Forums / The hangaround / WAR DECLARATION

16:26:02 Jun 7th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*slaps senturu back* behave!!

16:28:19 Jun 7th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

*slaps senturu*

Hey that was fun!

01:22:01 Jun 8th 07 - Mr. Sonica:

*takes out machine gun and kills all people in the vicinity*


01:45:37 Jun 8th 07 - Lord Senturu:

/me spanks natalia

/me slaps verteccio

/me kills sonica

/me slaps solac


10:13:38 Jun 8th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:



11:20:15 Jun 8th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

why do i get spanked?? now my bum hurts

11:56:31 Jun 8th 07 - Mr. Basch:

oh dont worry talia, let me kiss it better for you lol

11:59:26 Jun 8th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

errr didn't you say you dont even shower every month *runs away from the smell*

18:49:35 Jun 8th 07 - Lord Senturu:

sorry sornak. i cant remember how to spell your name its really weird :P

and natalia. i think its better if i spank you :D

19:23:55 Jun 8th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

"Probly better if i kiss it, too you don't know where basch has been"

*looks at basch, cringes as the smell hit him like a physical blow*

(i'm hopeing sornak was on purpose....)

15:45:46 Jun 9th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

I think its best if no one spanks me or kisses me what do you say?

17:07:28 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

*looks disappionted*


19:11:41 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Zangetsu:



*summons god and god destroys earth*

*he saves me using a magical life bubble*

21:20:40 Jun 9th 07 - Lord Senturu:

/me slaps zangetsu's god


01:30:45 Jun 10th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

 "pretty lonely existance zangetsu u and you alone mind if i join you?"


16:39:15 Jun 11th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Yeah... that is a pretty sad setup.

18:53:42 Jun 11th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Walks in, Balefires** Zangetsu*

There. If your going to cause this all to blow up, I'm going to steal a weapon from Robert Jordan's WOT books.

**(Balefire is a weapon that not only kills someone, they cease to exist before they are hit by it, so whatever they did, just didn't happen to a certain point, judging by the intensity of the Balefire. This one was just powerful enough to fry him just before he had the earth destroyed, so everything is back to normal. Except Zangetsu, who doesn't exist anymore, and everyone who was destroyed with the earth remembers being destroyed, when they weren't really.)

22:04:55 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

 *presses little red button with a skull and crossbones on it and points at senturu*

 "He did it........."

09:20:08 Jun 12th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*jumps erica and covers her in kisses*

05:43:22 Jun 13th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban turns into Paladine and notices that Zangetsu is pretending he's from Bleach which is too 1337 for him to dare sully with his presence. He then smites Zangetsu, informs his 'god' that he's only a demi-power instead o*beep*reater power. He then prevents the world from being destroyed and then fireballs Zangetsu again just before Erunion balefires him.*

(WoT's great up until the 7th book.)

06:28:58 Jun 13th 07 - Lord Senturu:

ahh fizban have you read the knife of dreams yet? i think its perdy good :D

09:02:46 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:


13:34:30 Jun 13th 07 - Sir Scientist:

/me slaps Senturu

14:37:38 Jun 13th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Senturu, you stupid US b!tch, learn to spell.

/me runs away from the slapping

P.S. : I felt the need to just flame someone badly and if I told everyone else to go suck my c0ck and screw themselves and die, I would have gotten horrible comments. On the other hand, you won't be upset right? :)

19:02:11 Jun 13th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

WoT's still pretty darn good... didn't like some books as much as others, but Mat is definately my favorite character. Therefore, my least favorite is book 8...

19:12:49 Jun 13th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Oh, Mat's about the only reason I'm still reading them in the first place because he's the only character that's still 'normal'. (Not pretending he's emo by having the weight of the world of his shoulders or 'whipped', or just gone from normal into super-biotch (*cough* Eggy *cough*))

19:21:22 Jun 13th 07 - Lord Senturu:

yea i Like Mat, but fizban you didnt answer my question.

/me kills weirdgrivi

i always say perdy

22:33:24 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

he he he perddddddddddddddddy perdy senturu perdy erica perdy science perdy perdy perdy he he perdddyyyy fizbann mmmmmmmmmm fizban perdyyyyyy

23:34:13 Jun 13th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Stares at Seloc*

"Don't we shoot rabid dogs? Yes? Good. *Bang!*"

05:54:41 Jun 14th 07 - Lord Senturu:

my theme song. when you hear this get out the way

10:34:19 Jun 14th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Hears the song and hides under the table*

"Oh god no, its Senturu!! Wait, what am I hiding for?!?!"

/me slaps Senturu

"Don't you play your theme song round here"

/me slaps Senturu again, just for fun

10:35:08 Jun 14th 07 - Lord Senturu:

/me slaps scientists face off

16:10:24 Jun 14th 07 - Sir Salareas Vinraven:

hmmm, i see everybody is here everybody, is happy. so just to be different

/me slaps senturu, twice :o

17:33:21 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

*Seloc awakes duck tapes the massive hole in his chest up, picks the bullet up which came out the other side of him and hands it to effie.*

 "You missed Senturu and hit me by accident....."

18:21:25 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

*stabs seloc wildly with a sharp knife*    there that should do it

22:19:35 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

*Uses the tape on the nice big wound that had been opened by the knife*

"I don't quite know how you missed senturu with a close range weapon and hit me still this game doesn't need any quolifications to play......"

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