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Era winner
02:08:42 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

Well, congrats Elsin. I can say I liked the challenge of having to chase you for spot number 1. You beat me by 2million points, but still I think I did pretty good in trying to win the era. I mean superheros was down for a good 2-3 weeks.

Though I can say I would've never got to second place if it wasn't for my friends and allies in Superheros. We did great, no we all did FANTASTIC. We were crushed in the first couple weeks, but from being the underdog we went to being the strongest throughout the land. LGC good fights in the beginning. Fate nice job, it's seems you were giving those LGC lads a good fight. Ret nice try, better luck next time, if their is a next time. PKS, nice try, but next time be better organized! WoL, you seemed to have it all together beating DB, but it seems you lost it all when you faced LGC.


Though to everyone in fant nice job, and everyone else too, but fant is all the matters!! MUAHAHAHAH

02:59:07 Oct 23rd 08 - Sir Epyon:

great job Elsin

a long overdue era win :)

superheroes, you guys rose up in the ranks after it looked like you guys were surely dead, so I must congratulate you all on a well played comeback

now who's ready for next era? ;)

03:22:46 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Sezymon:

I wish I had bothered to make a forum post every time I came second, third, forth, fifth etc....

whats the point??

03:49:02 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Foo Fighter The Foolish:

Well done Elsin.

04:29:46 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

Mr. Sezymon


10/23/2008 9:22:46 AM
I wish I had bothered to make a forum post every time I came second, third, forth, fifth etc....

whats the point??


Sorry mate. If you hav nothing better to say, then why post? What's the point?


Congrats Elsin for the era win :) Condolences to Brainiac, first among losers :P

04:34:10 Oct 23rd 08 - Prince Corothius:

sportsmanship..I'm not on fantasia anymore but its' sweet to see someones still giving Legacy a run for their title =)

06:46:28 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Jet:

Rofl at the OP. Get off your high horse, you whored all era in an era that noone really whored, and still got beaten by 2 mil points.

Congratulations Elsin, well deserved.

07:48:13 Oct 23rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

gratz elsin, you deserved one.

07:57:09 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

Gradz Elsin!
Nice try Brainiac :)

12:45:59 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Mano:

gratz with the win elsin! :)

12:49:20 Oct 23rd 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

congrats elsin =) even if lgc did wipe me out *mutters under his breath*

14:24:20 Oct 23rd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Gratz elsin, tho i was rootin for brain, you did blow him out in the end, impressive.

15:53:15 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Captain America:

Jet, we did rebuild our income before starting to seriously pump troops, if you want to call that whoring so be it. But imo you are the one on high horses.

Anyway, congrats Elsin, it was a well deserved win!

15:54:28 Oct 23rd 08 - Sir Binh The Avenger:

good job to elsin

18:39:00 Oct 23rd 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Sezymon


10/23/2008 3:22:46 AMI wish I had bothered to make a forum post every time I came second, third, forth, fifth etc....

whats the point??

well I guess a compliment to him would be nice ... Because now he's a 'nearly-, but not winner'

Congratz elsin

19:08:51 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Asterix:

Congrats Elsin, great job.
Good try Brainiac ;)

07:48:03 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

I love how Eslin is one of the only people who hasn't posted here...

09:00:01 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Elsin:

"I love how Eslin is one of the only people who hasn't posted here..."

I usually avoid posting in congrats threads (even congratz lgc threads) as they often seem to turn in to flame threads.

But thanks to everyone who posted here/Pm'd me :)

16:05:26 Oct 24th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Mr. Jet


10/23/2008 6:46:28 AM
Rofl at the OP. Get off your high horse, you whored all era in an era that noone really whored, and still got beaten by 2 mil points.

Congratulations Elsin, well deserved.


I agree with Jet. I'm obviously not one to say, but his first post is obviously trying to blow his own trumpet.

Congrats Elsin though. Glad you won, I didn't have to keep to my agreement of eating my own hat if that PKS guy won.

16:53:04 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

Wilberforce, you look down too much on PKS. Jonathan would have been a worthy winner if he had won.

17:07:30 Oct 24th 08 - Duke Argyle:

congratulations Elsin :D well done to all of you with the legacy ;D

17:12:05 Oct 24th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Well I look down on everyone my good man.


03:05:38 Oct 25th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

He even looks down on me when i'm on my knees begging ;) :(

02:01:20 Oct 26th 08 - Duke Arzun:

lol you call this a congrats to elsin thread? All you said was a grudging gratz and then stroked your ego for a solid paragraph... tool.

02:14:18 Oct 26th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

oh, and grats to that cute crafty elsin!

04:24:55 Oct 26th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Sir Inactive Killer


10/24/2008 12:12:05 PM

Well I look down on everyone my good man.


You don't look down on me XD

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