Forums / In game politics / Deaths Embrace-Recruiting

Deaths Embrace-Recruiting
05:45:03 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Oromis:

Deaths Embrace

Kingdom Banner

Name: Deaths Embrace
Members: 2
Tag: DE
Created: 1/21/2009 6:50:33 AM
Leader: Mr. Oromis


Though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.
-Sun Tzu, the Art of War

Deaths Embrace is accepting all members new and old. If you are new to the game and wish to learn more this is the kingdom for you. if you are old to the game and just want a place to have fun and hone in on your tactics this is the kingdom for you.

Please answer the following questions when you apply.
1)how many eras experiance
2)favorite race
3)favorite kind of candy

To new players:
We are ready to enroll you, and if you have will to learn how to play, you will learn.But if you can not be active enough, listen to leadership, or have fun then you will be expelled from the kingdom.



p.s. Tag will be changed to Dread(courtsey of mr.polydeuces) and a new kd banner will appear.

12:18:31 Feb 1st 09 - Duke Random:

can i join?

12:34:39 Feb 1st 09 - Sir Spoon:


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