Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 89

Valhalla 89
06:56:13 Jun 27th 23 - Mr. Ghost Whisperer:

Noticed there is no thread for this Valhalla map

So here goes nothing!

Whats the situation on other parts of the map?
We are having our little skirmish
Alba vs Whis

Both have:

Battles won: 11
Battles lost: 11

Nice interesting war so far
Keep it fair and enjoyable :-)
Go on :-)

17:36:51 Jun 28th 23 - King Perilous:

A fun little miscommunication that was the byproduct of a nonfunctional two person kingdom on Vacation.

No one else is posting so here's something for the bored to read. 

We dropped in the corner but a scout was trying to spoil it. Other than that all seemed clear. Evidently we were to the south of a kingdom twice as big.

They offer for us to move. We take them up on it.

Message from Captain Kim Taehyung

NAP Offer

Captain Kim Taehyung (6/22/2023 3:38:01 AM)GOODBAD

As we have taken out your kingdom leader, and you and Perilous are still in protection and likely too small for us to kill anyway, we were thinking of sending you an offer that should work out better for both of us:

If you are willing to resettle outside of our core area, we would be willing to offer you a NAP for the rest of the era. This way, we don't need to go out of our way to get someone with low land to take you two out, and you get to keep farming :)

Let me know what you think!
You (6/22/2023 8:14:47 AM)
I think you may be confused.

I am Perilous and you have not taken out our Kingdom leader? You should direct your diplomatic inquiries to him.

He still has multiple cities.

Captain Kim Taehyung (6/22/2023 8:17:06 AM)GOODBAD
Apologies, I copy pasted the same thing to you and Conqueror but forgot to adjust the name :D

As we've killed the only city he had in our core, and see no other cities of his, we're considering him killed :)

I will message him too
You (6/22/2023 8:18:32 AM)
Malthael is taking a laid back era. It will be a while before he relocates.

If you wanted us to move why didn't you just say so on the front end?
Captain Kim Taehyung (6/22/2023 8:26:58 AM)GOODBAD
It was only brought up internally after Ducky started attacking Theo, so we figured we'd let Ducky finish his thing before asking. Original plan was to just kill.

As for Malthael, we're not in a huge rush :)

I even offered to sweeten the deal for their troubles. I had demolished one city and ducky felt cheated so I offered to leave a little armory.

Message from Sir Vucky Ducky


Sir Vucky Ducky (6/25/2023 12:30:08 AM)GOODBAD
i see your city up north, could of at least given me some spoillllllllllllllllllll
You (6/25/2023 10:09:08 AM)
I'll leave the city patience as an armory if you guys want.

I was standing by to demolish it build out but then he moved up on one of Bigs other cities. I know Big is traveling so I'm trying to communicate. I message about the prepping and ask if it's a misunderstanding.

Captain Kim Taehyung (6/22/2023 3:38:01 AM)GOODBAD

As we have taken out your kingdom leader, and you and Perilous are still in protection and likely too small for us to kill anyway, we were thinking of sending you an offer that should work out better for both of us:

If you are willing to resettle outside of our core area, we would be willing to offer you a NAP for the rest of the era. This way, we don't need to go out of our way to get someone with low land to take you two out, and you get to keep farming :)

Let me know what you think!
You (6/22/2023 8:14:47 AM)
I think you may be confused.

I am Perilous and you have not taken out our Kingdom leader? You should direct your diplomatic inquiries to him.

He still has multiple cities.

Captain Kim Taehyung (6/22/2023 8:17:06 AM)GOODBAD
Apologies, I copy pasted the same thing to you and Conqueror but forgot to adjust the name :D

As we've killed the only city he had in our core, and see no other cities of his, we're considering him killed :)

I will message him too
You (6/22/2023 8:18:32 AM)
Malthael is taking a laid back era. It will be a while before he relocates.

If you wanted us to move why didn't you just say so on the front end?
Captain Kim Taehyung (6/22/2023 8:26:58 AM)GOODBAD
It was only brought up internally after Ducky started attacking Theo, so we figured we'd let Ducky finish his thing before asking. Original plan was to just kill.

As for Malthael, we're not in a huge rush :)
You (6/27/2023 2:08:49 PM)
Respectfully, it's a little lame that I demolished one city and am in the process of demolishing this second one in good faith only for you guys to send 6000 soldiers after Big who intentionally moved further North to give you guys space after you reached out.

Is this a misunderstanding or was the NAP offer, our communication, and the fact that I demolished my city just a low level ploy?
Captain Kim Taehyung (6/27/2023 3:20:17 PM)GOODBAD
Respectfully, a NAP offer is not a NAP, and the offer we gave was after we had already fulled cleared out Bigfield.

Conqueror suggested I DM you, you suggested i DM Bigfield, I didn't feel like it, and from Bigfield's messages it's clear that he properly heard about what I offered to you and Conqueror properly anyway.

We were fine to just let it be at that point since it wasn't particularly impactful to us, so we just continued the war we started OOP.
You (6/27/2023 3:25:40 PM)
That's pretty lame bro.

When Ducky messaged me I even offered to build out this last city down here as an armory as gesture.

He seemed upset about there were no spoils on the south so I offered up Patience as an Armory but he never responded.

Not really wanting to waste time down here. Malthael hasn't been on in days. Do you actually want to do war?
Captain Kim Taehyung (6/27/2023 3:32:57 PM)GOODBAD
We started off with war OOP, not sure what's lame here to you. I don't care much about Bigfield and he was already gone, I wanted to atleast approach you and Conqueror properly and that's what I did, after that it was all fair game to me.

No NAP is no NAP man
The fact that I even took initiative to offer a NAP we really didn't need while Bigfield hasn't done a thing is another thing lol
You (6/27/2023 3:44:24 PM)
I mean if attacking a non aggression gives you the glory you are after then at least let me up your kill count first. You can meet my garrison at Patience.
Captain Kim Taehyung (6/27/2023 4:42:01 PM)GOODBAD
Tell me though, where is the non aggression?
Bigfield claims in a dm to Ducky that he's moving because of our offer, but we haven't heard anything about him agreeing to the offer, and we physically removed him from the south.
Maybe Bigfield should consider actually accepting offers instead of just assuming an offer automatically counts as a full agreement without any confirmation
You (6/28/2023 7:20:04 AM)
We have never attacked you.

That is by definition a lack o*beep*gression.

He's got a good bit going on in his life right now but he has not sent any troops or even scouts south and we have been demolishing in the South as requested.

You could have asked for him to demolish his southern city and he probably would have just as I have.

You never reached out directly to Bigfield and then you told me here that No NAP means No NAP. Now you say he should accept an offer, but you said you also never sent him an offer.

So the better question is to explain: Where is the Aggression?

It is with V. Which is weird because V is one of my favorite characters and would never have attacked an innocent person. If you are going to pick a character at least pick one that fits.
Captain Kim Taehyung (6/28/2023 8:37:24 AM)GOODBAD
Youre dropping next to another kingdom and then blaming them for aggression in an actual war game.

I didnt dm him directly but i sent the offer to you and you forwarded it, you and him acting like you agreed to the offer is evidence of that.

Your whole point seems to rest on "why attack" despite the fact that it's a war game.
You (6/28/2023 11:15:46 AM)
We literally dropped in the corner of the map and couldn't see anything beyond the mountains.

We didn't drop on you. You guys started dropping around us and we immediately found a few other locations to actually build.

If we wanted to core drop you don't you think we would have gone with an Orc?

We absolutely thought the offer was agreed on. You said we acted like the offer was agreed on, because we DID think there was an agreement.

That's why it's lame you attacked us after we acted on the agreement and then told us that there was no agreement.
Bigfield messaged him. He only responds after a failed attempt to take out the city. 

At any rate, this seems like a fun time to test the limits of 50% protection as a Dwarf in an unintentional core drop.

Any recommendations for sciences or most efficient building utilization? We don't really have any aggressive players anymore and I'd appreciate giving it an effective spin. I'm less than a third of most of their size. 

17:48:29 Jun 28th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Kim Taehyung):

hey you missed my last response, just helping out
You (6/28/2023 5:32:04 PM) We landed together, which is how OOP wars happen, unless the parties agree not to.
For an offer to be agreed on, it would have to be accepted by the receiving party first, which never happened. We can only act based on information we actually receive.

So from my perspective, you're just complaining about an agreement you never accepted, and are trying to give me *beep* for it.

17:51:48 Jun 28th 23 - Lady Jasmine:

I agree with Jasper here. The same thing happened last era. Alba and HnS settled near our core, we considered that as hostile action (as should be in war game) and attacked them. After a while we started talking about NAP, offering the diplomacy and just like in this situation they assume all hostilities will end as soon as the offer is made. Does not work like that, only after the NAP is signed and agreed should hostilities end. 

18:01:41 Jun 28th 23 - King Perilous:

Bigfield was out of the country on a nice trip last era. Hope he enjoyed it.

It's a wargame and you guys have more knowledge than me since this is more of a background game in my mind.

What advice would you give a dwarf protected by 3x protection behind enemy lines?

I know orcs would build Nazgul. Axemen don't pack the same punch.

If I wasnt dwarf I'd pursue magic. We do have an elf in the same circumstance but he's been afk for four days. That may be a good start for him.

What would the vets do? 

11:57:49 Jun 29th 23 - Duke Caedus:

Lady Jasmine:

I agree with Jasper here. The same thing happened last era. Alba and HnS settled near our core, we considered that as hostile action (as should be in war game) and attacked them. After a while we started talking about NAP, offering the diplomacy and just like in this situation they assume all hostilities will end as soon as the offer is made. Does not work like that, only after the NAP is signed and agreed should hostilities end. 

I don’t remember complaining about continued hostilities during a negotiation? 

That said, it’s usually standard practice in CF negotiations in RL - so it’s a logical assumption to make. 

12:53:13 Jun 29th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Fairly certain Hammer and Shield is the object of the ire here.

But yes, diplomatic protocol is typically a CF during negotiations IRL

15:02:48 Jun 29th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Valorous Veles):

Wars typically have a CF negotiation before they get a CF to talk end of war. No one just stops fighting, that would be moronic strategically. 

As is, in VU - regardless what happens in IRL - I have never seen 2 KDs CF while negotiating a NAP while in active war without actually saying that the CF exists in written form.

NHS has always we should give them a break.

16:40:49 Jun 29th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

I'm glad you recognize our historic and unique character and contribution.

Our venerable company may be lagging in membership, but our commitment to our founding mission has never been more resolute.

We appreciate your patronage. 

17:16:32 Jun 29th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Valorous Veles):

Oh no, thank you - hns - for continuing to build cities for myself, and all of Valhalla, to take. 

You have truly contributed millions upon millions of buildings to the greatness of other's.

20:22:58 Jun 29th 23 - King Perilous:

Take my city, please. Ive been waiting 

20:25:59 Jun 29th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Valorous Veles):

The issue is you're so weak, the game is literally protecting you.

Can you imagine hiding behind a mechanic designed to protect literal newbs after losing an OOP war?

Well...hns doesn't have to imagine...

21:25:02 Jun 29th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Kim Taehyung):

Either way, bigfield was on a trip, we had no real bad intentions in communicating, we just assume everyone is at war by default unless confirmed otherwise by both sides , thats all there is to it.

I dont believe Perilous had any bad intentions either, we just had different levels of information and a different view on default OOP relations.

23:14:45 Jun 29th 23 - Mr. Existentialist:


The issue is you're so weak, the game is literally protecting you.

Can you imagine hiding behind a mechanic designed to protect literal newbs after losing an OOP war?

Well...hns doesn't have to imagine...

Hold on buckaroo, HnS are not weak, they enjoy eve online lite diplomatic game while building up then race for HoH end of era and cast armage- hold on where was I going with this ? 

13:24:39 Jun 30th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):


13:46:34 Jun 30th 23 - King Perilous:


The issue is you're so weak, the game is literally protecting you.

Can you imagine hiding behind a mechanic designed to protect literal newbs after losing an OOP war?

Well...hns doesn't have to imagine...

After an OOP war...

We had like two active players and four cities. We voluntarily demolished one after talking with you guys and you guys took a single city.

I've won a battle in this OOP War and Bigfield has won a Battle in this OOP war.

I don't even think Bigfield had defenders in his city.

We've killed proportionally 1000-5000 times as many of your troops as You've killed of ours.

We asked if you wanted to proceed with a war and you said "Unfortunately No" but then proceeded to continue.

Do you need an English Language tutor? 

13:54:50 Jun 30th 23 - King Perilous:

Behold. The glorious and infallible scoreboard. Our counts are solely against you. Yes, Bigfield ddid lose a city.

My land count is sub 40k, so I'm sure you will be able to hit me in a few days. 

  1. Sir Vucky Ducky has won 1 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 7430 men and women

Your character King Perilous has won 2 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 12747 men and women

13:56:50 Jun 30th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Valorous Veles):

Don't get your panties in a twist perly... or do, honestly don't care what you do privately. 

14:02:50 Jun 30th 23 - King Perilous:

Truth be told I'm only petty because you guys took note that we were acting like there was a deal for like five days.

I mean it's Sun Tzu. If an enemy is erring don't interrupt them. Just didn't think we were enemies since our communication indicated an understanding of a timeline that I'd demolish first and Malthael would when he came back online.

Since you guys finally communicated that war is definitely what you want then I do want to commit to what you desire.

No use trying to put a genie back in the bottle. No hard feelings. Im not frustrated about it now since Konstant has a hard time hiding his frustrations.

I know you guys will figure out how to uproot me eventually. 

Either way, bigfield was on a trip, we had no real bad intentions in communicating, we just assume everyone is at war by default unless confirmed otherwise by both sides , thats all there is to it.

I dont believe Perilous had any bad intentions either, we just had different levels of information and a different view on default OOP relations.

14:24:03 Jun 30th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Valorous Veles):

These days I barely remember you exist, but you amuse me, so do please go on.

15:42:29 Jun 30th 23 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion of Virtue):

The Mercenary Guild has joined HnS. The majority valhalla kingdoms targeted our small guild for easier spoils over the larger enemies. We were continuously targeted for being a small kingdom and only occasionally treated as a neutral faction although I pushed to be recognized as such.

Whisper last era, Pesti this era. Dissolving and joining the underdog HnS was the best choice I saw.


16:26:32 Jun 30th 23 - Lady Jasmine:

Whisper attacked you last era because you can't be trusted. Two eras ago we settled near you, never attacked you. Only after our kingdom was in danger and we had a backup core, you decided to attack our backup core technically taking out our kingdom as we lost our only income on other side of the map. 

From that time you became our enemy and will always be. You saying you should not be responsible for what your "ancestors" did is just silly, saying that after you restart you're a new person and all the people you backstabbed should forget about it? I kinda understand now the whole RoC thing about never trusting you. Always thought the good old friend McMax was taking it too far with the whole dislike, but I am starting to understand. 

19:54:11 Jun 30th 23 - King Perilous:

In a Game that promotes Roleplaying, it can be very limiting in a community of less than 50 players to take a 'meta' approach of conflating multiple distinct characters based upon the player behind him.

If He played a Merc he obviously would probably follow the orders of the highest bidder. That is, in and of itself a consistency and is predictable.

We took a contract with them eras ago. If you permanently peg yourself into a static diplomacy hole that is blind to all characters, it greatly reduces the diversity of gameplay and leads to monotonous eras and some of the last of us getting bored and departing indefinitely.

Did you offer a bid for Mercs to compete for a contract? 

21:56:54 Jun 30th 23 - Mr. Existentialist:

King BurningLegion:

The Mercenary Guild has joined HnS. The majority valhalla kingdoms targeted our small guild for easier spoils over the larger enemies. We were continuously targeted for being a small kingdom and only occasionally treated as a neutral faction although I pushed to be recognized as such.

Whisper last era, Pesti this era. Dissolving and joining the underdog HnS was the best choice I saw.


So the two farmers join to become some sort of mega libertarian farm ? 


00:55:41 Jul 1st 23 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion of Virtue):

Jasmine I believe you troll only for the sake of causing drama. I haven't heard of RoC drama in 10+ years. Your desperate to try to cause a scene... Might as well put your hands up and yell "don't shoot!"

Three eras ago two of your members rebuilt in my private mercenary core, behind my blockers. I said I'd leave him alone temporarily since you guys were losing bad against albatross and I kept my word by not attacking for 2.5 weeks then I took the few cities out. It's a simple situation. 

You did as I said, trying to get quick gains oop and nothing more. 2 members cannot stand against a large kingdom without significant prep, but unfortunately we are also within your magic range. If your so mighty jasmine play solo or in a small kingdom, since you won't, it's time to be quiet. Shhhh also start playing as man since you in are one.

05:15:00 Jul 2nd 23 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

As you said, its a simple situation. You built near our private core, we took your cities out. Simple. When you do it, its simple situation, when we do, its complicated?

By the way whats wrong with Jas being a man? Are you a man hater? Absolutely no difference what ever gender he/she/they/them identifies. This must be this new trend Americans brought to include all sorts of genders. I like the two spirit penguin one.

King BurningLegion:
Three eras ago two of your members rebuilt in my private mercenary core, behind my blockers. I said I'd leave him alone temporarily since you guys were losing bad against albatross and I kept my word by not attacking for 2.5 weeks then I took the few cities out. It's a simple situation. 

You did as I said, trying to get quick gains oop and nothing more. 2 members cannot stand against a large kingdom without significant prep, but unfortunately we are also within your magic range. If your so mighty jasmine play solo or in a small kingdom, since you won't, it's time to be quiet. Shhhh also start playing as man since you in are one.

09:40:21 Jul 2nd 23 - Konspyre (Captain Kim Taehyung):

there is a man Jas and a woman Jas
once we talk about man Jas you are bringing me into the conversation
yet i somehow don't relate to what BL was saying

06:26:22 Jul 3rd 23 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Mister Whiskey):

Well for the roc BS part I understand cause I was there for most of it and my trust for BL is 0 but he is not a bad person overall from the convos I have had with him but back in the day he was a back stabbin bitch.  but he isn't a bad guy imo just has a different style of enjoyment to the game then us 

14:58:21 Jul 3rd 23 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion of Virtue):

Spiteful pricks .. the whole lot of you. 10+ years ago I may have attacked everyone with a pulse. 

When this game was popular there was plenty of alliance breaking. I've been betrayed numerous times and broke alliances a few, I've managed dozens of kingdoms since then and fight with more honor than half the folks who play this. 

15:03:41 Jul 3rd 23 - The Sprout:

Its a war game ... I think its all part of the play :)  I enjoyed all of it.  I thank everyone
 who played a part of the fun good and bad over the yrs. o/

19:56:08 Jul 3rd 23 - Duke Caedus:

Is there a TL:DR version of the above? what's happened? 

22:37:54 Jul 5th 23 - Phat (Mr. Grimfuggah):

People making relations. Breaking relations. Expecting the negative image to not carry era to era. 

03:15:53 Jul 6th 23 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion of Virtue):

This is a role playing game. Sensitive ninnies bringing up 10-15 year old drama isn't worth the time to read. 

Role playing a mercenary group who clearly communicated that they are willing to work in exchange for payment. If someone gets their panties in a twist that they were attacked by said group and holds a multi era long grudge that's really sad. There is no fixing those types.

06:22:16 Jul 6th 23 - Duke Caedus:

I mean, if Wagner wasn't a lesson in how mercenaries act then I'm not sure what else is... ;) 

08:36:32 Jul 6th 23 - Prince Aisha:

You are mercenaries who will attack if they get paid, that group would not be trusted and attacked in real world cause they would be a threat to have nearby. In any role play world you would get attacked. And you are now complaining because people are doing exactly that?

08:43:53 Jul 6th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Kim Taehyung):

I can't claim to be familiar with how the mercs vs other kingdoms went, but the concept was fun, and they mostly stuck to it from what I could tell, was just a bit difficult to navigate for other kingdoms.

That said, comparing them to irl war criminals is a biiiiiiiiit much don't you think, Caedus?

12:09:26 Jul 6th 23 - Phat (Mr. Grimfuggah):

Lol, I don’t think he was comparing players to war criminals, just showing how Wagner literally just changed their mind mid war and started marching against their primary client. 

If that’s the case, why would anyone trust any merc group in game or irl. 

15:27:42 Jul 6th 23 - Duke Caedus:

haha I'm just trolling - I have no problem with Mercs. Sometimes they served well, other times we didn't want them near by and tried to remove them. 

21:19:42 Jul 6th 23 - Mr. Bullwinkle Moose:

If anyone has an in with Zeta, will you tell him to rework the mechanics for determining Most Fearsome Ruler? It's ludicrous for me to be listed second when I'm not an active combatant. I understand that "cities captured" can be important, but, the cities should be graded as to their difficulty in being taken over. Factor in size, number of DPs defeated, etc. to arrive at a true value for your victory. Maybe a running total score for your victories (including Battles), sciences attained, etc. can be implemented to determine your place on the list.

21:40:34 Jul 6th 23 - Mr. Existentialist:

Mr. Bullwinkle Moose:

If anyone has an in with Zeta, will you tell him to rework the mechanics for determining Most Fearsome Ruler? It's ludicrous for me to be listed second when I'm not an active combatant. I understand that "cities captured" can be important, but, the cities should be graded as to their difficulty in being taken over. Factor in size, number of DPs defeated, etc. to arrive at a true value for your victory. Maybe a running total score for your victories (including Battles), sciences attained, etc. can be implemented to determine your place on the list.

I noticed this myself I was third then bumped off with more kills than people on the board lol

16:09:44 Jul 19th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

I was annoying Existentialist by locking his army on my 200k knowing he was lying 340k per tick in upkeep  (117k or more troops, I tested it myself with an identical sized army).

It took about 100 ticks for his mission which ended in suicide at the gates. I've never had anyone kamikazee me before.

I'm at like 0 mil sci as I got drained by pestilence earlier and was retooling for magic.

Whatever he had did this damage.

For the sake of research is would like to know what kind of army was attacking and what the strength was.

I also know I had other armies and allies there defending me, so that likely factored in. I don't know what they lost.

My defenders had 88% a few ticks ago to attack and bounce but I was training to get up to a slaughter. 

07:55:43 - Our Guards successfully defend North Office. Gate Crashers lead by Mr. Existentialist assaulted North Office without remorse or retreat in mind! We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

07:55:43 - Gate Crashers lead by Mr. Existentialist assaulted North Office without remorse or retreat in mind! We lost 1 Swordsmen, 29309 Archers, 3981 Knights, 32844 Magicians, 1287 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle.

22:41:05 Jul 19th 23 - Mr. Existentialist:

Your math was wrong fyi lol, don't have exact numbers but you were a good bit off. 

Same as the amount of ticks it took me to travel, man you love to exaggerate. 

To be fair locking the gates was a stellar move, I can never position my army right and it happens atleast once or twice to me a round. Oh well 

"I was annoying Existentialist by locking his army on my 200k knowing he was lying 340k per tick in upkeep"

What lol when did I lie ? I didn't even reply to you I don't think 

03:37:13 Jul 20th 23 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion of Virtue):

I believe Bigfield chose the wrong word if you look at the context of the sentence. maybe "laying on"? But the point was he was saying your trapped army was costing you 340k gold per tick.

03:51:24 Jul 20th 23 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

I think I was trying to type losing and it autocorrected to lying.

An army of 117k troops hould be 340,000 upkeep per tick. That number is  fixed amount but scales higher if you have more troops .

I think it's true for all races regardless of troop composition. 

07:48:48 Jul 20th 23 - Mr. Existentialist:

I've no idea of how it's calculated to be fair, I'd I recall it was mostly T1+2 troops with a lot of mages but it was less than 340

23:33:15 Jul 20th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

I tried 117k archers and that's what it gave me for the upkeep for me at least. 

03:49:18 Aug 22nd 23 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc):

So this is how Pestilence do their diplomacy? First they let you believe that they are friendly with you and when you move out your army to attack a KD far away, they will easily send their troops to your not so defended cities as your main army is far away. What kind of idi0ts are them? Now I remember why I left the game years ago. Such bull$h1tS.

05:02:34 Aug 22nd 23 - The Oppressed:

 Only BS I see is coming on these forum crying over relations we don't have.  The only relations we gave this age is a MAP to Hammer after we defeated them oop.

      We don't just give relation out to every returning solo player, you been around long enough to know better then all this crap your slinging anyway.  Had you wanted confirmed relations you should of got them in the form of a nap or map instead of some casual chat u had with a pesti member our above mentioned relation with hammer is reason enough for actions.

06:11:50 Aug 22nd 23 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc):

What an idi0t.

18:31:36 Aug 22nd 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

I didn't cast Armageddon but I know at least I am voting for it.

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