Forums / In game politics / Federation Of Europe Midgard

Federation Of Europe Midgard
20:15:33 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Federationofeurope:

Federation Of Europe (Midgard)

If you live in Europe and are in Midgard and are able to take/give orders well]

then this KD would be great for you !

FOE Federation Of Europe 1 Mr. Federationofeurope 100


Only me at the moment but dont let that put you of FOE should grow soon :)



20:18:14 Jun 14th 09 - Sir Elton John:

'Hint: attack these people during the European night, they won't know what hit them! *evil grin*'

Good luck with your kingdom xD

20:33:06 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

They will too know. It kind of shows.... ROFLMAO. I think we should kill all the Europeans just cuz of their indifference. XD

20:37:33 Jun 14th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

well good luck

23:36:38 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Argon:

FOE will grow when TEW breaks up which should be very soon. Still as funny as hell...

23:37:06 Jun 14th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

Argon your petty little stunt will not break us.

23:52:50 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Argon:

Careful Vamp, it might happen again, your KD is very susceptible to such 'voluntary' abuse. This is goodbye for now. Argon is no more. Argon will never speak again.

23:57:05 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Mr. Gawaine


19:33:06 Jun 14th 09
They will too know. It kind of shows.... ROFLMAO. I think we should kill all the Europeans just cuz of their indifference. XD
Go for it, I don't mind xD

00:04:13 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Trau:

if Europe gets there own Kd, then i think we should have a Team America
 or possibly even a NATO,
 or maybe NAFTA, that way Canada and Mexico can join, then we'll war and it'll be like Hiroshima all over again

00:06:42 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:


00:18:50 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Trau:

ok, then we'll have two Kds next era
the European Union, and NAFTA
all europeans have to join the EU
and all North Americans have to join NAFTA
it'll be great

00:24:20 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

yes... just two Kds and have them just battle it out throughout all the worlds! just a giant brawl between euros and NA's

00:33:59 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Trau:

that would be sweet,

07:51:59 Jun 15th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Argon?

wannabe! there's only 1 argon! (meh)

Ms. ArgonElementsDwarf

09:26:24 Jun 15th 09 - Ms. Erin:


Oh no it's the feds...

i do love the acronym FOE. Like, enemy. Bwahaha.

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