Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Respect -- where is it? O_o

Respect -- where is it? O_o
02:02:35 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

Times change,
people do,
some to the best,
some to the worst...
But mostly the second...

What is up with the oldie players and many others being so disrepsectful to people?
If a new player(and not so new) suggest an idea he got, why flame him down and start calling names?
You're in no way above him, you're waaaay below if you get as low as calling names/insulting people.

Please do google what respect is, and try to give it to others, as a christmas present.

02:18:16 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:



05:18:10 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

because their just haters!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and Evul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They wont flame you as much if you one play Fant and earn their respect. Quit crying and *beep*ing when you get owned. Ummm worship their stupidity?

11:53:07 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@Fellation - that's exactly what I meant...

@Dead Oralive - ... who's crying? And they will flame you even if you played on fant, maybe because they don't know who you are because you changed name.... but that's still disrespect.

12:04:22 Dec 24th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

respect is earned :) it isnt automatic

12:04:55 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@Fellatio - You feel much better now, don't you?

12:10:16 Dec 24th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

whatever the egyptian wannabe god said is right.

12:28:00 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

well, the respect must be earned, but then if people are going to be slagged off then they should have done something other than being new to deserve it.

13:05:45 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

Respect -- where is it? O_o

have you looked under the bed yet? And checke the garbadge?

13:18:48 Dec 24th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

I FEEL OLD! Do I have your respect?

13:27:40 Dec 24th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

no :D people who hop between allied kds never earn mine ;)

13:39:40 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

Here's the deal, oh Morning Lord.

Beyond what his gheyness, the Egyptian diety, said the experienced players are just that, EXPERIENCED. Alot of the guys that'd fall into that category have been around since the betas of this game and have a very thorough understanding of how the mechanics of the game work.

So, when many of the suggestions that come up nowadays (and one reason I don't prowl those forums anymore) aren't, at best, well thought-out (or at worst, completely stupid to begin with) then people will flame away. As is the norm for about any forum nowadays.

My advice? Play the game a little bit, come up with a good suggestion and we'll listen. Otherwise, keep the stupid thoughts to yourselves.

Public Service Announcement paid  for by  the "Fizban will fireball anyone who makes another stupid 'we need boats' thread" Foundation and Forum Viewers like you.

13:59:42 Dec 24th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:


14:42:19 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@ Ron Jeremy - Then give respect to me that I have played for some 10 eras and managed n.4 spot last era? And that I've got some 5 suggestions implemented, including you getting 1 bonus turn every day from the HelpVU page....

@ Finwe - Sure, respect has to be earned, but usually you start with 0, not -50.

@Vengence - exactly.

15:01:00 Dec 24th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

Score means crap! I cannot believe it hasnt been fixed yet. Respect is naturally earned. This topic is meaningless.

15:05:03 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

this is true. you get treated with respect in this game for two different reasons however, and in two different ways xelna*beep*ou have respect on the map if you are a  good player in the respect that you do not get attacked as much if you have their respect as a powerful ruler, and you are more often sked for peace. you earn respect in the forums and so on by not sp@mming, contributing to the topic and not slagging everyone off.

15:22:35 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

I dont need respect!
*kicks all the old players for being mean and evul to the newer ones!*
I win.
*runs and hides before they catch him*
you cant catch me im the gingerbread man!

I like *beep*ming so that means people hate me and disrespect me woot! 2 for the price of 1 must be on sale.

15:27:02 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@Xelnaga - Sure score means crap, but then again, if somebody manages to get in top10 he isn't a new player for sure...
So how is respect earned? By going around and saying "This topic is meaningless"? Doubt so.

@Dead Oralive - Dead.

15:32:19 Dec 24th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

@ Ron Jeremy - Then give respect to me that I have played for some 10 eras and managed n.4 spot last era? And that I've got some 5 suggestions implemented, including you getting 1 bonus turn every day from the HelpVU page....

erm 10 eras isnt a lot 4th isnt that hard to get and what 5 improvements did you make? because im sure in my mind 1 bt per vote wasnt implemented because of you

15:34:03 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

You gain respect by proving you're a good player. Score means crap for that, just look at that CrissxCross guy he won an era, but as far as I'm concerned he's a B rate player.

15:35:33 Dec 24th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

Respect is earned by continuously harassing zeta to make some improvements, even when we know it will not be done.



ANyway, I am a new player too (if u consider that this is my 5th era), I do not mind ppl going nuts over my suggestion topics as long as they use proper argument.

15:38:22 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

Lord of The Morning i can not die! Im am alreay Dead orAlive meaning i can switch between the two and can never truly die in here ;)

15:40:40 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

i have 5eras, and i wouldt call myself new exactly...but i wouldnt say i am very experienced either....

anyway, hopefully i have earned respect through not slagging off people without reason...

15:50:06 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"anyway, hopefully i have earned respect through not slagging off people without reason..."

Sorry to seem cruel, but you don't gain any cookies by not slagging off on anybody. Nobody cares, you do gain respect if you make solid arguments which sometime can be construed as slagging off.

15:51:28 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

maybe..i think i make solid arguements, if a need to arises.

16:06:59 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@Finwe - look up the suggestion thread if you care about it, ask zeta...

@fellatio - so how does one prove he's a good player? playing with honor? playing in a good kingdom and fighting good say... against legacy? I've got respect from those who know me...
What I was talking about is new players getting flamed down for speaking up. Some quit the game because few are being nice to them...
As for cirssxcross... no idea how he won, considering he didn't even know humans had the 10% discount on market (and likely much more).... Guess activity matters more than skill?

16:13:31 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"@fellatio - so how does one prove he's a good player? playing with honor? playing in a good kingdom and fighting good say... against legacy?"


"What I was talking about is new players getting flamed down for speaking up. Some quit the game because few are being nice to them..."

Oh boohoo... if they quit because they can't take a little heat than they have much larger problems than me flaming them over some stupid suggestion.

"As for cirssxcross... no idea how he won, considering he didn't even know humans had the 10% discount on market (and likely much more).... Guess activity matters more than skill?"

He won by whoring 24/7, nothing I'd call skill.

16:14:59 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

lol....your just sore b/c he beat u....

16:28:47 Dec 24th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Vengence, I don't think you were around back than or you were very new, so you don't really have much right to speak about the era the monks won.

16:31:56 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"lol....your just sore b/c he beat u...."

Talking out of your ass is the way you want to gain respect? These are the kind of posts that make me flame people.

16:38:06 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

was tht the one with baccus monks?

16:39:41 Dec 24th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

indeed the one where Abydos took lgc to war and baccus stood back and whored :) so they jumped lgc and abydos in the rankings

18:49:08 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@Fellatio - Do you have kids? If so, I really pity them.
Flaming down newcomers is not the best way to go about it... since likely they will flame on the next person they see....
If you help someone, there's a much higher chance that that someone will help his next instead of flaming around.

18:54:07 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

As if I care what they do, you seem to be under the impression that we're here to make others feel good. We're not! If you're a retard I'll tell you straight up, I think that's a fair attitude.

" If so, I really pity them."

I'd pity them too, good thing I don't plan on having kids for at least 8-10 years.

19:22:35 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

That's good...

But they are not retards, they are new players. And you're telling them they are retards whereas they are just new players.... that's different. It's not telling truth, but namecalling/insult...

19:31:12 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

You're simply wrong. If he is just a new player than he realizes that he knows *beep* about the game and he'll shut up until he learns the game before making suggestions about how to change it. However if you've been playing for a few weeks and are making suggestions thinking you know better than the ones that have been playing for years or that you have some original idea nobody thought of in the years since the game was created YOU ARE A RETARD.

20:42:06 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

"or that you have some original idea nobody thought of in the years since the game was created YOU ARE A RETARD."

plain wrong.
New players come from different games(usually) that have different gameplay. They thus can bring in innovation.
An example is the Help VU page.

21:13:46 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

Excuse me? Help VU page is old, very old.

EDIT: Wait... What am I doing explaining myself to you, I don't give a *beep* who you are or what you think or your hollier-than-thou attitude. I flame who I want when I want for whatever reason I deem necessary, end of story.

21:21:51 Dec 24th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

I think i sticked to the Questions and Answer and Guide forums when I started the game. Did not make any posts in suggestion till much later.

18:50:09 Dec 25th 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

From my experience, VU is particularly harsh against new players and their ideas.  In a lot of other games, veterans will EXPAND on a new player's idea, not just shoot itdown because "they don't know the game mechanics."

Some suggestions are just lame.  Like "we should be able to build walls!"  Or "you should be able to go through forests" or "you should be able to walk across rivers."  BUT if Zeta were to implement a new style of great wall that is more flexible and desctructible, then these ideas may actually be able to work without entirely ruining the game. 

19:07:49 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

You should be able to attack cities with armies! Also, it would be good if mines closer to mountains would get a bonus to their mineral production. that would be kewl. thanks guys.

19:19:00 Dec 25th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

+1 for Sloth

19:38:24 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

BUT if Zeta were to implement a new style of great wall that is more flexible and desctructible,

Yeah he's doing this is what I understood. Could have even been suggested by a new player too.

02:43:10 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Floppy Tankmage:

here's the thing, when a good suggestion gets in, the vets (in my time, anyway) were all about it. it's just that 95% of the time, it's something thought up on the spot with no considerations about the implications that, in the example of boats, it'd make most every map useless.

17:27:27 Jan 6th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

the KFT is le back?

19:48:31 Jan 6th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:


20:36:17 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. Clone V:

respect ??? how much $ is it worth?

22:01:18 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

High 5 to lord of the morning - we have to keep a respectfull attitude towards people we don't know very well, not because you are a nerd in VU that youre smarter than him in other things

16:14:57 Jan 7th 08 - Prince Mielo:

@ Ron Jeremy - Then give respect to me that I have played for some 10 eras and managed n.4 spot last era? And that I've got some 5 suggestions implemented, including you getting 1 bonus turn every day from the HelpVU page....

So what, you played 10 era's and you got (thanks to farming probably) at place the rankings. That doesn't mean anything. For me a person earns respect when he can set up a great attack, etc ... For example, in the beginning of the era I saw some guy near our core playing out a really good game (for playing this game only 1 era (that's what he told me)). He sure earned some respect from my side. As long as they don't get C0cky

16:19:22 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Todays my birthday  ^^

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