Forums / The hangaround / Anime I

Anime I
17:52:27 Mar 15th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

youtube has low quality :D

18:29:46 Mar 15th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Youtube isn't too bad for watching anime that you're curious about but isn't too interested in. If I really like an anime I would download it and keep it on my harddrive. Youtube quality is horrible, it's for those people who either don't want to take the time to find and download high quality versions or just don't care. I care for quality! Quality is good!

On another note, would it be possible for me to skip all the fillers and still understand the story? Or will there be flashbacks?

Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou is really good!!

14:04:09 Mar 16th 07 - Sir Brain:

No flashbacks to fillers (or if there is one, it's not plot critical). If you've read the manga, it stays true to that.

14:06:05 Mar 16th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

That's great. :)

15:03:12 Mar 16th 07 - Sir Salader Vineraven:

ohh  and theres this movie anime were theres its set like 100 years after that bomb in japan and its grosem

00:31:28 Mar 21st 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

This anime archive site is opening it's archives for free for a two week promotion, download all the animes you have wanted but were too old to find now! :D

13:38:50 Mar 21st 07 - Sir Brain:

Hey sweet, thanks for the hook-up Lelouch

14:36:56 Apr 14th 07 - Sir Fizban:

I demand more anime! My hunger for these little japanese cartoons is greater than Hungrier Horse for man-lovin'.

09:36:52 Apr 15th 07 - Lord Senturu:

dam thats alot of hunger for those japanese cartoons :P

but i agree. me too :D

01:42:12 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

Wow! I just finished watching episode 24-25 of Code Geass and wow! :D I rule! (Though it looks like I'm going to die in the near future... I think I'm going crazy...)

12:25:32 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

24-25 the new season is out :????..

18:30:45 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Epyon:

Gundam Wing is the best anime ever made o_O

But you've already watched it :D

Try Evangelion that's another really good one.

Rave Master is good.

Dragon Ball Z was good when I was younger...

Pokemon?? Okay I admit I watched it when I was younger... :P

Deathnote is good.

Sailor Moon?? haha

(Just throwin whatever I can think off of the top of my head)

Well, Gundam Wing is my favorite and Evangelion is also really good. Enjoy =)

22:59:21 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Fizban:

Let's see here, since people like resurrecting my old threads, I'll update some I've found off the beaten path.

Seirei no Moribito (or something of that nature)  is pretty darn good, especially if you like well-drawn fight scenes and not the staring contests Bleach and Naruto have been offering lately.

Hell Girl is a little 'weird'. If you like horror, you'll probably like that one.

Claymore - You have no excuses, go watch it.

Devil May Cry - If you like the game, you'll like the anime. If you've never played the game, you'll still like the anime. (I think Dante's voiced by the same guy that did Alucard in Hellsing but I won't swear to it.)

D. Gray Man. - I think Roxy said it best when he compared it to a Full Metal Alchie with demons. Though I've yet to find a character that remotely resembles Al unless it's Timcampy. ;-)

00:31:07 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

Are you serious about Seirei no Moribito? I couldn't stomach the art and just stopped watching after she took the prince...

Code Geass season two is not out, I was talking about season 1, the last two episodes of it aired a few days ago.

00:48:07 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*A rabbit walks in and puts up a flier, it says:



Got a person you hate? Challenge then in the arena!
We give out weapons, you use them to fight your
friends or foes! But remember, all fights are to the death!


07:07:45 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

Then you stopped too short. Now, I'll admit that I didn't like how they drew that orphan boy (the bucktooth drives me nuts). However, watch ep. 3 and then come back and tell me that they didn't do the fighting scenes very well.

13:08:49 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Bezza:

i like to watch kenichi you can find it on


13:38:12 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

You mean History's strongest disciple Kenichi?

Does it have a good plot as well as good fighting scenes Fizban?

Does anyone watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann? That anime is really good.

14:28:30 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

Hey, the plot is Roxbury approved and everything has to be compared to Death Note when it comes to character development for him. Plot is pretty original and doesn't follow alot of the molds for pre-existing animes.

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