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Ensuing World Conflict?
10:39:14 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

There was a saying in Ancient Greece that the gods inflict madness on those they are about to destroy.

13:59:06 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Dude:

There's a saying in Dutch: "De appel valt niet ver van de boom", which means that the apple does not fall from its tree far away from the tree.

22:53:21 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Shraeder:

my thread has caused a crapper of nubishness.

02:47:52 Aug 21st 08 - Duchess Lorelisi:

America has the largest debt, but still also has the largest economy in the world (though it is quickly losing ground to other countries.)

What will happen if there is a real, full-scale third world war?

Lots of people will die.  Many of them.  Many of us, too, I'm guessing.

America has a lot of allies, but I doubt the smaller ones would join if the odds didn't look supremely favorable.  US/Great Britain harbors a large, technologically advanced military and will probably fight together in any future world wars.  Then there will probably be Russia and China allied together.

Although the war would probably begin in disputed border countries in Europe, if soldiers begin to invade each others' homelands the nukes will almost certainly fly.  (I mean, just look at the zealous Mr. Gravity, lol--glad he's not one of our generals!).  All in all, it will be a long, drawn-out bloody ordeal that could literally doom all of mankind.  For all the advanced technology you hear about, antimissile satellites, icbms, stealth bombers, etc, what scares me more is the advanced technology we haven't heard about that all the major countries are likely developing in secret.

I do think Russia should receive some consequences for the Georgia scheme.&nb*beep*erica isn't planning on annexing Iraq.  Russia shouldn't annex Georgia either.  But honestly, this is nothing to start a third world war over.

11:33:55 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Warkeeper:

This discussion as all about whos dady has bigger.
When i was a child i played with toy soldiers world wars. It seems things had changed and now kids are playing virtual-wars online on forums barking about their national army strenghts which they have seen all.

There is a good forum game for you instead of this thread: king of the hill.
There is a hill and you can be holded only by one player a time, so wipe out previous owner and take the hill.
post1) First i take unguarded hill. My hill!
post2) I sneak on the hill and backstab owner with my lil fork. My hill!
post3) I ride on m1 abrams and shot prevoius owner away. My hill!

and so on... It could be more creative than posts before

19:11:42 Aug 21st 08 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper:

Well, to be honest, i have read all of this thread and you discount one main thing. If russia or china attacked the U.S, it would be the U.S, and the whole of europe they'd end  up fighting, not to mention the other countries the bonds are strong with outwith europe.

That is the opinion of a Scotsman. And you'se would have us to deal with, and we are some of the most patriotic people in the world! ;)

19:32:38 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

o ye an another thin u have to remember is the rising need in china for a democracy, theyve been tryin to their fullest to put down the protestors and keep to the communist goverment but one day it may end up either civil war or a voluntery change of goverment. On top of that theres tibet, a giant section of china, and they want to be free and have been protesting TONS. If these guys evr manage to break off from china u can expect chinas power and economy to diminish by at least 10%.

20:15:37 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

i have to disagree with all the peopl saying we and them and everything.

even if yuor a soldier there is no we do this all yuo do is kill whoever your superior wants you to kill  and if you dont there will be serious consequenes

23:00:49 Aug 21st 08 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper:

Dude the last two lines in my wee bit were a joke...

00:55:01 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

My bet: if Russia attacked the US the Scots would fight the English and the Irish would take on the rest of the EU.

;) :P

13:53:55 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

lol no, scots VULUNTARILY joined the UK, they voted on it as they saw it too their advantage getting in on the brittish empire. The IRA have put down arms (tho possibly cud return, u never kno), but if anythin it wud be the IRISH who attack england.

15:07:03 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Bloodlust, taking that post a bit seriously aren't you?

20:28:26 Aug 22nd 08 - Mr. Bladehadranos:

HAHA!! are you guys talking bout world war III?

08:15:25 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Basch:

No, they were talking about a war that could turn into WWIII

09:17:52 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Bladehadranos:

hm.... world war III could be avoided

10:58:28 Aug 23rd 08 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper:

No it WILL be avoided...

17:50:23 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Basch:

And what makes you so sure about that?

I think we're all f*cked, i think every single one of us are going to die over this. I kinda don't think the human race will exist in year 2009

Everyone you know WILL die. Your borthers, sisters, friends, incles, mother, father and everyone else WILL die. Every man, woman and child on the face of this planet WILL die. And the human race WILL end.

And if you don't agree, then your living in fairy land and will simply refuse to face reality.

And it's all because of the Russians f*cked up thinking and American arrogance

18:02:38 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Athens:

The British have the SAS - I am British and I am in the SAS (Haha, I can tell you because you cannot trace me on here w00t) so I'll you anyone's @$$

19:50:41 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Brain:

I bet McCain will turn this Russian-Georgian conflict into a worldwide situation of crisis...
thus possibly WW3

20:17:05 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Basch:

That is why i think stupid people shoudn't be allowed to vote because then McCain would never be president

20:40:16 Sep 22nd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I think America should be come a dictatorship :p then we can blame all of our mistakes on our leader...instead of right now where we blame it on the stupid people who vote for the stupid leader...

05:00:21 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Wicked Witch of The West:

It seems all those political geniuses who decided to play the safe side are wrong, because I have yet to see any Russian occupation of Georgia. Russia is pulling back and is only in Buffer Zones now. Has gotten international recognition for Abzerjikah and South Ossetia. Guess who looks like the *beep*s now?

14:59:17 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Brain:

Georgia and USA?

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