Forums / The hangaround / just popping in to say...

just popping in to say...
09:30:20 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. I Love Dragon:

I ban you for spelling wrong

14:01:03 Jan 24th 07 - Lady Spooky:

Arzun - your posts were almost perfect but you spelled chocolate wrong....

Erunion there's no apostrophe in the word "commas" as it's simply the plural of comma :)

I am proud to be picky so I ban Smuff for calling me picky.

14:30:44 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

lady sooky i ban you for not banning anyone :)

14:44:54 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

I ban Pussy for being a Pussy.

15:21:48 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

I ban Smuff for being a homosexual.

(Damn it! I always spell it wrong lol)

(Edited by Mr. Arzun 1/24/2007 3:22:00 PM)

15:28:17 Jan 24th 07 - Sir Senturu:

i ban Arzun for banning a.....wait you said homosexual right? if so then i bann Smuff too.

friggin fairy

15:30:56 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

i ban sir senturu for making me laugh over the last post

15:57:27 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

I ban pussy for banning Senturu,

(lmao Senturu)

17:49:23 Jan 24th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

I was merely having a fit of the world-renowned "Typing Fast While Tired" Disease.

If I have spelt anything incorrectly, it is merely because I am suffering from a bad case of TFWT. Also the fact that I was kicked once in each eye last night might have something to do with it...

I ban Spooky for banning me so heartlessly, and for not thinking of the circumstances that would lead such a normally good speller to make a mistake.

(Edited by Lord Erunion Telcontar 1/24/2007 5:50:27 PM)

20:14:23 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

i ban arzun for being in flames

20:25:30 Jan 24th 07 - Sir Senturu:

i ban Arzun for laughing at me.

i ban Pussy for banning Arzun

i ban Erunion for typing too much

21:14:11 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

i ban everyone becasue i am homosexual! there, i just came out! woooo what a lift off my mind (Y)

21:19:18 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Arzun:


21:46:08 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Mark:

i ban you for shouting arragh (sorry my ideas are running low)

22:05:02 Jan 24th 07 - Lord Spoon:

I ban everybody who is trying to be funny by making a 'Spoon-joke'. They're not funny, unless Senturu makes a joke about me.

22:58:23 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Mirichen:

why did the spoon cross the road?

23:04:29 Jan 24th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

Because there was a bowl on the other side that wanted to fork.

I ban myself for saying such a craptaculer joke. I've got more. The kitchen is a mess.(like a mess hall, in the military, get it!!) I ban mysel*beep*ain.

01:48:44 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. Proilon:

i ban Any talk of spoon

03:02:01 Jan 25th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

I ban Proilon for banning talk. Talk is good.

04:17:50 Jan 25th 07 - Sir Senturu:

i ban Proilon for banning the talk of spoon. for i am the lord of the spoons

and i ban Erunion for banning people for wanting us all to shut up...

and finnaly i ban Smuff for being *beep*.

*runs and hides in a corner*

04:18:46 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

I ban Senturu for runing with a spoon, you could scoop an eye out with that.

04:49:03 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. Kylej:

I ban Arzun for having misspelled "running"

04:51:29 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. Arzun:


I ban Kylej for noticing that.

05:23:20 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

i ban arzun for using the shift key. [unlike me]

08:49:40 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. I Love Dragon:

i ban spoon for being a spoon and i ban tunk for ...umm*thinking of the right word*..using this thingy >[    ]
(Edited by Mr. I Love Dragon 1/25/2007 8:50:47 AM)

12:58:25 Jan 25th 07 - Sir Senturu:

i band I love dragon for loving dragons way too much. eh eh eh? *raises eyebrow*

15:07:53 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. Pussy:

i ban Sir Sendturu for being *beep*

19:04:24 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. Donut Forgotme:

Mr Pussy, you're banned for being gender confused

(Edited by Mr. Donut Forgotme 1/25/2007 7:05:05 PM)

19:10:07 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

I ban everyone for not using capital I's!


(Except Donut)

19:20:30 Jan 25th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

I ban Arzun for banning me for not using capital I's! I use them quite well thank you.

20:03:15 Jan 25th 07 - Lady Spooky:

I ban Pussy for bad language in almost every forum.

I ban Erunion and Arzun for not using apostrophes properly again.

22:44:25 Jan 25th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

I ban Spooky for being Spooky.

01:14:13 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Proilon:

I ban smuff from banning spooky from just being himself

01:35:47 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Donut Forgotme:

Mr Pro, you're banned for suggesting that the glorious and sexy Spooky is a "himself" and making my fantasies feel unclean

01:57:41 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Mirichen:

i ban donut for having 'fantasies' about Spooky

02:02:23 Jan 26th 07 - Sir Senturu:

i ban Mirichen for thinking about Spooky and Donut that way. *raises eyebrow*

02:02:59 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

I ban Mirichen for not... just kiding :P but not really, or am I?
(Edited by Mr. Arzun 1/26/2007 2:03:10 AM)

02:07:19 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. I Love Dragon:

I ban Azrun for being confuse...YAY SENTURU!!!!!!!

02:08:04 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Kylej:

I ban Arzun for not banning anyone

02:09:59 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

Mirichen isn't a person? What?

02:39:57 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Kylej:

I ban Arzun for asking questions

05:13:01 Jan 26th 07 - Sir Senturu:

i ban Kylej for banning Arzun for asking questions therfor stunting the knowledge that all people could learn to help each other...or in my world use to take over the world muahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahah

08:32:27 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. True GO:

i ban you for evil laughing

14:01:10 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Donut Forgotme:

I smack Sidr D over the head with a wet kipper

(and then ban him for smelling of fish)

(Edited by Mr. Donut Forgotme 1/26/2007 2:01:38 PM)

15:33:38 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Proilon:

I ban pussy because he banned donut from having fun slapping someine with a fish

18:00:45 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Mark:

proilon ban you for being a drug PROTIEN HOW COULD YOU BESMEECH ITS NAME

18:06:06 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

I ban Mark for  confusing me.

22:37:52 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

wooop 200th post! i ban myself

22:56:24 Jan 26th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

I hereby ban Smuff for banning himself. He should not have given himself cause to ban himself.

23:12:10 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Klondyke:

I am banning Erunion Telcontar for giving Smuff a double ban. Smuff rules!

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