Forums / The hangaround / Women are crazy

Women are crazy
23:53:08 Apr 22nd 10 - Ms. Cleopatra:

I agree with uther...and i would never ask my boyfriend to shave his legs. i actually kinda like hairy legs on guys its manly hahahaha

04:20:11 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Salamon:

sigh.... what has the world come to!!! COME ON MEN!! STOP BEING WOMANS BIATCHES!! :P big let down.... grow a pair!


04:32:27 Apr 23rd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Its not hard to shave your legs...if you can manage to shave your face without killing yourself the legs shouldnt be a problem at all.


Alternatively, have them waxed its way faster and the result is much better :)

04:32:52 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Kronos:

Hahah i love the attetion this thread got!

04:42:22 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Kronos:


04:44:24 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Ilmar The White:

Cant remember but 25% of men wish they had the luxury to be able to actually clean themselves like a woman. (make up etc..) but society dictates to them it is not acceptable. So naturally it get alot of response. 

Also if you havent noticed men period get put down more and more for being the traditional man. So it causes someone to fill power role. this case it are women.

04:45:30 Apr 23rd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Only the first time, I actually screamed :P

But you get used to it. Order a brazilian waxing and they will fix you up nicely.

04:45:37 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Kronos:

Razor Burn is a BITCH!

04:55:28 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Killstone:

so i clicked the link expecting this to be a great thread. then i read the second line of the first post and discovered that all this thread needs is this:

01:23:51 Apr 24th 10 - Endless Muggings:

a ha ha ha :p

03:20:50 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Ixis:

Obviously.  Wear it.  It looks nice.  I might be drunk, but I still know that men should not shave themselves just because the other sex wants it.  Neither sex should change based on that.  Anyone who does is a p***y/p***s-whipped biatch.  That is all.

05:08:15 Apr 24th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

So that guy in the picture above looks like a major fruit.

plus hes wearing a Canadian tuxedo.

07:16:20 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Kronos:

haahha awesome uther. okay so it itches like shit when it grows back...

07:47:26 Apr 24th 10 - Endless Muggings:

omg Uther, you slandered our tuxedos :|

20:30:25 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

That's right Uther, who needs those dang Canadians?  GO BACK TO YOUR HOMES! :P

01:20:04 May 6th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

hey i have nothing against Canadians, or Tuxedos...

I just think that Canadians do the blue jean on blue jean thing too much, so it is called a Canadian Tuxedo and i just wanted to point out that he is sporting one.

I will make a public statement that i love Canadians...

but i hate their tuxedos.


01:24:38 May 8th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

'' it looks nice''  

I just cant control my laugh right now..

10:29:15 May 8th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:


13:29:17 May 8th 10 - Lord Deno:

Most worrying thing about this thread is that the mum is in on it. What has the mum to do with your leg shaving habbits ? However, you should clearly go all the way now you started. Every inch of body hair comes off. Then if you like it, keep doing it, and if you dont like it make sure that she catches you a couple of times wearing her nylons just after you shaved and she wont ask again. (this is your girl i am talking about btw, i would strongly advice against having the girls mum catch you wearing her nylons.) 

13:30:22 May 8th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

LOL at Deno's suggestion xD

13:32:09 May 8th 10 - Mr. Tossed Smiling Midget:

Shaving is easy but wait until it all starts growing back..  ;)

14:07:06 May 8th 10 - Mr. Satanclausas:

Be a man, don't do it ;/

15:08:54 May 8th 10 - Duchess Wadjet:

my opinion still stands..

this man is oficially whopped. XD

19:39:55 May 8th 10 - Mr. Opportunity:

Just wax them, it wouldnt leave cuts hehe

20:07:40 May 8th 10 - Mr. Kronos:

LMAO @ deno

21:19:20 May 8th 10 - Ms. Morganna:

yup yup..I am woman and dont like prickly beards (nods)

02:27:10 May 10th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Bearded Clams, eew.

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