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Best players
22:28:20 Feb 5th 19 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

What did i do now chade?

22:30:13 Feb 5th 19 - The Real Josh (Ms. Chade The Ghey):

Mr. Uwer:

Run to Valhalla, Chade.

Why dont you come here to valhalla child, Ill fiddle your diddle and see how big you really are(Spoilers: Hes over compensating, His mum still breast feeding and his wife prefers pegging.)

22:59:44 Feb 5th 19 - Woody (Lord Woody):

The forsaken are coming to fant Uwer. Be seeing you. 

13:30:31 Feb 6th 19 - TheBornLoser (Sir Irregular Bowel Movement):

Legit best players of all time list, no competition at all:

1) Quiet One
2) Raistlin
3) Revenge
4) Cobra
5) Arzun

And the very absolute top.... the one who leads the 5 players I mentioned above and the rest of the game:


Undisputed, uncontested, unchallenged, undeniable, unforgettable, unbeatable, unstoppable, immortal all-time, World, Olympic, Universal, Multi-versal, Multi-dimensional, Multi-planar champion of Visual Utopia.

If Legends of VU like Binh, Sparker, Adakis, Noa, Rambo, Sloth, Messiah, Trogdar Liech, Greg, Aligreat, Aloysius, Barney, Penguin, Qassim, Mike, Bogdan, Roxbury, Sezymon, Zerocool, Crissxcross, Gladiatorul, Psychopath, among many others, are asked who is their most feared and most respected player, the player they consider the very best of all time, they would all immediately, reverently and unanimously answer: WILBERFORCE.

And if you newbies do not know your VU history, then you are woefully ignorant of the winner of multiple VU eras at old Fantasia levels of competition, ignorant of the pioneer and inventor of race strategies, the greatest in economic, market and monetary wizardry, the first to implement game mechanics busting builds, the discoverer of hidden exploits in formulas and systems, the foremost in attack, the most resolute in defence, and the initiator, uniter and leader of teamplay.

You newcomers are woefully ignorant of the star among superstars, the brightest light in the universe, the one that IDDQD in Doom was named after, the one that first made a Blizzard programmer breathlessly mutter "Power Overwhelming" back in 1998, the one who puts the words GOD and LIKE in the word GODLIKE in all caps.

I pity most of you newcomers to the game... for you guys and gals, unfortunately, were never ever able to play in the times and eras when Wilberforce played. And for that, your life is so much less colourful and meaningful forever.

But then, after Wilberforce stopped playing, we all know why VU itself has become an extremely pale, limited shadow of its former self anyway.

13:52:43 Feb 6th 19 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

If Legends of VU like Binh, Sparker, Adakis, Noa, Rambo, Sloth, Messiah, Trogdar Liech, Greg, Aligreat, Aloysius, Barney, Penguin, Qassim, Mike, Bogdan, Roxbury, Sezymon, Zerocool, Crissxcross, Gladiatorul, Psychopath,

disappointed you forgot me thian

14:21:02 Feb 6th 19 - Mr. Fecker:

You just a regular Leg end.

14:43:26 Feb 6th 19 - The Sidodis:

"breaks out the measuring stick"  

"hangs head in shame"

17:49:15 Feb 6th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

Damn iddqd bringing back memories, only other code I can remember is idkfa.

Still play some wolf3d and doom on steam <3.

 I hope quietone comes back someday, she had a pure hatred of me and a way of spewing bile that bling just can't match.  Fun times 

18:11:49 Feb 6th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Shepherd):


Ok, I'm too young (in this game) to know what he did.

But when I arrived some 13-14 years ago or so, all he was doing was posting and hanging in the trees, shoothing arrows at someone I really didn't knew who were.

Well I have learned more about Wilber by reading during the years. Still, I say he is closer to be a half-god of VU due to his early history than he is close to be among the best players. But maybe it just because I havn't faced him in the game.

TBL - I think you are lost in history. Come back and see how dirty the "real" VU is now. Guess the last thing players still "frown about" 3-4-5 years ago is players using 2 or more accounts on the same world.

19:41:30 Feb 6th 19 - Duke Chade The Hawtandsexy:

TBL came back three eras ago ... his wife was not happy! So he bailed on us yet again ... till next time :D

23:54:19 Feb 6th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Sladen):



Ok, I'm too young (in this game) to know what he did.

But when I arrived some 13-14 years ago or so, all he was doing was posting and hanging in the trees, shoothing arrows at someone I really didn't knew who were.

Well I have learned more about Wilber by reading during the years. Still, I say he is closer to be a half-god of VU due to his early history than he is close to be among the best players. But maybe it just because I havn't faced him in the game.

TBL - I think you are lost in history. Come back and see how dirty the "real" VU is now. Guess the last thing players still "frown about" 3-4-5 years ago is players using 2 or more accounts on the same world.

You cant see it but.this post oozes with sarcasm.

05:52:24 Apr 27th 19 - SFD (Duke Bishpleased):

hi guys, i noticed how i wasnt on these lists!! just wondering what drugs you are smoking?

09:39:15 Dec 21st 21 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Dreads):

Update on this?

Konstant takes 1st spot?

Dark Spawn:

Who are currently the best players of the game, and I mean these past few eras? While back when Good Vs Evil was starting people usually always put Binh and Barny in two teams cause those two were most active and skilled?

How about now, who are lets say top 5 players of the game? And don't just write down your best friends or people that had great eras two years ago, I am asking currently.

09:43:11 Dec 21st 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Sol Invictus):

Nah, Percy easily takes top spot. Where do you think I learned a bunch of my stuff from?

10:36:05 Dec 21st 21 - Endless (Lady Styx):

a free for all, every man or woman for themselves with no assistance of allies or kingdoms or agreements might determine a new pecking order, less subjective and more quantifiable? definitely less farming lol

10:48:52 Dec 21st 21 - Konstant (Mr. Farmer Greg):

Agreed. Come to Zetamania, I'm ready for you.

11:07:37 Dec 21st 21 - Endless (Lady Styx):

Jill is there, she’s scary

18:11:53 Dec 21st 21 - Prince Krampus:

From last 2 eras experience, here is my point of view

Halfers are very difficult to judge because they score stupid well, even I am high on scores in Fantasia only because of the flawed score system, so can't really say who would be the top Halfer players. I noticed several people like Ignis or Ghost always have large armies and they are usually on top of the scores, but that might be just because of the scoring system.

Orcs are easier to score. From my perspective the best era by a single player I have seen was that Konstant's last era in Mantrax, when he took out FW by himself, and was dangerous all era long. Very impressive gameplay always attacking, strong armies and high activity. I am looking for that special trick someone uses to show me elite skill, I really enjoyed seeing SFD dropping a city in enemy core just when he was about to get bounced, so he ended up in enemy core. That was impressive to me, even thought it might be a normal move to most of you.

I can only judge by few eras in Valhalla and Mantrax, I am also playing Fantasia but the team I am in is too good, and enemy seem to not even put much effort. So great skill and game play does not really show to an observer.

Last two eras in Valhalla I noticed just how much Dark Spawn was dominating as Troll both in Albatross and this era in Ravens. I considered him top Troll for these two eras, his armies were monsters, but as soon as Jasmina joined us and started competing with him, it was right away obvious her armies were stronger. She is also more active than him and now in Mantrax her army is almost twice as strong as Darks, might be cause of the gameplay of constant attacking and getting some spoils, so unsure if that would happen if there were no spoils.

When taking dwarfs into consideration I can't say in my team we have had many dwarfs, but from what I saw that guy Jellybean (Karmatic) was really impressive this era in Valhalla against us, that seemed like elite dwarf gameplay, bouncing our armies over and over. Really thought we had you killed after you hit two of our armies and I bounced you in the city.

Elves I have not really had the chance to see much, maybe because eras did not really last long enough to see large Archmage armies, maybe in the future I will see them, but Elves are not popular choice to play now either I think.

Humans either I must say, I have not really seen anyone being super impressive as human, also might be because eras do not really last that long for them to build those large cities and then train large armies, maybe in the future.

Lastly, mages are most crucial part of the kingdom, I consider them the most important part of the kingdom if you want to be successful. From what I hear its mostly people praising Roxy, but from my experience so far, I was not super impressed. Konstant killing their entire kingdom might have taken a part of my opinion, and they also died against Retribution this era but they did rebuild and Roxy has strong magic now. But same can be said about Albatross last era when they had enough time to build up magic, Greijka and Sam were super strong, I do not think Roxy is any better than them. I am looking forward to being proven wrong.

18:53:09 Dec 21st 21 - Mr. Hohohofuk:

Roxy cast a teleport on Random in era 5 and he still hasn't landed.

He cast ownage on Kobus, and for the last 22 era's, Kobuses children and grandchildren look like Roxy.
He cast arma once, and Zeta disappeared

19:33:56 Dec 21st 21 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

short playtime big words lol funny man

20:52:20 Dec 21st 21 - Mr. Hohohofuk:

only played for 18 years, so still nooby

21:11:31 Dec 21st 21 - SFD (Duke Sleigh Fat Decks):

Yeh who is you lol thinks he's bling or something....

21:21:57 Dec 21st 21 - Mr. Hohohofuk:

ermmm... i think u all a bunch of homoghey buttplugs who proudly wear fanny packs and drink mochcrappy lattes from starfucks while shaving each others buttholes.... i'll take my ban again zetababe

00:08:46 Dec 22nd 21 - SFD (Duke Sleigh Fat Decks):

Ty Elle for the honourable mention, but that unfortunately didn't work out, and the second attack on him I got curious about aotd and ended up wiping out my army entirely lol. But I have learned without the first my army would have been victorious in the second bout. 

Also Fred is a meanie.
Fyi Rox is probably "the best in the game" but I'm speaking from when I used to be around and who is around now, but since I've been back Percy and kon have reminded me of alot, hard to believe I knew them both but they were not as skilled as this when I left so props to them.

06:53:44 Dec 22nd 21 - Penguin (Clown Biggus Dikkus):

If rox wouldnt take praise for things other people did, maybe this “top kunt” chart would look a bit different. 

13:55:23 Dec 22nd 21 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Dreads):

I still remain by my statement few weeks ago, activity is 80% of how well you play. When I was online once a day I was easily killed, now that I am online five times a day I mostly dominate. No skill chsnge, just more activity and you’ll be much better.

22:53:44 Dec 22nd 21 - Mr. Duckk:

Barny > Binh > rox

top 3

01:45:14 Dec 23rd 21 - Mr. Zerkool:

I’ve seen many great players.. played with them in the same kingdoms or against.. Barney? Definitely binh and rox definitely too.. but there have been others as well a lot I have forgotten their names.. some were excellent strategists, like Tbl others had great magic Elsin ( though he could attack too) zerocool all out good at everything.. jasmina great troll, Jenna when active and not drunk lol.. my farming buddy jlt..  bogdan and my old mate Fred.. anyway that’s all I can remember oh and I’m not that active till at least February.. cheers

10:33:49 Dec 23rd 21 - fred (Mr. Fred The Terrorist):

thank youuu for who mention my name

count who won most eras, and check the kills and land, not won by farming and u ll Know who is the best.

10:39:09 Dec 23rd 21 - fred (Mr. Fred The Terrorist):

check my kills :)

era 7-  1-Mr. Fred The Terrorist of Hex (Human)
Had 1,341,253 land, 2,034,251 troops and 33 science points. Killed 1,492,782 soldiers, won 50 of 65 battles and captured 57 cities.

era 9- 1-Mr. Fred The Terrorist of Hex (Halfling)
Had 1,018,302 land, 3,745,029 troops and 76 science points. Killed 2,023,907 soldiers, won 86 of 154 battles and captured 104 cities.

era 38- 1-Mr. Fred The Terrorist of Mad and Dangerous (Halfling)
Had 1,836,626 land, 1,777,981 troops and 24 science points. Killed 3,088,738 soldiers, won 80 of 100 battles and captured 77 cities.

era 39- 1-Mr. Fred The Terrorist of Mad and Dangerous (Halfling)
Had 1,311,965 land, 3,158,940 troops and 49 science points. Killed 1,620,014 soldiers, won 75 of 102 battles and captured 68 cities.

era 42- 1-Mr. Fred The Terrorist of Mad and Dangerous (Halfling)
Had 1,372,194 land, 2,437,453 troops and 25 science points. Killed 1,539,963 soldiers, won 74 of 101 battles and captured 53 cities.

era 52- 1-Mr. Fred The Terrorist of Mad and Dangerous (Orc)
Had 2,855,514 land, 3,700,389 troops and 27 science points. Killed 2,813,848 soldiers, won 138 of 188 battles and captured 103 cities.

15:27:20 Dec 23rd 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Sol Invictus):

Activity really does play a huge part in a player's success. Would be fun to see if everyone had the same amount of log-ins/day who would then be considered the best?

Most players like Bihn and Barney of the past were not only super active, but also had an understanding of game mechanics unrivaled during their day; this definitely helped build up their "legend".

It's also worth to be said that some players gobble up cities and so they are considered "good", but there are many players I would consider better who don't and so fly under the radar.

Skill and game knowledge is also highly undervalued. When an active player becomes much less active, are they still effective? Many "good" players simply rely on brute force and activity, and if you take away their activity they're shown to be sub-par players. On the other hand, if a player has a solid knowledge of the game, then you will see them being effective no matter how many times a day they are limited to in logging in.

16:21:15 Dec 23rd 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

I argue HOH scoring doesn’t tell you the full picture, though it is a solid indicator of who was dominant in an era. Mages will very rarely win, or have high kill counts, and all that, despite being the most essential part to a successful KD. 

You could have a noob who’s never played before be led by a seasoned mage, and if both have high activity, the noob could win an era with high kill counts, and the mage end up mid-tier will little kills, and on this metric the noob is far superior.

I base my “who’s best” off who I prioritize/worry about the most in the field of battle. No disrespect to anyone else, but these are ones who I think could turn the tide of any war just by being a part of it.

My votes, based off of who I’ve seen play since my return 2 years ago and are still active now, are as follows (in no particular order):

JD (all era Human)
Konstant (anything so far)
PDC (mid-late era Orc)

Honorable mention (were active semi recently, but not voting cause they aren’t actively right now):

Bogdan (anything)
Sal (mage)
Penguin (Orc, mage)

19:15:13 Dec 23rd 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Jack Frostt):

why thank you percy

00:14:46 Dec 26th 21 - GEO (Ms. Jenna):

so many great players ez aligreat roxy  taught me alot and so many others . I think your all great players :)  Happy Holidays everyone.

02:26:37 Dec 26th 21 - SFD (Duke Sleigh Fat Decks):

For you fucks that don't know Jenna she was great and will be great. Alot of people still here have no idea about who great players actually were. 

You have all also forgot Aloy and his am armies. Aloy was always great when allowed to farm. 

03:55:46 Dec 26th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Kerstman):

Best player in my heart will always be TBL

07:58:42 Dec 26th 21 - Mr. Buttseks:

Thats how to kill your way to the top @fred lol

Total land: 2.3 MillionBattles won: 623Cities captured: 390
Total killed: 4.4 MillionScience lvls: 34Total troops: 780590

09:41:31 Dec 26th 21 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I will now show you how it’s done and stop playing with you guys

15:09:44 Dec 27th 21 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Cobra, Sloth, Nova & Revenge taught me

20:15:30 Dec 27th 21 - Mr. Barney:

Controversial thread because of things like activity levels but here is my opinion:

All-time best player: Pure
Current best players: Konstant/PDC/Percy

Very controversial because a player like Roxbury would be the 'most skilled player' right now but the 'best player' would probably be Konstant.

Pure is without a doubt the best player in terms of skill/game knowledge/consistent impact but he was one of those players who was rarely on lists. I assure you he was much better than myself or Binh or anyone else. 

There are players that everyone knows are good like Elsin/Bogdan/Venomz etc.
There are players that are good but people hate to admit it like Fred. 

Then there are players that are consistently far above average like 'Von Darkmoor' or Kool or Bling or Darkspawn or Bluelight etc but nobody has ever said 'Von Darkmoor is the best player in Visual Utopia' so people don't acknowledge that they are consistently far above average.

Pure was the best player IMO and I think Binh would probably say the same thing.

Right now the best player is probably Konstant.

20:19:18 Dec 27th 21 - Mr. Barney:

Magic: Roxbury/Percy

This one is undisputable, every other mage is on a tier below these players. It goes Roxbury/Percy then probably Sezymon then everyone else. You can't really compare players like Percy and Sezymon though because they didn't play the game during the same periods.

20:39:19 Dec 27th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

I know there aren't as many players around these days and unfortunately there is simply less competition straight up for that reason. Regardless, to hear this from one whom I would consider one of the best players in VU, ever, I am extremely humbled.

I just wish that many of the players that have left, even in the last year or so, would come back; it's an extremely bittersweet experience knowing that there are so many amazing players beyond the veil of VU's departures.

I would also like to call out Jasmine, JD, Moff, and Jasper in that category of "consistently above average". In their own rights they are elite players in Troll, Human, Magic, and Orc/Troll, and due to them being such great team players they rarely get the acknowledgement. Just like Barney was talking about Pure, these 4, along with Percy, have taught me to be the player I am today, and many strategies I use today were direct derivations from them. 

In addition, I have been amazed at the rise of several great players like Jarl and SFD, whom I believe will take the mantle of "best" in due time.

20:46:31 Dec 27th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Estimation is that Konstant bought about 50BT last era, that surely makes him the best player in Zeta's point of view that is. 

20:49:18 Dec 27th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

Thank you Kob, that is the best compliment anyone could possibly give me =)

(Seriously, not being sarcastic; I literally mean it)

21:15:43 Dec 27th 21 - Endless (Lady Styx):

nice kissazz but methinks you learned how to play well before your call out above :p

03:04:45 Dec 25th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Sol Invictus):

That's been the "narrative" this entire time.

Not exactly sure what you're talking about there Aloy. While we're on topic though, to say that you "fought" LGC and DB is a bit of a stretch; I remember how you howled on the forums making noise, much like now, but I never saw you on the map. I was with Sparker the very first era that he won and brought down the LGC name though.

Carnage, Noob Table, Foundation, Abydos, and Dark Trio/Musketeers are the KDs I called my own, so please don't try flashing your "credentials".  

07:19:51 Dec 28th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Mister Whiskey):

considering VU was static and not dynamic back then he kinda did learn how to play again from us specifically me and Cao pretty sure if i dig deep enough in my forsaken discord i can show you the literal hours we spent explaining the game to him

07:34:54 Dec 28th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

Same happened for Sal and I helping re-teach Kon in Judgement. He played long ago, but essentially started over when he came back as it had been so long. Didn’t even tell us he had played at all until he had been playing with us for close to a year lol he picked things up far quicker than a normal noob, but still made a lot of the same mistakes early on. Kon’s gameplay now is a culmination of playing alongside a lot of great minds and melding those tips all together.

I too wish we had some of the older players to revitalize things a bit. I was young and didn’t understand the game much when I played back in 2010 time frame, and by the time I stepped away in 2014 and returned in late 2019, I was a whole new player. Would be interesting to see how the old vets compare to the newer crews, given the overall knowledge base is more distributed now than it was back.

11:21:42 Dec 28th 21 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Roxbury taught me too<3

20:02:45 Dec 31st 21 - GEO (Ms. Jenna):

Happy New Years VU xoxo.... Love Jill

22:47:04 Dec 31st 21 - Penguin (Clown Biggus Dikkus):

The thing now its easy to look “great” when there is 30 people playing on all worlds. Back in the day there was 10x that on just one world.

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