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2008 Election
09:35:37 Sep 7th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

Well, I normally had styled myself as a Libertarian/Independent because they're for less federal government. However, from what I'm hearing (and seeing, can I get a SCHWING here?) from the McCain/Palin ticket, I think they're more genuine to true change and reform than the Obama/Biden ticket.

Not that I would've voted for the Messiah, anyways since he's all for increasing the power of the federal government.

09:37:31 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

"Obama has to think when he answers questions;McCain answers them before they're completly asked.I want someone who answers quickly :)"

Yes, because actually thinking before acting is such a bad habit.

Fizban it's sunday morning, don't you have some Bible thumping to get to?

ITT: Ignor... proud americans talking about american politics like only proud americans can.

10:16:23 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Brain:

"China doesn't care about the environment infact China polutes way more than America, and takes advantage of every resource they have. So why shouldn't America take advantage of it's natural resources because it's the right thing to do?"

That's the dumbest reasoning ever.
"Oh that guy killed somebody! Why can't I kill people too then?!?"

Please shoot yourself.
If someone is doing something wrong, it doesn't make it any better.

18:04:19 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Oowk:

You can't compare killing to taking advantage of a countries resources dip  sh!t. Not taking advantage of those resources is only hamstringing that country..

18:19:19 Sep 7th 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:

"Oh everyone is smoking and drink! Let's smoke and drink too! In the future we can die of cirrhosis and lung cancer!! Oh boy!"

18:47:28 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Duca:

I wonder when did USA ever care about their environment impact in the past...or foreign policy impact

18:53:27 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

nope the fact is china is pulluting the world less then the no 1 pollutor USA
and still produces most of the products the world uses and haveing over 1 billion citizens. still less pollution.

why is USA the only modernized country not to sign the Kyoto pact?

Palin: God send US troops to Iraq.


19:03:32 Sep 7th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

The whole rest of the world wants Obama.

19:21:32 Sep 7th 08 - Sir Hades God of Underworld:

Anyways it's the United States of America meaning I can call it America if I g0d dam want to..

Keywords Brainiac OF AMERICA meaning it is not America it is part of it. To be techinical you have to call it the United States not America because its name is the United States of America(USA or US simple). Of America is just an add on that isnt needed at all. Also i wasnt *beep*ing i was pointing out a common mistake that people make.


19:42:58 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Duca:

Hades is right...otherwise we could refer to turkey as europe and spread our opinions about most of europeans being musslims or being of the orthodox counter part of catholicism  :)

I have nothing against the people of US...but please, do not count me (i am from America as well though from a different country) as being part of any other american country population other than the one wich i am part of. Although..we all are different in many ways and similar in others i never had the opportunity or wanted to vote on Hugo Chaves or G.W. Bush.

16:17:59 Sep 8th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

Guildmaster Drenthinio


9/7/2008 11:03:32 AM
The whole rest of the world wants Obama


right, cuz he has no experience and can be guided by foreign leaders. he doesn't even stand strong for his own religion...

16:24:06 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:


16:55:04 Sep 8th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Mr. Dreadlord

nope the fact is china is pulluting the world less then the no 1 pollutor USA
and still produces most of the products the world uses and haveing over 1 billion citizens. still less pollution.

Can you state your source proving that the U.S.A. is the #1 in regards to pollutants?  I know when it comes to carbon emissions, the U.S.A. was #1, but is now behind China.  China did ratify the KP, but only have to report levels, not do anything about them.  Below is just one source for China being the #1 carbon emitter.

China now #1 Carbon Emitter!

That is from the BBC as well, not an "American" owned media outlet.  There are several other sites that state the same thing.

why is USA the only modernized country not to sign the Kyoto pact?

They did sign the Kyoto Protocol.  The reason the U.S.A. did not ratify, the Kyoto Protocol, was on account that it only regulated "industrialized" countries.  That means that countries like those in Africa, can pollute at will and without regard.  The KP would require the industrialized nations to reduce emissions based on global measurements, meaning, others can pollute as much as they want, and the KP ratifiers have to reduce for them.

African countries creating greenhouse gases with charcoal.

This one source for the reason the U.S.A. did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol.

The link above also links to several other resolutions the U.S.A. has passed or is going to pass to reduce emissions of all pollutants.

17:01:05 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

So because poor 3rd 4th or 5th world countries can't afford to sign the KP, you the richest nation on Earth shouldn't either? What is your excuse? Most african nations don't even have a good road network, how exactly were they supposed to respect KP?

17:05:26 Sep 8th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

LMAO now your going to make it money?  It did not require any money to join the Kyoto Protocol.  Have another excuse to blame the "Irsael" ran U.S.A?

17:08:56 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

You are an *beep* aren't you? It doesn't cost to sign the KP, what costs is the infrastructure upgrade needed to respect KP. But you're to much of a retard to actually understand.

17:18:01 Sep 8th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

LMAO what do you know about infrastucture?  Ever been a Emissions Engineer?  I have been one.  I still work with many of them too.  The items used to measure the emissions that are produced from RTO's, Thermal Oxiders, as well as Incinerators actually cost very little.  Most under 2-3 thousand dollars U.S., and the used equipment is even less. But by your point, burning thousands of acres of trees to produce a small amount of charcoal is just "peachy" as they are "poor".  I also just used that as an "example" as I have seen "charcoal fields" and the damage they have done.

Also you can "sign" the K.P. without ANY infrastructure what so ever.

The point is that the Kyoto Protocol, requires other countries to reduce all emissions to compensate for these "poor" countries, rather then try to work with these "poor" countries and help them from damaging the ecology of their own country, as well as that of the globe.

But I guess this is all just way over your head, and your ways of calling everyone a "retard" or a "n0btard" or anything else, in regards to a point you are not aligned with, and without backing anything you say, just goes to show whom the "retard" is.

17:21:44 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

The point of KP was to start to do something by a show of leadership by the industrialized nations. That was the point and the USA failed horribly.

Oh and by the way the USA is still the worlds top poluting nation on a per capita basis.

Oh and in countries where they are starving every year they don't really have the money to finance new factories that would be required for KP, but than you only live in USA so you're the "proud" american I was talking of in a previous post.

17:40:28 Sep 8th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

The point of the Kyoto Protocol was to reduce the worlds carbon dioxide emissions, as well as greenhouse gasses, starting with the industrialized countries.

So the number 1 producer of carbon dioxide emissions is now China, as I have proven with my link in my first post.  Nor do I deny that the U.S.A. needs to do more, yet it is much easier to start "industry" with the infrastructure needed to keep these emissions low.  The Kyoto Protocol does not cover that, in fact no protocol does.

In my last link there are several links of items the U.S.A. is doing to reduce and eliminate pollutants.  Since I do work in many of the "industrial" areas of the U.S.A. as well as other places on this earth, I can honestly say the U.S.A. has been doing a whole lot in the last 15 years to reduce pollutants, and still needs to do more.  We all need to do more.

This link also shows what the U.S.A. did to try and "improve" the K.P.  Yet only the improved trade was agreed to.  As I stated, everyone, not just nations, need to improve and reuse.

I am sure this could go on forever, so this will be my last post to this "Kyoto Protocol"  portion of this topic.

13:45:05 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

Wyzer, you're never going to 'win' an argument against Cobra, even if you hose him down with the golden nectar of knowledge and facts. He would prefer to wallow in his ignorance and label us 'proud' Americans.

Leave the troll be and don't feed him. ;-)

19:13:35 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

i think we can all agree.
well john dint do it eighter isnt a good arguement

22:41:49 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

i din't say how i defined #1 polluter.
what you mean as the new no 1 is CO2 emmition/ time.
like tons/year. i am correct if my definition of no 1 polluter. if i mean emmition/person. or total emmition due to consumed products.
or emmition of consumed products/person.
OR most of all total emmition not jsut this year or last.
i bet in the last 100 years or total emmition US was responsible well over double china's emmition.

01:14:08 Sep 11th 08 - Mr. Gliendel:

So much for the no insulting part I wanted.

03:10:37 Sep 11th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

it's cobra..........his arguements consist mostly of insults. His is a very unhappy person with life. ;)

02:54:02 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Captain Planet:

yer he's a bit obsessed with his "proud american" thing to, seems like his mentioned it in just about every post. but oh well. :D

07:16:46 Sep 12th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

he is simply envious ;)

08:12:02 Sep 12th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

Zeta for prez!!!

"But he's not in the US..."

*Septim slaps the person who talked back.

Zeta for prez!!!

08:14:01 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Pinky:

George Bush for Presidente!

20:36:51 Sep 14th 08 - Mr. Atreides:


03:46:07 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Arvious VII:

I vote for... bullshit.

23:14:32 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Brain:

"I vote for... bullshit."

gah! why everybody wants to vote McCain?

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