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KD rivalries
01:33:16 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Ezatous:

i see wut u did thar slobodan

04:28:50 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Jet:

Legaycry good one ;)

23:57:23 Oct 8th 09 - Lady Quietone:

oh Ez or Swifty whichever of the losers you are-- too bad we just didnt use Legacy's way to play and just give all the log in informations to Roxbury who ran down to the local internet cafe to crosslog all the accounts right??--  sorry we kicked our inactives rather than use their accounts and pretend..... You guys talk too much crap and if you want to then maybe i should to except i wont try to spread lies i'll just tell the truth there's enough of it for people to know how the mighty Legacy/Revelation players really are - i'm sick and tired of you guys running your mouth- cant you move on with your life ?

00:26:25 Oct 9th 09 - Duke Nukem:


And the rivalry between LGC and DB continues :P

00:50:11 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. William The Vendingmachine:

Lgc-every other kd that in those days won an era...

10:33:08 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

prosapia/munch vs. mad bc and aoa

that was epic era 36 on mantrax best era i ever had


18:33:10 Dec 20th 09 - Mr. al Moudi:

So did DB finally stop being Legacy lapdogs?

02:32:49 Dec 22nd 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

"So did DB finally stop being Legacy lapdogs?"

lmfao i cant wait till someone like Q or Mielo sees that

02:46:33 Dec 22nd 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

I was actually kinda waiting for Q to show up when I saw it yesterday, usually that's her entrance :P

00:00:57 Dec 26th 09 - Mr. Arzun:

Lapdogs lolololol

That coming from a vegan mormon. Go eat tofu and put your head in a hat.

00:34:28 Dec 26th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

go drink your milk in a bag

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