Forums / The hangaround / Off topic competition

Off topic competition
20:56:11 Sep 23rd 09 - Sir Thomaas:


22:46:24 Sep 23rd 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

If i asked you to buy me an ice cream would you let someone else steal your shoes while attempting to tie your laces to a balloon?

23:43:51 Sep 23rd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Where's Waldo!?

23:52:46 Sep 23rd 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

There he is! Just shopping for one of his girls.

02:28:31 Sep 24th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

lol both on the same website . nubs

02:36:09 Sep 24th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


08:36:46 Sep 24th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

OH hells guys, countdown thread :P


01:47:47 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

idk if anyones said this already but this thread is a trick thread! by talking off topic you are actually talking on topic because the topic of the thread is being off topic.

and by saying that... i have won

01:52:12 Sep 25th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Don't mess with the unicorn power!

@Killstone - I think Cobra said that 1-2

01:53:30 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

oh i only read the first few posts and i cba to read the rest haha

01:55:32 Sep 25th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

. , / ? ; ' [ ] - `

01:55:55 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

hmf... cobra trying to steal my freakin credit! I said it on the first page...

"Mr. Arthur Dent

15:21:26 Sep 21st 09 Wait... So if the topic is being off topic, and we are all trying to be off topic, that means that we are actually being on topic, so the only way to be off topic is to be on topic...

I am now talking about being off topic."


And Charley... UNI POWER

02:24:16 Sep 25th 09 - Ms. Kittie Croft:

thing is... Ur suppose to make the MOST off topic posts in this  off topic competition.. THEN u win...

first price is :

1. bts
2. a pony

02:24:37 Sep 25th 09 - Ms. Kittie Croft:

3 pages.. thats not alot of post is it.. ?

02:33:44 Sep 25th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Pages:  (back) 1 2 3 

05:06:52 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

no not a lot but i didnt feel like reading all these random posts

23:51:12 Sep 25th 09 - Archangel Argyle:

this is a suggestion

New Spell: Ascend

Magic lvl: 10 + (at least) two levels of each other science. To ascend means that you can think so clear and that you have huge ammount of knowledge.

You will leave the material world, to fight on a spiritual level. Your cities and armies will vanish, and you will be given a set ammount of energy/tokens, the energy/tokens are used to preform either miracles, or disasters. The spell-list will transform to a new one, that uses the given energy/tokens.

You will be able to see everything that your kingdom can see not more, but as before, you can guess when casting spells as a spirit aswell.

The new spell-list:

  • Annihilate - Removes targeted enemy city or army from the game. [Takes all of your energy/tokens as ascended]
  • Lightning Storm - Gives a circle that will work as aim, and will injure all armies in the targeted area. Injure is not same as kill, thus only a few will die but many will be injured. [Takes 1/5 of given energy/tokens as ascended]
  • Kiss of God - Similar to the material world spell called Bless, thus this is way more effective, like the old bless that was fixed because it was to strong. [Takes 1/8 of given energy/tokens as ascended]
  • Wall of Nature - Will raise a mountain on chosen spot (like a wall) though there wont be a whole in this wall to attack, and nazguls can't fly over mountains. In comparison to material world walls, this one wont be able to fail by placing, it will simply work! Since this "wall" is unpassable it will take great deal of given energy/token. [Takes 1/3 of given energy/token as ascended]
  • Many more spells I can't think of right now.
When the given energy/tokens are gone, you will die and restart as usual, meaning, succeding using this spell, wont make you end up good placed in the highscores (unless it can be arranged to get some score for just succeding with this spell in the first place).

If you are gonna write "this is abusive" I really want to hear a  very extremely good explanation because the gold invested in this spell is really alot, and you will die after you have used it. (maybe, this suggestion is just in it's begining state, I believe that with your help, this can be a great future of this game).

possible changes

23:59:46 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Magpie:


01:32:01 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Horus II:

The price of 3/8 in stainless steel hose, capable of running molten asphalt

in south america


01:49:37 Sep 26th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Provolone with Salami

08:00:54 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

If it's the Off topic competition.. and the topic is being off topic, shouldn't we be on topic right now? but the topic in the first place was to be off topic, but if we can't be on topic then we have to be on topic and if we're on topic we've got to be on topic to be off topic...

FML!!! Dx

08:03:21 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Wall of Nature - Will raise a mountain on chosen spot (like a wall) though there wont be a whole in this wall to attack, and nazguls can't fly over mountains. In comparison to material world walls, this one wont be able to fail by placing, it will simply work! Since this "wall" is unpassable it will take great deal of given energy/token. [Takes 1/3 of given energy/token as ascended]

Omg.. Add it. I would so make like 6 multi elves then ascend, then close off fantasia with mountains. AMAZING IDEA BRO! :D

08:50:47 Sep 26th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Time Commando!

10:22:39 Sep 26th 09 - Ms. Kittie Croft:

thats a really ugly elf *frown*

11:30:46 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Where is my bacon?

11:53:30 Sep 26th 09 - Ms. Kittie Croft:

Rof's u a bacon *helpful*

16:02:03 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Augh:

This competition is stupid, since the topic is "off-topic" only posts that are really ON topic is off topic.

Augh 1
Rest 0

16:05:06 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Invisible Pink Unicorn:

you're like 4th that already said that.

17:16:39 Sep 26th 09 - Ms. Kittie Croft:

its a combined spamming competition on off topic post

wakey wakey trolls

18:36:02 Sep 27th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Dey tuk ur jubz!

05:42:54 Sep 28th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

tuoba gniklat uoy era tahw

21:42:21 Sep 29th 09 - Mr. Lover:

And thats why you don't play basketball with rhinos.

21:53:31 Sep 29th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

White Rhinos?

05:49:58 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Desol:

That wasn't a ban, that was but a simple deletion of a post!

05:58:46 Sep 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


07:57:20 Oct 1st 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


07:57:22 Oct 1st 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


20:18:18 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Desol:

On topic!

20:50:04 Oct 1st 09 - Archangel Argyle:

this is one of the best competitions ever, who will win, what is the price? Am I on topic now?

02:26:24 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

i have a blue willy -_-!!!

02:48:00 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

so who won this?

03:14:11 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:


03:16:59 Oct 2nd 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

Wth, is this corruption I spy with my little eye???

03:19:02 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

i hope tht this yellow ball bounces like a rat on steds :(

09:43:40 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Lover:

Nobody wins...ever.

10:11:41 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:

Spank that xxxx

10:33:44 Oct 6th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Green tree pythons coil when comfortable.

13:13:19 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Pwnzer:

yes mommie...he did steal my rubber duckie.....

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