Forums / In game politics / Valhalla Era 95

Valhalla Era 95
18:39:19 Mar 11th 24 - Mr. Moctezuma:

"casually comparing others to an aggressive nation committing war crimes is a pretty good way to make sure others know you're in the wrong lol"

That makes no sense but I got my point out and I'm done with this thread

18:52:50 Mar 11th 24 - Professor Picklerickprofessor:

Mr. Moctezuma:

"casually comparing others to an aggressive nation committing war crimes is a pretty good way to make sure others know you're in the wrong lol"

That makes no sense but I got my point out and I'm done with this thread

Imagine taking the game so seriously that you would tie outside events to it. This game is not for you if you are going that deep in comparing your enemies to a mini Stalin. None of us are Putin. None of us want to be Putin and yet, you have 0 remorse in calling your enemies Putin. Weirdo.

19:51:20 Mar 11th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

I do be pootin

19:51:23 Mar 11th 24 - Mr. Bevoi Brewborn:

Got a couple chuckles reading this, thanks guys. 

In regards to losing I don't care personally. It went exactly as I expected it would go, seeing as we were playing super seriously with low mining and high magic as dwarves. 

20:47:42 Mar 11th 24 - Phat (Lord Crados):

Best damn dwarf casters this side of Fantasia! We had fun, we're not all riled up over it. 

It's wild how aggressively the community can get involved in a conflict that they're not even witness to! 

20:57:20 Mar 11th 24 - Mr. Rick Sanchez:

14:47:42 Mar 11th 24 - Phat (Lord Crados):

Best damn dwarf casters this side of Fantasia! We had fun, we're not all riled up over it. 

It's wild how aggressively the community can get involved in a conflict that they're not even witness to! 

Hey man! I have rights to speak up. 1st Amendment Rights of VU LMAO

13:47:11 Mar 17th 24 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Is the era decided? Does anyone think current top kingdom might lose this? 

We have magic 9 and so does Gem I think. Arma should be easy. What are thoughts on ending and starting over?

We are good with 10 days countdown as well as insta end. What about you guys?

16:14:33 Mar 17th 24 - Princess Yasmina:

We do not want to hold the map hostage so we're down for Arma.

If anyone is against it please let us know, we can plan for an insta end. 
What I would like to request is arma cast in EU morning, so by time its voted it would be US morning, EU afternoon and Asian/Aussie evening. 

16:44:39 Mar 17th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

Let’s do it. Insta end!

18:05:27 Mar 17th 24 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

Sir Hills Have Eyes:

I did leave kd to take out inactive members Hamish style, I do deserve the bad rep. Being called Ivanho is pushing it a bit. 

You have no clue who Ivanho is, neither have you played with him, or with me because I'm Ivanho. I did went multi several times & got banned like everyone else. Many good players got banned for multi & came back. Just the fact that you heard of me, says how big player i was back then because I've never heard of you. So stop imaging me as weak player. 

Konstant it feels really good that you're so scared of me still. I just hope that you don't get a heart disease from this panic attacks every ear man, i meant it. Hopefully this will help unless your condition got very deep,- I'm no longer playing or at least as long as hundreds of players spawn on map. Even if i play in future I'll no longer be cheating because i also got tired of this, and have little time to spare these days, i guess your curses worked. Kindly stop thinking every player is me, if you see someone suspicious then it's definitely not me so that player can be dangerous, do report to admin asap about him. 

I'm glad i checked the forum back, was loads of fun to see my name or should i say my ghost in my absence for few years at least. 

02:19:48 Mar 18th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):


16:35:25 Mar 19th 24 - Sir Ghostfaces:

Is it ok to try arma now?

17:10:25 Mar 19th 24 - Woody (Lord Woody):

No complaints from me, eager for a new era start :)

12:36:41 Mar 20th 24 - Mr. Liubartas:

I can Arma if everyone agrees. Not like last era 😓

14:47:53 Mar 20th 24 - Sir Ghostfaces:

I failed 4 arna attempts

You try as well, lets all vote quickly

18:43:10 Mar 20th 24 - Mr. Gem Arma Dillo:

I had 3 fails. I am training more MUs 

16:28:34 Mar 21st 24 - Professor Somehowidiedandthatsweird:

Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 11 people want the age to end, 1 do not, and 21 people have not voted.

Thats cool, thanks for the 1 do not vote.

17:41:53 Mar 21st 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

Congrats Jas and Co! 

17:42:23 Mar 21st 24 - Lady Jasmina:

Good era everyone :) On to the next :)

18:09:49 Mar 21st 24 - Mr. Dead Soon:

I think that's the first era I've gone through in quite some time where no dragons or plague was cast.

18:25:00 Mar 21st 24 - Mr. Ghostish:

No dragons but plague was casted by Pox last few hours of the era

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