Forums / In game politics / Congratz Karac

Congratz Karac
23:08:05 Aug 10th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

True , lost all respect for him. He can enjoy his so called allies feeded era win. 

23:36:29 Aug 10th 10 - Mr. Barny:

The fact that some people do not frown upon this is a testament to how shitty the VU community has become. 60+ players had LoS and could directly see Karac being fed cities and Exp all era long. Hell, some people (Karac, Lewatha, Zondervan, ect.) actually chose to even go so far as to either deny it or act like it wasn't happening, as if people couldn't just /whois their kingdom members to see that Kaka and others were feeding Karax Exp.

Farming the era win is one thing. It has happened forever. This is another. Shit, this just a whole new tier of pathetic. Someone is basically fed the era win using tactics that have been frowned upon for ages, and more than 1/2 the people who post in the thread congratulate him.

So, if I make a kingdom next era and drop like 30 multis into it, NAP everyone around me and use unkingdomed multis to feed myself and my kingdom the era win, would people congratulate me for that? It is barely even a step down from this.

23:48:28 Aug 10th 10 - Grumpy old Surrendermonkey:

Butters: Reputation? It's a pretty weak currency in this game if you ask me. A lot of people who cry "wolf" at this very moments either have done or would have done same/worse.

And if we step a bit further back, even if he wouldnt have fed, there would be people calling out that he did.

And another step back, i think TBL would have found a plausible (to him ofc) way to try to discredit the guy, even if the win was squeaky clean.

So just breathe in, breathe out, shrug, and move on. Karac won. His name is up there. Lamenting about wether its deserved or not is pointless. But ponder on this: a LOT of people were very willing to give up anything they had, just to make sure Fear didnt take the #1. What does that tell you about how fed up the community is with the Fear/Fate combo? I would say it speaks volumes.

23:49:05 Aug 10th 10 - Grumpy old Surrendermonkey:

Sorry, should probably use "community", due to the utter lack of a community feeling around these parts in the past few eras.

23:52:25 Aug 10th 10 - Mr. Xxpumpxx:


00:09:35 Aug 11th 10 - Duke Drakos:

Congrats Karac, you deserve and earned the win. Don't pay attention to the whiners, you have a few strikes against you in their eyes. 1st reason: your not Fate or Fear member, you took 10th on Fant as a Fear member last era and no one said a word against you. 2nd reason: your a Wolf, 3rd: your, gasp, an American.

 Karac, if your such a scrub and suck so bad, why have the so called good kingdoms been trying to get you in their Kingdom's for the last 3 years?

 For those in denial, Karac had the first horde this era, he was pushing Glad back on the east west, basically by himself, and if they hadn't NAP'd us, Karac would of pushed thru them. Anyone who was there knows this. He could walked up the West edge, then along the North, then along the East, but a NAP stopped that.

He was number 1 on the 3 lists that matter, HoH army, HoH ruler, and Most Fearsome well past the half way point, and he was NOT farming then. Every Fate and Fear army that I saw at the end didn't even match what he had at the halfway point.

 I have seen past winners farm and feed the whole era, and not much was said. Makes you wonder about the whiners and what their problems are. Besides the obvious problem of  having their head up their posteriors that is. Their ears must wiggle when they fart.


00:10:59 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

a LOT of people were very willing to give up anything they had, just to make sure Fear didnt take the #1. "

Glad to hear that we fucked up soo many ppl that they hate us so much <3

00:41:24 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Samual:

While everyone is reading this thread does anyone know who the previous leader of Domination is or even if he still plays as next era I am considering using the name Domination, though it has nothing to do with the old Domination, I just want to make a kingdom called Domination, so I want to check if it is all right with him if I do so before I make a kingdom called Domination = )

00:45:13 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

domination sucked anyways , go for it.

00:47:09 Aug 11th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

btw that him is a her and her name is Lewatha.

00:47:52 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Samual:

I just wanted to check with the VU community if it was all right as previously names have been used of former kingdoms and then the creator of the new kingdom is had a go at due to the fact the name was re-used and the previous creator did not want the name to be re-used

EDIT: Thanks Struddle I have messaged her so hopefully she will be able to get back to me with the answer I would like to see when she is on-line.

00:51:40 Aug 11th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

tbh samual if they arent still using the name it shouldnt really matter.  Call yourself Legacy or Carnage get some blood boiling =P

00:52:56 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Tasty After Dinner Mint:

Wouldnt it be easier to come up with your own name.. ;)

00:53:23 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Haha, I have still messaged just in case though thanks anyway = )

00:58:59 Aug 11th 10 - Grumpy old Surrendermonkey:

Radioactive: Thanks for making my point for me so eloquently... :) You are well loved for it.

01:02:37 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Does anyone know what time Lewetha is usually on-line so then I know whether it is worth waiting for a reply now or just going to do something and then coming back in a few hours or so ?? 

01:10:21 Aug 11th 10 - Sir Butters:

"this: a LOT of people were very willing to give up anything they had, just to make sure Fear didnt take the #1. What does that tell you about how fed up the community is with the Fear/Fate combo? I would say it speaks volumes."

It reinforces Barny's point :)

"The fact that some people do not frown upon this is a testament to how shitty the VU community has become"

01:14:02 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. William Eats Peanuts:

gratz karac :-)

01:16:48 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Samual:

If your fed up of the FEAR/FATE combo on Fantasia every era then why don't you find someone who can lead, find other people who are as annoyed about the combo as you are and then try and crush the FEAR/FATE combo. 

The only other option is is for you to try and convince both of the kingdoms to declare war on each other. If none of them options work then I would suggest just accepting that currently the FEAR/FATE combo is the dominant force on Fantasia every era till it can be opposed 

01:17:36 Aug 11th 10 - Grumpy old Surrendermonkey:

Butters: Dont you think Fear/Fate are part of that same community and that it's shaped by everyone playing the game? Throw the first stone...

01:21:14 Aug 11th 10 - Sir Butters:

I think for at least 2 eras now, they have made it pretty blunt they want to war each other :)  You keep taking that option out of their hands, don't blame them.

01:25:51 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Yep all is about winning under all circumstances.

And if most active and skilled players gather under one alliance, the rest will do whatever is needed to get at least once a piece of the cake, too ^^

01:33:23 Aug 11th 10 - Grumpy old Surrendermonkey:

Butters really? Have you not interfered in the war Fate had OOP you could have warred RR/Lulz and then Karac wouldnt have won. But you chose the usual way out, so don't try to put it on  our shoulders... :) We are/were one KD. And Fate are allegedly big boys.

01:35:44 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

Those Lulz/RRnubs were far from us that time. You were 48players or something like that , We saw u more of threat so warred u first , when rr/lulz came we warred them also.... rest you know.

10:34:45 Aug 11th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

as  Glads player i can say this...karac was all over us and was darn sneaky, jumping city to city and use of scouts like the best of them...making him darn hard to catch in the open.....i know because i was the mage trying to stop him. he wouldnt of got much further though, unless something changed because the gaps to the other cities were too large...he had too much open ground to cover with my magic easily being able to deal with him (IF I CAUGHT HIM). he was as very solid player and was truly kicking goals warring us...if some of his team mates pushed as well we would have been in trouble but i only really saw briefcase and drakos mostly.

having said that, the end of the era is disappointing but there is a certain philosophy in life "everything is leagl until you get caught".....our numbers at era end are not based on legitimate armies but are based on spamming troops in the last 2 weeks at the very minimum and maybe feeding etc as well....i watched a fear player with some decent cities get booted and then tbl plunder those cities again and could ask questions about that too...where is the line drawn? and as mentioned previously when snack wrap won it without fighting but he did have the good grace to say he didnt deserve it. it is annoying that halfers are choosing to war allies etc for experience to get sciences rather than fight for it...but it gives me some comfort that many who beat did not do so with legitimate skill...this is testamount by the people i did beat(this era) who are my equal or better and just luck and tactics come into play. not sure what's zeta's answer is for this,,,

11:07:53 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Holy Heffer:

Grats Karac ... imo, yu just won "Nerd" of the era award

spending countless hours and sleepless nights playing some game that other then the ingame HoH, is Nothing!! haha, just make me feel pity for you ...

Prolly another fat guy without a job living in mommy's basement

My only advice, Get a life!

11:21:06 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Shawty:


Wow Holy Heffer, tell it like it is more?? You have my props, that actually made me laugh

And I quote "Prolly another fat guy without a job living in mommy's basement" < lol owned?

12:14:04 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. The Inactive:

It's quite disapointed to see so much whinning from Fear and Fate players about feeding, when most of us saw how 2-3 Fear players with large cities where helped out of their KD and then the Fear flag re-appeared on their cities. Isn't that feeding?

And those of you part of large KDs who think high of yourself and low about Karac, think again (isn't your KD who is supporting you? would you any chance to win on a 1 vs 1, against a highly skilled player?).

Obviously Karac may not deserve the victory, because he was fed, but you guys (who were fed as well) should not be the ones to contest it. However, Karac played a good fighting game (as long as he fought), which should be added as a debit on his account.

12:19:27 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. The Inactive:

To avoid confusion - I'm Glad the Inactive

15:03:07 Aug 11th 10 - Wolflord Karac:

I live in my mom's basement? She'll be glad to find out, she thought it was rats :)

As far as sleepless nights, I think not. I was only ingame about 2-3 hours per day max. But oh well, I guess I was 'owned' with some 5th grade retort. Yawn. And more Yawn.

Try becomming successful in life, then come talk to me :)

15:24:40 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Jelly:

I live in my mom's basement? She'll be glad to find out, she thought it was rats :)

No you don't Karac, so I'm afraid she's still got rats :(

What Heffer did was use deductive reasoning.  He looked around and thought:

"I'm a fat kid who lives in his mom's basement, all my supporters on here are fat kids who live in my mom's basement.  Golly,  that must mean that Karac's a fat kid who lives in his mom's basement cos I can't see him in mine!"

15:35:43 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Garret Jax:


15:44:39 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Tasty After Dinner Mint:

20:14:04 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. The Inactive:

It's quite disapointed to see so much whinning from Fear and Fate players about feeding,

One Fate player so far...

17:58:54 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

Says a lot about the type of ilk of player that was involved in this farming/feeding debacle, when Lewatha is banned.

18:14:23 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Scipio:

Might not be a plausible win but of that I have nought to say, under the circumstance though I personally cannot see nore make any comparison to Mr. Chipotle Snack Wrap of Foundations legitimate farming win  posted in support of your win I did personally see some of the same thing you are accused of happening in the Fear camp and know it to have happened virtually all over in varying degrees,
... so ...

... Con-Gratz Karak !! :D

18:50:58 Aug 11th 10 - Wolflord Karac:

Well Swifty, its a good thing I wasn't banned :) Thank you for letting me know I'm above that ilk ;)

19:04:07 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

Nice to see we're on first name terms now, Farmlord. Maybe you should impose a self-ban upon yourself and join Lewatha, out of shame.

19:13:02 Aug 11th 10 - Wolflord Karac:

No Swifty, I think I'll still play, I need to catch you in era wins...... wait...... nvm......

19:16:53 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

Oh I agree. You've built yourself quite a reputation.

Defeater of LGC
Leader of the mighty BoW
Deserved era winner

You're a legend around these parts.

19:19:41 Aug 11th 10 - Wolflord Karac:

As are you swift, as are you....

05:30:43 Aug 12th 10 - Loser Iddqd The Final Era:

Yo yo yo, TBL here :P Greetings from Shanghai :P

No comment on Karac's win..... except to say he never fought a Fear player on the battlefield :P :P

With regards to Grandfather Raistlin, I only have to comment that as was said before, we in Fear knew Karac was going to win regardless of whether he was fed or not :) (the fact that you had to feed him up just amuses the heck out of me :P) For several of us Fear players, what was important was smashing DOA into the ground.... AGAIN.... and not letting scumbags like you / them win :)

And ultimately, even if Fear did not win, we had a legitimate shot at it under legitimate chances :) The likes of Crissxcross, Raistlin, etc. all know that they would never have beaten Fear one on one under fair circumstances, and with the disbanding of Fear and the retirement of most of its players, will never ever have the chance anymore :)

So to Crissxcross, Raistlin, rest of DOA - suffer this ignominy :)

To the rest of our enemies (except for Glads) - sorry, you guys barely registered a blip on our "strongest enemies" scale. Not worth a mention :)

To Lewatha - Agent Smith and Saint Paul look back upon your actions with a big smile :)

05:33:49 Aug 12th 10 - Loser Iddqd The Final Era:

Also, just a little reminder to Crissxcross, he who forced DB to disband :P

My kingdom and I smashed you once when you were in Phi during the enjoined worlds :) My kingdom and I smashed you again last era eventhough we were greatly outnumbered :) And this era, you got smashed bigtime again :)

The great Crissxcross, he who made DB disband, gets raped by a loser and never gets his revenge :P

13:30:33 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Cxc:

Muhahahaha, you make me laugh.

I never thought I am that great, so comparing you with me won't make you greater, sry dude.

And if I have been that great, I have to tell ya you missed my active times. I have grown up and other things to do but playing each era with full activity...And if I do, after 2-3 weeks I get bored, no kidding.

So comparing my former archievements with my current performance is lacking validity.

But if you really want to achieve great things then do this:

Join one of those small kingdoms who landed accidantly in fantasia with 15-20 players who most are inactive and a few semiactive players who have a some exp but a busy RL.

Then make sure no1 is able to freeze a 100k army
and make sure that you have at least one betrayer in your kingdom who will rip you up from inside.

If you are then able to survive with that in fantasia and without naping all your friends, calling them for HELP like a baby,

THEN you play on your own and THEN

you get my respect,

but not for that kind of stuff you are doing here. It's good performance, but not really impressive.

Well another way to impress me would be if you talk with me in my mouther tounge. But I doubt you would sound as intelectuel as you do atm when you have to speak a foreign language =P.
But well it's just a guese I am looking foward tosee you to teach me wrong

14:11:42 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Cxc:

Oh wait, you're gone....

Well who cares anyway.
I am pretty sure you wouldn't have been able to change my oppinion about you anyway ^^

15:30:57 Aug 12th 10 - Grumpy old Surrendermonkey:


as i predicted, TBL crying in his pillow... :)


07:03:52 Aug 13th 10 - Loser Iddqd The Final Era:

Sorry Crissypoo, I destroyed you before when you were fully active :) I still remember your huge Phi archmage army that got frozen and then bitchslapped by Fate. Then your whole kingdom getting slapped all the way. Made you quit the game for a few eras ^_^

Crissxcross, ultimately, you think I am a piece of shit, I think you are a piece of shit, the only difference between us are the results :)

Grandfather Raistlin.... gets bitchslapped by Fordius, gets bitchslapped by Path, gets bitchslapped by me. So who will make you their bitch next? :P

Anyway, you DB / Juicy / DOA / whateverthefuckyournameisnow beyatches can enjoy your Fantasia now *waves* :)

12:10:41 Aug 13th 10 - Mr. Cxc:

The differences between us two is,

I can handle a defeat, you not =P

12:34:52 Aug 13th 10 - Sir Jesus Left Toe:

Well done Karac, anyone who beats me on most powerful army, deserves the era win.

(To all of those out there who disagree, my army was 2nd, so you can stick it where the sun don't shine... (except for on nudist beaches)... :P )


13:33:11 Aug 13th 10 - Sir Sexy Kool:

looks like i deserve the era win then toe because im pretty sure my army was far stronger then yours...

13:36:37 Aug 13th 10 - Mr. Jellybean:

Congrats Karac, your a good player and deserved it, dont listen to the bitchy whiners.

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