Forums / In game politics / Hello guys ehh its a while

Hello guys ehh its a while
03:28:56 Apr 30th 09 - Mr. Khalifa:

Good day folks

ehh its good to be back :)
is the old Ret still here

ohhh hanky i came back for you <3

03:35:10 Apr 30th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

        RET went out with a bang last era, you missed it  :(    There's a chance of it getting back together, because the reason it broke up was that Lewatha was going to stop playing. But lewatha decided to keep playing..... so..... who knows?  

         And hanky said he was leaving, again, maybe he's not? 

    RET is pretty spread out now. So you'll have to track them down individually for the most part ^_^


06:59:29 Apr 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

umm u can find most of them in ABYDOS, and some are in CHOC

07:09:08 Apr 30th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

  And a couple are in Revelation.... some are in MAD.... some I don't know about.  They're pretty spread out :)    but you're right, a lot went to Abydos/Chocolate.

15:20:48 Apr 30th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Old ret? Ret is old?

17:39:22 Apr 30th 09 - Prince Mielo:


19:04:45 Apr 30th 09 - Dark Lord Osiris:

"There's a chance of it getting back together, because the reason it broke up was that Lewatha was going to stop playing. But lewatha decided to keep playing..... so..... who knows?  "

I think that chance is pretty low atm

19:13:05 Apr 30th 09 - Mr. Bran:

yea lol its not gonna happen

00:58:40 May 1st 09 - Mr. Khalifa:

well i didnt play for 3 eras so i dont know when they disbanded.

04:36:18 May 1st 09 - Duke Random:


hi :)

05:58:41 May 1st 09 - Sir Fever Reducer:

Welcome back :P

hugs and kisses :)

09:08:52 May 1st 09 - Mr. Experimental:

hello khalifa its orcinus orca here here if you still remember?

10:39:29 May 1st 09 - Mr. Khalifa:

hi random and hi orcinus :)well im playing on talants :P msg me :)

10:49:06 May 1st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

yup, RETurning (hehe) isn't going to happen in the next few era's :D

welcome back though ;)

12:25:39 May 1st 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Oh dear.. An Arab returns
I mean..

Hey Welcome back!

Lady Loud Tone


4/30/2009 3:20:48 PM
Old ret? Ret is old?

Lol, so true

08:16:16 May 2nd 09 - Mr. Khalifa:

hmm who are you ??

08:22:30 May 2nd 09 - Mr. Khalifa:

hi lew and thanks same with you pineapple..

14:20:04 May 3rd 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

khalifa you sexeh thing =)

im in spaghetti at moment we could have done with you at start of teh era when we was gangbanged to death lol

join us maybes =) not this era of course, have fun killing nubz :D

i just play starts of the era's and then i get to login about 2-4 days a week mid era...

message to all players next era... im going to kick your ass =) ima angry panky out for revenge biatches, i dont like dying 

14:51:50 May 3rd 09 - Duke Pikachu:

aww even me :(

13:45:50 May 4th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:

looks like hes looking to be a dead panky again... :p

14:50:04 May 4th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

sorry Khalifa, i guess i never knew you. :(

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