Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 51

Fantasia 51
05:12:03 Oct 11th 17 - Mr. Torienthos The Ranger:

I think someone mentioned near the start of the era, maybe bling, that it was going to be the south vs the north this era. 

05:30:24 Oct 11th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

Turned out it was MAD vs Everyone else.

You really that scared?? seriously lol. buttfcuksh1trags.  Alba are happy they managed to finally win against 3 players lol.

06:09:22 Oct 11th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Meaty Orc):

You farmers haha

Hovel III
Mr. Von Darkmor

Mr. Knigh

Mr. Aussie

New City
Prince Chade

08:05:01 Oct 11th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Bling you spend your time breaking naps cfs and trash talking everyone and talking about how your going to kill them all easily. Why are you suprised that no one wanted peace with mad?

08:46:15 Oct 11th 17 - Duke Chade The Pink Snake:

07:09:22 Oct 11th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Meaty Orc):

You farmers haha

Hovel III
Mr. Von Darkmor

Mr. Knigh

Mr. Aussie

New City
Prince Chade


you know how it is mate :D we are all too lazy to move out :D

09:49:10 Oct 11th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

again, i've never broken a nap because i never made one.

secondly, the cf with alba was broken after one player prepped two cities.
so when you can prove any broken nap, come talk, cause aby has hosted multi's for years, but thats fine... right?

10:18:30 Oct 11th 17 - Mr. Balgruuf Vanguard:

Multies can be easily spotted if Zeta looks at it. Caz they have to transfer ress via market n that can be checked from Acoount History. 😂😂 Just keep an eye on Market, see anyone selling stones  over 0.98-1.5, take screenshot, pm Zeta with pic ❤❤🐴 

10:25:39 Oct 11th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Aby hasn't been around for years and if we had multi we wouldn't be so inactive but nice comeback

11:30:45 Oct 11th 17 - Prince Chade:

i can vouch for aby not having any multies, cause ive played & know most of them guys ... among all other things, we play on the same minecraft server...those of you who think aby has multies - you are wrong!

11:42:43 Oct 11th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

And for a guy who keeps telling everyone fuck you bitches, what makes you think i would make a nap with anyone to break... slagbitches. 

12:01:29 Oct 11th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Meaty Orc):

I like your insults bling I feel like you read shakespeare

12:50:21 Oct 11th 17 - Prince Chade:

...he created shakespeare, bruv :D

13:39:21 Oct 11th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

yep, and I also created feckers, and everyone of your kd's has a fecker ready to raise their middle finger to you.

13:41:31 Oct 11th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

17:59:41 Oct 11th 17 - Mr. Balgruuf Vanguard:

I doubt Aby has any multies either caz i was a member of Aby in their 1st era ❤❤❤ n they're good bunch of guys 💖👍. Was just saying how to track multi, so no one accuse anyone without reasons.

20:59:27 Oct 11th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Wears Sombreros):

01:56:43 Oct 12th 17 - Knigh (Mr. Dragon Reborn):

Just like to point out I'm not wih them :)

Duke Chade The Pink Snake:

07:09:22 Oct 11th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Meaty Orc):

You farmers haha

Hovel III
Mr. Von Darkmor

Mr. Knigh

Mr. Aussie

New City
Prince Chade


you know how it is mate :D we are all too lazy to move out :D

01:59:06 Oct 12th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

too fat to move more like it

02:02:20 Oct 12th 17 - Knigh (Mr. Dragon Reborn):

I'll come move down with u bling 😁

02:05:13 Oct 12th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

come down... we having a gang bang. always good for some exercise

11:10:40 Oct 12th 17 - Prince Chade:

02:59:06 Oct 12th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

too fat to move more like it


Ye mate, i have a personal towing machine to move me around cause im like 17 tones

11:24:29 Oct 12th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

17:32:35 Oct 12th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Meaty Orc):

18:53:20 Oct 12th 17 - McMax (Mr. Contra Ventum Maximus):

Ohhhh no.

It's not DT thinking he is Spiderman, that people looks at...... no????

07:08:22 Oct 13th 17 - Ms. Nina:

I find this era very interesting, so many armies, many kingdoms at a small portion of the map fighting each other. Have not had this experience in a while, its quite fun to go for an attack, but then notice bunch of armies from other kingdom, then pulling back. But then noticing they go attack your other enemy, and now you wonder is it better to let them kill each other, or maybe try to take cities while risking killing some of your armies. Always watching what your enemies are doing, trying to react in best way possible. Thinking is it better to let them kill eachother to weaken themselves, but then on the other hand you do not want one enemy to take too much spoils. Decisions, decision.

Good thing is that none of you farmers got nothing on me, I would still beat all of you in a one on one fight even after all this time you had to farm while I was killing people :P (*pats herself on the back*)

Not to mention this map is taking way too much time, so I give less attention to my kingdom on Valhalla, and thats lame. Valhalla > Fanta

07:35:40 Oct 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

lol, you farmed for 2 weeks :P

07:49:42 Oct 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

No farming involved

Bling The Puppy Killer has won 18 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 323368 men and women

08:13:55 Oct 13th 17 - Ms. Nina:

I farmed for 2 weeks? 

I have most kills on the map fool

Your character Ms. Nina has won 14 battles, captured 11 cities and killed a total of 487914 men and women

08:16:46 Oct 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

you farmed for weeks, rest of your kd did the oop wars.

only time you showed on most fearsome was when u killed sprout 150k halfer famers lol.

08:24:01 Oct 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

you gonna try explain that this looks like an unfarmed OOP army lol

pull the next one.

Through the eye we can see this information about The Merge from Ms. Nina:
Merge from Ms. Nina

13:51:57 Oct 13th 17 - Prince Chade:

Someone farmed for two weeks?  I fcking farmed since start... Sue me!

18:03:00 Oct 13th 17 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Noble):

No problems. I have the tax-autorities to look at you.

18:38:27 Oct 13th 17 - King Justanius Fontainius XXXIX:

farmed up a pretty nice army too. 

20:38:51 Oct 13th 17 - Ms. Kitana:

You started the post nicely, Nina, describing the fun we are having this era. But then you pulled Bling on us by bragging and ruined the post. You should always let others speak highly of you, never do what Bling does. Do not put yourself on his level. 

By the way, anyone who thinks Troll can dominate Orcs and Halfers the way she did without a bit of farming is a fool. Her cities are located in east and she defended against portion of Aloys troops in the east, and as soon as he was handled she was able to farm maybe two days to finish her cities and start working on that army. Fact is she did have armies at oop, and we would still be fighting Sprout and others if Nina did not have that army. 

In addition, Bling saying Sprout had 100k farmers is just proof Bling is a douche. Sprout had a good combination of Ponies and Advents and he played his role in the war very well no matter what Bling says.

21:34:01 Oct 13th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

aloy and i been going battle by battle with Hanky and Eros from word go.
Sprout spammed farmers in his cities :P  all halfers do when under attack.

02:23:37 Oct 14th 17 - Sir Aloysius LXXXII:

Afaik, that troll army only joined the fun two weeks at most after OOP. 

Halfers spammed a lot of GTs...just what Hanky, Lewatha and Osi did this era. 

02:42:50 Oct 14th 17 - Ms. Kitana:

You could expect Bling to write lies and stuff on forums
But when Mad leader does the same, what can you expect from such a kingdom?

Nina started  her attacks on the 5th of Oct, in the west, while she was liberating and defending cities on the east prior to that. Just to put a little proof of her having the Berserkers even on the 5th and 6th is the aotd I casted on after one of her battles.

00:27:23 Oct 7th 17 - Ms. Nina:

26% casts are always fun to get :P
My Zerks are back :)

Todays news
Ms. Kitana cast a spell upon us... Casting Army of the dead from Little Ones upon Merge with 26% chance of success...some of the troops in Merge that had died in battle were brought back to life!

03:45:15 Oct 14th 17 - Mr. Lizard The Ogre Master:

There is no need to argue with Bling, I tried and noticed there is no point.
Just think about this: How much do you care what he says?
So if you do not care about what he says, just ignore the guy, like most do :)

05:04:04 Oct 14th 17 - Mr. Uwer:

You won this one, Chade. I got murdered.

06:10:54 Oct 14th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

its not a problem. im having loads of fun fighting multiple fronts. Numbers in the end will take their toll, but 300k dead and counting.

09:44:51 Oct 14th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Wears Sombreros):

10:57:01 Oct 14th 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

*wakes up a bit groggy*  

*goes to check % of prep*
*clicks attack instead of close by mistake*

sums up my era so far :(

13:30:06 Oct 14th 17 - Prince Chade:

06:04:04 Oct 14th 17 - Mr. Uwer:

You won this one, Chade. I got murdered.


Oh no!!! Who will I kill now? :(

04:21:28 Oct 15th 17 - Sir Aloysius LXXXII:

"Afaik, that troll army only joined the fun two weeks at most after OOP. 

Halfers spammed a lot of GTs...just what Hanky, Lewatha and Osi did this era. "

What's wrong with this reply? Did you know the acronym AFAIK. 

Ah, I know now. Another fabricated and mind conditioning post from someone who justify their righteousness, huh. Ok, I can't disagree with that, especially with the majority believing on a story they heard from one side of the coin. 

Tsk tsk. people judges others without even knowing both sides of the story. This is what this eras VU is, for me. See you next era. 

04:48:38 Oct 15th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Meaty Orc):

We get it you need to sell wood. Am I suppose to + this for Rp though??? I need answers!?!?!?!?!?!

Mr. Pandamits (10/14/2017 5:02:57 PM) GOODBAD
ty for shopping at panda mart today. 100% of the money from your purchase goes towards helping pandas build a better kingdom and stockpile bamboo.

every 8 hours there will be 400-600k on the market at the lowest price. be sure not to miss this opportunity ^,^

good luck and have fun with your kingdom

06:53:49 Oct 15th 17 - Ms. Jasmine:

Aloy are you really saying people judge before knowing both sides of the story? Are you saying you and Bling did not break the CFs? 

The era it happened, people from DR complained and you wrote on forums you attacked so other enemy would not get those cities. That explanation does not justify breaking of a nap, just shows greed. And you can't say its a lie cause you are the one who wrote about it. 

Then soon after Bling steals sciences breaking CF again, first he says he does not have the CF cause he did not sign it himself. And that he does not care about CFs. Lot later possibly after you guys talked, he now claims he stole sciences from CF partner cause it was preparing on his kd city. That again does not justify breaking of CF. Stealing sciences is breaking CF, preparing attack on city without attacking is not breaking of CF. 

There, you have both sides of the story now, and people can judge the way they want. This is not speculation, all info came from what was written on forums. 

06:54:59 Oct 15th 17 - The Real Josh (Archangel Personn):

I have nothing to add here just posted in the wrong tab....

00:33:49 Oct 16th 17 - Mr. Torienthos The Ranger:

Cognitive disssonance

00:39:18 Oct 16th 17 - Mr. Ignis Von Claus:


00:41:32 Oct 16th 17 - Mr. Bling The Puppy Killer:

I do whatever I want. And yeah, prepping a city twice after being told to stop prepping a city is a breach of a CF.

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