Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
03:53:14 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Bloody Sabbath:

what are you talking about?... what is good once a month? and he put a Z on the end so he could remake it.  If you didnt notice theres 2 kingdoms on seperate maps.

04:02:44 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Justin:

that Z is pissing me off. Im gonna see if ZeTa will change it for me this weekend.

22:27:18 Mar 10th 09 - Sir Deadpool:

Sir Death Proof


3/9/2009 10:46:57 PM

Deadpool didn't say so I will.......


You stole my line Death Proof :-p

22:49:49 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Hel The Sunshine:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Angels
Members: 23
Tag: A
Created: 2/26/2009 12:23:54 AM
Leader: Mr. Hel The Sunshine


Yo Yo Yo!!!
Angels Are Back From Our Long Long Rest.
You Bet You Got To Join Us.

We Are Accepting Ex-Angels Members Late In Joining Us,And We Accept New Members.


If you are intrested in join us plz send an application stating:
-How many eras you have been playing
-What kds you have been in
-How often you are online
-Why do you want to join us



23:26:43 Mar 13th 09 - Mr. Justin:

wow from 32 to 23. What did you do to piss em off?

18:06:20 Mar 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

lost them as fast as they took them in eh..?

23:02:32 Mar 19th 09 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

lols, sunshine was an inexperienced leader and got attacked out of nowhere from RET.  a lot of members that joined from ROME got discouraged and left.  also, sunshine started unessary wars that put many members at risk.  i got to admit, i laughed when i saw that.  from 4-32-23 in like a week :)

22:00:12 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Biondi:

Recruiting for next Era

Romanum Imperium

Kingdom Banner

Name: Romanum Imperium
Members: 5
Tag: Rome
Created: 2/6/2009 1:26:30 AM
Leader: Mr. Biondi


Barbarbians are fast approaching our gates, but how shall they be tamed? This is the question that the men and women of the old Republic must ask as they forge a new Roman Imperium. Rome accepts and values all the ancient races of humans, elves, halflings, trolls, and orcs. The talents of each will be necessary to create and extend a new civilized order out amongst barbarous tribes and despots wreaking havoc on the innocent. Some fiefdoms will be amenable to our reason and politics. Others being slaves to their own greed, vanity, and blood thirst will resist the peace that we offer. Succumbing to baser instincts, they will try to sack our cities and plunder our resources through force and aggression. We will, of course, retaliate against these savages and their hordes. We will divide and conquer their ruling classes, assimilating the nobler of their kind while driving away the unrepentant. In the end, their tyrannical rulers will know Roman justice as their ill-begotten wealth and power wither before their eyes and they are left to wander through the wilderness alone.

If you enjoy camaraderie, politics, and history, join us and help forge a new Roman Imperium. We strive to be an egalitarian and ordered society honoring the mores maiorum, i.e. best customs of our ancestors. Role-playing is therefore appreciated (though not required). In general, we welcome all players who desire to have a good time. Of course, we need experienced players who are skilled in warfare and diplomacy. However, we are also committed to helping all new players who pledge to be active members.

To join, send an application with the following information:

(1) Name / Race
(2) Experience (include former aliases/KDs)
(3) Estimated Activity Level (logins/week)
(4) Brief description of your skills/talents and proposed role in kingdom (e.g. soldier, leadership, diplomat).

Once accepted, look up and follow the New Roman Citizen Guide in the Kingdom Forum.

Leader: Mr. Biondi

01:44:11 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Ithuriel The Archangel:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Angels
Members: 5
Tag: A
Created: 2/26/2009 12:23:54 AM
Leader: Mr. Ithuriel The Archangel


We Are Accepting Ex-Angels Members Late In Joining Us,And We Accept New Members.


If you are intrested in join us plz send an application stating:
-How many eras you have been playing
-What kds you have been in
-How often you are online
-Why do you want to join us


03:20:16 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Hel The Sunshine:

Royal Order Of Lynus

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal Order Of Lynus
Members: 2
Created: 3/28/2009 3:08:28 AM
Leader: Mr. Hel The Sunshine


We had been summoned from past, year 500(b.z).We had been summoned here in this future, to follow,protect our leader Lynus
in the year 1,200(a.z).

We are accepting new players to the game,
if you want to join fill in your app with the following:
-Why you want to join us?
-How many time you will stay with us?
-Past names and eras.
-Prefered Race.
-You favourite gamstyle(RP-DEFENSIVE-OFFENSIVE-MAGE).


18:24:05 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Struddle:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Dynasty
Members: 1
Tag: DSY
Created: 3/28/2009 1:37:20 AM
Leader: Sir Struddle


This kingdom was formed to stand up against all. Fighting is what this kingdom is based on. I look to take over an entire world be it Fantasia or not. This kingdom will own a world. Even the mightiest of enemies can come from the smallest of places.

If placing an application please answer the following;

1. Era"s played
2. Past Kingdoms
3. Preferred Race
4. Favorite cookie ^_^


22:36:48 Mar 28th 09 - Commander Aligreat:


Kingdom Banner

Members: 5
Created: 3/28/2009 5:52:22 PM
Leader: Commander Aligreat


Its all good baby baby


Looking for committed players. Send a leader a message about yourself

22:41:01 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Bran:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Chocolate
Members: 6
Tag: Choc
Created: 3/28/2009 2:14:36 AM
Leader: Mr. Bran

apply for us if you like chocolate and want to join a kingdom who are better than Juicy

22:57:05 Mar 28th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

Apply for chocolate if you like chocolate or your enjoy fail kingdoms. But if you want to join a kingdom who are better than Juicy your gonna have to wait untill we remake Dark Blood. In the mean time. Join JUICY


Kingdom Banner

Members: 6
Created: 3/28/2009 5:52:22 PM
Leader: Commander Aligreat


Its all good baby baby




23:04:06 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Bran:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Chocolate
Members: 6
Tag: Choc
Created: 3/28/2009 2:14:36 AM
Leader: Mr. Bran

apply, we rock

14:45:41 Mar 29th 09 - Mr. Acerf:

can someone nominate me please? i want to create a KD

21:32:17 Mar 29th 09 - Mr. Acerf:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Torment
Members: 1
Tag: Tor
Created: 3/29/2009 3:42:57 PM
Leader: Mr. Acerf

where to start, where to start...

umm... join me :) we're heading wherever the wind will blow us. Experienced players only

what's so new about the KD... is that im the leader :D but seriously plan is to have few to no relations, instigate fear in everyone around us, do whatever the h#ll we want :)

so again experienced players are invited and in demand!

23:25:29 Mar 30th 09 - Mr. Pure:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Fear
Members: 2
Tag: Fear
Created: 3/30/2009 11:27:24 AM
Leader: Mr. Pure


we are a new kd but a friendly kd.
we will accept new and old players.
so we welcome you into our kd fill out the items below but that doesn"t really matter.

era played
previous names
fav race
attacker or defender

these dont matter to much if you have any questions notify me or dropkick if you have been sent an invite into our kd then you can say that in the app and you dont have to fill in the above infomation

in fear we encorge friendship having fun role-playing and having more fun its a game it all about fun so we dont wont anyone complaining to much about to many thingys

23:26:29 Mar 30th 09 - Mr. Pure:

y dont sum1 create a new recurit centre for this era

01:28:20 Mar 31st 09 - Sir Lynus:

Royal Order Of Lynus

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal Order Of Lynus
Members: 4
Created: 3/31/2009 12:29:36 AM
Leader: Sir Lynus


ROOL-Royal Order Of Lynus Has Arrived To This Map.
If you think u got what it takes to join us send an app stating:
-Eras played
-Past name
-Your past kds
-Where are you located on the map
-Why you want to join us


07:44:32 Mar 31st 09 - Sir Brizen Corbin:

The Allied Kings

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Allied Kings
Members: 9
Tag: TAK
Created: 3/8/2009 6:44:46 AM
Leader: Sir Brizen Corbin


Through the darkness there is a beacon of light that would shine through the fog of tyranny and unjust, and rule the land with wisdom and equality for all. Such a light of moral rughtiousness to blind the tyrants of old. Convene your council, summon your armys, kiss your maiden one last time and gird yourself for the trials to come. This plauge will be no easy task.

Noble Kings, ye need look no further. You have found your family, and your true calling.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Allied Kings~~~~~~~~~~~~

We are The Allied Kings. Each King is responsible to govern his land, and build himself strong for the day that will inevitably come. That is to speak of the day you will be attacked, or the High Council decides it is time for action against the evils. In this Empire you will be able to count not only on your strength, but The Allied Kings as a whole. We are each sworn to uphold this oath of Kings, and hold true to our vow of brotherhood towards one another. We live peaceably if allowed, but will readily answer the call to arms if one of us is attacked. Each King joining will retain his title as such "A King". We are of firm belief that if you own land, provinces, soldiers, armys, then you are a King and as such should not be robed of your title.

The way TAK works is that we are a counsel of kings, and all Kings rule TAK together in our Counsel forums.Each king is an equal within TAK. We are much like the roman senate in our decisions, the majority rules.

Our words are our bonds and our friends our strength. That is what you will find here within TAK, a brotherhood of friends and Kings.

Lord Brizen Corbin,
Founder and Head Councilmen of TAK

For more information about TAK please see our webpage:

08:01:52 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Pure:

if anyone is intrested in at nap or an alliance of sum sort notify me or one of my vices of fear

14:54:31 Apr 2nd 09 - Mr. Pure:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Fear
Members: 6
Tag: Fear
Created: 3/30/2009 11:27:24 AM
Leader: Mr. Pure


we are a new kd but a friendly kd.
we will accept new and old players.
so we welcome you into our kd fill out the items below but that doesn"t really matter.

era played
previous names
fav race
attacker or defender

these dont matter to much if you have any questions notify me or dropkick if you have been sent an invite into our kd then you can say that in the app and you dont have to fill in the above infomation

in fear we encorge friendship having fun role-playing and having more fun its a game it all about fun so we dont wont anyone complaining to much about to many thingies

we also are a farming kingdom that only attacks kingdoms we are at war with

If your intrested in an alliance plz notify dropkick for details

13:23:11 Apr 3rd 09 - Sir Lychee:

NOT recruiting xD Negotiating relations though.

Fruits and Vegetables

Kingdom Banner

Name: Fruits and Vegetables
Members: 25
Tag: Veggie
Created: 3/27/2009 9:14:32 PM
Leader: Mr. Fruit Basket


Contact Mr. Basket for diplomatic stuff :P

Fruit is more healthy than spaghetti or chocolate!


18:25:00 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Justin:

For some reason Elements come to mind.

23:52:11 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Bran:

chocolate comes to mind.... JOIN CHOCOLATE!!!

01:10:26 Apr 5th 09 - Sir Lynus The II:

Fallen Empire Legions

Kingdom Banner

Name: Fallen Empire Legions
Members: 2
Tag: FEL
Created: 4/5/2009 12:47:57 AM
Leader: Sir Lynus The II


~~Currently accepting members, new and experienced.~~

If you would like to join, please answer the following questions.
*Note: if I have played with you before, just type your old or new name.

1 - Past names and kingdoms
2 - Number of eras played
3 - Activity: how active are you?
4 - Are you a defensive or offensive player?
5 - How long do you plan to stay with FEL?

11:03:55 Apr 8th 09 - Sir Brizen Corbin:

The Allied Kings

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Allied Kings
Members: 19
Tag: TAK
Created: 3/8/2009 6:44:46 AM
Leader: Sir Brizen Corbin - And All Kings Within


TAK will be soon slowing down its recruitment. Currently located in Nirvana:

Get in now and earn our trust, and your long term placement within the Empire. What is needed to join? To take the oath.

The oath:

  • Loyalty to yourself- This is your kingdom.
  • Loyalty your brother kings- It is theirs to.
  • Help in Wartime- That we may be found a worthy foe.
  • Be loyal to our allies- That we may be found a trusted friend.
  • Follow the policys that all kings decide upon in the council- That we stand united, and as one.
  • And above all, regardless of race, be honorable- That all may know our empire is of good and fair Kings.

This is the oath.

Lord Brizen Corbin,
Founder and Head Councilmen of TAK

Empire description:

For more information about TAK please see our webpage:

06:12:06 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Backwards:

The Native People

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Native People
Members: 3
Tag: Native
Created: 4/11/2009 12:47:41 AM
Leader: Ms. Antianara


This is the Native People and we have come back to retreive all our lost cities through all eras.

~ Open for Diplomacy
~ Recruiting


We are located in Valhalla, join us and take back what is rightfully ours! For too long have the native people been abused and tortured. We were forced to send back messages over and over. But now we get variety, we get to build, and make a message that says:

"We shall destroy you!"

Native people shall fight back!

P.S. we are a real kd, that speech was for fun, please join us in Valhalla

06:22:55 Apr 11th 09 - Ms. Cowgirl:

I am looking for a kd. I am playing VU basically to meet men and potentially start a family. Is there a kingdom of just a bunch of really hott dudes?

21:08:58 Apr 15th 09 - Mr. Don Kichotas:

All players welcome to join the old and  
experienced kingdom.

LDK - The Grand Duchy of Lithuania

04:25:30 Apr 21st 09 - Mr. Crater:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Predators
Members: 5
Tag: Preds
Created: 8/20/2007 9:39:22 AM
Leader: Sir Darkmarsbar


Predators Kingdom

If you are a former predators member that is late in joining us, send your application.

if you are intrested in join us plz send an application stating:
how many eras you have been playing
what kds you have been in
how often you are online
why do you want to join us

To all other kingdoms: If you are wondering about something concerning us or one of our members, message the leadership and we will try to clarify the situation.


23:59:24 Apr 23rd 09 - Mr. Might The God Cows:

I thinking of started up Holy Cows. Again. Because we destroy.

Im looking for a dedicated group of around... 10-15 who are willing to teach and train other people when and if I decide to start allowing new players and such. After that well get to killing some people and the usual plunder and stuff.

19:27:52 Apr 29th 09 - Mr. One:

The A Team

Kingdom Banner

Name: The A Team
Members: 3
Tag: TAT
Created: 4/27/2009 11:26:42 PM
Leader: Mr. One


Bad Ass kingdom for bad ass killers.

"You crazy fool!"

*Recruiting now*

Currently training in Armageddon for world war next era.

If you want to join the bootcamp now or at the start of next era then submit an app or msg a leader or vice for more details.

Please give some idea of what race you intend to play next era and if you are a new or experienced player. Both are welcome. 

We are looking for members with good communication skills and an aptitude for killing.

Many thanks.

18:27:02 May 2nd 09 - Lord Resistance:

Project Mayhem

Kingdom Banner

Name: Project Mayhem
Members: 8
Tag: Mayhem
Created: 4/30/2009 2:03:19 AM
Leader: Sir Mayhem


Were back!

*Currently Recruiting new or experienced players*


04:14:53 May 3rd 09 - Mr. Filthy Mess:

Super *beep*s

Kingdom Banner

Name: Super *beep*s
Members: 2
Tag: *beep*y
Created: 5/3/2009 3:02:54 AM
Leader: Mr. Filthy Mess


*-Super *beep*s-*

We are the *beep*s!
We are the Warlords!
We are the Killers!

We are Born Killers so Dont Mess with us!


(We are Currently Recruiting)


22:51:24 May 3rd 09 - Mr. One:

Roll up, roll up! Enlist for pawnage next era with The A Team.

Recruiting now!!! 


01:51:20 May 8th 09 - Duke Kev The Bastard:

This message is to see if there is any interest in bringing ROC (Royal Order of Claidhmore) back next era.... let me know please.

09:55:07 May 8th 09 - Mr. Reborn Himanil V:

Well it depends who all is in it. ^_^

01:47:57 May 9th 09 - Mr. Arkantos:

Templar Crusaders

Kingdom Banner

Name: Templar Crusaders
Members: 2
Tag: TC
Created: 5/9/2009 1:41:27 AM
Leader: Mr. Arkantos


I have Re-created Templar Crusaders. Currently recruiting New and Old members just send in Application.


16:48:12 May 17th 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar III:

Mystic (kd i used to lead under the name of snake) will be back next era...
I need 4-10 members...anyone who would like to join?

16:56:45 May 17th 09 - General Zondervan:

Lightning Dust

Kingdom Banner

Name: Lightning Dust
Members: 37
Tag: LD
Created: 4/9/2009 1:10:59 AM
Leader: General Zondervan


A story told from a mysterious man that in unknown and saw our last raid..

In the morning, when the sun returned, they dared to crawl out. Their father was dead and they were crying. A woman lay face down in the dying fire. Their mother nor brother wasn"t anywhere to be found. Neither of the girls dared to call out, and they wept soundlessly as they crept from the hut. They went through the village. Dead people lay all over the place--everyone they knew and were related to, people they had played with, worked with, laughed with. The monsters who had come during the night had brought with them the Silence of Death. they had turned the village into a cemetery. People lay everywhere in twisted positions. The bandits had even killed the dogs. Some people had their arms and legs cut off, some even their heads cut off. The girls walked through the dead village, through the Silence of Death, until they reached the last of the burned huts. They came around the corner and saw a man crawling with no legs to the bushes and they went over to him to help him, then all the sudden they were grabbed and hanked away so fast they did not even see it happen..they opened their eyes to be in darkness with figures standing in front of them. One walked over to them and licked up the side of one of their faces and turned back to the others signaling them over. They came over and the girls saw something written on all their clothes that said Lightning Dust then all the sudden they had teeth sunk in their necks and fainted as the savages drained them dry of their blood..

RECRUITING! Plz state following:

1. Why you want to join.
2. What you will do for us in LD.



looking for new members to replace the ones leaving us, need around 10 or so. new members are welcome. we can get you into change very quickly.

23:12:03 May 19th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

The Legion

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Legion
Members: 2
Tag: TL
Created: 5/17/2009 4:54:19 AM
Leader: Mr. Paracelzus


Hello potential member, I will explain to you what The Legion is all about:

Team Work is everything in this kingdom. This is a specialized kingdom working to create order in this chaotic world. I plan on working with you personally to help you improve your game experience. There will be a counsel where everything is voted upon by the members of this kingdom. And if I deem the decision worthy, then I will act upon that vote. But as a leader, I still have the final decision in everything. But of course I am always passionate in the member’s ideas and will always support them.

This kingdom is also about playing smart. Too many kingdoms have fallen because of rash decisions. This is one that will stand strong. And of course, there is always an unlimited amount of fun that you can experience here.

If you have a problem with anything said here, then do not send an application.

Chuck Norris approves of this message.

9-20 places in this kingdom have been filled out. 11 more are open to recruits.

15:06:20 May 21st 09 - Sir Struddle:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Dynasty
Members: 6
Tag: DSY
Created: 3/30/2009 5:57:08 AM
Leader: Sir Struddle


This kingdom was formed to stand up against all. Fighting is what this kingdom is based on. I look to take over an entire world be it Fantasia or not. This kingdom will own a world. Even the mightiest of enemies can come from the smallest of places.

The goal is to have this kingdom around every era and teach the new guys. I understand that this game is not always new player friendly and that there isnt really a safe place for them to learn the basics. I just want to help teach the game. I know there arent really any kingdoms out there that just take in new players and I would like to change that. If your new please feel free to join. If you are a veteran and you know a race well please join if you would like to teach. Thanks and good luck to everyone.

If placing an application please answer the following;

1. Era"s played
2. Past Kingdoms
3. Preferred Race
4. Favorite cookie ^_^


03:07:59 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Reborn Himanil V:

Lol, trying to take over the whole world will (especially Fantasia) I guarantee enable the player learning nothing but dishonour and how to kill himself.

04:27:55 May 22nd 09 - Sir Struddle:

Reborn let me put it in perspective for you.  Your kingdom has about twice our strength and yet you have 5 times our members.  You do the math.  You figure out which kingdom is stronger per member.

04:35:09 May 22nd 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

umm can u please show ur work Struddle...cause some people including myself are pretty bad at math..

Well i will give it a try since its my birthday..

so lets c..

lets let "x" represent the # of players


5x = their kd
x = ur kd

now how do i bring in the % power?? omg i hate working with two unknown variables!!

04:46:05 May 22nd 09 - Sir Struddle:

I cant remember Darkfaith figured out the whole % power to member strength thingy one time a while ago I'm havin trouble rememberin it but simply put before we lost all our cities on Mantrax they were about the same strength as us which means their kingdom is fairly weak in comparison.  And he's talkin about me tryin to control a world.  Let me do as I want and say what I want it may or may not come true but hell I sure as hell can try.

19:08:47 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Reborn Himanil V:

2 Ticks left to era end.

19:11:55 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Reborn Himanil V:

Well if you're really keen on that then how about comparing our strengths when you were less than 5 percent than us, besides exactly how many wars have you had this era?

All I meant to say was that teaching new players to play the game can't be achieved by setting out to conquer the world.

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