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

I agree with Revenge.

22:40:01 Jan 17th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

The Flash is ghey..."oh wow, I can run fast"

08:41:31 Jan 18th 08 - Lord Seloc:

"I feel a song coming on...."

*Seloc's struggling to keep the song in. He's fails and it comes bursting out*

"OOOO....the devil went down to georgia,
he was looking for a soul to steal,
he was in a bind, and way behind, and looking to make a deal."

08:45:55 Jan 18th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

*Septim pulls out his SP@M magnum and loads it.

"What, can't a guy pull out his magnum and load it?"

16:00:05 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

lol reminds me of zoolander

05:06:44 Jan 19th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

13:48:38 Jan 19th 08 - Sir Spoon:

21:28:31 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Clone X X X:

me likes

21:32:14 Jan 19th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:


00:54:12 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

lol shes lookin mighty fine in that picture

23:09:20 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Stickman The Creator:

sorry for the leave, but
im glad to see all the enties =]
it gunna be hard judging, there
all good in there own right.

05:34:11 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Potato:

Heres my entry...

06:06:37 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

06:13:50 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Potato:

I shall be back with an improvement of your picture...Which has no meaning and is not humorous...

06:33:34 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Potato:

This doesn't count as my entry, the first one does though.

14:44:48 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

oh my god... dude your sick at this art thing....

17:15:59 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

17:41:19 Jan 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

Mr. Fire Nova


1/21/2008 2:44:48 PM
oh my god... dude your sick at this art thing....

Sick as in good?
Or Sick as in, mentally sick?

Either way, I think Stickman wins!
Hail Stickman The creator!

22:49:36 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Stickman The Creator:

First off... id like to thank everyone for there  entries!
Id say it ended as a success, and maybe il do it again sometime ;]
but now for the long awaited
5th place goes to... spoon!!!
for the political stick of the day award!
Spoon desirved this one because.. well..
i think it speaks for itself...

4th place goes to... ragnarr!!!

for the non-stick of the day award!
ragnarr desirves this one, because it may
not be a stick, but you can obviously see the effort.

3rd place goes to... seloc!!!
for the stick chess thing of the day award!
heh,  3rd was a tie between him and potato...
but potato's was kind of.. disturbing...

2nd place goes to... shezmu!!!
for the making me giggle of the day award!
when i read his, i could see both effort, and
humor, so this one goes to him!

1st place goes to...
for the Epic stick of the day award!!!!
congradulations!, when i read your comic,
i was quite certain that it was the winner from the start!
and who can say no to 300...

so, those are the winners!!
and as promised, there will be a special suprise
for septim... which will come in time =p

03:18:22 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Potato:

WHAT?!?!?! I tied because mine was disturbing? My second one wasn't my entry. My first one of the bum was! Im offended...

My second one was only for prectice...

03:19:49 Jan 22nd 08 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

omg Spoon, lmao

03:26:28 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Stickman The Creator:

lol, your first wasnt as good =p

03:33:09 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Potato:

You didnt think so? Oh, well, how about this one thats coming up?

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