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RP stick game!!
23:47:17 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Plato:

THAT'S SQUIDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

00:11:20 Mar 1st 08 - Lord Seloc:

I think you'll find thats might.....

00:15:53 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

Then those would be milk missles...

03:50:45 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Actually thats not me. Im a purple dude [I have no idea why]

03:58:43 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:



EVERYTIME I TRY TO PUT A IMAGE IN THE BOX, IT EITHER DOESN'T SHOW OR DOESN'T HAVE THE 'PASTE' OPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

03:59:14 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

Then that is Squiddy...

03:59:41 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

'Thats me.......Thanks Sp00b :D

04:01:19 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

Erm, choose the image by Stickman.  That picture is ret@rded and somewhat creepy...

04:03:14 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

04:03:25 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:


04:08:23 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

gimp xcf file[1]ž[1]6BĀBĀ


04:08:49 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

*goes on a rampage*

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04:16:36 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Spoon made that picture!

04:24:57 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

I HATE THE ***********************************************
***************************** IMAGE THINGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04:27:23 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

I'm heading to the Tavern to fume my anger...

09:11:25 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

i explained in the tavern how to use imageshack so he can get his pictures up

btw my 'obvious photoshop' (guy with window) was done in paint :P

09:32:49 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Shut up Mr. Generic! You're gonna get me killed in the RP thread (again)!

10:11:04 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

Mr. Might The God of Cows


3/1/2008 4:16:36 AM

Spoon made that picture!

And it's the guy with the mold! Not you!

10:44:35 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


15:21:16 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

Okay, here is some concept art for a new thread of mine coming:

Enjoy and critisize! :-)

16:04:24 Mar 1st 08 - Lord Seloc:

What!? I'm the king of Sp@m how dare you Septim is god but I am king! Also my eyes arn't round, nor do I have a line across my forhead, and why are my hands fuzzy.

I suggest you make the bodies bigger, and don't make the arms apear half way down the body, don't write with the pencil. Also make their heads smaller. Also don't reverse my clour scheme when you get to the shoulders, I'm one half black one half white.

16:26:53 Mar 1st 08 - Lord Seloc:

there we go. thats as best as i can draw me.

16:47:33 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

I just saw him here:

[sorry seloc, i just had to do this]

17:44:24 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

IT'S CONCEPT ART.  And sorry Seloc.

Demonsul, lol.

17:53:04 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

Seloc, that line was your eyebrow.

17:54:02 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

Anyone gonna guess who the ? man is?

*cough cough*Plato*cough cough*

18:03:35 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

I'm gonna try and set a trap for him!

Quick! Someone say something interesting to attract his attention to that ledge!

18:14:32 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

Who, I can't see the picture.  It's a gray box.

18:23:25 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

And the fuzz is your magic power.

18:24:29 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

the gray box is a canvas covering the trap, the ledge is the line below

just do something to get my generic stick man near there!

18:27:12 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

Seloc, some banner near that ledge says that Septim is God and King of Spaaaaam.

18:49:40 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

I mean, Stick Generic Thingy, I have a coupon for free desserts forever at my bakery over by that ledge...

18:50:31 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

Hey, am I alowwed to start another stick thingy, or do I have to put it here?

19:12:43 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

oh, well.  here's me in my first ep.  stick saga!!!!!


19:24:12 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

I think we've got him! Remove the cover from the trap!

He's well  and truly captured!

19:57:31 Mar 1st 08 - Duke Altron:

nice :D

20:18:45 Mar 1st 08 - Lord Seloc:

lol pretty good, especially compaired to Plato.

20:48:23 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

hold on i have to test something


now i can work on a proper one including those four pictures above

20:49:41 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion's INANIMATION test.

There! I was successful! I made an inanimate object appear on your screen!

21:37:15 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

I couldn't think of anything.

22:08:03 Mar 1st 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Demonsul, were those from Homeworld? Lol, that was awesome, now I don't have to draw stuff to keep this place afloat anymore!

10:50:30 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Homeworld2. Its actually stills from spare footage from my movie.

On second thought, I wont animate those pictures, i cant figure out how to change animation speed for different frames. Either the words flash up too fast, or it takes forever for the other stuff to happen.

03:29:32 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

Where is Stickman?

03:42:35 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

i'll do the picture thingy until stickman gets here:

*plato sits in a chair*


03:58:12 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

*gets bored waiting for a reply and does what stickman always does first*



04:04:00 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

Good night.  Make requests.  I'll make something crazy out of all of it.

04:10:33 Mar 3rd 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Make him have an awesome ninja battle with Uma Thurman!

04:14:12 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

Same ol Septim...

I'll just copy and paste what happens...

*you grab the disco ball from the previous adventure and prepare for the battle coming*

*you get tired waiting and decide to look at the door*

04:16:38 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

*Plato decides to disco again*img128/1650/pic2lw3.png


04:27:18 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Plato:

*gets bored and decides to take a nap (despite the disco music playing*


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