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US College football
06:03:48 Dec 6th 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

Who will be N.D.'s new coach?

06:40:04 Dec 6th 09 - Mr. Mcbob:

hopefully someone good

19:04:48 Dec 6th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Sir Jangsta


23:05:57 Dec 5th 09

Wow. Gators got rolled. CJ Spiller is rolling.

Thanks gawd we never have to play that kid again...when he hits the corner he flies :o

Mr. Cuddly Bear


00:03:48 Dec 6th 09 Who will be N.D.'s new coach?

Even money says Brian Kelly :)

19:11:17 Dec 6th 09 - Mr. Path:

Honestly I think the ga tech defense just made CJ Spiller look that good.  So many teams around these days who are unstoppable on offense, yet cant play defense to save their lives.

19:15:14 Dec 6th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

well, CJ IS really fast, he's mentioned in the Heisman talk for a reason, but I do agree, we helped boost his stats :P

We all wonder if Womack will make it as our defensive coordinator; we've lost 7 starters on defense this year to injury, so that's part of it, but still, he's been underwhelming

02:06:59 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Mcbob:

wellllllllllllllll anymore people?

02:10:56 Dec 11th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

I'll tell ya after the bowl games start :P  No good ones for a few weeks :/

02:12:41 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Pantheon Tavern Bear:

Prediction: SEC cleans clock in Bowl Games

02:14:22 Dec 11th 09 - Sir Jangsta:

navy beats army

02:14:33 Dec 11th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

dunno, Clemson will be a tough one for Kentucky I think, most of the others I think I voted for in our bowl pick'em league >.>

02:21:59 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

Mr. Path


13:11:17 Dec 6th 09 Honestly I think the ga tech defense just made CJ Spiller look that good.  So many teams around these days who are unstoppable on offense, yet cant play defense to save their lives.

hehehehe that is my ND :)

02:24:25 Dec 11th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

lol, so tru...I'm surprised, John Tenuta has not done better up there...when he was with us, our defense was usually good most games and then we'd have 1-2 meltdowns a year

02:14:04 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Mcbob:

who is goin to the mo fo rose bowl now suckas!

22:57:42 Jun 10th 10 - Sir Jangstrodomus:


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Losing 10 schollies a year(next 3 years) and 2 year bowl ban.  Are you laughing too?

04:17:58 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Me= Awesome

16:55:02 Oct 3rd 10 - Mr. Jangsta:

I went to sleep mad last night because my team can't count. 13 players is too many. Woke up to find USC lost and it made me feel better.  yay

17:01:57 Oct 3rd 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

UGA 1-4 coming off a loss to prettier sight in the World ^-^

(well, maybe if ND lost...)

17:22:37 Oct 3rd 10 - Mr. Jangsta:

yeah, we get Georgia next week. :)

17:36:18 Oct 3rd 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

Please make sure to beat them...

And please also make sure not to endlessly play Rocky Top, that song gets annoying quick :P

18:55:51 Oct 3rd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Alabama crushed Florida! rofl!

19:08:58 Oct 3rd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Hey guess what, Air Force beat Navy.  Air Force is bomb this year.

01:22:57 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Except for almost all military teams suck. Period.

06:41:01 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Well, Air Force is 25th right now.  So no not really.  They BARELY lost to Oklahoma.  I believe they are playing TCU next?  Eh not sure.

13:23:45 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

All the military teams suck. End of story. Except for army teams, who have T from my school. Well actually.. He may have gone to air force.. I can't remember. He's a beastly runningback. And I'd like to see ANY of the military play against Alabama, who WRECKED the #7 team of the Gators.

18:01:54 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Guan:

One of the best matchups for this upcoming weekend of CFB is the instate rivalry of Michigan (Best O/Worst D) and Michigan State (which basically revamped the UofM playbook from the 90's and kicks arse with it).  This should be just one heck of a grudgematch with nothing but hatred from both sides.

Now, If Denard Robinson stays healthy, I pick UofM to win.  If he gets hurt - MSU wins big. 

Other games of significance -
K State vs. Neb (Watch out for K State - they never get the credit they deserve & Snyder has one hell of a program).
Central Michigan vs VTech (vtech losses this one - CMU has Brian Kelly's recruits still and one heck of a team this year...Vtech has shown it can lose to teams that play....CMU does).
Bama vs. SC - watch this game...if the tide stay true...they should win, but they are not unbeatable...
FSU vs Miami - Great potential in this game.

Most overrated game of the week - FLA vs LSU (these teams kinda suck...and i don't know how they retained top 20 status. I suppose they have to lose more...well FLA should lose this one easily.

Things we get to watch: Stanford should beat USC we always like that.  Pitt should beat ND...ND always needs to lose.  Arizona may lose its top 10 ranking after the Beavers come play ball.  I expect Toledo to give Boise a game...not win, but give them a game.  Ohio State will get tested by Indiana's passing game...I expect OSU to pull it out, but I can always hope...If God dropped bowel movements on the earth - Columbus, OH was definitely one of his stains.

Ok i got it out of my system - go football (i like soccer too...but CFB is by far the king's ransom).

19:14:16 Oct 5th 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

Nebraska is playing a joke of a schedule this year :S  Like, Boise State joke of schedule :\

I think VTeck handles CMichigan fairly easily...the team is completely different than it was 3 weeks ago (have to remember, they were starting FIVE freshmen on defense alone this year...)

I agree about OSU and ND...a perfect Sunday is waking up to find those two and UGA all having lost the previous day.  The only reason I will *half* cheer for OSU this year is so that they stay undefeated and BSU does not make it into the BCS Championship. 

19:17:04 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Jangsta:

Denard Robinson should win the heisman at this point. No doubt about it. 

ps. My new best friend hates Jaw Jaw. hehehe  

12:28:55 Oct 7th 10 - Mr. William Tha Salesman:

Groningen Giants @ Hilversum Hurricanes win 0-19

yeuy.. dutch college football o.0

15:33:24 Oct 7th 10 - Mr. Path:

Thats cool about them playing american football.   I think its a fun sport more people would enjoy if given the opportunity, especially at the college level.

Regarding UF this year, we knew going in that UF would suck this time around.  The first 3 games disappointed even more than expected.  Even before watching those 3 miserable games, I was 90% certain UF would lose to Alabama.  After seeing those games, it seemed more like 100%.  However, if you actually watched UF play Alabama, it wasn't like they got outplayed as bad as the score would suggest.  UF had 4 turnovers, Alabama had zero.  UF also definitely had more calls go against them than Alabama (even with instant replay?).  Now, I am well aware of the fact that turnovers are largely the result of skill, but you can't deny for a second that luck plays a gignatic role. Had the turnover situation have been reversed, UF would have won obviously. Luck and home crowd support play a gigantic role in these SEC games.  For example, Georgia almost beat Arkansas just one week before Arkansas almost beat Alabama.

If Florida can limp through the rest of the season without a loss (might be pretty difficult honestly), I bet they could upset Alabama in the championship game.  It is an outside shot, but a lot more possible than most people seem to believe.

02:36:28 Oct 9th 10 - Mr. Shade:


02:37:22 Oct 9th 10 - Mr. Shade:


02:37:45 Oct 9th 10 - Mr. Shade:

and finaly, GO NOTRE DAME!!!!

16:52:47 Oct 9th 10 - Sir Jondrus Snicklefritz:

Shade let's the liberal media tell him how to think and feel. If you have hate in your heart.......Let it out.  

Any place that has a statue called touchdown jesus, is wrong. Notre Dame sucks. They will fall and never get back up. I'll be happy when they disappear and dummies like you quit talking about them.

20:04:08 Oct 9th 10 - Sir Kronos:

@Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

''The only reason I will *half* cheer for OSU this year is so that they stay undefeated and BSU does not make it into the BCS Championship.''

Ouch. I am a BSU fan :P

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