Forums / The hangaround / 300!

20:07:00 Mar 10th 07 - Sir Arzun:

Wrong Venozz! 240 :P

And my fav part is definetly... maybe not but it was a good part... when he was like...

"Why am I not surprised Sparta suplied so little army."

"What is your profesion."

"A sculpture." one of the soldiers says.

"What is your profesion?"

"A poteror!"

"Sparta! What is your profesion!"

"Haou! Haou! Haou!"

"See friend, I did bring more soldiers then you."


02:24:17 Mar 12th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Believe it or not, 300 was based on a real event; but wasn't historically accurate for *beep*, it was based on the battle of Thermopylae.

That awesome arrows will blot out the sun quote wasn't between Leonidas and a Persian; but rather between Leonidas and one of his own men; because Leonidas was scared of the battle to come.

And it was really 300 Spartans and 5000 other men against 200,000 Persians.

When I first saw a preview for it I heard that famous quote still used by the greek armed forces today, and then looked at my T.V. not to see a famous battle in military history but to see 32524451235423512 Rhinoceros things with swords for arms charging at some half naked body builders.

But yeah, I'm going to see that movie; eventually. It was really only so popular because it was well advertised.

If you want to read about the historical battle it was based on, go here:

(Edited by Mr. Barny 3/12/2007 2:25:05 AM)

02:47:28 Mar 12th 07 - Mr. Kalais:

ya i know its funny how they changed it to suit the movie so well lol

03:55:44 Mar 12th 07 - Mr. Randy Rockhard:

Barny I've read a couple of books on this battle and still can't wait for this movie. It is pure entertainment - its not meant to be historically accurate - it's based on a comic book ffs.
Also, it was Dienekes not Leonidas who said 'we will fight in the shade'. Get your facts right.

04:36:30 Mar 12th 07 - Mr. Lecter:


this is going to be my new quote... i like hades... it suits me well.

09:12:47 Mar 12th 07 - Sir Senturu:

lol. i just saw that movie. it was AWESOME

22:43:19 Mar 12th 07 - Sir Arzun:

Yes 300 is based on the comic which was based on the real event...


I saw it again! And I am going to see it again in a few days lol :P

I still have my ticket stub so I just keep using it to get in for free :D


23:50:27 Mar 12th 07 - Sir Brain:

Or just download the torrent off mininova and pray that it's good quality. ;-)

*FBI agents then break into Brain's office and cart him away.*

00:34:01 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Stark:

Mr. Barny

3/12/2007 10:24:17 AM

(Edited by Mr. Barny 3/12/2007 2:25:05 AM)

Wikipedia is pathaticly the worse source that you can use. I can edit those number and make it so the persians only had 100 men 0_0

00:42:50 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

But you didn't, did you? Wikipedia rocks! It's right about everything 99% of the time....maybe less...whatever...

01:47:06 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Stark:

"Editing of this article by unregistered or newly registered users is currently disabled."

I'm a signed up like a year ago but I didn't do much editing so they have me as "newly registered"  ^^^


02:52:53 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Arak:

I read over the Wikipedia, and even if only half of what is said there, that is just plain beautiful.......Men so devoted to thier country, that they face a certain death, to fight an undefeatable enemy (at that moment), and yet still stay and fight, plus on top of that they try and make sure that Sparta knows that they stood and fought till the end.......just amazingly hard to describe....
(Edited by Mr. Arak 3/13/2007 2:54:46 AM)

03:08:14 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Yea, amazing how they could do so much for their countries. Sparta ruled!! Still waiting to see, to figure out a way to sneak in....damn, why does it have to be rated R....

05:24:37 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Architect:

300 is a GREAT movie!!!!  There are just sooo many amazing parts, and I dont have enough time to write them all.  It's an amazing movie, if you have not seen it, you need to.

20:35:35 Mar 15th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

hey who wants to watch the full movie??? you can watch it here
(Edited by Mr. Bezza 3/15/2007 8:36:06 PM)

20:51:32 Mar 15th 07 - Mr. Warlo:


21:39:17 Mar 16th 07 - Mr. Venozz:


14:36:41 Mar 19th 07 - Sir Salader Vineraven:

as soon as i saw the helmet of the spatains and the sheild of the perians and the elepants i knew exactly what battle the movie the film is based on

lamo venoz

12:26:51 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

arnt you mad Salader

about the historical bull*beep* of the movie

hell its more insulting for the persians then Lord of the Rings is agains turks :D

12:49:52 Mar 22nd 07 - Sir Salader Vineraven:

well at least they have more dignety than you!

20:13:58 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Warfreak:

it was really acouple of different battles in that area like the movie showed but nere the last battle alot of soldiers pulled out and it was 300 spartans and 1000 of some other army of greece that the names hard to remember,b4 the last one,one of the historian people of persia wrote that they saw the spartans coming there hair and getting themselves prepared for death.

i wish i had the balls to run into be sneaking out into the water and simming away to the athenian battle ships fighting the persion navy :P atleast they didnt completely die.

it was an awesome movie though.the day b4 i saw it i saw on the history channel the show on the actual battle.

(Edited by Mr. Warfreak 3/22/2007 8:14:32 PM)

20:33:36 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Just want to point out, the thing on the history channel isn't the actual battle....

I'm going to see it finally! 1 or 2 more days!! YAY!!

21:44:31 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

me on sunday morning!!!:D

After ive restarted with Vu of course =P

22:24:00 Mar 22nd 07 - Mr. Thor:

You haven't lived until you've seen "Sign of the Pagan" with Jack Pallance. The best of the genre for sure!

20:19:06 Mar 23rd 07 - Mr. Warfreak:

well i know its not the actual battle but the things they did were based on wut historians wrote so if the historians didnt lie its pretty accurate..i hope..damn u history channel uve failed me! >8(

09:59:01 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Justin Fontain:

well that film is goddamn cool i watched yesterday the battle seen cold and at the begineng when he kill the wolf cold

10:45:21 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

Hercules also really existed you know :P

10:46:15 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

its *beep*ing insulting (the movie)special for iran lol.

unimaginable more then the story itself.

(Edited by Mr. Dreadlord 3/25/2007 10:47:14 AM)

10:47:01 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Justin Fontain:

yeah up my backside while he was fighting demons

anyone hu hasnt seen 300 shud go c it its great film

10:54:37 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

i suppose its a exiting movie

but im talking about the messegge it gives you uncontionsly link it with other thing and if you pay a little attention its obvious am i the only one who sees it?

12:23:13 Mar 25th 07 - Duke Sobek:

Mr. Stark

3/13/2007 12:34:01 AM
Mr. Barny

3/12/2007 10:24:17 AM

(Edited by Mr. Barny 3/12/2007 2:25:05 AM)

Wikipedia is pathaticly the worse source that you can use. I can edit those number and make it so the persians only had 100 men 0_0

That would be soo lame of you man ... A lot of people put their work in those articles (it's not that they deserve any money or so)... to inform us, and you spoil their articles? Shame on you man ... Shaaaaame on you : )

15:27:16 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Smuff Lord of Nothing:

that film is foocking amazing, i saw it twice in one day!

16:06:25 Mar 25th 07 - Sir Senturu:

geeze. you take to long to see it if u just saw it :P

16:09:12 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Katsumoto:

OMG i jst watched this last night on

and i was too stoned to make a thread lol so i came on now too look and there is one all ready :D

omg this film is fricken unbelievable :D the fight sceenes are spectacular and the acting is awsome :D

17:24:03 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Katsumoto:

lol just watched it again in a more "normal state of mind" lol man its spectactular :) lol the ending did remind me of Hero and Gladiator lol

17:47:30 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

it reminded me of jesus.
im not kidding i mean he really does stand there inpaled and his arms to the side and his facial hair and looking up its just like jesus. i hope that thats no subliminal msg like  jesus = killing persians :D

20:27:40 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Warfreak:

o yea...he kinda or that jesus loves war and death..or just spartans idk.go jesus :P

06:26:31 Apr 1st 07 - Sir Verteccio:


10:22:18 Apr 1st 07 - Duke Sobek:

whoa ... just saw the movie ... It is so great !! lol Blood splattering everywhere ... here a leg, there a leg, here a head, there a head ^^. I must say, I was impressed, one of the top movies I saw!

10:52:22 Apr 1st 07 - Mr. Justin Fontain:

and they allways shout haw or watever

16:40:14 Apr 1st 07 - Sir Venomz The Naked:

The movie was ok..
Sotyr couldve been worked out better, and they had nice visual graphics.
not really realistic and the end was kinda.. well ..
They couldve made a new movie like 10.000 ^^

00:40:51 Apr 2nd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

it was wicked i watched it on copy then went to the cinema the day after to watch it again lol 10/10 film !!

06:10:40 Apr 2nd 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

yeah that movie owned.  i agree with hanky panky. 10/10 on style..

only thing i didnt like was it was a little off historically. the 300 only stayed to get the others out.. the movie didnt let on that there was that many other soldiers.

my fav part was.. (i dont remember direct quotes...) but when they said.. after we kill you, we will go and kill your children and family. and he said that the women were the real fear :P


11:54:49 Apr 2nd 07 - Mr. Justin Fontain:

Sir Venomz The Naked

4/1/2007 4:40:14 PM
The movie was ok..
Sotyr couldve been worked out better, and they had nice visual graphics.
not really realistic and the end was kinda.. well ..
They couldve made a new movie like 10.000 ^^


shut it

13:52:06 Apr 2nd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

OMG after the law suit by iran even the creators admitted that it was purely fictional.
Why are you guys stil sow stubborn and pissed about the ones that say otherwise.
If you really wanna belive greeks where like superior to persians and such i really dont care.
It seems to me that western media just made you so Fing scared of terrorsists/muslims you need it.Go ahead do you feel big now :P.
But trust me nothing is more scary then a Ruleeing  president who seems to have no limits in his ability to do everything including the worse humanitarien crimes and kill millions of people. without the opinion of his people and is still unopposed.

14:20:15 Apr 2nd 07 - Mr. Justin Fontain:

kool though and a million and if someone watched 300 then if they saw 10000 they wud know what wud happen to persia already

21:00:30 Apr 3rd 07 - Mr. Jeffy:

There where Themopylians at that battle at least 1,000.

22:51:35 Apr 3rd 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I finally saw it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! Best movie ever!!!

I know it's fictional...Persians did not have Rhinos.....

Oh, and in the movie, they do show non-Spartan people. and just like real life, they leave before the final battle...and the Spartans did last 3 days.

15:17:30 Apr 4th 07 - Mr. Jeffy:

But the Themopylians were there fighing too

16:23:49 Apr 4th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

They did fight in that one scene...


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