Forums / The hangaround / Your addicted to VU when...

Your addicted to VU when...
05:25:39 Apr 3rd 17 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie Griffindor):

Welcome back, Pesterd!

16:05:59 Apr 3rd 17 - Mr. Commisaar:

When your wife refers to."That dmn game..."

19:41:23 Apr 3rd 17 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax of Mantrax):

THAT one I know for sure.

12:20:56 Aug 27th 17 - Endless (Mahatma Elfen Lied):

907. When stroll down memory lane and read your characters history and wonder wtf you were thinking when you came up with some of those names

08:16:17 Sep 20th 20 - Mr. Penguin:

908. when after all this time, you go and look for this..

04:39:26 Sep 21st 20 - Gladiatorul (Mr. Gladiatorul):

908. When you fight the addiction for over 10 years. You thought you are cured, yet you are back on it.

15:13:36 Sep 21st 20 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

908. When you've been playing so long, you can't even count anymore.

20:19:19 Sep 21st 20 - The Real Josh (Archangel of Rebirth):

Mr. Seloc:

47.Your addicted to VU when you pay for a custom title and other bonuses.

I disagree, You get the sponser bonuses when you get tired of faulty blockers or you play Mage frequently.

47/B - Your addicted to VU you when you buy BTs every payday. *Fixed* lol

48. You know your addicted to VU when you have a VU shortcut on your PC/Phone homepage.

11:36:44 Sep 29th 20 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

666 When your breaking world records 15 years down the line

17:43:00 Sep 29th 20 - Dakarta (Duke Bailing Hay):

911. When you came back after a 6 year hiatus because you miss all the aforementioned reasons.

11:44:45 Sep 30th 20 - Lord Caedus:

912. When you consider writing an actual academic paper on how the online community has developed since inception.

11:53:12 Sep 30th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

that's funny, Caedus

06:28:41 Oct 8th 20 - Duke Leviathan:

913. You still come back to check on things after 10 years of on and off playing. 

Damn, hows everyone been.  Havent been here since 2017.  Any old Ravage Regime or GOTF crew still running around?


00:00:23 Sep 18th 21 - Endless (Ms. Bling Bling):

when you participate in the endless loop

you quit, come back, quit again, come back, …

00:44:27 Sep 18th 21 - Mr. Thogrim Dooblade:

Lol endless loop.. that fits you perfectly 

15:19:36 Aug 29th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

When you necro the thread that is almost a year old to post music that you got linked in skype 10+ years ago:

22:30:55 Aug 29th 22 - HorusPanic (Darth Panix):

914. You get banned, ruin your reputation, and still come back for more.

23:25:39 Aug 29th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Hey I did that first!

Welcome back.

Sorry for not being sorry about never making the wiki.

07:32:24 Aug 30th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

915. When you make up more than half the total forum posts

08:11:16 Aug 30th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Quetzalcoatl):

916. When Ivanwhore makes up more than half the player base

10:11:07 Aug 30th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

917. When you are willing to invite Ivanho to Troll Tribe despite his reputation being stinkier than dogshit

10:22:56 Aug 30th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

918. When you still play the game after looking into rokkos basilisk

10:26:47 Aug 30th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

919. You claim 919 in a game where you are supposed to sleep in 119 minute intervals (911 backwards) and you slept in 117 minute intervals because you needed time to 'wake up' and liked 711 corndogs a lot

14:31:43 Aug 30th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Qua):

920. You play it for more than half of your life and until the day you die

04:43:31 Sep 6th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

921. You are the only one posting on the forums and you penta-post in a dead thread

10:19:18 Sep 22nd 23 - Endless (Ms. Dysnomia):

922. When you ponder if you are 5 of the 45 online characters or if there are really 45 extremely quiet players online 

17:53:20 Sep 22nd 23 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

It's surreal to consider how the game was played looking at this before Smartphones were a thing.

You are addicted when you are still here since 2006. An on again off again relationship that has outlasted real friendships, some marriages, and some lives.

Imagine telling yourself in 2007 how the world was today and the idea that you'd still be playing 16 years later. 

16:41:51 Sep 23rd 23 - Mr. Grendel:

Wow... I just realized how old this thread is... read most of it then noticed the date... 

I swear I'm not addicted 

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