Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / No more bonus for voting

No more bonus for voting
15:41:26 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Draco The Dragon:

here is another example of the admin taking away something that helped everyone

befroe i would vote for vu and i ould get a bonus turn now you dont what the heck is up with that bring it back it made tthings easier knowing you can get one free turn per day

15:45:12 Sep 28th 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

Vote on 5 different sites.

16:18:32 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Shame:

I just vote on them all : D

18:17:31 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Draco The Dragon:

i liked it before when you would only have to vote for one to get a bonus turn

18:41:38 Sep 28th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Well, now you have to vote on 5 because it gets votes for VU on advertising sites.  If you are complaining about clicking 5 times instead of 1, then you are really boggling my mind...

Mr. Draco The Dragon


09:41:26 Sep 28th 09

here is another example of the admin taking away something that helped everyone

Seriously...grow up.  You act like you know everything but since you didn't know you had to vote on 5 sites, I guess you just don't pay attention and ASSUME.

04:23:01 Sep 29th 09 - Sir Struddle:

I totally missed it the first time but I wasnt pissed more like wtf what happened then I asked politely and got a nice answer :D

10:35:50 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

i just use the bonus turns you get after you dont log on for like 6 hours betwee logins

10:45:30 Oct 10th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

I just found that 6 votes didn't give a bt tonight so maybe its having problems

12:19:48 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Guybrush Threepwood:

It worked fine for me. It dosnt realy hurt me to have to vote for 5 instead of 1. Can easily live with that.

14:06:57 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

same, and maybe you missed one raving?

14:25:15 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Dolittle:

Mr. Kronos


09:35:50 Oct 10th 09 i just use the bonus turns you get after you dont log on for like 6 hours betwee logins

ok dumb thing here probably from me but it is 12 hours that you get bt for, and you probly already know that and in for a wind up and suckered me into this 1 :P lol.

19:10:29 Oct 10th 09 - Lord Pools Closed:

The bottom 3 sites don't count as votes for BT's.

23:17:13 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

12 hours my mistake

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