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Football or Soccer
19:34:30 Jul 21st 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Obviously because it is the world's most popular sport, people get killed because of it, and etc etc.


20:37:48 Jul 21st 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

If it's is so wussy then why does football have so much protective gear?


23:52:58 Jul 21st 09 - Mr. Vuggy:


00:23:35 Jul 22nd 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Mr. Brainiac


15:37:48 Jul 21st 09

If it's is so wussy then why does football have so much protective gear?


Real men don't wear pads.  Nuff said :) Rugby does it really well actually.

Moving on.

Alright I will call it soccer in this post just because some people couldn't tell real football and American football apart if you say the name.

Soccer is one of the highest endurance requiring sports, it holds the record in the USA(When the FIFA World Cup was here in 1994) of being the single most watched event in US history, it is easily the world's most popular sport, and people get murdered because of it! :D  Call it a wussy sport in almost any place around the world and you will get your butt kicked by fans. 

You can't knock soccer players that dive because look at the newspaper during football season and just read the drama.  People always drinking, doing drugs, and doing so much illegal stuff that you wonder if American football is for the people who failed out of high school.  Not saying all football players are like that, but they sure have their own drama and dumb stuff too.

00:34:12 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Evan:

haha yeah by the fans, the soccer players themselves will just sit cry about it :P

00:39:36 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I doubt they'd kick my butt.... But whatever you want! lol

00:41:11 Jul 22nd 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Mr. Evan


19:34:12 Jul 21st 09
haha yeah by the fans, the soccer players themselves will just sit cry about it :P
^If you were representing your country, you wouldn't want to bring any embarrassment...then again, the players just go at each other and get thrown out of games :p  Soccer is probably one of the few, if not the only sport that brings a LOT of pride to countries around the world.

01:23:25 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Pride? Do not mistake it with arrogance. Football people have it too, because who doesn't wanna be a fan of the best sport? :P

01:31:17 Jul 22nd 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Obviously fans of other sports? The USA is one of the few countries where soccer is not one of the top sports.  It is growing every year, but American football, baseball, and basketball are still on top of it.  You may not realize how much soccer can affect politics.

01:53:27 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Caradoc:

Mr. Polydeuces said "Anyways, soccer is WAY more popular of a sport" but id like to say that that statment is only true internationaly, here in america, FOOTBALL is way more popular. i would be VERY supprised for our local big soccer team to sell out a game (the rochester rhinos, i think they are 1 less than pro)

02:37:20 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Evan:

I'd rather my sports stay out politics :P

02:42:44 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Same here... Too much drama coming from just a sport... I mean, seriously, it's a game, don't get too involved (unless you're playing in it.. lol)

03:22:58 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

If it's is so wussy then why does football have so much protective gear?

Maybe so people dont actually get hurt as much from the sport? Afterall its pretty much a sport design to inflict pain XD
Imagine this without gear....">Imagine this without gear...." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

03:46:24 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Afterall its pretty much a sport design to inflict pain

Are you with or against football? Cuz you just proved him right. xD

03:46:26 Jul 22nd 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

That can happen in other sports too...would have happened no matter how much protective gear he had on.  Heck, my brother broke his femur playing soccer and that is the largest bone in your body.  During one of my high school games, one of our players snapped a keeper's leg while going for the ball.  The keeper was unconscious for 30-40 minutes while an ambulance was arriving.

03:55:18 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

In football one of our players dislocated his shoulder and he barely hit the QB. It was pretty funny... I laughed just cuz he was the LAST person I'd expect to hit hard enough for that. :P

19:00:43 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Oh god dislocated joints hurt a hell off a lot more then broken bones.....i know I've felt them both. If you have to choice between a broken leg or dislocated leg go with the broken.

Oh and me personally I like most sports just not baseball thats not a sport in my book! Its boring as hell. That and golf....i just dont like those 2 for some reason.

19:21:31 Jul 22nd 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

^Try breaking your femur and say that dislocations are worse. 

20:01:46 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Baseball I agree.. Golf is more of a... Finesse sport. It's alot slower paced than what most people like. ^^

20:37:58 Jul 22nd 09 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

SOCCER!!!! football manly? wearing all that protection. Then make it Soccer vs Rugby u American wuzz.

20:46:14 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Don't come in to flame. Otherwise you will make things bad on yourself. >=P

21:05:19 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Soccer is one of the most boring sports to watch...  But I like playing it more than "American football".  "American football" is better to watch if you know what's going on, not as fun to play.  I have played soccer for around10 years, and it is a good sport.

00:19:44 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Psh, football is PLENTY fun to play! I don't know what you're smokin!

06:45:04 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

no, it is fun to play, just not as fun. And not everyone can play it.

19:35:22 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Everyone can play it. It's easy to learn. Soccer is harder, you are teaching your legs to be more agile than your body was built for, and I agree, it takes more skill to a certain extent, but football involves more skill in other aspects.

19:37:37 Jul 23rd 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

I don't think the 5ft tall and 150 pound white kid could pull off playing football ^^  One of my teammates was like that and played soccer and was nationally ranked :)

19:47:16 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Coolcat:

WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper III

11:02:26 Jul 20th 09

Well, in scotland we never spell it as "futbol", or say soccer. It is Football. Just because the americans like to confuse things doesn't mean much. I play football, and i am a right back, funnily enough currently injured because of a knee injury, though i have 3 games in 3 days this week, struggling to be fit.


Well, in Scotland there is only one football team. We all know that's Celtic. :D

Hail! Hail!

19:53:02 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Reynolds II:

Soccer rules, Football sucks :D

19:54:58 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Coolcat:

^ yep :P

19:57:16 Jul 23rd 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

Soccer Rulez!

Football can eat my shorts!

20:00:43 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Vuggy are you saying American football is easy to learn and everyone can play? If so your wrong.

Oh and for soccer teaching your legs to be more agile then they are built for ummmm no your teaching your legs to work to there maximun ability that the human body allows. Its just that most people cant tap into that ability or dont train enough too do so. Its not that they are training to surpass the human bodies legs agileness its that they are training to unlock the potential they havent tapped into by training.

The human body has its limitations if those limits are passed it can be a serious problem for the person who passed it. Thus dont go out and over train its bad for your muscles and does more damage then good!

21:34:06 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

What I was saying was your body is built mainly for survival... Learning how to get quick feet is just a bonus, but the same goes for football, you need quick feet in it too.. Just less dancing than in soccer. Demon, so you are stereotyping that a small person cannot pull off football? If they have the heart they can. A little 5'2" dude weighed about 102 lbs, and he took down a kid double his size just by throwing himself into him. He didn't necessarily tackle him, just threw himself into the other guy. It was pretty funny looking. ^^

22:42:23 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Evan:

You dodge 7 foot 300 pounds guys for 100 yards and tell me dancing doesn't help :-P

22:47:19 Jul 23rd 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

Edinburgh HEARTS lithuanian team

22:51:51 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Coolcat:

Vlad the Impaler at the helm ^


'The Jambos' are pash. :D

23:11:01 Jul 23rd 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Mr. Vuggy


16:34:06 Jul 23rd 09
What I was saying was your body is built mainly for survival... Learning how to get quick feet is just a bonus, but the same goes for football, you need quick feet in it too.. Just less dancing than in soccer. Demon, so you are stereotyping that a small person cannot pull off football? If they have the heart they can. A little 5'2" dude weighed about 102 lbs, and he took down a kid double his size just by throwing himself into him. He didn't necessarily tackle him, just threw himself into the other guy. It was pretty funny looking. ^^
Anyone can play football at a high school level...What about professionally?

00:46:58 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Same thing applies for soccer?  Evan, that doesn't necessarily involve dancing.. It's just stepping out of the way. A 300 lb guy usually is pretty big and slow, so it doesn't take much... Depending on who it is.. An NFL 300 lb'er would probably be huge AND pretty decent speed. Pretty scary to go up against. O.O

00:48:32 Jul 24th 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Mr. Vuggy


19:46:58 Jul 23rd 09
Same thing applies for soccer?
A lot of average people who worked excessively hard have done it.  Heck, if I wasn't so lazy, I could go semi-pro...but I am lazy and don't like practicing, but I got medals and awards still.

01:10:58 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Tavernwise II:

Brainiac, I knew a Player in another game that was big on Rammstein.... used it in his passwords.

As for Soccer vs. Football.... hmmmmmmm

Soccer: 2 Hour game, score 1 - 0 ..... SNOOZEFEST!

American COLLEGE Football.... WOW!!!

The best: GATOR Football (University of Florida)

TavernWise II

03:27:10 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Evan:

No but If an NFL Player just started dancing on the field I wouldn't tackle him lol I'd be laughing to hard.

04:44:03 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Haha who wouldn't?! Demon, you are just trying to make soccer seem like a skill-less sport and help football out aren't you? xD

05:26:16 Jul 24th 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

I am saying that anyone who tries hard can play soccer well.  Football players can play soccer(A good friend of mine broke his back and couldn't play football again and ended up being a state ranked soccer player), but not all people can play football effectively(Size, body build, etc).  I sure couldn't play football because I would be snapped in half due to being very skinny(And don't tell me to gain weight or go on some crazy eating regime).  There are people who don't have to work as hard(The naturally talented people).  Soccer is also VERY easy and cheap to play because it requires almost no equipment(If you are just playing for fun).  Street football can also be cheap but it would have to be tap if anyone had sense :)

*Steps back, looks at his long post, thinks of just deleting it and making a one sentence reply, but yawns and posts*

05:50:10 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Evan:

hehe, sense, please street football doesn't involve sense :-P and i disagree with that snapped in half statement, I am extremely skinny and i can take a good tackle (but it does make it hard as hell to tackle them)

though i suppose i could jump on their back and swing side to side till they lose balance lol

06:48:22 Jul 24th 09 - Sir Polydeuces:

Soccer is wildly becoming popular in the states especially after the great run they had in the Confederations Cup, beating the world champs, and the euro champs making it to the final and giving brazil a run for their money.

Soccer is definitely not a wuss sport.. Honestly, Lets see a football player go out there and keep up with soccer players.  Running for 90 minutes, and there are some really strong soccer players out there too, I mean... It's near impossible to take me out, and if I do get taken down I'm up right away.  Some soccer players dive because they are good at acting, and sometimes they get the call their way.  Not many people like it, but hey if you can get a penalty out of it why not. (plus in my grade 9 yaer, so 14 years old i was playing football against the sr football team, and honestly beacuse my legs are so strong from soccer and i have such amazing balance, I had 12 people literally wrapped on me, and i was still managing to move a little bit... No exagguration.

I mean I love football too, I've even thought about quitting playing soccer and going to it, but I couldn't because I just love the feeling I get playing soccer.  Where there is a lot more strategy used, more technique, and its ACTUALLY proven to be the toughest sport on your body physically and mentally.  Sure you get hit by a football player, but in soccer youre constantly running, stopping, twisting your joints.. I've popped my knee out of place 5 times playing soccer. 

Soccer is not an easy sport to play.  I mean yeah just try hard and you can get good.. But go to brazil, england, spain, argentina and try to play street with even young kids and i bet you any money they will school the hell out of you... they play on the beach, in their barefeet, which is SO much harder than actually playing on a soccer field with cleats.

Guess I should shut up now.. I could go on and on and on about soccer... It's such a passion for me.

07:42:06 Jul 24th 09 - Sir Jondrus Dah Clamps:

booo gheytors

what's the saying????  100 years of football, 15 years of tradition?

08:56:51 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Evan:

Ya know, most sports your running the whole time, football players sprint it. Basketball players run constantly, even having the small court (compared to other sports). And Most sports do involve a ton of Injury, I'm sure the main reason Football isn't worse/equal on the body is because of the gear.

09:06:51 Jul 24th 09 - Sir Polydeuces:

Soccer players sprint lots.  It's not like they are just walking around lol.

13:29:25 Jul 24th 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper III:

Mr. Coolcat


21:47:16 Jul 23rd 09
WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper III

11:02:26 Jul 20th 09

Well, in scotland we never spell it as "futbol", or say soccer. It is Football. Just because the americans like to confuse things doesn't mean much. I play football, and i am a right back, funnily enough currently injured because of a knee injury, though i have 3 games in 3 days this week, struggling to be fit.


Well, in Scotland there is only one football team. We all know that's Celtic. :D

Hail! Hail!


Excelent, it's good you said that because their my team!

20:46:38 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Evan, if football had no gear, it would be like, illegal. Because it would cause so many injuries that either team would have no uninjured players before the end of the game. xD and Demon, that's where you make up with speed. As I said, it doesn't matter how skinny you are, if you can avoid us bigger dudes then you are home free.... Unfortunately, most of the defensive linemen (like myself) are pretty fast. xD

20:49:58 Jul 24th 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

It is impossible to not get hit are suggesting that someone like me simply never get tackled... :|  As much as I would love to brag about running speed, a defensive player would only have to cut off an angle and hit me once and I am down for the count :p   Rugby hits pretty hard and also has a lot less protection. 

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