Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 89

Valhalla 89
18:43:48 Aug 22nd 23 - Duke Caedus:

GG all - very active era, well done. 

  1. Captain Kim Taehyung has won 104 battles, captured 72 cities and killed a total of 3432276 men and women.
  2. Dark Lord For Valhalla has won 73 battles, captured 49 cities and killed a total of 2425029 men and women.
  3. Lord Horus has won 73 battles, captured 45 cities and killed a total of 2621788 men and women.
  4. Mr. Gemonio The Gem has won 39 battles, captured 29 cities and killed a total of 441161 men and women.
  5. Ms. Jennaside has won 32 battles, captured 23 cities and killed a total of 1072171 men and women.
  6. Mr. Might Guy has won 21 battles, captured 21 cities and killed a total of 331249 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Your character Duke Caedus has won 32 battles, captured 16 cities and killed a total of 407596 men and women

13:21:31 Sep 27th 23 - HorusPanic (Prince Malachite II):

wow, i worked pretty hard to finish with less than 40k land...

15:07:08 Sep 27th 23 - Dark Lord Anewbis:

I feel like I contributed roughly 2 million of your  kills

23:34:51 Oct 4th 23 - King Perilous:

What's the courtesy for Mercy Armageddon?

I don't know who is left or how far flung their holdings are. 

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Elves7Captain Alith Anar528
Pestilence5The Oppressed128
Hammer and Shield8Mr. Bigfield100
Aquila5Lord Arc81
Albatross7Duke Caedus66
Kingdom of Heaven7Lord Blue Dog32
Whisper8Lady Jasmine31
Pink Fairy Armadillos1Mr. Gemonio Lonely Gem26

14:04:52 Oct 5th 23 - Mr. Existentialist:

+1 arma 

21:09:27 Oct 5th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

I dropped again. Will Arma or me leaving protection happen first? 

Only time will tell. 

23:59:10 Oct 5th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Alith Anar):

If it doesn't happen, please blame Pesti, thank you <3

03:03:44 Oct 6th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Why would I blame pesti? 

Elves has occupied the top four with no or only momentary exception for almost a month now, with occupying the most powerful kingdom spots for the entire era, and has still put powered any other kingdom by a factor of four.

What's left to prove this era? 

04:09:14 Oct 6th 23 - The Oppressed:

Pesti only has two players that spawned this age.  We don't even have enough to stop a arma vote.  But you can blame us all you want .   We will fight tell we die or arma succeeds.

09:32:08 Oct 6th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Alith Anar):

Because we were finally about to actually kill HnS and arma but now we have 150k Pesti catas in our core lmao

13:49:08 Oct 6th 23 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

cast anyways

14:29:15 Oct 6th 23 - Dark Lord Thranduil:

We're letting others play too, if we cast now we go on a 10 day countdown. It's likely better if we cast it later for an instant vote 

15:03:46 Oct 6th 23 - Jarl (Mr. Might Guy):

Arma vote-

YES - 1
NO  - 0

20:37:16 Oct 6th 23 - King Perilous:

Don't see a vote. But I'd be yes 2 no 0. I don't know anyone outside of elves who voted no.

If you have to protect your core cant protect all of it by voting yes?

04:46:10 Oct 7th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Common sense has prevailed

11:28:09 Oct 7th 23 - Dark Lord Thranduil:

Isn't it amazing? Good thing arma got cancelled before because we'd have about 7 more days to wait 

13:45:55 Oct 7th 23 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

Did anything in the top five rankings change a single iota? 

Could have been done days ago with the same steamrolled result. 

14:25:31 Oct 7th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Child Elf):

Actually. Yes. It did change. 

16:26:36 Oct 7th 23 - Jarl (Mr. Might Guy):

I suicided my army and it took me off of HoH. That way there couldn't be excuse of dragging it out lol I've been inactive all Era.

17:15:42 Oct 7th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Child Elf):

That was absolutely not expected.  Just because you “farmed all era, you’re fine. If no one challenged you that’s on them!

17:28:28 Oct 7th 23 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

Were you in the top four places? It's been elves the last several weeks. 


I suicided my army and it took me off of HoH. That way there couldn't be excuse of dragging it out lol I've been inactive all Era.

17:46:13 Oct 7th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Alith Anar):

bigfield i think you might be projecting your own tendency to finish too early onto VU, please talk it out with your wife instead.

17:48:42 Oct 7th 23 - Jarl (Mr. Might Guy):


That was absolutely not expected.  Just because you “farmed all era, you’re fine. If no one challenged you that’s on them!

That's why I did it. Plus would've been funny to win on a 6% chance lol

21:58:52 Oct 7th 23 - Dark Lord Thranduil:

sacrificing my body also knocked me off 1st place, in turn giving it to someone else. 

02:08:58 Oct 9th 23 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

A decade of marriage speaks for itself. The main problem communicated is not bedroom related, but in fact time spent checking VU. 


bigfield i think you might be projecting your own tendency to finish too early onto VU, please talk it out with your wife instead.

14:47:21 Oct 9th 23 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion):

Konspyre , bigfield is a man of peace no need for personal attacks 


16:20:17 Oct 9th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Moff Moff):

+1 to what BL said. Jasper just being salty? Dun matter. That damn clan won again. :) wish someone would show up to play. 

16:22:38 Oct 9th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

No personal attacks to be seen, but i guess it's easy to get upset if getting upset is your goal

16:23:27 Oct 9th 23 - HorusPanic (Mr. Addicted):

i'm here to plan... down with the clan!

20:23:11 Oct 9th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):


No personal attacks to be seen, but i guess it's easy to get upset if getting upset is your goal

I dunno man, you claimed pretty intimate knowledge of intimacy between my wife and I.

At least own up to it rather than weirdly deflecting. 

21:01:29 Oct 9th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

Ah damn yeah i was trying to hide the existence of the cameras, my bad

21:12:01 Oct 9th 23 - Mr. Igniz Parci:

Spycamera kinky



No personal attacks to be seen, but i guess it's easy to get upset if getting upset is your goal

I dunno man, you claimed pretty intimate knowledge of intimacy between my wife and I.

At least own up to it rather than weirdly deflecting. 

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